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  • Vehviläinen, Kaisa (2022)
    Tutkielman tavoitteena on tarkastella, mitä leikki, sitoutuminen ja leikkiin sitoutuminen tarkoittavat eri tutkimusten valossa. Tarkoituksena on myös pohtia näiden merkitystä lapselle ja tämän oppimiselle. Tavoitteet. Leikkiin sitoutuminen syventää lapsen oppimista leikin aikana, ja leikki on lapselle luonnollinen ja jokapäiväinen tapa oppia asioita. Aiemmat tutkimukset osoittavat, että leikki on monipuolista, monisyistä, tyydytystä tuovaa toimintaa lapselle ja kehittää tämän hyvinvointia. Sitoutuneisuudesta aiemmat tutkimukset taas kertovat, että sitoutuneisuus toimintaan on lap-sen varmin ja syvin taso oppia asioista. Tutkielman tavoitteena on löytää syyt, miksi sitoutu-minen leikkiin on lapselle kannattavaa. Menetelmät. Tutkielmani menetelmänä toimi narratiivinen, kuvaileva kirjallisuuskatsaus. Tut-kimukseni aineisto koostui seitsemästä vuosien 1992–2021 tieteellisistä julkaisuista, joissa käsiteltiin ja tutkittiin leikkiä, sitoutuneisuutta ja leikkiin sitoutuneisuutta. Aineisto analysoitiin kuvailevan synteesin avulla. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Leikkiin sitoutuminen pidensi leikin kestoa ja sai lapset oppimaan paremmin leikistä opittuja asioita. Lapset saivat syvemmän henkisen tyydytyksen sitoutues-saan leikkiin, joka paransi heidän kokonaisvaltaista hyvinvointiaan. Sitoutuessaan leikkiin lap-si oppi paremmin niin sosiaalisia kuin ongelmanratkaisutaitoja, lapset kehittivät ystävyyssuh-teita ja itsetuntoaan, oppien samalla lisää itsestään. Johtopäätöksenä voidaan sanoa, että leikkiin sitoutuminen on lapselle jokaisessa suhteessa äärimmäisen kannattavaa niin oppimi-sen, kuin lapsen henkisen hyvinvoinnin kannalta, ja lasten tulisi sitoutua leikkiin päivittäin.
  • Honkonen, Erika (2018)
    The Leuven Involvement Scale for Young Children (LIS-YC) is indicator for children engagement in activity. It´s developed by Ferre Laevers (1994). Involvement can be seen in children of all ages. By observing children’s involvement teachers can evaluate and improve pedagogy of early childhood education and care (ECEC). Only few researchers have studied applying LIS-YC method in work of teachers of ECEC in Finland. Most important of these researches are Tahkokallio’s (2014), Kalliala’s (2008) and Malmström’s (2011) studies. According to these studies, usage of LIS-YC method has positive influence on quality of early childhood education: Teachers evaluated more their own work and improved children’s daily activity. Moreover, regular planning of their work and sensitivity of adults increased children involvement and well-being. City of Espoo has given an education to teachers of ECEC for observing involvement with LIS-YC indicator. Purpose of this study is to find out application of LIS-YC -indicator in teachers’ daily work: How often they use it, what type of information they can get and how they exploit the results. This study was done by questionnaire to teachers of ECEC working in one district of Espoo. 13 teachers answered the survey. Results were analysed by qualitative content analysis using theory-guided approach. According to the results teachers find involvement scale as useful and significant tool. By observing children involvement, they can get information about different subareas of children activity. After processing and evaluating the information teachers can provide the best way to support children´s learning and skill development. In addition to that, teachers might employ LIS-YC method as self-evaluation tool.
  • Rauhala, Jonna (2017)
    The purpose of this study was to find out what kindergarten teachers, who work with 3–5-year old children, think about bullying, what do they do to prevent bullying in their own group and how they interfere bullying that is happening. Previous studies have shown that even young children, aged 3–5 years, bully. Still, there are not many studies made of bullying among young children. Bullying is an important and current topic and that is why I would like to get more information about it through this study. This is qualitative study. The material for this study was collected in October – November 2016. Before the real study was made, the questionnaire was pretested by three kindergarten teachers, who were able to comment it. All 18 Kindergarten teachers, who participated in this study, were randomly selected on the area of Helsinki. The questionnaire included nine open questions. The answers were analysed by forming constructs from the study material. By interrelating these constructs main categories, which represent the study material, was formed. These main categories were combined according to the research questions. According to the results of this study, kindergarten teachers had noticed various forms of bullying in their groups. Kindergarten teachers mentioned direct, indirect, physical, psychological and verbal forms of bullying. Bullying prevention was important part of everyday actions in each group. The kindergarten teachers prevented bullying by addressing it in general level and through different every day customs, which improved cohesiveness, accepting disparity and consideration. Equal treatment, common understanding and adult’s role were named to be important matters in bullying interfering. Adults’ presence and children´s observation are crucial requirements to prevent and interfere bullying.
  • Niemelä, Senni (2016)
    Objectives. Studies before show that orchestrating free play in kindergarten is rare. Free play is thought to be children's own activity what adults shouldn't interrupt. However studies show that it's orchestration of play that creates free play and supports child's development in many levels. The objective of this study is to find out kindergarten teachers perception and experiences of 3–5-year-olds play orchestration. Study clarifies kindergarten teachers opinions of free play and methods to orchestrate play. Methods. This study was conducted as a qualitative research. The research material was collected by using a theme interview and the interview was arranged as group interview. Two kindergarten teachers metropolitan area were interviewed. The material was analysed by using content analysis. Results and conclusions. Kindergarten teachers felt that play and play orchestration is an important part of their work. Kindergarten teachers felt that play orchestration starts with observation and lead to more direct methods like participating in children's play. Observations were used in planning activities and as help in liaison with parents. Teacher took her observations of children's interests in consideration of planning guided activities and organizing physical spaces. Direct methods were used with children who had problems with play skills and engaging in play. Teachers who were interviewed descriped to use diverse methods to orcestrate play. However, previous studies have opposite results. The subject should be studied with a bigger sample, and in addition to the interview one should observe kindergarten teacher's work to see if teachers do as they tell in the interview. Study shows that kindergarten teachers knowledge of orchestrating play is defective. With more studies we could survey teachers know-how and possibly arrange more education of play orchestration.
  • Peltomäki, Satu (2017)
    The teaching materials and the teaching around them is meant to benefit all the pupils equally. For this to be possible, the teaching ought to be studied in a versatile manner from several points of view. There is little research of teaching mathematics for primary pupils with mental retardation. The existing research for the most part emphasizes in teaching addition, subtraction, multiplication and division skills for children with mild mental retardation. There is also not very much finnish research about mental retardation. Mathematics is more difficult for children with mental retardation as opposed to children with normal cognitive abilities. Children with mental retardation need as much support as possible when it comes to core numerical skills to get by in our society, where mathematical problem solving is an everyday necessity. This research presents effective characteristics in the teaching of mathematics for primary school pupils with mental retardation and actualising the characteristics in practice. The research assignment is for studying how the characteristics are actualized and which characteristics emphasize in the partaking class. This research was carried out with the help of structured observation in a class for children with mental retardation. The participants of the research were as follows: a special education teacher, two teaching assistants and five boys from the fifth grade. The research material was gathered together by video recording eight math lessons by different lengths and filling out observation sheets. The observation sheets were made in accordance of theory in the field of this research. Six effective characteristics of the teaching of mathematics were formed by examining different studies. The characteristics were as follows: directions for understanding, teaching step by step, direct and detailed directions, skill level and readiness consideration, meaningful and interesting teaching and immediate feedback. In the observed lessons the most emphasized characteristics were (in order) direct and detailed directions, skill level and readiness consideration and teaching step by step. From all the effective characteristics of teaching, a variety of different application examples were found.
  • Thiel, Lasse (2019)
    Aim. The purpose of this study was to find out the content of Physical Education (PE) classes in Finnish daycare. This study was carried out by observing which fundamental motor skills (FMS) are practiced in four different daycare groups during Physical Education (PE) classes. Earlier studies show that PE classes includes at least walking and running. Also, waiting and passive moments constitute a major part of these classes. Based on FMS tests of children, manipulative movement skills are weaker than locomotor movement skills. FMS skills variation between genders is also found in these tests. Boys are better in manipulative movement skills while girls have better in stability movement skills. Based on previous studies, presumption in this study was that manipulative skills are not practiced as much as locomotor movement skills or stability movement skills during PE classes Method. The study was carried out by observing PE classes in daycare. An observation form (Appendix 1.) was based on the categorization of Fundamental motor skills in balance, loco-motor and manipulative movement skills by Gallahue and Cleland-Donelly's (Gallahue & Cle-land-Donelly, 2003, pg. 54) Observation was carried out by measuring the frequencys of FMS in five-minute cycles using a systematic observation method. Results and conclusions. The PE classes in the daycare were different in their implementation. Locomotor movement skills were mostly practiced by running, walking, and jumping. Manipulative skills were practiced by throwing, catching, rolling, bouncing and volleying. Manipulative skills were not practiced in all classes. There were lots of different kind stability skill practices. Locomotor and stability movement skills were practiced in all classes.
  • Virta, Heidi (2017)
    Objectives. The aim of the research was to expand the awareness of the leadership and quality of small children pedagogy. The research provides information on how the heads form the awareness of small children pedagogy, early childhood researches and development, as well as on how they lead structures and activities of early childhood education. The aim of the research was to stimulate discussion and reflection on the point of view of small children pedagogical leadership. This particular leadership area has received little attention in the society. Methods. The research was conducted using qualitative methods. The target group consisted of 14 heads of day care units at the same administrative region in the City of Helsinki. The heads received an electronic questionnaire in March 2016. They described positive points of view and views with needs to develop what they saw in the small children´s group environment. The heads described views to build awareness and to develop skills and thoughts about needs and ways to develop small children pedagogy. Material derived from the research were analysed using qualitative methods. Results and conclusions. The results of the research reveal how the heads form awareness of the leadership of small children pedagogy, how they sustain their skills and what are their thoughts on developing the small children pedagogy. In conclusion, the research reveals how important the adults are in terms of the sensitivity represent and the sensitivity to observe and modify the emotional, social and physical situations in operation when needed. High quality pedagogy requires functional structures to face in professional co-operating. Kindergarten teachers are in a significant position to develop and sustain pedagogy in operation. The results can be adapted to develop the leadership of early childhood education. National basics of early childhood education plan were adopted in October 2016. The new local early childhood education plans will be introduced the 1st of August 2017. The effects of the change in small children pedagogy were not yet to be estimated as the research was carried out.
  • Sahla, Satu (2020)
    Tiivistelmä – Referat – Abstract Vuonna 2016 julkaistu Varhaislapsuuden fyysisen aktiivisuuden suositukset linjaa, että fyysistä aktiivisuutta tulisi varhaiskasvatusikäisillä lapsilla toteutua kolme tuntia päivässä vaihtelevalla intensiteetillä. Etenkään kuormittavan fyysisen aktiivisuuden määrän tavoitteet eivät täyty varhaiskasvatusikäisillä lapsilla. Lasten liikuntakasvatus ja liikunnan ohjaaminen on perinteisesti aikuisjohtoista toimintaa, jossa korostuvat ennalta asetetut tavoitteet. Tämän tapaustutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, miten opettajan toiminta on yhteydessä 3–4-vuotiaiden lasten fyysiseen aktiivisuuteen ohjatun liikuntakerhon aikana. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli selvittää, minkälainen opettajan toiminta lisää lasten kuormittavaa fyysistä aktiivisuutta tai päinvastoin lisää lasten liikkumattomuutta. Tämä tapaustutkimus on tehty monimenetelmäisellä otteella. Aineistonhankintamenetelmänä käytettiin videohavainnointia, joka toteutettiin systemaattisena määräaikaisena havainnointina. Videoaineiston keruu toteutettiin marraskuussa 2017 kuvaamalla 3–4-vuotiaiden lasten liikuntakerhoa, ja sen kesto oli 37 min 55 s. Liikuntakerho sopi hyvin tutkimuskohteeksi, sillä se sisälsi opettajan ohjaamaa toimintaa, jonka tavoitteena oli saada lapset fyysisesti aktiiviseksi ja liikkumaan monipuolisesti. Jokaisen lapsen fyysisen aktiivisuuden intensiteetille sekä opettajan toiminnalle tehtiin notaatio viiden sekunnin välein Reunamon orientaatioprojektissa käytetyn observointipohjan (2016) luokittelun mukaisesti. Yhteensä havaintoja kertyi 3640 kappaletta. Aineiston analyysimenetelminä käytettiin ristiintaulukointia sekä sisällönanalyysiä lasten fyysisen aktiivisuuden ja opettajan toiminnan välisten yhteyksien löytämiseksi. Ristiintaulukoinnin pohjalta saadut tulokset osoittivat, että opettajan toiminta oli yhteydessä lasten fyysisen aktiivisuuden intensiteettiin. Opettajan ollessa osallistuva tai vastaanottava, oli lapsilla havaittavissa enemmän kevyttä, kohtalaisen kuormittavaa tai kuormittavaa liikettä. Sen sijaan opettajan toimiessa neutraalisti tai tavoittelevasti, olivat lapset enemmän paikallaan tai tekivät liikkeitä raajoilla. Opettajan negatiivista suhtautumista lapsiin tai heidän jättämistään huomiotta ei ollut havaittavissa laisinkaan. Lisäksi laadullinen tarkastelu osoitti, että opettajan aktiivinen havainnointi, toiminnan rikastaminen, lasten innostaminen tai ohjaaminen ryhmän toimintaa keskeyttämättä olivat yhteydessä lasten kuormittavaan fyysiseen aktiivisuuteen, kun taas asioista päättäminen ja pitkään puhuminen olivat yhteydessä lasten paikallaanoloon. Tämä tapaustutkimus on vain suuntaa antava, eikä tutkimustuloksia voida pitää yleistettävinä suppean otannan vuoksi. Koska varhaiskasvatusikäisten lasten fyysisen aktiivisuuden ja opettajan toiminnan yhteyksiä ei ole juurikaan tukittu, olisi jatkossa tarpeellista tarkastella, minkälaisia tuloksia saataisiin, jos otoksen koko ja havainnoijien määrä olisivat suurempia kuin tässä tutkimuksessa.