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Browsing by Subject "lahjakkuus"

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  • Forsström, Petra (2017)
    The purpose of this study was to discover how Asperger syndrome is connected to child’s intelligence, giftedness and motivation in school and teaching context. Research questions were: 1) How true is the image of intelligence and giftedness often associated with people with Asperger syndrome and how does this image appear in school context? 2) How do special interests characteristic of Asperger syndrome affect child's study motivation? In former studies the syndrome has often been seen in the light of challenges in social communication and there is less information about teaching children with Asperger syndrome and how do these children learn. Thus this study brings out further information about academic performance of a child with Asperger syndrome. This study was carried out as a descriptive literary survey. Scientific publications of experts in the field of autism spectrum and Asperger syndrome were used as sources and sources were searched for in libraries of The University and City of Helsinki and in databases of the Internet. As a result was discovered that the image of intelligence and giftedness was partly a myth. Most children with Asperger syndrome had normal intelligence and a relatively small number of children with Asperger syndrome were especially gifted or intelligent. Child's style of speaking and vocabulary gave an impression of intelligence and hid other problems. Performance in intelligence tests was uneven and giftedness was often narrow and connected to child's special interest. Many children had difficulties in other areas such as concentration and social relations. Some children with Asperger syndrome are however truly gifted and teacher has to be able to take both child's gifts and weaknesses into account. As a result was also discovered that special interests affected child's study motivation. Child was motivated to gather more information about his special interest but wasn't necessarily motivated to study other subjects or to do assignments. Using special interests one could on the other hand get child interested in new things and assignments. Therefore teacher should be aware of child's special interests and incorporate them into teaching with deliberation.
  • Almén, Jannica (2020)
    Kielellinen lahjakkuus vieraissa kielissä on yksi lahjakkuuden monista eri lajeista. Se näkyy aiempien tutkimusten mukaan muun muassa äänteiden erottelukykynä, kieliopillisena herk-kyytenä, induktiivisena päättelykykynä sekä muistin tehokkaana toimintana. Lahjakkaat oppi-laat tulee huomioida opetuksessa erikseen, jotta se tarjoaisi heille tarpeeksi haasteita. Tutki-muksen tavoitteena oli tutkia, miten kielellisesti lahjakkaat oppilaat tulisi huomioida vieraiden kielten opetuksessa peruskoulussa. Tavoitteena oli myös selvittää, miten lahjakkaiden oppi-laiden tukeminen Suomen peruskoulussa tällä hetkellä toteutuu, ja mitä suomalaiset perus-kouluopettajat ajattelevat lahjakkaista oppilaista. Tutkimus toteutettiin narratiivisena kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Aineistoksi valittiin aikaisempia kansainvälisesti julkaistuja tutkimuksia ja asiantuntijakirjallisuutta käyttäen Google Scholar, Helka ja ERIC hakupalveluja. Aineiston analysoinnissa käytettiin aineistolähteistä sisällönana-lyysiä. Tutkimuksessa selvisi, että kielellisesti lahjakkaiden opettaminen vieraissa kielissä toteutetaan nykyään pääsääntöisesti eriyttämällä normaaliopetusta. Opetuksen eriyttämisessä tulisi muun muassa huomioida erilaiset opetusjärjestelyt, -ympäristöt, -menetelmät, -materiaalit sekä oppimisen arviointi. Kielellisesti lahjakkaat oppivat muita nopeammin ja tehokkaammin vieraan kielen, joten heitä tulisi myös kannustaa enemmän itsenäiseen työskentelyyn ja vastuunottoon omasta opiskelustaan. Vaihtoehtona on myös erilaiset ryhmittelyratkaisut, jolloin oppilas saisi opiskella muiden lahjakkaiden tai esimerkiksi ylempien luokkatasojen oppilaiden kanssa. Suomessa lahjakkaiden opetus on aina pyritty järjestämään normaaliopetuksen yhteydessä eriyttämällä, eikä esimerkiksi erilaisia ryhmittelyn keinoja oman luokan ulkopuolella suosita, vaikka Perusopetuslaki (628/1998) ne mahdollistaakin. Luokanopettajat kuvaavat lahjakkaita oppilaita muun muassa ahkeriksi, itsenäisiksi ja innokkaiksi, mutta myös haastaviksi, alisuoriutujiksi ja huonosti käyttäytyviksi. Suomessa opettajien saama tieto lahjakkaista oppilaista riippuu paljon opettajankoulutuksesta ja opettajan omasta kiinnostuksesta hankkia sitä.
  • Jokinen, Lotta (2024)
    Nykypäivän yhteiskuntamme suorituskeskeisyys ja työn tärkeyden korostaminen ajavat oppilaat helposti kohti riittämättömyyden tunnetta ja huolta omista kyvyistään. Tämä on omiaan ruokkimaan täydellisyyden tavoittelua, jolla voidaan pyrkiä vastaamaan asetettuihin odotuksiin ja toiveisiin. Samaan aikaan huippusuorituksia ylistetään ja lahjakkuudet nousevat vertaisiaan suurempaan valokeilaan. Tämän kandidaatintutkielman tarkoituksena olikin selvittää, miten kirjallisuudessa määritellään perfektionismi ja mitä kirjallisuus kertoo sen synnystä ja kehityksestä. Lisäksi tutkielmassa halutaan selvittää, onko lahjakkailla oppilailla ja perfektionismilla yhteyttä, ja jos on, niin miten yhteys ilmenee. Perfektionismi ja lahjakkuus ovat toisistaan erillisiä piirteitä tai ominaisuuksia, mutta niillä on taipumusta arkiajattelussa nivoutua yhteen. Siksi onkin tärkeää, että niiden yhteyttä tutkitaan. Toteutin kandidaatintutkielmani kirjallisuuskatsauksena ja keräsin aineiston Helsingin yliopiston Helka-kirjaston hakupalvelun sekä Google Scholarin avulla. Lisäksi käytin aineistonkeruussa aiempien, aiheeseen liittyvien pro gradu –tutkielmien lähdekirjallisuutta sekä teoriakirjallisuutta. Hyödynsin näiden ohella myös Googlea sekä aiheeseen liittyvää uutisointia aiheeseen virittäytyessä. Tutkielmani tulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, että perfektionismi on laaja ja moniulotteinen ilmiö, jolle on lähestulkoon mahdotonta antaa yhtä oikeaa ja täysin paikkansapitävää määritelmää. Perfektionismia kuvaillaan persoonallisuuteen liittyvänä taipumuksena, jolle on tyypillistä muun muassa korkeat suoritusvaatimukset, itsekritiikki ja virheettömyyteen pyrkiminen. Se nähdään yksilön toiminnan kannalta usein joko hyödyllisenä tai haitallisena. Kirjallisuuden mukaan perfektionismilla ja lahjakkuudella on havaittu olevan joitakin yhteyksiä ja lahjakkaiden oppilaiden on todettu omaavan esimerkiksi muita korkeampia vaatimuksia itseään kohtaan. Lahjakkaiden pyrkimysten on havaittu olevan omiaan perfektionististen piirteiden kehittymiselle. Tutkimusaineiston perusteella ei kuitenkaan voida todeta, että perfektionismi liittyisi puhtaasti lahjakkuuteen tai toisinpäin, eli perfektionismin ei siis voida todeta olevan yksi lahjakkaiden oppilaiden ominaispiirteistä. Tilaa aiheeseen liittyvälle lisätutkimukselle löytyneistä yhteyksistä johtuen kuitenkin on.
  • Järvenpää, Sampsa (2018)
    The goal of this bachelor’s thesis was to understand what giftedness is and especially how giftedness and creativity are related to each other. Another goal of this thesis was to increase the amount of Finnish literature within the area. The chosen research questions were: “how does giftedness and creativity present themselves in the chosen articles?” and “how can giftedness and creativity be supported?” The questions were chosen as these after reviewing relevant theoretical framework of the area, in order to be able to make conclusions from already existing research. This bachelors’ thesis was done by a literature review. In the beginning four relevant theories were explained to gain an understanding of the theoretical framework within the subject (Tannenbaum, Renzulli, Amabile and Dweck). Then five academic research articles were chosen and analyzed with the research questions in mind. The articles have been gathered using academic search websites such as EBSCOhost, Google Scholar and University of Helsinkis’ own Helka portal. In addition references have been found from University of Helsinkis’ Kaisa-library and with the help of this thesis’ supervisor Risto Hotulainen. The research articles have been analyzed so, that relevant areas to the research questions have been taken to account. One of main findings of the research was the differences between intelligence and creativity as well as the differences between academic giftedness and creative giftedness. The environmental role in the support of giftedness and creative rose also from the data. The entire research shows, that giftedness and creativity are connected and that creativity is a part within giftedness.
  • Korander, Charlotta (2021)
    Purpose. The purpose of the dissertation is to gain an understanding from the teachers' perspective of how the gifted students in Finnish schools are treated. The dissertation examines what teachers' perceptions are about giftedness and gifted students, as well as what teachers think about the teaching of the gifted and what differentiation methods they use. As a theoretical frame of reference, three different theories of aptitude have been used. These are Gardner's multi-ple intelligence theory, Sternberg's threefold intelligence theory and Mönk's and Ypenburg's model for triadic interdependence. In addition to these, Dweck's the-ory of mindset is used. Special talent in the Finnish school is also discussed. Method. The study was conducted as a narrative literature study. Eight Finnish researches were included, all of which were original scientific articles. The re-search was both qualitative and quantitative. The material was retrieved from the databases Google scholar, Helka and Divaportal. Results and conclusions. The results of the study showed that the teachers were interested in the gifted and their teaching, but that knowledge of the subject was lacking. Most of the teachers used different differentiation methods in their teaching, but several of the methods were not evidence-based and ineffective. In addition to this, only some of the teachers described that they planned their teaching taking into account the needs of the gifted. The results indicate that about half of the teachers can offer effective ways to teach this group.
  • Meriläinen, Reetta (2018)
    There are multiple ways of defining giftedness. Many researchers have offered their own theories and models to answer the question ”what giftedness is?” Beside the large number of explicit theories made by experts we all have our own implicit theories of giftedness. The aim of this study was to examinate Finnish teacher students’ conceptions of giftedness and to compare their conceptions to Finnish elementary school teachers’ conceptions which was studied recently by Laine, Kuusisto and Tirri (2016). The importance of researching the future class teachers’ conceptions of giftedness lies in the important role of teacher in relation to their students. In school settings teachers are the ones who are supposed to identify giftedness and to decide which kind of support they offer to their students. Teachers’ own conceptions of giftedness can affect whether student is considered gifted or not. There has been a lot of previous studies about students’ conceptions of giftedness, but in Finland the research about teachers’ and especially teacher students’ conceptions of giftedness is limited. A qualitative approach was used with deductive content analyses to answer the research questions. CoPErNicus-project gave me a previously collected data which contained teacher students’ open-ended definitions of giftedness. The data was collected in 2016 in University of Helsinki from first year teacher students (n=80). The background theory in my analyses was a classification made by Laine et al. (2016) in their research of teachers’ conceptions of giftedness. Based on their classification I analyzed, coded and quantified the data. The study found that teacher students defined giftedness via two main categories: giftedness as a phenomenon and characteristics of the gifted person. Giftedness as a phenomenon was mostly described as multidimensional, meaning that giftedness can occur in many different areas. Giftedness was also described as difference from others. The developmental nature of giftedness was often described as fixed quality, but most of the students described both fixed and malleable aspects of giftedness at the same time. Cognitive features were the most referenced category of characteristics of the gifted person main category. Students’ conceptions of giftedness were similar in many ways comparing to teachers’ conceptions. The biggest surprise in the results was how only few students defined giftedness through creative features. More knowledge about teachers’ and teacher students’ conceptions of giftedness is needed. In-depth and mixed-methods research designs could help deepen the understanding about conceptions of giftedness and how students see the developmental nature of giftedness.
  • Seitamaa, Aino (2017)
    The purpose of this study was to pilot a mindset questionnaire designed for 1st and 2nd grade students in two socioeconomically different schools in the Helsinki area and to study what kind of conceptions these children have about intelligence and giftedness. The study was conducted to see if there were any indications of the mindsets. In addition, whether gender and school was related to the mindsets of young children was addressed. A mixed method approach was used with a qualitative content analysis and statistical analysis to answer the research questions. All together 262 children answered the questionnaire. The questionnaire was analyzed critically since it received a low reliability. Especially the intelligence domain was internally inconsistent and hence suggestions for improvement were made based on methodological analysis. Some questionnaire items were analyzed in detail. A content analysis was used to determine who had understood the concepts of intelligence and giftedness and what kind of answers children provided. Half of the children understood the concept of intelligence and 86.2% of them talked about it in neutral terms. Only 27.9% of children understood the concept of giftedness and 82.2% of them spoke by using neutral language. Hence, indications of the mindsets were not found, which may suggest that the mindsets are not yet consolidated. There were significant between school differences in understanding the conceptions of intelligence and giftedness. Gender and age affected understanding of the concept of giftedness so that girls and 2nd graders understood the concept better that boys or 1st graders. Statistical analysis revealed that only school had a significant effect on the mindset of sociomoral goodness. Future research on young children’s mindsets should take the presented methodological analysis into consideration when designing mindset measures. This study indicated that children’s mindsets have not yet developed, but more research is needed. Significant differences were found between schools, which is a worrying result. More research is needed to study school and gender related differences in mindset in the Finnish educational context.