Browsing by Subject "jalkapallo"
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(2019)The purpose of this thesis is to explore the perceptions of coaches’ in youth football on coaching expertise and good coaching. Outstanding sports performances are not based on innate abilities but on long-term deliberate practice. In sport, the most important task of a coach is to design and guide athletes' deliberate practice. The expert coaches consider the coaching context in their coaching and use their expertise to develop their athletes in a holistic way. In addition, they have the ability to continuously develop their athletes over the longer term. I explore what kind of coaching youth coaches think is a good coaching and what kind of coach they think is a good coach, and whether these perceptions differ between coaches in competitive and recreational teams. The data consists of theme interviews from four coaches. The material has been analyzed by using a qualitative content analysis method. According to coaches, good coaching is organized in a certain way, is oriented towards the player, generates learning, leads to excel in competition, creates a positive atmosphere in the team, and is also conditional depending on various preconditions. A good coach has some football related knowledge, good intrapersonal skills, some special features, good interpersonal skills, takes care of the players and understands the impacts of the environment on their own coaching. Competitive coaches emphasized the organizing nature of coaching, and how good coaching is organized in a certain systematic way that supports the achievement of goals. The recreational coaches, on the other hand, emphasized more the player-centeredness of good coaching and how the coaching is done with the players and for the players. This difference can reflect the differences in the recreational and competitive world in the demands they place on coaches.
(2017)The purpose of the study was to investigate 7-9 years old children’s hobby in a football club in Espoo. In my research I’m studying the players motivation, goals and the amount of practice in football club Leppävaaran Pallo ry. Earlier studies done on the same topic have focused on youth and adult players and therefore I feel that I’m making an important contribution in to this topic by focusing on a different age group. The theoretical framework of the research is based on children’s psychological, physical and motor development and also on motivation and goal orientation theory. The data for this study was collected through semi-structured interviews. I interviewed five girls and four boys in November and in December 2016 in Leppävaara.The interviewees will be 8 years old in 2017. Prior to the actual interviews, I also conducted one experimental interview which enabled me to find out that the method I was about to use was appropriate for this study. I selected content analysis and counting as analytical methods for my study. According to the interviews, one of the most obvious motives for the players to play football is to learn new skills. The players felt that developing as a player and new challenges are important sources for motivation. In the children’s interviews, playing was also regarded as a very important and meaningful activity. Although the games were Important for both boys and girls, winning and success weren’t considered so important. More important than winning and gaining success in the competitions was playing itself and enjoyment from the games.Social relationships were also considered important and they felt the importance of getting new friends and getting to practice with their friends. The goals of the girls were to get in to the Finnish national team, while the boys in turn wanted to be professionals. Both girls and boys had three times a week exercises. All the players also practiced at their own time. There were no distinctions between genders with regards how they practiced at their own time. Based on the findings it can be well stated that playing, learning new skills and a competent coach are important factors that affects children’s motivation.
(2023)Tavoitteet. Suomessa liikunnan ympärillä syrjintää on tutkittu lähinnä vapaa-ajan harrastuk sien kontekstissa. Syrjintäaiheiset tutkimukset varhaiskasvatuksessa ovat koskeneet ennen kaikkea kiusaamista. Liikuntakasvatuksen saralla tutkijoita on innoittanut fyysiseen aktiivi suuteen perehtyminen. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on syventää ymmärrystä syrjinnästä ilmiönä varhaiskasvatuksen liikuntakasvatuksen kontekstissa tasa-arvon näkökulmasta. Tarkoitus on selvittää minkälaisia normeja varhaiskasvatusta ohjaavat liikuntakasvatuksen asiakirjat sisältävät ja millainen on se todellisuus, jota normeilla pyritään ylläpitämään. Menetelmät. Tämän tutkimuksen menetelmänä käytin kirjallisuuskatsausta, joka on erotelta vissa kahteen orientaatioon, joita ovat narratiivinen ja integroiva katsaus. Tässä tutkiel massa tekniikaksi valikoitui narratiivinen katsaus, jonka avulla pyrittiin saamaan laaja kuva aiheesta. Tutkimusaineiston valintaa ohjasi vahvasti tutkimuskysymykset ja aineisto muo dostuu viidestä suomalaista varhaiskasvatusta ohjaavasta liikuntakasvatuksen asiakirjasta. Tutkimuksessa normeja asiakirjoista paikannettiin kriittisen diskurssianalyysin avulla. Kriitti sessä diskurssianalyysissä pyritään ensin tunnistamaan diskurssi, jonka jälkeen pyrittiin analysoimaan, millaista todellisuutta diskurssin avulla ylläpidetään. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Varhaiskasvatusta ohjaavien liikuntakasvatuksen asiakirjojen ohjeistukset olivat yhtenäisiä tyttöjen ja poikien osalta, joten varhaiskasvatuksen pihoilla pe lattavat jalkapallopelit kuuluvat ohjeistusten mukaan kaikille. Todellisuus, jota varhaiskasva tuksen liikuntakasvatuksen normeilla pyritään ylläpitämään, on kuitenkin ristiriidassa lasten kautta vapaa-ajan urheilusta tulevien tapojen, uskomusten ja arvojen kanssa. Lapset saatta vat siirtää pihalla pelattaviin jalkapallopeleihin urheilusta tutut normit, jolloin syrjinnän ilmiö on todellinen varhaiskasvatuksen arjessa. Kaikilla tulee kuitenkin olla mahdollisuus osallis tua peleihin. Tulosten avulla voidaan kehittää toimintatapoja syrjinnän ehkäisemiseksi ja tunnistaa syrjintätilanteita, jolloin niihin voidaan puuttua.
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