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Browsing by Subject "normit"

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  • Lindevall, Hanna (2017)
    The purpose of this research was to find out about the experiences of young adults hobbies and the importance of hobbies in the life course. Theoretical starting point in this research is life course, as well as concepts of normality, norms and values. I also focus on the Finnish sports clubs and the various positive and negative phenomenas that are observed among different sports. The research question is "How do the experiences of hobbies take place in the speech of young adults?" The research gave interesting results, especially about the significance of hobbies and the phenomenon of hobbies. In the results of the research, the internal rules and hierarchies of sports hobbies, which no one seems to question, became even greater. This research could be used in the future to spread awareness of disadvantages in sports clubs and teams.
  • Laattala, Laura (2019)
    Social norms direct group behavior. Everybody in group knows how they should behave ac-cording to the norms, but sometimes group members may have misperceptions about the norms. Pluralistic ignorance is situation where majority of the group secretly resist the norm. Group members do not tell their own opinion or non-normative behavior because they think other group members support the norm. It has been studied that youth have misperceptions, for example about substance abuse and bullying behavior. According to the social norms the-ory the misperceived norms and negative behavior can be decreased by releasing the actual norms. Perkins’ and Berkowitz’s (1986) social norms approach releases the actual positive norms to the group by intervention. The purpose of this study is to examine the suitability of the social norms approach in com-prehensive school context and survey the ways that interventions can be done. The first re-search question surveys the misperceptions that social norms approach have been target at in comprehensive schools, and which methods can be used. The second research question surveys changes in students’ misperceptions and behavior. The method of this study was nar-rative literature review. In my literature review’s material students’ misperceptions were about substance abuse, bul-lying and rumor spreading. Interventions prefer social norms marketing method such as post-ers and other material. Active methods, like interactive feedback assemblies, were also used and three researches mentioned that parents received a newsletter. Students’ misperceptions decreased in all studies but results about students’ negative behavior were conflicting. In some cases negative behavior decreased but in some cases it even increased. The behavior changes may be explained by increase in students’ awareness, low campaign exposure, stu-dents’ age and intervention methods and readiness.
  • Villberg, Elina (2017)
    On a global scale, bullying has been a problem for a long time. This is supported by the fact that bullying has been a popular research topic since the 1970s. Even though solutions and different interventions for bullying have been developed, the subject emerges almost regularly in both local and international media. The meaning of this research is to form an understanding of the agencies that are formed within bullying and find out what factors affect them. My goal is to touch the normative reality behind the phenomenon through interviewing people with experiences related to bullying. I’m also interested in how these people talk about bullying. The sample of this research consists of four women whose bullying experiences I have tried to get a hold of through a themed interview. I have approached the material with discourse analysis, which I‘ve conducted with the help of four central concepts: bullying, agency, norms and experience. On the basis of the analysis, bullying appears to be a multidimensional and subjective phenomenon that is seen as a normal mode of acting in school. In relation to bullying, the agency of an individual is affected by the norms of the school community, the age, personality and “coolness” of the individual, the physical surroundings of the bullying situations and the form and duration of bullying. Traditionally bullying has been seen as originating from the individual pathology of a person, but according to the research in hand bullying is actually a ubiquitous mode of acting in the social reality of the school, something that anyone can “grab” onto. In this framework the bully is seen as person who guards the group’s conventional social order. This notion is supported by the data, according to which social pressure, an understanding of the bullied being somehow different from others and the changeability of the role of the bully are all key factors in bullying. The cultural cliché that emphasizes individual pathology as the starting point of bullying should be forgotten if we really want to get rid of the phenomenon. Instead we should concentrate on the normative discourses at play in school. Opening these discourses to conversation is the first step toward change, and research can help in doing that.
  • Meronen, Joni (2023)
    Tavoitteet. Suomessa liikunnan ympärillä syrjintää on tutkittu lähinnä vapaa-ajan harrastuk sien kontekstissa. Syrjintäaiheiset tutkimukset varhaiskasvatuksessa ovat koskeneet ennen kaikkea kiusaamista. Liikuntakasvatuksen saralla tutkijoita on innoittanut fyysiseen aktiivi suuteen perehtyminen. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on syventää ymmärrystä syrjinnästä ilmiönä varhaiskasvatuksen liikuntakasvatuksen kontekstissa tasa-arvon näkökulmasta. Tarkoitus on selvittää minkälaisia normeja varhaiskasvatusta ohjaavat liikuntakasvatuksen asiakirjat sisältävät ja millainen on se todellisuus, jota normeilla pyritään ylläpitämään. Menetelmät. Tämän tutkimuksen menetelmänä käytin kirjallisuuskatsausta, joka on erotelta vissa kahteen orientaatioon, joita ovat narratiivinen ja integroiva katsaus. Tässä tutkiel massa tekniikaksi valikoitui narratiivinen katsaus, jonka avulla pyrittiin saamaan laaja kuva aiheesta. Tutkimusaineiston valintaa ohjasi vahvasti tutkimuskysymykset ja aineisto muo dostuu viidestä suomalaista varhaiskasvatusta ohjaavasta liikuntakasvatuksen asiakirjasta. Tutkimuksessa normeja asiakirjoista paikannettiin kriittisen diskurssianalyysin avulla. Kriitti sessä diskurssianalyysissä pyritään ensin tunnistamaan diskurssi, jonka jälkeen pyrittiin analysoimaan, millaista todellisuutta diskurssin avulla ylläpidetään. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Varhaiskasvatusta ohjaavien liikuntakasvatuksen asiakirjojen ohjeistukset olivat yhtenäisiä tyttöjen ja poikien osalta, joten varhaiskasvatuksen pihoilla pe lattavat jalkapallopelit kuuluvat ohjeistusten mukaan kaikille. Todellisuus, jota varhaiskasva tuksen liikuntakasvatuksen normeilla pyritään ylläpitämään, on kuitenkin ristiriidassa lasten kautta vapaa-ajan urheilusta tulevien tapojen, uskomusten ja arvojen kanssa. Lapset saatta vat siirtää pihalla pelattaviin jalkapallopeleihin urheilusta tutut normit, jolloin syrjinnän ilmiö on todellinen varhaiskasvatuksen arjessa. Kaikilla tulee kuitenkin olla mahdollisuus osallis tua peleihin. Tulosten avulla voidaan kehittää toimintatapoja syrjinnän ehkäisemiseksi ja tunnistaa syrjintätilanteita, jolloin niihin voidaan puuttua.