Browsing by Subject "opettajan rooli"
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(2019)The aim of this Bachelor's thesis was to examine preschool teachers' experiences of implementing emotional education. This research examined how implementing emotional education appears in preschool teachers' profession, what methods preschool teachers have used to implement emotional education and what challenges they have met. The aim of this study is to increase knowledge of the importance of processing emotions with children. Former studies have pointed out that emotional skills have an influence on child's growth and social interaction. The research data consists of three individual interviews. The interviews were conducted in the kindergarten in January of 2019. Preschool teachers worked in the same southern Finnish kindergarten. All the interviewees had at least ten years of work experience as kindergarten teachers. The data was transcribed and analyzed using content analysis. The study found that preschool teachers linked emotional education as a comprehensive part of the workday. They viewed that it is important to notice children as individuals. The teachers experienced that emotional education was connected with recognizing and handling emotions. Emotional education was also seen as a part of supporting the development of child's self-esteem. The study found that being present is a significant part of emotional education and teachers should also be conscious of their own emotions. The preschool teachers viewed their emotional education skills as good and their unit was supporting them. Emotional education was viewed to be more important in teacher's work nowadays than before. Emotional education was included especially in creative activity like drama, music and play. The teachers had also used different tools, like emotional education models but also self-made tools. The challenges that had rised concerning emotional education were in childrens' different needs and family backgrounds, like different home cultures. The preschool teachers also longed for more authenticity in emotional education. The results point out that preschool teachers view emotional education as important and supportive for child's growth.
(2021)Lapset ovat sisäisesti motivoituneita leikkimään ja leikki on olennainen osa lapsen monipuolista kehitystä. Leikin lomassa lapsi oppii esimerkiksi sosiaalisia taitoja, itsesäätelyä sekä motorisia ja kognitiivisia taitoja. Taitoja, joita opetellaan ja vahvistetaan myös peruskoulussa. Tämän vuoksi leikin näkyminen peruskoulun opetussuunnitelman perusteissa tuntuu perustellulta – leikkiä kehotetaan hyödyntämään yhtenä opetusmenetelmänä muiden joukossa. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää aiempien tutkimusten pohjalta, miten leikki sopii osaksi peruskoulun opetusta ja minkälainen rooli opettajalla on koulussa tapahtuvassa leikissä. Tarkoituksena oli löytää vahvistavia perusteluja sille, että leikkiä tosiaan kannattaa hyödyntää opetuksessa. Tämä tutkielma on narratiivinen kirjallisuuskatsaus. Tutkimusaineistona käytettiin aikaisempia tutkimuksia ja artikkeleita peruskouluikäisten leikeistä sekä leikin ja opetuksen yhdistämisestä. Aineisto koostui kymmenestä tutkimusartikkelista. Aineisto analysoitiin teemoittelemalla sen tutkimustulosten mukaan vastaamaan kahteen eri tutkimuskysymykseen. Näiden teemojen pohjalta pohdittiin leikkiä osana opetusta ja opettajan roolia koulussa tapahtuvassa leikissä. Tulokset osoittavat, että leikkiä kannattaa hyödyntää opetuksessa, koska se motivoi oppilaita opiskelemaan ja luo yhteisöllisyyden tunnetta. Lapset kokivat leikkimisen mielekkäänä tapana opiskella ja leikkivät mieluummin muiden kanssa kuin yksin. Opettajan rooli osoittautui monipuoliseksi ja vaihtelevaksi riippuen leikkien tavoitteista. Opettaja saattoi johtaa opetussuunnitelmavetoista leikkiä, tuottaa puitteet opetuksen ja leikin yhdistelmälle tai sallia vapaata leikkiä, jossa korostuu sosiaalisten taitojen harjoittelu. Tärkeimpänä nousi opettajan rooli innostajana ja motivoijana. Opettajan näyttämä malli innostua ja kiinnostua sai oppilaat myös näkyvämmin innostumaan toiminnasta.
(2017)Objectives The status of drama in education in the Finnish curriculum has got stronger during the last decade. Nevertheless, even though drama education has had a great amount of positive influence, it still doesn’t have a stable status of being a teaching tool for every teacher. Even though drama has plenty of good qualities, it still includes challenging issues and requires a lot from the teacher. Furthermore, it seems there aren’t much material available for teachers to offer them ideas. This research’s objectives is to analyze the teacher’s role in teaching drama education and find the challenges written in teacher’s guidebook for drama education. The research focuses especially on drama tools, because they are the most important factors of organizing drama in school. In addition, the aim of this research is to encourage teachers to use drama in their own class and give multiple ideas about active learning. Methods. This research was qualitative. Research method was a content analysis, where a written document, a teacher’s guide for drama education, was analyzed. Drama tools founded in the teacher’s guide were categorized. The guidebook was written by Tapio Toivanen, who is a drama education teacher and a lecturer in the University of Helsinki Teacher Education. Results and conclusions. Based on this research, the teacher’s role in drama education is to motivate, encourage and listen the pupils and appreciate their ideas by supporting them, both in verbal communication and non-verbal communication. As the pupils get more skillful, the teacher’s role comes less visible, and the children themselves have more of the responsibility. The challenges in drama education based on this research are mental and physical safety, lesson planning, technical drama teaching skills, evaluation and group mastering skills.
(2016)Teaching in basic education is based on the national core curriculum. The new core curriculum will be introduced in schools in 2016. This provoke a lot of discussion also among craft teachers. In the new core curriculum instructions encompasses technical- and textile-work contents. The objective of this thesis was to gather craft teachers´ opinions, ideas and views about the new curriculum. The main purpose was to find out the aspects which will cause changes in handicraft lessons. The theoretical section considers different curriculums from craft teachers´ point of view. Teachers and pupils’ roles and the changes in these roles caused by the new curriculum are explored in this section. The increasing meaning of multimateriality, experimentality and innovativeness will be emphasized. In addition the role of creativity will be increased in future. The data were collected from two craft teachers in years 7-9. The topic of the theme-centered interview was the changes stated in the new core curriculum concerning to handicrafts. There were 20 questions defined beforehand to keep the focus on the topic but the questions were tailored during the interviews. The interviews were recorded and transcribed. The data were analysed using a qualitative content analysis. The respondents stated that along with the new curriculum, teacher’s role, pupil´s role, cur-riculum and creativity will be the aspects that define the works in handicraft lessons. The re-sults suggest that teacher´s role will be changed a lot concerning to the works done in the lessons. Pupils will have more decision making power of what they want to do in handicraft lessons which raised concerns among the respondents. The role of the pupil’s is stongly as-sociated with her motivations. Creativity was seen as a challenging issue. The respondents stated that pupils are not able to plan and work without given instructions. New curriculum changes in teaching and it seemed difficult. On the other hand new curriculum were seen in a positive light as it allows pupils design their works in handicraft lessons which may develope creativity. The all-encompassing handicraft stated in the new curriculum which consists of developing ideas, designing and planning products, production and assessment was seen quite challenging to carry out. The findings indicate that the new curriculum causes uncer-tainty, worries and even fear among the craft teachers.
(2020)Tavoitteet. Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan, millaisia toimintatapoja varhaiskasvatuksen opettajat toteuttavat kiusaamistilanteissa sekä niiden ehkäisemisessä. Tutkimuksessa selvitän, miten varhainen puuttuminen toteutuu opettajien työssä, eli millaisten toimintatapojen avulla tuetaan lapsen turvallista kasvua ja kehitystä päiväkodeissa. Tutkimuskysymykset ovat seuraavat: 1. Millaisia toimintatapoja varhaiskasvatuksen opettajat toteuttavat kiusaamistilanteissa päiväkodissa? 2. Millä tavoin varhaiskasvatuksen opettajat ennaltaehkäisevät kiusaamista päiväkodissa? Menetelmät. Valitsin tutkimusmenetelmäkseni laadullisen tutkimuksen, sillä sen avulla kykenin selvittämään haastatteluihin osallistuneiden varhaiskasvatuksen opettajien henkilökohtaiset toimintatavat kiusaamistilanteissa ja niiden ehkäisemiseksi mahdollisimman kattavasti. Aineistonkeruumenetelmäni oli puolistrukturoitu teemahaastattelu, joka mahdollisti joustavan ja avoimen keskusteluyhteyden haastattelijan ja haastateltavan välille. Jokainen haastatteluun osallistunut varhaiskasvatuksen opettaja oli työskennellyt varhaiskasvatuksen kentällä vähintään kymmenen vuoden ajan. Tutkimusaineiston analyysin toteutin aineistolähtöisesti teemoitellen. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tutkimustulokset korostavat varhaisen puuttumisen merkitystä kiusaamisen ehkäisemisessä varhaiskasvatuksen opettajan työssä. Havainnoimalla lapsiryhmää jatkuvasti, pystytään puuttumaan välittömästi mahdolliseen kiusaamiseen. Aikuisen jatkuvan läsnäolon avulla tuetaan lasten vapaata leikkiä ja siinä ilmeneviä haastavia konfliktitilanteita. Kiusaamista ehkäistään vahvasti tukemalla lapsen sosiaalisia taitoja ja panostamalla aikuisen ja lapsen väliseen vuorovaikutukseen. Myös yhteistyö vanhempien kanssa ja pedagogisen toiminnan suunnittelu nousevat merkittäviksi toimintatavoiksi. Luottamuksen merkitys kaikissa kiusaamisen ehkäisemisen toimintatavoissa todettiin olevan korvaamaton.
(2018)The aim of my literature review is to clarify the language learning concept and to find the theory behind some well-functioning methods. I studied language learning as a social interaction event, relying on the sociocultural approach and the concept of agency. The literature review highlighted the role of the student and the teacher as they acted as active and knowledgeable actors in communal interaction. The purpose was not to measure phenomena, but rather to try to find common ground in practice. With my research question I study what kind of views the sociocultural approach emphasizes in language teaching, what are the terms of agency for learning the language and how can agency be understood as a language learning tool? The sociocultural approach and theory have gained a strong foothold in the study of language learning. According to the situated cognition theory, learning is social, as people learn in interaction with each other. Today, the teacher's role is emphasized as a modifier of the learning environment and as an organizer of collaborative learning opportunities. Language learning is considered important at an early stage of life and I wanted to find out what kind of activities would give children the best possible start for language learning. Agency from the sociocultural point of view can promote new ways of teaching the language. Agency as a language tool introduces a new concept of teaching and learning. As a method in my study I used a systematic literature review, which requires the mutual logic of research sources. According to Kumpulainen (2008, p. 7), the most important research results can be building of common language, the coordination of theories and the concepts, and reconciliation questions based on them to solve the research problems. This was set as a target in the results section of my literature review. The challenge for the school is to build a pedagogical culture, which ensures opportunities for active participation and agency. Understanding the agency as a tool for learning a language promotes new kinds of opportunities for developing language learning methods.
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