Browsing by Subject "jämställdhet"
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(2019)The purpose of this thesis is to study how pupils are treated in physical education classes, how the treatment can affect gender equality during classes and how the pupils perceive themselves. Previous research shows that teachers' subconsciousness about their own view of gender and practice can be part of shaping and reproducing gender differences in physical education. Furthermore, previous research has revealed stereotypical beliefs that boys to nature are more suitable for sports than girls. Boys' performance is considered to be the norm for physical education and girls differ from this norm due to their gender. This study aims to analyze PE teachers' attitudes towards gender equality in physical education classes using the following research questions; (1) how does student interaction take place in physical education? and (2) in what way is gender equal education promoted? The thesis is based on a systematic literature review. The research material consisted of nine peer-reviewed articles from eight different countries. The material was found using keywords and keyword combinations from different databases and the material was analyzed through a content analysis. The results of the literature review show that teachers interact with pupils in physical education both verbally and through their practice. There were clear differences in teachers' way of interacting with girls and boys in the way they communicated, how frequently the communication took place and, in the attention paid to achievements. The results also point to scarcity in equality in physical education due to a lack of competence among teachers and teachers' unawareness about their own view of gender and how it affected their own actions.
(2017)Gender equality research in Finnish basic education has shown that there are differences between how girls and boys are treated in school. An extension of the Gender Equality Act obligates educational institutions to form school-specific gender equality plans. The purpose of this study is to review gender equality plans that elementary schools have formulated: what problems are discussed, what actions schools have chosen to implement and which shortcomings that can be observed. The study aims to assess how well the plans address the gender issues that research has identified in the school world and whether they can serve as an effective tool for schools in promoting gender equality. The results of the study show that schools have mainly discussed gender norms, sexist name calling and bullying, and focused on how teachers treat students. On the other hand, some key aspects such as gender diversity and differences in performance between genders have been ignored in the gender equality plans. Methods that schools have chosen to implement include exercises with the students, teachers changing their behavior and staff training. There were some clear shortcomings in the plans, the most obvious being some plans not mentioning any measures to promote gender equality.
(2022)Mål: Syftet med avhandlingen var att se och jämföra likheter och skillnader i läroplanerna i Finland och Sverige. I frågor som berörde bland annat genus och jämställdhet och ämnen kopplat till det. Genom att se hur sådana frågor togs upp visar det i sin tur hur skolan förebygger fördomar och motverkar diskriminering. Sverige kändes öppnare inom ämnet genus. Målet var att kunna jämföra resultaten och föra fram en slutsats och diskutera det. Metoder: Avhandlingen har använt sig av en komparativ metod och därmed jämfört Sveriges och Finlands läroplaner i vad gäller jämställdhet, genus och diskriminering. Analysen var en komparativ, jämförande analys. Resultat och slutsatser. Som helhetssyn kunde man se att likheterna var fler än skillnaderna. Båda ländernas läroplaner hade ett liknande sätt att hantera frågorna. Diskriminering togs dock inte upp särskilt mycket i någon av läroplanerna. Det finns mycket likheter i läroplanerna men även skillnader där till exempel Finland beskriver ämnena i inledningen och Sverige i specifika ämnen. Genus nämns inte i någondera och bland annat i den frågan finns det förbättringspotential till framtida läroplaner.
(2019)The purpose of this study was to investigate how teachers in 6th grade feel that they work with gender equality in their classroom. The foundations of the curriculum for basic education (2014) require that gender equality is a central aspect of the entire basic education, which also places demands on the teachers. Previous studies have shown that Finnish teachers are poorly aware of gender issues, which contributed to the study's relevance. The research questions thus focused on finding out about the teachers' own perceptions of the concept of gender equality, as well as finding out how they work with gender equality with their pupils. Four teachers in the metropolitan area of Helsinki were interviewed for the study. The interviews were transcribed in their entirety and then analyzed by a phenomenographic analysis model, which gave rise to five outcomes, i.e. perceptions of gender equality. These outcomes were gender equality is equal treatment, teachers' thoughts on gender roles, a conscious view of gender equality work, views on knowledge about gender equality and gender equality work, and collegial interaction The results showed that teachers primarily base their work on gender equality on their own experiences and insights, which means that the work of gender equality between classes is very varied. The study thus strengthens previous research results that teachers lack knowledge of gender equality work and that stereotypes are therefore still common in classrooms.
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