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Browsing by Subject "kaksoset"

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  • Lundén, Noora (2019)
    Tavoitteet. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on tutkia monikkoäitien omakohtaisia kertomuksia arjesta omien kaksosten kanssa ja heidän arjessa jaksamistaan. Selvitän myös monikkoäitien arjessa jaksamisen voimavaroja. Tutkimus on luonteeltaan kerronnallinen eli narratiivinen tutkimus. Tarkoituksena on päästä aidosti sisälle monikkoäitien arkeen ja elämään ja tuoda esille monikkoperheiden haasteita ja monikkoarjen iloja ja rikkauksia. Narratiivisen tutkimuksen avulla lukija pääsee syvälle monikkoäitien maailmaan ja näkee kuin monikkoäidin silmin monikkouden haasteet ja rikkaudet. Menetelmät. Tutkimukselle asetetut tutkimuskysymykset olivat: Miten monikkoäidit kokivat monikkoraskauden, synnytyksen ja millaisia tunteita tieto kaksosista aluksi herätti? Miten monikkoäidit ovat kokeneet monikkoäitiyden ja sen tuomat haasteet ja rikkaudet? Millaista tukea monikkoäidit ovat saaneet arjessa jaksamiseensa? Tutkimukseen osallistuneet äidit ovat kaikki kaksosten äitejä ja monikkolapset ovat kaikki 2016 syntyneitä kaksosia ja samalla perheen ainoita lapsia. Tutkimusaineisto koostuu viiden monikkoäidin omakohtaisesta kertomuksesta. Monikkoäidit löysin internetin monikkoäitien vertaistukiryhmän kautta. Aineiston analyysin toteutin narratiivisen analyysin keinoin, jonka avulla syntyi viisi uutta ydinkertomusta monikkoäitien kertomusten pohjalta. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Monikkoäidit kuvasivat arkeaan hyvin kiireisenä ja väsymys ja arjen kuormittavuus olivat äideille tuttuja asioita. Valtaosassa kertomuksista välittyi aito ilo, kiitollisuus ja rakkaus kaksosiaan kohtaan. Valtaosa äideistä kertoi nauttivansa omien kaksostensa kehityksen ja kasvun seuraamisesta ja kuinka kaksi lasta tulevat niin hyvin toimeen keskenään. Tutkimus osoitti, että suureksi arjen voimavaraksi koettiin perheen vahva tukiverkosto sekä hyvin toimiva parisuhde, jossa toista tuetaan ja keskustellaan avoimesti asioista. Suurinosa monikkoäideistä kokee oman hyvinvointinsa hyvänä.
  • Siljander, Saana (2016)
    Objectives. The theoretical base of the study are the theories of language development that underline the importance of diverse language development in respect of a child’s comprehensive development, especially learning of cognitive skills and socio-emotional development. Behind the study there was an expectation of some kind linguistic delay or a characteristic affecting on communication of the examinees. This expectation was formed due to former studies concerning the language development of twins that show that there’s a possibility of language delay when comparing twins to singletons. The aim of the study was to examine one twin pair and through analysis to qualitatively and quantitatively describe the verbal initiatives a twin child makes to their twin sibling, to their day care group peer children and to adults in the day care environment. Methods. The study was carried out as a qualitative case study. The examinee of the study was one twin pair from Helsinki. In addition, the parents and the kindergarten teacher of the twins participated in the study. Two methods were used to collect the data: observation as a primary data collecting method and half-structured interviews as a secondary data collecting method, so that the twin pair was observed and the parents and the teacher were interviewed. Interviews were used as a complementing data whereas the main focus was on the observation data. The data was collected in the spring of 2015 and the fall of 2015. The analysis was conducted based on both theoretical background of the study and the data collected. The observation data was categorized into interaction episodes and clustered into four different classes that were conceptualized as types of verbal initiatives. Based on these types of verbal initiatives the verbal communication of the twin children was analyzed both according to the initiatives made to the twin sibling, to other children of their daycare group and to adults in the daycare environment. The data from the interviews supported the analysis. Results and conclusions. For the sake of the qualitative and descriptive nature of the study no generalizations were pursued to be made. It turned out that the twins examined in the study used lot of different verbal initiatives and were diverse and skillful users of language. No delays in language development nor any troubles in the use of language were detected in the case of these twin children. The other one of the twins was more shy and reserved as a user of language than their sibling and this reflected on the results of the observation data. However, the secondary data showed that instead of actual linguistic skills the factors causing this kind of result are the characteristics of the child’s personality and temperament. In addition to that, it transpired that during the observation period the twins contacted each other verbally only a little or not at all. Furthermore, the results of the study evoked an interesting additional question of the possible contextuality of the manifestation of verbal skills.
  • Rautaoja, Inka (2018)
    Purpose of this research was to clarify aspects which enhance social participation of twins with selective mutism. Selective mutism is an early childhood disorder, in which a child con-sistently becomes mute in certain social situation (as in school). Therefore, mutism is not from lack of physical capability or other language and communication disorder, but from so-cial anxiety. Muteness constrains child’s social life and participation in school where majority of activities are based on social interaction with others. Twins that have selective mutism have been found to enhance and sustain mutism of each other. This research was carried out as integrated literary survey. Five international and peer re-viewed articles from years 2003-2018 were selected for thorough research. Literature was selected from researches with different methodologies. In my research I focus on what kind of aspects enhance and diminish social participation of twins with selective mutism in these selected studies. Purpose is to study aspects that occur in both home and school environ-ments that could been seen to affect social participation felt by children with selective mut-ism. Previous studies about social participation of children with selective mutism are scarce. According to literature the most important factors concerning social participation of children were the attitudes of parents, teachers and classmates to mutism. Alternative and applied approaches towards communication, school tasks and evaluations were seen as factors in-creasing social participation. Diminishing factors were found to be forcing to speak, bullying and comparing twins to each other. In addition, feeling of worthlessness felt by twins was found to diminish their participation in school community.