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Browsing by Subject "luonnonväriaineet"

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  • Halonen, Johanna (2017)
    Tiivistelmä - Referat - Abstract The aim of this thesis is to find out what kind of dyeing method contact dyeing is and which things affect the results of contact dyeing. Contact dyeing has not been studied much, some data can be found on internet blogs where people share their knowledge. The aim of this thesis was to gather more information about contact dyeing and to try to answer some questions about contact dyeing. The problem in the thesis is whether the fibre content of the fabric or dyeing time affects the intensity, brightness or hue of the colour. This thesis was quasi-experimental. The material in this thesis was eighteen (18) different samples on which three different dyeing plants, three different fabrics and two different dyeing times were used. Dyeing plants were Cortinarius semisanguineus, onion and tansy. Fabrics were 100 % linen, viscose and silk. Every fabric was dyed with every plant and the plants were given two different dyeing times to find out the effect of time on contact dyeing. The material was analysed by comparing the fabrics to each other and analysing the staining of the fabric. The results were analysed using a standard: Tests for colour fastness. Grey scale for assessing change in colour (EN ISO 20105-A02:1995). The material was not compared directly to the grey scale because of the uneven colour of the material, but the standard (EN ISO 20105-A02:1995) also has a written evaluation which was used in this thesis. The thesis provided answers to the research-questions. Of the used fabrics, silk dyed the best, and this means that protein fibres are best suited for contact dyeing. Linen dyed middling. Plant fibres can be used for contact colouring, when the aim is not a very bright and intense colour. The staining of viscose, a semi-synthetic fibre, was the weakest. This means, that semi-synthetic fibres can’t be recommended for use in contact dyeing. There were two dyeing times, and according to the thesis, fabrics should be dyed for at least two weeks. Additionally, in contact dyeing, intense sources of colour should be used, so that the patterns would appear as clear as possible on the fabric.
  • Tahvanainen, Saara (2020)
    Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää värjäysliuoksen pH:n vaikutusta värjäyksen lopputulokseen mustapavuilla värjätessä. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin millaiset asiat vaikuttavat värjäyksen lopputulokseen. Näiden tekijöiden pohjalta laadittiin lopullinen koeasetelma ja kokeen kulku. Mustapavuilla värjäämistä on tutkittu aikaisemmin lähinnä elintarvikkeiden näkökulmasta. Mustapapujen väriaineita, antosyaaneja, löytyy luonnosta paljon, sillä ne ovat suurin luonnosta löytyvä flavonoidien ryhmä. Antosyaaneja on käytetty erilaisten kuitujen värjäämiseen jo pitkään. Nykyään niitä tutkitaan myös mahdollisten terveysvaikutusten takia. Antosyaanien ominaisuus on, että ne muuttavat väriään eri pH-arvojen mukaan. Niiden heikkous on, että värit kiinnittyvät huonosti ja haalenevat herkästi. Luonnonväriaineiden tutkimus on ajankohtaista, sillä uusien ekologisempien värjäysaineiden kehitys on tärkeää. Tutkimuksessa hyödynnettiin kvasikokeellisia tutkimusmenetelmiä, joissa kaikkia muuttujia ei pyritä kontrolloimaan, vaan ainoastaan tutkimukselle oleellisimmat tekijät. Tutkimuksessa värjättiin villalankaa sekä pellava- ja puuvillakangasta vuorokauden ajan mustapavuista liuotetusta värjäysliuoksessa. Liuos jaettiin kahdeksaan osaan ja niiden pH:ta muutettiin happamammaksi ja emäksisemmäksi etikan ja natriumhydroksidin avulla. Liuosten pH:ta tarkkailtiin pH-mittarilla. Värjäys onnistui odotusten mukaisesti. Väri muuttui happamissa olosuhteissa punaisemmaksi ja emäksisissä sinisessä. Väri hajosi kokonaan, kun liuos oli liian emäksistä. Väri tarttui parhaiten villalankaan ja heikoiten selluloosakuituisiin kankaisiin. Mustapavuilla on siis mahdollista värjätä ja väri riippuu liuoksen pH:sta. Myös värjättävä materiaali vaikuttaa värjäystulokseen. Mahdollista jatkotutkimusta voi tehdä värin pysyvyyteen ja sen parantamiseen liittyen.
  • Vistbacka, Niina (2019)
    Woad (Isatis tinctoria L.) is a traditional and versatile dyeing plant producing ignite blue colour. Woad is one of the oldest dyeing plants and its oldest seeds are known from the Stone Age. The purpose of this study is to find out the characteristics of the woad and how to use it in dyeing. During the study, the cultivation of woad became one of the themes of research data. It turned into one research problem. The research was carried out as a literature review. The research material is based on existing literature and previous studies on dying with woad. The choice of material was influenced by the versatility of the material and the subject matter of the research used as material. There is a lot of literature and research on natural colouring and woad. In the end, the source is the most versatile source of content and the most relevant sources of research. I also wanted to deal with natural dying in my research. It opens up natural dying methods to the reader and introduces it to its versatility. Thus, the research results and the terminology used in the study will be closer to the reader. The study found that woad has been used in many ways for centuries. Various dying methods used in dying were a major factor in the success of it. The dyeing result was not always blue but depending on the process varied from greenish to yellow. Also pink and brown dyed textiles were found in the research results. Different conditions in dyeing situations also yielded different results. There was a clear result of the material on the effects of cultivation and harvest. Cultivation of woad is possible for industrial purposes and the effect of plant age on dyeing can be seen. With different follow-up studies, the results provide a good basis for starting to apply the knowledge and thus finding new methods for woad dyeing.