Browsing by Subject "osaaminen"
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(2019)The nature and way of working have changed due to changes in society. As result, perceptions of learning and the skills needed in the work are changing. Well-functioning cooperation between educational institutions and working life is seen as integral in competence development. Working life orientation is a term, which refers to the above-mentioned co-operation. Firstly, the aim of this literature review is to focus on the definitions of working life orientation in context of higher vocational education. Secondly, the objective is to describe the real-life cooperation between higher education and professional life and what the future outlook looks like. The study material consists of Finnish academic studies prepared in the 21st century. Based on the literature review, the concept of working life orientation is used in many ways in different contexts. In general, the concept is used in describing the university of applied science, in the justification for its necessity and in the definition of its function in society. Concretely, the concept is used to describe the cooperation and various forms of education and working life. The working life orientation describes the activities of the university of applied science, such as the design and implementation of the curriculum and the content of teaching. At the individual level, the working life orientation is examined from the perspective of the number and quality of the personal working contacts of teachers and students. This also relates to the success of recruiting and employing students. In addition, the working life orientation was also accompanied with the activity of employer representatives in the planning, evaluation and involvement in education. Cooperation between education and working life appears to be useful according to many studies. However, in practice the targets of the co-operation seem not to materialise. The co-operation seems to lack planning, uniform practices and continuity. The solution to this could be to increase the orientation of all parties involved in education and in student and working life to focus on new knowledge-creation. On the other hand, the studies criticize that the economic growth and competitive advantage targets have an adverse effect on the educational politics.
(2017)The aim of the study was to examine individuals’ own experiences and views about the changes that digitalization has brought to work. In addition, the aim of the study was to find out what kind of competence requirements the digitalization of work causes to the employees and what kind of changes will affect to the individual’s competence development. The study was justifiable since digitalization transforms the working life comprehensively and causes changes in many different levels. Digitalization also influences the ways in which work is done and thus reflects on the skills and competences needed in the work. In the study, the phenomenon was studied at the level of individuals since the individual-level perspective of the phenomenon has been studied little. The study was a qualitative study, based on the employees' own experiences. The research data was collected with a semi-structured thematic interview by interviewing five employees. All the interviewees had a master degree, but their fields of study differed from each other. The interviewees worked in different job positions and all interviewees had at least two years work experience after graduation. The starting point for the analysis was the material-based content analysis since the interviewees' own voice wanted to be heard. The study results showed that changes in the work environment were mainly experienced positively, although some negative aspects were faced with the blurring of working hours and IT-problems. The skills needed at work was also felt to change rapidly. The analysis showed that generic skills were strongly raised as a core competence in daily work. The research showed that to respond to the changes brought by digitalization, own competence has to be actively developed. Additionally, the importance of competence development was recognized.
(2022)Suomalaisen opettajankoulutuksen tarkoituksena on kouluttaa itsenäisiä ja kriittisesti ajattelevia opetustyön asiantuntijoita, minkä vuoksi kotitalousopettajia voisi luonnehtia kotitalouden oppiaineen erityisosaajiksi. Perusopetussuunnitelmassa määritellyn kotitalouden oppiaineen ruokaosaamisen ja ruokakulttuurin sisältöalueen pohjalta kotitalousopettajilta odotetaan ruokaan ja ravitsemukseen liittyvien aihepiirien tuntemusta sekä ruoanvalmistus- ja leivontataitojen hallitsemista, mutta mahdolliset erot kotitalousopettajia kouluttavien yliopistojen opetussuunnitelmien välillä voivat antaa erilaisia valmiuksia eri yliopistoista valmistuville opettajille. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli tarkastella kotitalousopettajan koulutusta järjestävien suomalaisten yliopistojen opetussuunnitelmia sekä analysoida ruoka- ja ravitsemusosaamista kehittävien pakollisten opintojaksojen eroja ja yhtäläisyyksiä. Tutkimusmenetelmäksi valittiin laadullinen tutkimus ja tutkimusaineistoksi yliopistojen opetussuunnitelmat tai opinto-oppaat. Tutkimusaineisto analysoitiin koodaamalla opintojaksojen laajuuden, opintokokonaisuussidonnaisuuden ja suositeltujen suoritusajankohtien osalta sekä aineistolähtöisellä sisällönanalyysillä opintojaksojen sisältöjen osalta. Tutkimustulosten perusteella merkittävimmiksi eroiksi yliopistojen välillä nousivat opintojaksojen kokonaismäärä, yhteenlaskettu laajuus, opintojaksojen sijoittuminen eri opintovuosille, kestävän ruoan ja ruoan yhteiskunnallisuuden yläluokat sekä ruokakasvatuksen, ateriasuunnittelun ja erityisruokavalioiden alaluokat. Opintojaksoja yhdistivät viiden opintopisteen laajuus, opintojaksojen puuttuminen kolmannelta opintovuodelta, kotitaloustieteen opintokokonaisuussidonnaisuus sekä ruoanvalmistustaitojen, ravitsemuksen ja ruokakäyttäytymisen yläluokat. Suurin osa tutkimustuloksista sai tukea teoreettisessa viitekehyksessä esitetyistä teorioista. Tutkimuksen perusteella kotitalousopettajan ruoka- ja ravitsemusosaaminen on välttämätöntä ja siihen panostetaan kaikissa kolmessa yliopistossa, jokseenkin hieman eri tavoin ja erilaisilla painotuksilla. Tulevaisuudessa kotitalousopettajien koulutukseen keskittyvä tutkimus voisi tutkia opetussuunnitelmia laajemmin kuin vain ruoka- ja ravitsemusosaamista kehittävien opintojaksojen osalta.
(2016)The aim of this study was to examine kindergarten teachers' knowledge and expertise produced by two separate study programmes, because currently it's possible to graduate to a kindergarten teacher in Finland via university or polytechnic. My subject of research was the University of Helsinki's Bachelor of Education and the Laurea University of Applied Sciences' Bachelor of Social Services. The method of this study was qualitative content analysis. The subject of examination was the public curriculums of the two study programmes mentioned above. This research's theoretic background was Karila's (1997) knowledge fields (raising, context, child and didacstical knowledge), which describe the central content of finnish kindergarten teachers' expertise. First, the courses were categorized into the different knowledge fields by their content. Then the study credits and the expertise produced by different studies and courses were examined in relation with Karila's knowledge fields. This study shows, that the asset of the University of Helsinki's Bachelor of Education's was didactical knowledge with 67 course credits (44%), where as Laurea University of Applied Sciences' Bachelor of Social Services' studies only had 10 course credits (5.6%) in didactical knowledge. On the other hand, Laurea's Bachelor of Social Services' asset was context knowledge with 120.5 course credits (66.9%), where as Bachelor of Education only had 15 course credits of studies relating to context knowledge. Similar research results has been gained also in other studies. According to the published analysis by OAJ (2003) Bachelor of Social Services and Bachelor of Education supplement each other in kindergarten's work assignments, however profiles based on different expertise should be dissociated from each other. Conclusion of this study is, that the field of early childhood education should recognize and utilize the differing emphasis of the two study programmes, for an example in the division of work.
(2016)The number of immigrant students has risen extremely during the last two decades in Finnish schools, but there still are not many studies about their competence. In my thesis I examine based on earlier studies how well immigrant students know mathematics in primary school and introduce factors which affect their competence. Additionally, I examine affective and cognitive factors and their effect on learning mathematics. I also introduce Wilson's (1970) taxonomy and Kilpatrick et al.'s (2001) intertwined strands of profiency for measuring competence in mathematics. I look for answers to my research questions by reading studies and articles and also by exploring other literature related to the topic. I found my sources by using well-known search engines, for example Nelli-portal, Google scholar and the University of Helsinki library's search engine. The earlier studies found out that immigrant students have lower mathematical competence than native population. It is socially concerning that one student group has lower competence than others. Mathematics is easily seen as a subject in which it is not important to know the language. However, the studies show that one of the most important factors in mathematical competence is knowing the language. Socio-economic background also affects competence in mathematics. Gender does not have a direct effect on mathematical competence but affective factors can indirectly affect mathematical competence in favor of the boys. It is interesting that immigrant students have a slighty more positive attitude towards mathematics than the native population in spite of lower mathematical competence.
(2017)Aims. This study analyses how valuation of mathematics and self-concept in mathematics are related to mathematical skills in primary school. This thesis relates to Eccles and colleagues (Wigfield & Eccless, 2002) expectancy-value theory in which self-concept and valuation in mathematics explains the student’s motivation. This theory separates the valuation of mathematics in intrinsic value, utility value and cost. The theory and aim of this thesis focused on the on-going international MatMoth project. The project examines 3rd grade pupils motivation factors connection to their mathematic skills Methods. This study is a literature review. The purpose of this thesis was to create an overview of results how motivation factors deal with mathematical skills. As sources I used national and international research reports. Results and conclusions. In primary school motivational factors hardly correlate with mathematical skills. This correlation increases trough out the duration of the primary school. Self-conceptions of mathematics have the strongest correlation to mathematical skills in primary school pupils. The strongest link found in the valuation field was that of intrinsic value connection to skills. Motivation factors causally correlate to mathematical skills in a bidirectional manner. In the other words motivation factors correlates with mathematical skills, and mathematical skills correlates with motivation factors. In conclusion it’s very important for teacher to support their pupils positive motivation and help progress of knowledge building and mathematical skills.
(2020)Tavoitteet. Kandidaatintutkielmani tarkoitus oli koostaa systemaattinen kirjallisuuskatsaus osaamisen kehittämisestä ja työhyvinvoinnista. Työelämän nopeat muutokset ovat asettaneet organisaatioille ja yksilöille vaatimuksen jatkuvasta toiminnan ja osaamisen kehittämisestä ja uudistamisesta kilpailukyvyn säilyttämiseksi. Kehittämällä organisaation toimintaa ja henkilöstön osaamista, parannetaan niin liiketaloudellista suoriutumiskykyä kuin työhyvinvointia. Jatkuva muutospaine ja muuttuvat osaamisvaatimukset voivat aiheuttaa myös työuupumusta. Tutkimuskysymykseni ovat: 1) Millaista tutkimusta on tehty osaamisen kehittämisestä työelämässä ja työhyvinvoinnista, ja miten tuloksissa nousee esille osaamisen kehittämisen ja työhyvinvoinnin väliset yhteydet? ja 2) Millaisia määritelmiä aineistossa nousee esille osaamisen kehittämisestä ja työhyvinvoinnista? Menetelmät. Toteutin kandidaatintutkielman systemaattisena kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Aineistoni tieteelliset artikkelit on hankittu Helka -tietokannasta artikkelihaulla. Aineiston analyysi on toteutettu sisällönanalyysin keinoin. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Henkilöstön osaamisen kehittämisen nähtiin olevan välttämätöntä organisaatioissa, jotta ne selviytyvät työelämän muutoksista ja haasteita ja säilyttävät kilpailukykynsä. Osaamisen kehittämisen keinot näyttäytyivät aineistossa lähinnä formaalisten oppimismenetelmien kautta. Osaamisen kehittämisen ja työhyvinvoinnin välillä oli positiivinen yhteys neljässä aineiston artikkelissa. Lopuissa artikkeleissa yhteyttä ei joko ollut tai se oli jopa negatiivinen.
(2016)Working life has changed significantly in recent decades. For example, the development in information technology, internationalisation, economic cycle, labour code and changes in organisations have affected the work of individual employees. The aim of this research was to understand the changes in working life from the point of view of Alko’s shop assistant. The empirical analysis of this article was based on theme interview data with three shop assistants working for Alko. The data set was collected in autumn 2010. All of the interviewees were approaching retirement age and had all done a long career in Alko. The main research question was: How does a shop assistant with a long career in Alko see the changes in their work? I transcribed the voice recorded interview data after which I analysed the data drawing on data based content analysis. All the interviewees experienced that their way of working has changed. These changes occurred in different sectors of working life and during different periods of time. Some of the reported changes had happened slowly within a long period of time but some of the changes had occurred in a relatively short and specific time period, such as at the time of the depression of the 1990s. In my research, the changes were divided into four themes: work pace, customer demands, competence and changes in the organisation. On the one hand, the changes in working life have made work more likeable but on the other hand more demanding and more laborious. The changes in work have been researched in many fields for example from the point of view of economics and well-being at work. In the future, it would be interesting to investigate using a wider data and interview set how different generations see the changes in their work, and incorporate these findings to a wider field of competence and working life.
Now showing items 1-8 of 8