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Browsing by Subject "nettikiusaaminen"

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  • Keinänen, Tuulia (2018)
    This research aimed at explaining how school bullying appears on internet and social media and what are the consequences from a legal perspective. This research provides information for educators about different forms, manifestations, characteristics, signs and consequences of cyberbullying in order to prevent and intervene in cyberbullying. Cyberbullying has been studied and processed in both Finnish and foreign contexts and the connection between school bullying and cyberbullying is presented also in this study. The consequences of cyberbulling from the legal point of view emphasizes the importance of media education. This research used a descriptive literature review as the method. The reseach material was both Finnish and foreign literature, studies and other publications. The specific terms and phrases in the material search were school bullying, bullying, social media, cyberbullying, cyberbullying on social media and social media and the youth. The material was mostly analyzed based on literature, as many foreign studies related to the subject were country-specific and their results cannot be fully generalized in Finland. However, the general features of cyberbullying were considered valid in Finnish cyberbullying. The subject of this study was preadolescents. The results of this study showed that school bullying on internet and social media was mainly messages, pictures or comments that were made for mock, irritate, isolate or denigrate other. The characteristics of cyberbullying such as anonymity, widespread distribution of information and the lack of adult’s control had also a big influence on the phenomenom. The results also revealed that cyberbullying could be both direct and indirect but indirect bullying was more apparent. All the signs of cyberbullying in bully and bullied such as avoiding conversations about online behavior were a part of the phenomenom. The results indicated that cyberbullying can lead to criminal sanctions. In the worst-case scenario cyberbullying can be considered a criminal offence such as defamation or illegal threat.
  • Laamanen, Pauliina (2019)
    The purpose of this study was to examine the prevalence, forms and consequences of cyberbullying among youth with special needs. Bullying via internet, social networks and cellphones is a rather new and rapidly changing phenomena. Cyberbullying is a serious problem particularly amongst young people, since the social media is more and more popular. According to previous research, cyberbullying is related to stress, anxiety, depressive symptoms, low self-esteem and suicidality. On the other hand, internet and social media are very important ways for young people to find friends and communities, and construct their own identities. Youth with special needs might however be at greater risk of cyberbullying involvement, since previous research has shown that this is the case with youth with special needs and traditional bullying. Current study examines the cyberbullying prevalence among youth with special needs. Another goal of the study is to find out how cyberbullying impacts psychical, emotional and other aspects of well-being. In this study, most common disabilities were intellectual disabilities, autism spectrum disorder, Asperger’s syndrome or ADHD. Current study was executed using the principles of systematic literature review. Research material consisted of five peer-reviewed studies published in 2009-2017. Articles examine young people with special needs and their experiences about traditional bullying and cyberbullying, as well as consequences of bullying. Results show that young people with special needs and disabilities were at greater risk of cyberbullying involvement when compared their non-disabled peers. Cyberbullying was related to lower self-esteem and increased depression, anxiety and other emotional symptoms. Cyberbullying and traditional bullying were strongly related with each other. Social support reduced the negative effects of cyberbullying.
  • Hilger, Alvar (2021)
    Tavoitteet. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selventää, miten nettikiusaaminen näkyy suosituissa sosiaalisen median sovelluksissa Facebookissa, WhatsAppissa, Snapchatissa, Instagramissa ja Twitterissä. Tutkimusongelmina tarkasteltiin nettikiusaamisen määritelmää, missä kontekstissa nettikiusaaminen näkyy sosiaalisen median sovelluksissa, mitä eroja sosiaalisen median sovelluksissa näkyy nettikiusaamiseen liittyen ja mitä aineiston kirjallisuus ehdottaa nettikiusaamisen torjumiseksi. Menetelmät. Tutkimus oli systemaattinen kirjallisuuskatsaus Arlene Finkin mallia mukaillen. Lisäksi käytettiin sovellettua kuvailevaa kirjallisuuskatsausta. Systemaattisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen aineisto haettiin kolmen tietokannan avulla yhdistäen sosiaalisen median sovellukset Facebook, WhatsApp, Snapchat, Instagram ja Twitter katkaistuun hakusanaan cyberbullying. Aineistosta esille nousseita ajatuksia analysoitiin laadullisesti käyttäen aineistolähtöistä sisällönanalyysiä aineiston luokittelun apuna. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Nettikiusaamisen määritelmälle ehdotettiin yhtenäisempää muotoa, joka sisältää kaikki tarvittavat nettikiusaamisen elementit. Sosiaalisen median sovelluksissa tapahtuvaa nettikiusaamista esiteltiin. Sovelluksissa esiintyi suurelta osin samoja kiusaamisen muotoja, mutta joissakin sovelluksissa, kuten Snapchatissa painottuu kuvien kautta kiusaaminen. Nettikiusaamisen ehkäisevässä työssä kirjallisuus esittää teknologiaan perustuvaa mallia sekä perinteisen kiusaamisen ehkäisemisen kautta toimivaa mallia. Molemmat lähestymistavat voidaan yhdistää mahdollisesti tukemaan toisiaan oppilaitoksissa. Yleisesti ehdotetuin nettikiusaamisen ehkäisemisen muoto oli perinteiseen kiusaamiseen puuttuminen ja kiusaamistilanteen ympäristöön vaikuttaminen. Avainsanat