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Browsing by Subject "lapset ja nuoret"

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  • Greus, Eerika (2018)
    The aim of this study was to examine how children's and adolescents’ mental health is being promoted at schools. The mental health of children and adolescents is topical and has be-come an important societal factor. Health promotion and symptoms’ prevention are often used to describe the same thing. Good mental health is the foundation for positive develop-ment, learning and integration into society. Earlier studies have shown that schools can play an important role in promoting the mental health of children and adolescents. The research was carried out as a systematic literature review. Six peer reviewed scientific articles were selected to this study. They were all written in English and published between years 2010–2016. In this study I concentrate on what kind of interventions have been done at schools and what results they have achieved. I also look at the occurrence of mental health risks and protections in the interventions made. The interventions focused mainly either on improving the literacy of mental health or reducing the mental health symptoms. The results show that mental health interventions have positive impacts on children’s and adolescents’ state of mental health as well as on mental health literacy. Based on a previous study, the promotion of mental health for children and adolescents should be targeted on the area of emotional, social and cognitive development. All interventions in articles included these areas as well. There are many factors that can affect one’s mental health, and these factors are divided in risk- and protective factors. Five factors were repeated among the interventions and they are social relationships and interaction skills, experiences of success, a safe environment, self-esteem and ability to resolve conflicts. The time spent on the intervention was related to the extent of the results. However, all the studies in the articles caused positive results, so the promotion of mental health in schools clearly show results.
  • Alatulkkila, Saara (2020)
    Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, millaisilla interventioilla lasten ja nuorten mielenterveyttä on kouluissa pyritty edistämään sekä sitä, mihin mielenterveystaitoihin interventioilla on pyritty vaikuttamaan. Lasten ja nuorten mielenterveydestä on keskusteltu viime aikoina paljon ja se on aiheena hyvin ajankohtainen. Mielenterveystaitojen kehittäminen ja harjoitteleminen ovat yksi tärkeimpiä tapoja saavuttaa mielenterveyden edistämiseen liittyviä tavoitteita. Lapset ja nuoret viettävät suuren osan ajastaan koulussa, minkä vuoksi koulukonteksti mielenterveyden edistämiselle on luonteva. Tutkimus toteutettiin systemaattisena kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Aineisto sisälsi viisi englanninkielistä ja vertaisarvioitua artikkelia vuosilta 2011–2018. Aineisto analysoitiin sisällönanalyysin avulla. Analyysissä keskityttiin siihen, millaisia interventioita kouluissa on mielenterveyden edistämiseksi tehty ja mihin mielenterveystaitoihin näillä on pyritty vaikuttamaan. Tulokset osoittavat, että kouluissa on tehty eniten universaaleja sekä monitasoisia interventioita mielenterveyden edistämiseksi. Huomattavasti vähemmän on toteutettu selektiivisiä ja indikatiivisia interventioita. Korkean tulotason maissa ollaan siirtymässä kohti monitasoisen intervention mallia. Mielenterveystaitojen kehittämisessä nousi selvästi eniten esiin tunne- ja kaveritaitojen kehittäminen. Näitä pyrittiin tietoisesti harjoittamaan. Jonkin verran nousi esille myös kehon ja mielen viestien kuuntelu lähinnä stressiin liittyen, turvataidot ja selviytyminen sekä itsetuntemus. Vähemmän esille nousi ainutlaatuisuus ja hyvä arki. Sen sijaan arvokkaita asioita elämässä ei noussut lainkaan esille. Mielenterveystaitoja tulisi kaikkia opettaa ja harjoitella tasapuolisesti sekä lisätä opettajien tietotaitoa niihin liittyen.
  • Välttilä, Emilia (2016)
    In this thesis I investigated previous research about gender differences in the vocational choice of kids and adolecents. The main focus was segregation which is a complex phenomenon in the world of work. It causes inequality and ineffectiveness in the labour market. Segregated structures are also seen in the educational field. The aim of this study was to help being aware of them. A systematic literature review was made from 14 original articles which were publiced in the International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance from 2008 to 2016. The review indicates that there are several views to gender differences in the vocational choice of kids and adolecents. For example occupational aspirations, intrests and barriers are discussed. Segregated structures and traditional gender roles are also presented in previous research. Therefore the review indicates that the significance of gender should be considered in the work among young people in educational and vocational fields.