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  • Rinta-Paavola, Salla (2017)
    The purpose of this thesis is to get more information about parents’ perceived trust towards kindergartens. This study will find out which themes concerning kindergarten are calling forth discussion in the internet web sites among parents of pre-schoolers. Besides that the study aims to delineate how the trust is manifested in the internet discussions. The new document of the grounds of early childhood education is coming into effect in the autumn 2017. The importance of cooperation with parents is emphasized in this document. Educators have to be conscious of parents’ opinions and be able to develop methods of cooperation with the help of that. Previous surveys have pointed out that parents’ trust towards Finnish early childhood education is quite strong. Research data in this thesis was written material in internet. The research material consisted of 23 message chains containing 1–38 messages. The messages were written during August and September 2016. The material was assembled in and –internet discussion areas. The thesis was executed with qualitative methods by content analysis. The material showed that parents were discussing about ways of action in separate kindergartens, characters of workers and security of kindergartens. In addition of that they inquired opinions about separate kindergartens from each other. Other families’ ways of action and public reporting news of kindergartens was also called forth discussion. The material showed that parents often perceived distrust towards kindergartens. In spite of that they trusted they have chance to influence and the principals could help if needed. The research results differ greatly from earlier findings. These results extend people’s knowledge about parents’ trust towards kindergartens. The trust is not so unambiguous that earlier findings show. The realistic picture of parents’ perceived trust towards kindergarten could be formed by studying the situation by using varied range of research methods.
  • Langenskiöld, Johanna (2016)
    Objectives. According to the OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) 2013 results Finnish elementary school teachers do not receive enough feedback about their performance. The ethical guidelines published by the Finnish Trade Union of Education outline that teachers should aim at understanding each student’s thinking and opinions. The Finnish basic education’s core curriculum (POPS 2014) that takes effect in the fall of 2016 highlights the importance of student involvement. The main objective of this study was to examine the value of students’ feedback in elementary schools. In addition, this study examines the reliability of elementary school students’ feedback. The aim is also to increase the interest towards students’ feedback among Finnish educators. The theoretical framework of this study consists of the personality Rogers’s theory on personality development, Deci and Ryan’s self-determination theory and Erikson’s theory on psychosocial development. Methodology. The study was implemented as a systematic literature review. The scientific material consisted of ten English-language peer-reviewed articles. Two of the articles were published in England, two in Holland, one in Belgium, one in Norway, three in the United States and one in Australia. The research material included also one Swedish-language doctoral dissertation published in Sweden. Results and conclusions. Soliciting feedback from students had a positive effect on both teachers and students. The students appreciated that teachers were interested in their opinions. The teachers received useful information related to the children’s views on school- and teacher-related issues. The answers provided by the children were to a large extent reliable. Doing research on teacher-student relationships and students’ feedback in Finnish elementary schools can provide valuable information to teachers and educators alike. Examining the silent information among students may foster stronger mutual understanding and interaction between teachers and students, increase the teachers’ job motivation and support the students’ learning.
  • Seppälä, Tiiu (2018)
    Objectives. The objective of this empirical research was to describe, analyze and interpret the experience of the parents of the children who attend day-care, how and why an active employee instils trust in the parents’. The co-operation between a parent and a day-care worker is essential to early-childhood education. As a mandatory document National Core Curruculum for Early Childhood Education and Care 2016, describes early childhood edu-cation as the all encompassing advancement of upbringing, development and education of a child whilst co-operating with the parents of the children at day-care. Trust between the parents and the day-care workers is a foundational starting point for a working co-operation. Trust can be seen as a habit which is based on feelings. That habit is our natu-ral way to relate to other people. There has not been made a lot of researches about par-ents’ trust towards day-care workers but for example employees’ sensitivity have been seen as a fact that increases the feelings of trust Methodology. The study conducted was qualitative research, and the research assign-ment was defined as one question and was complemented by two clarifying questions. For this research 4 parents were interviewed february of 2018 in a focused interview whose children were in the care of the day-care center. All The interviews had been tran-scribed and the material was analyzed through the theory guiding qualitative content anal-ysis. Results and Conclusion. The parents had taken into account the information the worker provided for their child as strengthening factor of their trust. In addition the parents seeing the day-care workers in action not just with their children also left a remarkable impact on their trust towards the workers. Also the parents mirrored their trust towards the cay-care workers on the basis of how their child enjoyed the day-care and reacted to each day-care employee. Based on the results of this research the methods or practices of the day-care worker was a significant factor that impacted the parents’ trust experience towards the day-care worker.
  • Remes, Emilia (2017)
    The aim of this thesis was to find out parent’s experiences of co-operation with staff at day care center. The purpose was to study what kind of views parents have of their own role in co-operation and their possibilities to participate in planning and assessing their child’s early childhood education and care. No hypothesis was defined for this study. Research material was collected by interviewing four parents who lived in capital region and had at least one year’s experience of co-operation with staff at day care center. Material was transcribed and analysed based on themes by content analysis. Two of the parents were not born in Finland, but there was no experimental setting defined. The experiences of the parents varied a lot between the parents. Parents felt that they had opportunity to tell their opinion in the discussion on their child’s ECEC plan. Parents who were not born in Finland felt that there was little co-operation and there were also challenges related to communication due to different mother tongue. Pictures and stories of the child’s day at day care center increased trust and openness. Trust and openness correlated with positive experience of co-operation with staff at day care center. Some parents didn’t share their thoughts and experiences with the staff at day care centers. Parents were openly sharing information about their children but did not share their wishes for their child’s early childhood education and care. Staff at day care center should discuss with the parents their values and views in their child’s care and education so that they can be taken into account in early childhood education and care. Enough information should be shared about the day-to-day education and care of the children so that parents have a possibility to assess their child’s early childhood education and care. In addition to that staff should find way for parent to influence more the early childhood education and care and dare to share their views.
  • Pyykkönen, Tiina (2023)
    Varhaiskasvatuksen aloitus on suuri muutos perheen elämässä. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää miten varhaiskasvatuksen opettajat rakentavat luottamusta alle kolmevuotiaiden lasten vanhempiin varhaiskasvatuksen aloituksessa. Tutkimuksessa käytetään Rempelin, Zannanin ja Holmesin (1985) luottamuksen tasoja, joita ovat ennustettavuus, varmuus ja usko. Aiemmat tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet, että laadukkailla pedagogisilla käytänteillä vanhempien luottamus varhaiskasvatuksen henkilöstöön kasvaa. Tutkimus on kvalitatiivinen eli laadullinen tutkimus. Aineisto kerättiin puolistrukturoituna teemahaastatteluna kolmelta varhaiskasvatuksen opettaja -nimikkeellä toimivalta ihmiseltä, joilla on pitkä kokemus alle kolmevuotiaiden parissa työskentelystä. Kaksi haastatteluista suoritettiin etäyhteyksiä hyödyntämällä ja tallennetiin tutkijan koneelle myöhempää jatkokäsittelyä varten. Kolmas haastattelu tehtiin lomakehaastatteluna. Aineisto analysoitiin sisällönanalyysimenetelmiä hyödyntäen. Tutkimuksen tulokset olivat samassa linjassa aikaisempien tutkimustulosten kanssa. Varhaiskasvatuksen opettajat kokevat alle kolmevuotiaiden lasten vanhempien luottamuksen rakentamisen tärkeäksi varhaiskasvatuksen tutustumisjaksolla ja aloituksessa. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että varhaiskasvatuksen opettajat panostavat luottamuksen rakentumisessa vanhempiin erityisesti ensimmäistä kontaktia. He korostavat myös avointa tiedon jakamista varhaiskasvatuksen käytänteistä ja vanhempien vakuuttelua. Varhaiskasvatuksen opettajat pitävät luottamuksen rakentamisessa tärkeänä myös, että he ovat saatavilla vanhemmille, jotta he voivat vastata vanhempien tarpeisiin tarpeen mukaan. Tutkimuksen aineistossa korostui varhaiskasvatuksen opettajien puheessa kaksi eri luottamuksen tasoa: ennakoitavuus ja varmuus. Tutkimuksen tuloksissa oli huomattavissa, että varhaiskasvatuksen opettajat kokivat, että ennakoivan työn avulla he loivat toimivia pedagogisia malleja varhaiskasvatuksen tutustumiseen ja aloitukseen.