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  • Laine, Sonja (2016)
    Objectives. The purpose of this study was to determine trained educational staff views and experi-ences of special education and its implementation in day care centers. In theory, the research efforts have been made to describe the special education sub-area daycare as versatile as possible. In the-ory deals with, among other things, how the specific needs detected, the specific needs of children can be and how special education is carried out. Special education is looked at and it realization of early childhood education plans and breeders were asked, among other things, how well they feel studied early childhood education plans. The questionnaire asks whether the share of special educa-tion criteria, as well as in municipal day-care center in their own plans for early childhood educa-tion plan. One goal was also to find out what is special education educators view. Methods. The study took part in the trained early childhood professionals, who worked in the pro-cess of municipal day-care centers. The study was conducted a questionnaire and participation in it was voluntary. Answering took place anonymously, and no clear results of the survey respondents' identity. Background The data were asked to tell the professional, as well as gender and kindergar-ten, which employs. Total study involved 16 educators. The analysis followed the principles and material motified EV-mended form of content analysis. Results and conclusions. The participants felt that they had a moderate or fairly well informed about plans for early childhood education and special education. The questionnaire respondents described the special education and its implementation so that all of the research presented in theory concepts rose out at least once. It was considered important, inter alia, education, partnership, multi-profes-sional and individual attention to the child's position and facing. High-quality early childhood edu-cation was seen as the best take the form of special education. This means planning, operations, and brought the child's holistic encounter.
  • Sierilä, Sanna (2021)
    Tämän kirjallisuuskatsauksena toteutetun kandidaatintutkielman tarkoituksena on tarkastella aikuisen ja lapsen välistä kasvatusvuorovaikutusta varhaiskasvatuksessa. Tutkimustehtävänä on selvittää tekijöitä kohtaamisten dialogisuuden taustalla. Erityi-senä kiinnostuksenkohteena on kasvatusvuorovaikutuksesta piirtyvät dialogisuuden narratiivit, aikuisten ja lasten välisten kohtaamisten juonet sekä näiden kulttuuriset jäsennykset. Tutkielman kannalta oli oleellista tarkastella kasvatusta kasvattajan intentionaalisena toimintana. Tutkimus nojasi sosiokulttuuriseen näkökulmaan, jossa lapsi nähdään kulttuurin ja historiallisen kontekstin omaavana oppijana, ja joka kehittyy etenkin vuorovaikutuksessa aikuisten kanssa. Keskeiset käsitteet olivat kasvatusnäkemys, dialoginen filosofia, tunnustussuhde ja valta. Tarkasteltavana oli kolme vuonna 2007 tai sen jälkeen julkaistua väitöskirjaa Hel-singin Yliopistosta. Aineistona toimi yksi tekstikatkelma jokaisesta väitöskirjasta. Katkelmat analysoitiin juonianalyysin avulla. Juonien tarkkailun kautta pyrittiin tul-kitsemaan kasvatusvuorovaikutuksessa vaikuttavaa dialogisuutta valtarakenteiden, toimintatapojen ja arvojen kautta. Tutkimusstrategia oli narratiivinen, jolloin tutkiel-massa oli mahdollisuus syventyä aineistoon siitä ymmärrettävissä ja tulkittavissa olevien tarinoiden kautta. Juonianalyysin tulokset osoittavat, että avun pyytäminen ja avun saaminen ovat yksi merkittävimmistä dialogisen kohtaamisen areenoista varhaiskasvatuksessa. Kolmesta juonesta kahdessa valtaa pitävä aikuinen esiintyi spesialistiauktoriteettina, joka tu-losten mukaan mahdollisti lasten valtaistumisen ja dialogisen yhdessäolon muodon kasvatuksen sivistys- sosialisaatio- ja identiteettitehtävien toteuttamisen ohella.
  • Kopalina-Kirsi, Anna (2016)
    The aim of this study is to examine parents' experiences of day-care practices in the home of a child who has Down syndrome. The study focuses on co-operation between parents and day-care before the start of day-care and parental experiences about the need for these practices. Related research material is very scarce, so the test is very theory-oriented. The study used both qualitative and the quantitative research features in parallel. The study was carried out with an online questionnaire for parents whose child is in day-care, and that has been diagnosed with Down syndrome. Respondents were a total of 34, of which 18 ended up in the examination answer. The survey had open and structured questions to measure parents' opinions and experiences. The results have been analyzed by themeing open answers and classifying structured answers. The results show that the initial practices of day-care for special children come true in versatile manner. Primary nursing has been adopted well in day care and educational partnership is a familiar term to all the parents. Parents had plenty of time to explore both the day care staff, the practices of the group. Multi-professional educational team was mostly present in the childs matters from the beginning. The study showed that the most important thing for parents in day care is a knowledgeable and professional staff. In addition, questions arose as an important warm attitude towards the special child, who must be a natural part of the everyday life of the group to integrate on a normal day-care group.
  • Väänänen, Jenna (2016)
    This study is meant to examine the variety of opinions of educators (kindergarten teachers,childminders) about one group of children in day care. The goal is to find if educators that work with one group of children see the same three (3) children alike. This study collects the opinions of one team of kindergarten educators together to compare them with each other. Research questions are 1. How do the members of the team describe the children of the group? and 2. How do these opinions about children differ or support each other? Results are formed out of individual interviews answers, which are observed from human’s individuality’s perspective, considering characteristics such as temperament and personality. Categories of temperament and development of personality are presented in this study’s theory for their influence to educators’ findings and opinions about children. In this study both the children’s and educator’s individuality is emphasized, and it also brings different perspectives to the material. Earlier studies have shown that human’s individuality affects to interactions development and its maintenance. There is also research that shows how teachers opinion of a child affects how teacher evaluates the child, and therefore also child’s identity. This study emphasizes the importance of professional attitude. One kindergarten group in metropolitan area took part in this study. There are three educators working in that group; two kindergarten teachers and one childminder. Research material was collected with individual interviews alone with each team member (3). Children to this study were picked coincidentally, and according to these children the educators answered to 12 same questions. In coincidence all three children were boys. In addition to these ready-made questions interviewees were asked to exemplify some of their answers with examples of situations. The interviews were recorded and transcribed, after which they were categorized and analyzed. In results the team turned out to be quite similar according to their answers and opinions about the children were alike. A couple of the answers were different but any great contrasts weren’t found for example between educators or between a particular child and educator. One child separated educator’s opinions more than two other children. By all appearances the team is close, cooperative and familiar with the children.
  • Laasanen, Tuomas (2021)
    Tavoitteet. Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena on tarkastella sitä kuvaa tai kuvia, jota suomalaisesta varhaiskasvatuksesta muodostui merkittävässä uutismediassa poikkeuksellisena ajanjaksona. Näkökulmia ja käsityksiä suomalaisesta varhaiskasvatuksesta on tutkittu aiemmin, mutta vertaisarvioidun tutkimuksen, jossa muodostumisessa huomioidaan myös median rooli, löytäminen osoittautui haasteelliseksi. Tässä tutkielmassa pyrin vastaamaan tutkimuskysymykseen: Millaisista näkökulmista suomalaisesta varhaiskasvatuksesta puhutaan Helsingin Sanomien verkkouutisoinnissa koronapandemian aikana? Menetelmät. Tutkimukseni oli luonteeltaan laadullinen. Aineistoni koostui Helsingin Sanomien 18.3–14.5.2020 välisenä aikana verkkosivuillaan julkaisemasta 37 artikkelista, jotka löytyivät hakusanoilla varhaiskasvatus ja korona. Tietoa uutisoinnissa esiintyvistä, suomalaista varhaiskasvatusta koskevista näkökulmista tarkastelin sisällönanalyysin avulla. Analyysimenetelmäni nojasi abduktiiviseen eli teoriaohjaavan päättelyn logiikkaan, jossa jokin tietty johtoajatus ja aineistosta tehdyt havainnot yhdistämällä muodostetaan teoria. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Aineiston keskeiset näkökulmat oli mahdollista jakaa neljään pääluokkaan, jotka olivat terveys, taloudelliset resurssit, yhteiskunnan toiminta ja varhaiskasvatuksen rooli. Analyysiyksikkönä toimineiden ajatuskokonaisuuksien eri pääluokkien kesken jakautumisen tarkastelu osoitti terveyden (95 kpl) nousseen voimakkaimmin esiin, kun taas taloudelliset resurssit (29 kpl), yhteiskunnan toiminta (20 kpl) ja varhaiskasvatuksen rooli (23 kpl) ilmenivät Helsingin Sanomien uutisoinnissa lähes samansuuruisena edustuksena. Tarkastelussa oli tärkeää huomioida yhteiskunnallinen tilanne, jossa tutkittavaa aihetta käsiteltiin mediassa. Poikkeustilanne saattaa osaltaan tuoda esiin niin kaunistelemattomia ajatuksia varhaiskasvatuksen tehtävästä kuin kasvattaa siitä käytävää julkista keskustelua. Joka tapauksessa esiin nousee median rooli julkisuuden portinvartijana ja sen säätelijänä, mitä suomalaisesta varhaiskasvatuksesta sanotaan, ja kuka sen sanoo. Huomionarvoista aineistossa oli myös se, että lapset eivät päässeet kertomaan omista kokemuksistaan vaan äänessä olivat yksinomaan aikuiset. Lasten omat ajatukset ja näkökulmat koronapandemian aikaisesta varhaiskasvatuksesta jäävät uutisoinnissa kokonaan tavoittamatta.
  • Tervonen, Hennika (2017)
    The aim of my thesis was to find out how the LGBT families living in the Helsinki metropolitan area had experienced the day care of their children in 2008-2015. In my preliminary view, professional educators usually have positive attitudes towards LGBT families, although negative experiences are also found. Earlier research on LGBT families has shown that various practices in educational institutions have not been sufficiently considered from the point of view of the diverse needs of families. Because of heterosexist structures, sexual minorities have become “outsiders” in educational institutions and have that way been left out from the diverse idea of humanity. The glorification of heterosexuality has led to bullying of sexual minorities in schools. The same limited mindset has also been seen in day care where children are taught through stories and fairy tales that they will be expected to start a heterosexual nuclear family in future. The study material was collected from August to September 2016 through theme interviews. Three LGBT families participated in the study. All the families that participated in the study were originally families of lesbian couples. One of the thematic interviews was conducted as a parental interview in which both parents participated. Two other interviews were conducted as individual interviews. The material was analysed by content analysis. The results of the study confirmed my own preconception: attitudes towards LBGT families vary a great deal in the day care centres of the Helsinki metropolitan area. There are considerable differences in the quality of diversity education even within the same day care centre. How well LGBT families can be catered for in day care centres depends on how familiar the staff is with the family's special needs or dare discuss difficult issues. If the staff is not familiar with various types of the families, they cannot cater for their special needs in teaching. Based on the results, LGTB families are usually considered at the time of the father’s and mother's days, when the practices associated with the day are discussed together with the families.