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Browsing by Subject "onnellisuus"

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  • Niskanen, Pipsa (2016)
    Objectives. The objective of this study was to find out how happy young adults are and what factors their happiness consists of. In addition, the aim was to find out whether there are differences in happiness between young adults with and without a family and between women and men. The main background theories of this study are the theory of self-determination and the basic psychological needs. These theories suggest that people are at their happiest when they can follow their inner motivation and feel they are voluntary, capable and that they belong. Previous studies have shown that young adults living in a welfare state are on average quite happy and satisfied with their lives. The most important aspects of happiness are family, relationships, health, and a sense of competence. Methods. The survey was conducted with an online questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of three areas after the background information area. The first part studied positive emotions, the second part studied life satisfaction and the third part studied factors affecting happiness. 55 people answered, of which 52 young adults were included in the processing of the material. The average age of the participants was 28.9 years. 41 of them were women, 10 were men and one was other-gendered. The quantitative results of the study were treated with average analysis and the qualitative results with content analysis. Results and conclusions. In general, the participants were quite happy. Positive feelings were experienced more often than negative ones, and the life satisfaction rate was 3.8 on a scale of 1 to 5. When comparing groups, young adults with families were slightly happier than young adults without families, and men were happier than women. The most important factors affecting happiness were children, friendships, life partner, love and family. In the light of this study, it can be said that young adults are generally happy. In addition, starting a family has a positive effect on happiness, although it reduces the importance of other happiness-affecting factors.
  • Lammela, Iida-Lotta (2017)
    The aim of this study was to describe the perceptions of happiness of students stu-dying in a hospital school. There has been a lot of previous research about happi-ness, especially from the point of view of positive psychology . It has been found that perceptions of happiness vary a lot. This study is interested in the way that students, who were either inpatient or outpatient, view happiness. There is no previous re-search about happiness in the context of hospital schools. The material of this study consists of essays about happiness. The essays were writ-ten both with and without guiding questions. The writers were 14 finnish students who study in a hospital school. The group consisted of girls and boys studying both in elementary and secondary school. The material was analyzed using material-based content analysis. The results showed a diverse set of individual perceptions of happiness. The percep-tions included both joys and challenges that one encounters in life. The students’ es-says were classified into categories based on their content. The most significant ca-tegory was internal dimension. It refers to individually experienced, personal things that are hard to notice from the outside. The subcategory of personal strategies was highlighted from the internal dimension. It contained the ways in which students cont-rol their happiness by acting in a certain manner. It was concluded that the students of this study had a strong belief in the possibility of a happy life. The external challenges in their lives, such as problems with health, we-re not as pronounced as the possibility to influence happiness with their own actions. Generally, the students were able to contemplate happiness analytically and pro-foundly, although they brought up superficial aspects as well. The attitudes and diver-se perceptions of these students show that it is prolific to study happiness in different contexts. Happiness is something that constantly interests people. It is important that concepts from research are brought up to discussion, since the way people perceive happiness often affects the ways in which they pursue it in their lives.
  • Milistver, Marja (2020)
    Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan opettajien kokemaa henkilökohtaista hyvinvointia. Tutkielman pyrkimys on selvittää, millaisena ilmiönä haastattelemani alakoulun opettajat kokevat heidän henkilökohtaisen hyvinvoinnin eri ulottuvuuksineen ja millaisia kokemuksia heillä on henkilökohtaisen hyvinvoinnin ylläpitämisestä. Lisäksi perehdyn erilaisiin keinoihin, joita opettajat käyttävät kestävän hyvinvoinnin luomiseen. Tutkimuksen kohteena oli kuusi eri-ikäistä helsinkiläistä alakoulun opettajaa. Tutkimuksen menetelmällinen lähestymistapa oli laadullinen. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin haastattelemalla. Kaikissa haastateltavien opettajien hyvinvoinnin määritelmissä korostui kokonaisvaltaisuus, niin henkinen kuin fyysinenkin hyvinvointi sekä tasapainon merkitys näiden hyvinvoinnin osa-alueiden välillä. Haastateltavat kertoivat että tärkeimmät hyvinvointia ylläpitävät ja stressiä lieventävät tekijät koostuivat säännöllisestä liikunnasta, harrastuksista, läheisistä ihmissuhteista, terveellisestä ruokavaliosta ja hyvästä unirytmistä.
  • Malinen, Jenni (2016)
    Objectives. The pursuit of well-being and happiness has become an important element of life in the western world and its societies. Positive psychology’s objective is to find the best qualities in people, help them strengthen those qualities and fulfill their individual potential. The Finnish media has recently displayed many examples of social exclusion and bullying among the youth as well as stories of students and teachers, who are exhausted by the increasing group sizes and the hectic everyday laden in school. The phenomenon is not new. For quite some time, the scholars and professionals of teaching and education have been searching ways to increase children's well-being in and outside classrooms. Positive education is an approach to education, that is based on positive psychology’s emphasis of individual strengths and personal motivation as well as the meaning of a warm-spirited and well-balanced community to promote learning and the pursuit of well-being and happiness. The first objective of this study was to find out the theoretical justifications of using positive education as a teaching method in a classroom. The second objective of the study was to look into the already existing applications of positive education and find out how the approach can be put into practice in the everyday school life. Methods. This study is a descriptive review of the literature of positive psychology and positive education and their theoretical background. The material of the study consists of articles and books written by the most appreciated domestic and foreign scholars in the field of positive psychology and education. In addition to the previous, the material consists also of one dissertation and one guidebook, as examples of positive education’s practical applications. Results and conclusions. Happiness has a tending to nourish itself and accumulate, having a tremendous affect, on how we react to the successes and setbacks we face in life. Happiness increases out mental resilience and helps us get over disappointments more quickly and effectively. It strengthens us and helps us to cope with the demands and challenges today's society sets for us. Positive psychology based teaching methods have many positive effects on learning, as well as on fulfilling the basic psychological human needs. The applications of positive education are fairly simple to implement in the daily schoolwork. It is also definitely worth the while, as their impact on individuals as well as the class and school communities are very positive.