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Browsing by Subject "internet"

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  • Lähdesmäki, Maria (2016)
    The goal of this thesis was to point out such faults that may occur with day care’s child welfare notifications when observed through parental partnership’s definition. Besides parental partnership’s definition and diversity, such laws, regulations and guides were took under observation that leads the day care personnel in the process of making child welfare notifications. The meaning of this study was to also clarify how the conversation arenas that the internet and social media offers function with such delicate matters as child welfare notifications. There has been no earlier research with this specific perspective. The research material for this thesis was collected from the internet’s Suomi24–conversation arena. A single conversation was selected for this research with alleged accusations regard-ing a child welfare notification been done with loose or unfounded grounds. The research method used in this thesis was qualitative case study. The research material was analysed using qualitative method of originating from the content. The results of this research showed that in this case study there had been no dialogue be-tween the day care’s personnel and the child’s mother about the worries considering the child before the child welfare notification had been made. With this action it was conducted as a violation of parental partnership’s definition and principles and was found insulting to the par-ent. The results for the reasons leading towards the child welfare notification were seen both subjective and insufficient. As to the role of the internet and social media as a conversational arena, they were found to offer such possibilities to produce and share personal meaning that one would not share face to face. The anonymity offered by the internet gives the op-portunity to share confidential and personal matters but still managing to save ones face. Internet is providing a possibility to claim to be an expert on a certain field without other users questioning ones expertise.
  • Soini, Sonja (2020)
    Syftet med min studie är att undersöka på vilket sätt barns tvåspråkighet diskuteras på tidskriften Vauvas webbplats. Jag har därför analyserat både tidskriftens egna internetartiklar och relevanta diskussioner på webbplatsens diskussionsforum. Jag är intresserad av vilka teman som dyker upp gällande barns tvåspråkighet och ifall dessa teman är samma i artiklarna och på diskussionsforumet. Mina forskningsfrågor är: 1. Hur diskuteras tvåspråkighet hos barn i tidskriften Vauvas onlineartiklar? 2. Hur diskuteras barns tvåspråkighet på tidskriften Vauvas diskussionsforum? 3. Hurdana likheter och skillnader framträder mellan hur tidningen diskuterar barns tvåspråkighet och hur läsarna gör det? Detta är en kvalitativ studie där jag arbetat med materialet systematiskt genom att organisera och kategorisera det samt bildat mig en uppfattning av materialet genom att undersöka vilka skillnader och likheter det går att urskilja i det. Jag har använt mig av tematisk analys och har därmed granskat vilka återkommande teman angående barns tvåspråkighet som förekom i materialet. Resultatet visar att artiklarna målar upp en allmänt positiv bild av barns tvåspråkighet, vilket också gick att finna i diskussionstrådarna på forumet, där två ofta förekommande motiveringar var att språken är en viktig kulturell faktor samt att tvåspråkighet förknippas med sociala och kognitiva fördelar. På forumet fann jag två kategorier där tvåspråkighet problematiseras: vissa språk anses mer nyttiga än andra samt att språkutvecklingen kan hämmas av flerspråkighet. Att pedagoger är medvetna om hurdana attityder t.ex. föräldrar har gentemot tvåspråkighet ger dem ett perspektiv som kan hjälpa dem stöda tvåspråkiga barns utveckling, synliggörandet av språklig mångfald samt samarbetet mellan daghem och föräldrar.
  • Laamanen, Pauliina (2019)
    The purpose of this study was to examine the prevalence, forms and consequences of cyberbullying among youth with special needs. Bullying via internet, social networks and cellphones is a rather new and rapidly changing phenomena. Cyberbullying is a serious problem particularly amongst young people, since the social media is more and more popular. According to previous research, cyberbullying is related to stress, anxiety, depressive symptoms, low self-esteem and suicidality. On the other hand, internet and social media are very important ways for young people to find friends and communities, and construct their own identities. Youth with special needs might however be at greater risk of cyberbullying involvement, since previous research has shown that this is the case with youth with special needs and traditional bullying. Current study examines the cyberbullying prevalence among youth with special needs. Another goal of the study is to find out how cyberbullying impacts psychical, emotional and other aspects of well-being. In this study, most common disabilities were intellectual disabilities, autism spectrum disorder, Asperger’s syndrome or ADHD. Current study was executed using the principles of systematic literature review. Research material consisted of five peer-reviewed studies published in 2009-2017. Articles examine young people with special needs and their experiences about traditional bullying and cyberbullying, as well as consequences of bullying. Results show that young people with special needs and disabilities were at greater risk of cyberbullying involvement when compared their non-disabled peers. Cyberbullying was related to lower self-esteem and increased depression, anxiety and other emotional symptoms. Cyberbullying and traditional bullying were strongly related with each other. Social support reduced the negative effects of cyberbullying.