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Browsing by Subject "fysisk aktivitet"

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  • Aalto, Jenna (2017)
    The aim of this study is to gain insight into how preschool teachers in the field think about the physical activity in preschool; how they plan physical activity, the opportunities and challenges they face in making the child involved and how they organize physical activity from a child's perspective. The study highlights what preschool teachers value in the planning stages and during the actual moment of physical activity. The research questions for this study are "What does the preschool teacher highlight in the planning of physical activity and during the moment of physical education?” and " What opportunities and challenges are there for the preschool teacher to make the child involved in the moment of physical activity? The theoretical part deals with how physical activity looks like at the preschools’, what the child's perspective and participation means, and how the preschool teachers and the preschools approach to physical activity affect the physical education. The research was carried out by using a qualitative research method and the data collection was done by interviewing three preschool teachers. The interviews were recorded, transcribed and analyzed. The results suggest that teachers attach importance to versatility, variety, effectiveness and joy of movement in the planning phase of the physical education. The physical education class structure has to be the same, a clear introduction, a main part and a conclusion. During the physical education, teachers’ value that all children are active, try out new things, get challenged and deal with different equipment. The original plan doesn’t need to hold and the preschool teacher must be flexible, be able to read into the group of children and be also manage to take the child's perspective. In order to make the child involved it is necessary to listen to the children's wishes. The concepts of the child’s perspective and the child’s participation are familiar to the preschool teachers, but there are variations in how they are perceived. The challenge is how to take the child's perspective and how to make the child involved and thus needs to be emphasized in the policy documents, staff meetings and training courses.
  • Linda, Henriksson (2017)
    The aim with the study are to investigate how kindergarten teacher support and encourages children to be psychically active. I want to inventive what kind of opportunities for exercises children gets in kindergarten. With this study I want to get new ideas of psychical activities that can be of interest to all kindergarten teachers. I have interviewed three kindergarten teachers. All the teachers work in different kinds of kindergartens. It´s based on Steiner pedagogy, another has focus on psychical activate and the third is ordinary communal kindergarten. In all three kindergartens, physical activity is conceived in different ways, which generate divers more view on tropic. The study shows that kindergarten teachers is thinking positively about the psychical activities. They also think that psychical activities are important for children. When kindergarten teachers themselves engage in psychical activities, they also make more things together with children.
  • Rewell, Cecilia (2021)
    The national programme “Skolan i rörelse” aims at increasing the students’ physical activity and decreasing the sitting during the school day. The programme started in 2010 as a pilot project. The national Move! measurements in 2020 show that children’s and adolescent’s physical endurance has deteriorated. The aim of this dissertation was to chart how the target school has experienced the “Skolan i rörelse” programme. The aim was also to chart how the school is going to utilize the experiences and results of the programme. The research questions were: 1. Why the school wanted to participate in the “Skolan i rörelse” programme? 2. Which circumstances at school facilitated the “Skolan i rörelse” programme? 3. Which circumstances at school obstructed the “Skolan i rörelse” programme? The dissertation was made with a qualitative study and the collection of the material was made with semi-structured interviews. Three teachers participated in the interviews. A descriptive thematic analyses was used for analysing the responses. Factors that facilitate the implementation of the “Skolan i rörelse” programme are the dynamic operational culture, the facilities inside and outside together with the local environment of the target school. The experiences of the programme are positive and the school is going to con-tinue the activity. One thing that has made the implementation of the “Skolan i rörelse” pro-gramme more difficult, is the limited information about the programme in the target school. The entire staff is not familiar with the programme and the different teachers are unfamiliar about their role in the programme. Also the fact that the school has not fully succeeded in mo-tivating the ninth graders to participate in the activities has aggravated the implementation of the programme. A third factor that has complicated realizing the programme is the COVID-19 pandemic. The information about the “Skolan i rörelse” programme has to reach everybody at school in a systematic manner, this includes the whole staff including the school health care, students and moreover homes. When the school is recruiting new personnel or employing sub teachers, they must also get informed of this programme. Thus the target school will ensure that the “Skolan i rörelse” programme will be familiar for everybody.
  • Ray, Jenny (2019)
    Aims. Previous studies have shown that few Finnish children and adolescent fulfil the physical activity (PA) recommendations. Previous studies have also shown that the PA gained during the school day is more important for children and adolescents that are the most inactive. This group gain the majority of their physical activity during their time in school. According to socioecological models, physical and socio-psychological factors affect children’s and adolescents’ physical activity. This study aims to describe the Finnish Swedish speaking children’s and adolescents’ recess time, focusing on where they spend their recess, how physically active they are during recess, what conditions there are for PA during the recess, and whether the children and adolescents have participated in planning the schools activities. Methods. The sample consisted of 1119 Swedish speaking Finns in the grades 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 in Finland. The material was collected in the schools during spring 2018 through electronic questionnaires. Most of the participants were 1st, 3rd, and 5th graders. Frequencies and cross-tabs were used in analyses to describe the participants. To explore whether there was statistically significant differences between the grades and gender regarding the respondent’s answers in the questionnaires, khi2-test and t-test were used. Results and conclusions. Younger children spent their recess time outside more often than the adolescents. PA during recess decreased as the age increased. Moreover, the younger children found the support from schools for PA during recess to be better than the elderly ones. Children on the 3rd grade were the most active in planning the recess activities, while adolescents in the 7th and 9th grade were the least active. Conclusions: The results in this study are in line with previous studies. Keeping in mind that the recommendations for daily PA is less fulfilled, it is important that schools encourages and supports children and adolescents to be physical active during the school day. Future studies should explore whether there is an association between schools’ support for PA and children’s and adolescents’ PA, and further between participating in planning the school physical activities and children’s and adolescents’ PA.
  • Hämäläinen, Maria (2020)
    Mål. Syftet med studien är att beskriva och analysera aktuella studier om sambandet mellan fysisk aktivitet och lärande samt skolframgång inom åldersgruppen 7–16. Min hypotes är att fysisk aktivitet har en positiv inverkan på både lärande och skolframgång. Eftersom temat är aktuellt, publiceras nya studier frekvent, och det är viktigt att analysera dem för att ha den mest precisa informationen om ämnet. I Finland har kopplingen mellan fysisk aktivitet lärande och skolframgång undersökts av Syväoja (2013; 2014); Kantomaa (2013) och Huotilainen (2017) som alla har påvisat ett positivt samband mellan faktorerna. Metoder. Metoden för studien var en beskrivande litteraturöversikt. Jag har analyserat tolv studier som undersökte om fysisk aktivitet har en inverkan på lärande och skolframgång. Resultat och slutsatser. Studien visade ett positivt samband mellan fysisk aktivitet och lärande samt fysisk aktivitet och skolframgång. Av de analyserade tolv studierna visade elva att fysisk aktivitet har en positiv inverkan på antingen skolframgång eller lärande. Särskilt aerobisk motion hade ett positivt samband med faktorerna. Denna kunskap är värdefull för lärare och skolor som kan använda informationen för att främja elevernas möjligheter till effektivt lärande och god skolframgång samt även goda motionsvanor.
  • Westerlund, Märta (2021)
    Mål. Fysisk aktivitet minskar risken för bland annat hjärt- och kärlsjukdomar, bröstcancer och diabetes typ-2. Trots den här kunskapen visar statistiken att endast 65% av vuxna i åldern 30–64 år kommer upp till WHO:s rekommendationer för fysisk aktivitet. Mitt syfte med avhandlingen är att se på hur upplevd autonomi kan påverka den inre motivationen till fysisk aktivitet. I undersökningen används Deci och Ryans (1985) motivationsteori om självbestämmande som grund då upplevd autonomi i träningssammanhang undersöks. Tidigare forskning visar att upplevd autonomi är ett av de grundläggande psykologiska behoven som måste vara tillfredsställt för att en person ska kunna uppleva inre motivation. Jag undersöker vilken betydelse upplevd autonomi har på den inre motivationen för fysisk aktivitet och hur en träningsinstruktör kan ge stöd för autonomi i ett träningssammanhang. Metoder. Undersökningen utfördes som en beskrivande litteraturstudie och analyserades enligt en narrativ översikt. Artiklarna som analyserades utgick från motivationsteorin om självbestämmande. Materialet var på engelska och hämtades från databaserna Google Scholar, Helka och Helda. Resultat och slutsatser. Tidigare forskning visade att en person som upplevde autonomi kände sig mer motiverad till att träna. Autonomi hade en direkt inverkan på känslan av kompetens och syfte för träningen. Det här betyder att om en person upplever sig ha kontroll över en träningssituation och får göra egna aktiva val kommer personen också att uppleva större glädje och tillhörighet. Ett yttre stöd leder till en större social tillfredsställelse av träningen. En tränare kan tillföra variation, närvaro och en känsla av samhörighet. Studierna i avhandlingen påvisar att det här är faktorer som ökar den inre motivationen. Att träna tillsammans med andra har också visat sig ha en positiv effekt på motivationen. Motiverande samtal med stöd av motivationsteorin om självbestämmande leder till högre känsla av kompetens, glädje och autonomi. Sammanfattningsvis mår människor bra av att få känna kontroll, få uppmuntran och känna social samhörighet i samband med ett träningspass.
  • Fagerström, Therese (2016)
    The purpose of this study is to examine the view that kindergarten teachers have on the planned exercise activities for children in day-care. The research will thus not include spon-taneous movement and activities that might occur, for instance outside during play, but in-stead the scheduled activities. I aim to find out what kindergarten teachers think of the planned activities, and how well-planned the activities are. I am also curious to find out what impact the teachers backgrounds and experiences might have on the activities and what dif-ference they make. The method used in this study was qualitative interviews. Three kindergarten teachers from a smaller municipality were interviewed, and these interviews were recorded with a mobile phone. Later the interviews were transcribed and analysed. The results I got of this study were that all three of the kindergarten teachers were positively inclined to plan exercise activities with children, as they see them as an important aspect of the children’s development. In all three places the activities were planned, taking the envi-ronment into consideration. Thus the kindergarten with a useful environment around them, such as forests, could utilise these environments more than the kindergarten located in an environment that was not as useful.
  • Candolin, Heidi (2017)
    The aim of this study is to assess the view of kindergarten teachers on children’s need for physical activity, how they perceive the connection between children’s physical activity and ability to concentrate, as well as the experience they have of this connection. In the theoretical part of the work, I discuss current views on children’s motor development, children’s need for physical activity, children’s cognitive development, and how the regulatory documents deal with physical activity. The qualitative study was carried out by interviewing three kindergarten teachers at three different kindergartens in Helsinki. The interviews were recorded and transcribed, and then analysed. The results indicate that kindergarten teachers perceive a connection between children’s physical activity and ability to concentrate, in agreement with prevailing theories. They realize the importance of physical activity for children’s health and development, and fulfil the official requirements for physical activity. They realize as well the importance of emphasizing the importance of physical activity for health to children as well as to parents and other personnel at kindergartens. With the reservation that only three kindergarten teachers were interviewed, the results of this study indicate that kindergarten teachers at kindergartens realize the importance of physical activity for the development of children, and that great emphasis is placed on satisfying children’s need for activity.
  • Främling, Niels (2020)
    The aim of the study is to explore the influence that physical education as well as physical activity has on the academic achievement of schoolchildren. Earlier studies show a link between physical activity, physical condition and academic achievement. The study is a review of the literature and past studies on the subject. The material gathered is composed of 8 studies on the subject. The results show that children with higher participation rate in physical education and/or with higher physical activity overall perform better in school and thus achieve greater academic performance. Results also point towards the conclusion that more time spent in physical education could improve the children's health.
  • Kortelainen, Olivia (2020)
    Mål: Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka den eventuella kopplingen mellan tävlingsinriktad idrott och skolframgång. Studier visar att många barn och unga i skolålder idrottar på fritiden, vilket gör att är det viktigt att undersöka hur den fysiska aktiviteten korrelerar med skolframgång. Tidigare studier och teorier har visat att kognitionen stärks av fysisk aktivitet, som i sin tur påverkar positivt på lärande. Jag är däremot intresserad av att undersöka hur idrott på en högre nivå påverkar skolgången. Eftersom tävlingsinriktad idrott är tidskrävande, kan det därför anses ha en negativ påverkan på den akademiska prestationen hos barn och unga i skolåldern. Jag är ytterligare intresserad av att jämföra skolvitsorden hos idrottselever och icke-idrottare. Metoder: Denna studie har gjorts i form av en narrativ litteraturstudie. Utifrån de förutbestämda kriterierna bestod mitt analysmaterial av nio artiklar, varav tre var pro gradu-avhandlingar. Analysen av materialet har jag gjort enligt en tematisk innehållsanalys. Resultat och slutsatser: Den fysiska aktiviteten påverkar positivt på den akademiska prestationen hos 11-15-åringar. Det framkom även att idrottselever presterar bättre i skolan i förhållande till sina jämnåriga skolkamrater som inte var idrottsligt aktiva. Faktorer som kön, valet av idrottsform och mängden fysisk aktivitet i veckan visade även ha en koppling till skolframgång hos idrottande skolelever. Av dessa faktorer var det könsskillnaderna som mest påverkade studieframgången hos eleverna. Det visade sig att flickor överlag presterar bättre än pojkar och att de idrottande flickorna hade den bästa skolframgången i jämförelse med de icke-idrottande flickorna och bland pojkarna överlag. Resultaten visade även att en exceptionellt hög mängd fysisk aktivitet i veckan inte direkt kan kopplas till studieframgång. Den grundläggande tanken är ändå att fysisk aktivitet har ett positivt samband med skolframgång.