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  • Ämmälä, Sanni (2019)
    Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tutkia käsityöntekijä Julia Latva-Panttilan elämäkertaa hänen käsitöistä käsin. Julia Latva-Panttilalta jäi valtava kokoelma käsitöitä hänen elämänsä varrelta ja hänet muistetaan tarkkana ja ahkerana käsityöntekijänä sekä erittäin aktiivisena Kurikan kansalaisopiston opiskelijana. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään, miten käsityöt ovat kulkeneet Julian mukana läpi hänen elämänsä sekä miten kansalaisopisto on vaikuttanut yksittäisen opiskelijan elämään. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin elämäkerrallista tapaustutkimusta. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin haastattelemalla Julian vanhinta lasta Liisa Kirvestä. Aineistona toimi myös Liisa Kirveen Kurikan kansalaisopistossa keräämä haastatteluaineisto, johon osallistui neljä Julian tuntenutta henkilöä. Tutkimuksessa esiintyvät tapahtumat ovat ajoitettu aikajärjestykseen, mutta tarkkoja vuosilukuja kaikille tapahtumille ei ole. Huomioitavaa myös on, että haastattelu on toteutettu toisen ihmisen kertomana eli itse asianomainen Julia Latva-Panttila ei ole asioita kertonut ja muistellut. Julia Latva-Panttilan elämässä käsityöt olivat hyvin suuressa roolissa. Kudonta oli Julialle ehdottomasti tärkein käsityötekniikka. Julia oli käsitöitä tehdessään hyvin tarkka ja täsmällinen eikä sallinut epäsiistiä jälkeä. Käsityöt kulkivat Julian elämässä läpi eri elämänvaiheiden ja asutettujen kaupunkien. Tutkimuksessa selviää, että vapaalla sivistystyöllä oli erittäin suuri rooli Julian elämässä. Kansalaisopisto toi hänen eläkepäiviinsä rytmiä, ohjelmaa, seuraa ja uuden oppimista. Julia oli nopea ja innokas oppija, joka muistetaan kansalaisopistolla ahkerana opiskelijana. Kansalaisopisto ylläpiti Julian käsityöharrastusta ja toi siihen uusia ulottuvuuksia uusien käsityötekniikoiden avulla. Kansalaisopiston avulla Julia oppi sellaisia tekniikoita, joita hän tuskin olisi opetellut yksinään ilman seuraa ja opettajaa. Vapaa sivistystyö ylläpiti Julian kohdalla elämän mittaista harrastusta ja toteutti elinikäisen oppimisen periaatetta.
  • Silvennoinen, Emmi (2019)
    The aim of this study was to find out the motives behind sewing children`s clothes within the 1960s and 2010s and to uncover the change of the motives and the meanings of craft between the 1960s and 2010s. There have been previous studies on motivations of hobbies and craft. However, the studies do not explain the motives of sewing children`s clothes. The research data were gathered by informal interviews of two mothers sewing children`s clothes in 1960s and two mothers sewing clothes in 2010s. The interview data were analyzed by using qualitative theory bound content analysis. Theory bound analysis starts like data-driven analysis, but at the end it takes assistance from the existing theory. In this analysis I used Danish psychologist K. B. Madsen`s motivational theory. In this study the collected data was classified according to K. B. Madsen`s motivational theory into activity-orientated, social, cognitive and emotional motives. The main motives of sewing children´s clothes in 1960s were affordability and the real need for the clothes. By the turn of the 2010s the sewing had become a meaningful activity in accordance with own values, where self-realization can produce unique useful clothes for children. All interviewees found the sewing as a nice hobby for them.
  • Salonen, Meri (2017)
    Objectives. In this research it is described how motivational factors are emphasized as go in for knitting. Motivation has been under investigation for a long time and a lot of theories have arisen. Motivation is intrinsic (originating from individual) or extrinsic (originating as consequence of external rewards and punishments) motivation. Motivation serves as the source of energy and steers the activity. The intensity, permanence and selection of tasks of motivated activity lead to sterling execution. The perspectives of motivation theories can accentuate either mechanistic (passive individual) or organismic (active individual) approaches. The action of individual can be task- or ego-oriented. In task-oriented activity it is pivotal to learn new issues and advance. Still, the division can be executed another way by distinguishing occasion motivation and general motivation of which the latter is more enduring. In the background of individual`s motives and motivation the basic needs and emotions are impacting. Autonomy, relatedness and competence constitute the three basic psychic needs. In self-determination theory the extrinsic motivation can turn into intrinsic motivation. The basic emotions appear in three different way: as physiological changes, readinesses of action and subjective experiences – emotions move individual and his/her ability to regulate them is central for well-being. The character of interest is situation bounded or personal interest. The challenges of learning can undermine motivation and flow experiences can fortify it. As going in for increases it means that one pledges to activity and puts more effort into it. Doing by oneself and especially handcrafts have long traditions in Finland and furthermore they still have significant status in our society. Methods. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used. Material was acquired by questionnaire which was published in internet in Facebook on the wall of Neulonta-group. At the time of publishing there were 23 558 members in the group. The questionnaire was open 8.2–1.3.2017 and it gathered 336 responses. There were 170 responses along in the analysis of material. The participants were 18–72 years old women mainly working and living in two person`s households and they were interested in exercise, reading and animals. In addition to knitting crochet and sewing were the most commonly used techniques that the answerers regularly went in for. Basics, the basics of knitting hobby, open questions and the theme based questions were inquired from answerers. Part of the questions were structured. At the beginning of the analysis the means were calculated from the quantitative material along with the overall time of knitting to each answerer separately which was later used, as computational measure, to indicate the answerer`s amount of going in for. The material was dissected with theme classification which was based in theory of 4C`s of motivation where those themes were challenge, curiosity, control and context. To be able to generalize the material was coded and quantified. After that the basic methods of qualitative analysis themes and types were used. Results and conclusions. Answerers had started knitting at the age of 6–10 years, they had gone in for knitting 3 months – 60 years and the mean time for weekly knitting was 10 hours, fluctuation was considerable 30 minutes – 60 hours. Calculated overall time of knitting varied between 69–132 600 hours. Answerers were basically satisfied with the current time of knitting they went in for. Knitting was the most beloved handcraft technique and mainly the answerers knitted because the joy of it. Knitting is most of all perceived as psychic and the answerers praised the experiences of peace and winding down. It was said that the process mattered more than the product. Flow experiences had had 52,4 % of the answerers. The theory based themes appeared in the material as follows: challenge 15,2 %, curiosity 22,5 %, control 21,6 % and context 32,6 %. The themes arisen from the material were time 1,2 %, money 0,5 % and other motivation factors 6,4 %. 14 different types was formed as it comes to motivation factors being emphasized as go in for knitting where different motivation themes were differently divided. The greatest type had 56 answerers in which the main theme was context and the smallest theme was challenge. Conclusion is that the knitting is motivating in itself and it gives both meaning and time to persons own life outside working life and domestic work – in other words it works as a counterbalance in ordinary days in life. With the results it is possible to trigger, develop and maintain the going in for knitting. Motivation is at its best as an internal flame by which the restricted resources can be allocated in wanted and reasonable way so that the making gives more than it requires. In that case the hobby can bring appropriate increase in one’s life and make it possible to relax, to apprise ones self-actualization and develop both self-esteem and the sense of autonomy.
  • Lohenoja, Tinja-Tuulia (2018)
    The study was conducted to research the significance of a handicrafting hobby to young people. More specifically, the study looked at handicraft workshop Värkkäämö that operates under Helsinki City youth services. The subject has been researched a lot from the perspective of the attendees but only a little from the perspective of the instructor. There were three research questions: What kinds of meanings does the handicrafting hobby have? What visible effects does the free-of-charge nature of the service have? How is the communality of the activity experienced? The first question acts as the base for the study. The study was qualitative in nature and its material was gathered from a focused interview with one person. The interviewee was Värkkäämö handicraft workshop’s Director of Operations, and the research approach was a case study. The material from the interview was transcribed, themed and analysed using content analysis as the method. From the interview material it was concluded that multiple different meanings can be seen in young people’s handicrafting hobby. It was also clear that these meanings are interwoven with each other and are not always separable from each other. The interviewee felt that young people’s well-being was the most important of these meanings. In addition, according to the interviewee the free-of-charge nature of the service had visible effects. Everyone was free to join the activity, which for its part increased the activity of the young people. Communality was most apparent in the use of instruments and materials, as they were all shared in the activity. In addition, communality was also apparent in the events that were organised with different organisations.
  • Alm, Mirva (2016)
    Tiivistelmä - Referat – Abstract The purpose of this study is to find out the motives behind active sewing hobbyists in order to show the essentials of the sewing as consumption and as a hobby. The informants are members of a Facebook based online sewing community, Saumanvara. They were asked of the motivational factors involving their sewing hobby and also questions about their sewing history. There has been previous research on craft and motivation, but in this study the focus is within a sewing community. A social media based online community offers an interesting view on the subject. Presumably, participating the online community and being an active member is a meaningful part of the hobby. In this descriptive study sewing as a hobby was approached with the following question: Which were the motivational factors for hobbyist sewers in the Facebook sewing community? The quantitative data was collected by using a web survey in January 2016.The collected data (N = 352) was classified according to K.B. Madsen’s motivational theory into activity- orientated motivation, cognitive motivation and into social and emotional motivation. Activity-orientated motivation was the most important motivational factor. Sewing was viewed as meaningful use of leisure time. Also the joy of making things and chance for self -fulfillment were seen important. Sewing appeared as a pleasant hobby, as a good opportunity for learning new skills and a functional way for getting new clothes. Among motives classified as social and emotional the pleasure of self-made item, reverence of well-made clothes as well as sense of self-competence were seen important motivators for sewing hobby. Finally, I conclude that the most essential reasons maintaining sewing as a hobby are: the value produced by the product itself and joy as well as self-developmental benefit of sewing. My forthcoming master’s thesis offers a possible place for a strict analysis of the motivational background variables.
  • Heikkinen, Oona (2017)
    Hunting is a part of Finnish culture, even though less people hunt for a living. Growing numbers of female hunters have been receiving media attention over the past years. The purpose of this Bachelor’s thesis is to describe the presentation of a hunting female living in the Helsinki Metropolitan area and what are the factors behind the hobby. An objective is also to determine whether the hunting females living in the Helsinki Metropolitan area face attitudes or prejudices in their hobby due to gender or place of residence, and whether the female hunters feel that the Helsinki Metropolitan area creates special characteristics for the hobby regarding other hunting females elsewhere in Finland. Survey research was implemented using a questionnaire which was undertaken by 62 hunting females living in the Helsinki Metropolitan area. Questionnaire included 30 questions, of which 29 were structured and 1 open. Some of the questions were attached with an open question. Questionnaire was distributed via Facebook groups Jahditar, Haulikkohelmet, Helsingin Erä-Ämmät, Metsästyskaverit, Metsästäjät, and Ellit erätulilla. The structured questions of the questionnaire were analyzed qualitatively and by using Excel programs as help. Open questions were analysed by utilizing content analysis guiding the theory. Tables, figures and argumentation by quantitative relations were used in presenting the results. According to the research, hunting hobby seems to be an interesting hobby for the participants. Most typically, one went to hunt together with a partner or a friends. Nature, hunting with dogs and wild game as nourishment rose as most important factors for a hunting hobby. 87% of the female hunters of Helsinki Metropolitan area which participated in the research saw that they had encountered some amount of prejudice towards their hobby due to their gender, from people who did not hunt. Encountering prejudice from male hunters was rarer, but not unusual. 73% of the respondents also saw that they had encountered prejudice as hunters due to their place of residence. 63% of the respondents also saw that Helsinki Metropolitan area brought some special characteristics in to the hunting hobby regarding other hunting females elsewhere in Finland.
  • Chau, Vy (2017)
    The aim of this study is to clarify parents opinion about involvement and their own role of participation in their children’s music hobby. The research problems are how parents feel they are involved in their children’s music hobby and how they describe their own role in it. Participation as a subject is current and highly discussed topic in our modern society. Participation of children and parents have also been taking attention in education. Studies have shown that parents participation and involvement has a big impact on children’s development and learning. There are many researches about children's participation but not much about parents involvement. Hobbies have also taken bigger roles in children's education in our modern society and children are put more into different hobbies. In this study, the hobby is limited to music only because many researchers have stated that music hobby can have a significant impact on children's cognitive development. The study material was collected by interviewing parents with children who play music. There were five interviewees and they were selected by chance. The children of the interviewees were elementary school age and they all played at least one instrument. The interviews were conducted as a theme interview. All the interviews were recorded and transcripted. The material has been analyzed by theory-driven content analysis. The material has been themed, typified, grouped and reduced. The study results show differences but also similarities in parents view of their own participation and involvement in general. Music as a hobby is seen as good and parents try to encourage their children in their hobby. However the amount of parents participation varies. Many feel that they can have an impact on their children's hobby, but some also feel that their participation has no effect on their children. It can also be assumed that parents own musical background has an influence on their opinions about the subject. This study raises parents' views and opinions and these study results can help promote the cooperation between children, parents and teachers.