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  • Nguyen, Cam huong (2019)
    Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää varhaiskasvatuksen opettajien näkemyksiä lasten tunnetaidoista ja miten niitä voidaan edistää 3–5-vuotiailla lapsilla. Tavoitteena oli saada tietoa lasten tunnetaidoista ja siitä, miten varhaiskasvatuksen opettaja voi edistää lasten tunnetaitojen kehitystä. Työn teoreettinen viitekehys koostuu tunteisiin ja tunnetaitoi-hin liittyvistä erilaisista tutkimuksista kuten Köngäs (2018). Hyödynsin tunnetaito-oppaita li-säämään ymmärrystä tunnetaidoista ja keinoista niiden edistämiseksi. Lisäksi käytin Var-haiskasvatussuunnitelman perusteita 2018 tässä tutkimuksessa tuomaan näkökulmaa siitä, miten ne velvoittavat edistämään ja tukemaan lasten tunnetaitoja. Tunnetaitojen, kuten tunteiden nimeämisen, ilmaisun ja säätelyn ongelmat näkyvät yhä enemmän varhaiskasvatusikäisillä lapsilla. Varhaiskasvatuksen opettajan tehtävänä on tu-kea lapsen tunnetaitoja. Tunnetaitoihin tulisi perehtyä jotta voisi alkaa edistämään niiden kehitystä tavoitteellisesti. Tutkimusta toteutettiin laadullisena tutkimuksena. Aineistoa hankittiin haastattelemalla kol-mea varhaiskasvatuksen opettajaa helsinkiläisistä päiväkodeista. Aineisto analysoitiin sisäl-lönanalyysin avulla. Tämän aineiston valossa näyttää siltä, että tunnetaitoja voidaan tukea varhaiskasvatukses-sa. Varhaiskasvatuksen opettaja voi vaikuttaa siihen olemalla sensitiivinen ja pyrkimällä tunnistamaan lasten tunnetaidot ja etsimällä keinoja tukea niitä. Haastattelujen perusteella näyttäisi, että 3–5-vuotiaiden tunnetaitojen kehittyminen on eritasoista, mikä vaikuttaa opet-tajien valitsemiin keinoihin toteuttaa tunnetaitojen opettelua ryhmässä. Haastateltavat toi-voisivat että tunnetaitomateriaaleja olisi enemmän saatavilla ja täydennyskoulutuksia tu-kemaan heidän tunnetaitojen osaamista.
  • Leskinen, Enni (2017)
    Objectives. Previous studies show that using music and songs in particular is an effective way to teach a new language to a child. Linguistically incompetent child may take part in a music moment and experience the feeling of achievement and belonging to a group. According to research it is also important to support the child's native language in order to make it possible to learn a new language. The objective of this research is to find out how do kindergarten teachers experience the use of songs as a tool in supporting language learning of 5 to 6-year-old children with Finnish as a second language. The research studied the tools used in supporting the learning of songs and mapped out kindergarten teachers' visions of themselves as an implementer of music pedagogy. Methods. This research was executed as a qualitative research. The research method was thematic interview and I interviewed five kindergarten teachers who work in the metropolitan area. Material's analytical method was content analysis. Findings and the conclusion. The kindergarten teachers experienced singing as a daily and significant way to teach language. Songs were appointed as the best method to teach language, for both children speaking Finnish as a native language and for those speaking Finnish as a second language. Each interviewee had experiences and examples of how linguistically incompetent children can express themselves by using songs. Children with Finnish as a second language, whose persuasion forbids music education or some parts of it, are taken into consideration especially during Christmas. Pictures and signs were definitely the most used methods supporting songs. In addition, the kindergarten teachers used methods of drama and physical education. Apart from one respondent the interviewees experienced the use of songs as "their thing" and told that they also have music related hobbies. None of the kindergarten teachers clearly brought out the way the native language of the child is supported. Arguing the use of songs was left at a practical stage. With additional research, it is possible to find out how kindergarten should support the child's own culture and the development of their native language.
  • Lähdesmäki, Maria (2016)
    The goal of this thesis was to point out such faults that may occur with day care’s child welfare notifications when observed through parental partnership’s definition. Besides parental partnership’s definition and diversity, such laws, regulations and guides were took under observation that leads the day care personnel in the process of making child welfare notifications. The meaning of this study was to also clarify how the conversation arenas that the internet and social media offers function with such delicate matters as child welfare notifications. There has been no earlier research with this specific perspective. The research material for this thesis was collected from the internet’s Suomi24–conversation arena. A single conversation was selected for this research with alleged accusations regard-ing a child welfare notification been done with loose or unfounded grounds. The research method used in this thesis was qualitative case study. The research material was analysed using qualitative method of originating from the content. The results of this research showed that in this case study there had been no dialogue be-tween the day care’s personnel and the child’s mother about the worries considering the child before the child welfare notification had been made. With this action it was conducted as a violation of parental partnership’s definition and principles and was found insulting to the par-ent. The results for the reasons leading towards the child welfare notification were seen both subjective and insufficient. As to the role of the internet and social media as a conversational arena, they were found to offer such possibilities to produce and share personal meaning that one would not share face to face. The anonymity offered by the internet gives the op-portunity to share confidential and personal matters but still managing to save ones face. Internet is providing a possibility to claim to be an expert on a certain field without other users questioning ones expertise.
  • Jokio, Minna; Jokio, Minna (2018)
    Tiivistelmä - Referat - Abstract The purpose of this study was to find out how to support children to make spontaneously music in the kindergarten environment. The study focused on the factors that can support the children making music. There has been a lot of research about the situations children begin to make music spontaneously. The researchers have found out that children often sing and make music while doing something else for example while they are drawing or dancing. These researches have also shown the importance of a supportive teacher giving the children time, space and examples how to make music. This study has been implemented as a qualitative research and the material has been collected by interviewing three kindergarten teachers from three different kindergarten in the capital region of Finland. The interviews were made in Summer 2013. The material was analysed by categorizing the answers. The results showed that the kindergarten teachers valued the professional skill of the pedagogic educator. The interviewees thought the educators know how to observe the children and how to plan and carry out activities adaptively but they also know how to listen to the children. They also answered that children often made music everywhere and at any time during the day. The interviewees thought it was important to change the practices in such a way it would support the children making music. It was seen important to listen to the children and their thoughts also when making changes in the physical environment. It was also seen important that musical instruments and recorders could be available to children in the kindergarten environment.
  • Hovio, Eerika (2018)
    The purpose of the study was to find out how a kindergarten teacher supports the peer relations of children under the age of three during playtime. There is a good amount of prior studies on peer relations, and they cover working in a peer group, as well as the effect of peer relations on development and supporting them in a kindergarten. The study aims to find different ways to support peer relations between children during playtime, and to find out how they can be influenced by a kindergarten teacher. In addition, the study seeks to gather information on the significance of a kindergarten in the formation of peer relations. The material for my qualitative case study was collected from a kindergarten group for under three-year-old children from Helsinki during January 2018. The main collecting method I used was interviews, which I supported by observing their play. I collected the material on two consecutive days. On the first day I observed a group with eleven children. During their play, I paid special attention to how the kindergarten teacher supported the peer relations between the children. I also took note of how actively they took part in the play. On the second day, I observed and interviewed the teacher of the group. The interview was conducted using a half-structured interview. I analysed the data in two phases. First, I organised the data by the themes that appeared on them. Finally, I grouped the results into the means for a kindergarten teacher to support peer relations during play, the forming and significance of peer relations in kindergarten, conscious pondering of peer relations, and supporting them in other activities. The result was that the kindergarten teacher supported peer relations between the children during playtime and consciously took them into account when, for example, planning small-group activities and during moments. The teacher felt that improving group spirit was important and that it supported peer relations. The conclusion is that children need positive experiences of belonging in a peer group, because the feeling of belonging in a group is significant for the development of a child. In a group of peers, the child learns important skills for their social life, such as waiting for their turn while speaking. Furthermore, the physical and functional environment affect the peer relations between children in a concrete manner. Therefore, it is important for a kindergarten teacher to form an environment that supports peer relations by considering how to place different plays in the space.
  • Hurri, Meira (2017)
    The purpose of this study was to gather information on what kind of experiences there are from the use of drama education in the Finnish early childhood education and pre-school education. The objective was to review existing studies, about the use of drama education from the perspective of children’s participation. The research problem was to find out how children's participation takes place and how kindergarten teacher supports children's participation in drama. Principles of drama education can be seen as supporting children's participation, but research data on its use in kindergartens is scarce. The purpose of this study is to increase knowledge about drama education benefits in supporting children's participation and to encourage kindergarten teachers to use drama education in their own work. Systematic literature review policies have been used in this study. Final studies for the literature review were selected using acceptance and exclusion criteria. The final studies are three Finnish doctoral studies. All the doctoral studies are individual case studies of the use of drama education in kindergarten. The original material was examined from the perspective of the research questions. They were analysed using content analysis methods, and the results were compiled together. All primary studies showed that drama was supporting children’s participation. Drama activities were characterized by children's opportunity to contribute, of children’s and adults’ collaboration, sense of community and the opportunity for individual participation. From kindergarten teacher the drama education required good pedagogic skills, commitment in the planning and implementation of the drama, daring to indulge in drama and courage to let go of the traditional authority position, flexibility, presence and sensitivity. The length of processes and kindergarten teachers’ previous experiences in the use of drama influenced in the results. The basis of this literature review was that drama education is a good way to enable child’s experience of participation and enhance a sense of community in the kindergarten.
  • Norberg, Taru (2017)
    This research explores the experiences of nursing and teaching staff in Helsinki's Early Childhood Education area about unprofessionality and its emergence in the interaction between the adult and the child. Based on my experience and previous research, it can be stated that the documents guide early childhood education practice very loosely and interpretatively. Both, unconscious and conscious, decision making and value basis and their interpretation development, causes variation in the quality of work in an early education settings and, also between workers.   It was interesting to find out what the nursing and education staff think is unprofessional, about how they felt when they had to intervene, and how the responses showed the theoretical starting point for a high-quality educational interaction. However, day-care staff are expected to be familiar with the legislation and documents governing the field. This is a phenomenographic mixed method research, which is a one-time transversal survey. The material was collected with an E-questionnaire from one of Helsinki's early childhood area.  54 early childhood educators answered the questionnaire. The material was analyzed using content analysis and separation. The results showed that the respondents recognized unprofessional situations, but they had difficulty and variation in evaluation the gravity of the situation. Respondents also found it difficult to respond to unprofessional situations. The lack of agreed policies in their work community, lack of theoretical knowledge and understanding of the basis of legislation and documents, that creates the foundation of quality interaction between a child and an adult, makes intervention problematic and difficult. The results showed that there were deficiency in professional knowhow, communication as well as in the operating culture and leadership.
  • Sivula, Jenna (2020)
    Tavoitteet. Oppimisympäristöillä on keskeinen merkitys lapsen kasvulle, kehitykselle ja oppimiselle, minkä takia on tärkeää, että oppimisympäristöihin kiinnitetään huomiota päiväkodeissa. Oppimisympäristö on sekä käsitteenä että ilmiönä hyvin laaja-alainen, sillä se voidaan jakaa useisiin eri osa-alueisiin, jotka voivat vaihdella kontekstista riippuen. Tästä johtuen myös oppimisympäristöihin ja sen osa-alueisiin liittyvät näkemykset voivat vaihdella hyvinkin paljon. Tässä tutkimuksessa oppimisympäristön osa-alueiksi on määritelty fyysinen, psyykkinen ja sosiaalinen osa- alue Varhaiskasvatussuunnitelman perusteiden pohjalta. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, millaisena oppimisympäristön fyysinen sekä psyykkinen ja sosiaalinen osa-alue kuvataan päiväkotien toiminnan kuvauksissa. Menetelmät. Tutkimusaineistona olivat Vantaan kaupungin päiväkotien toiminnan kuvaukset toimintakaudelta 2018-2019. Kyseiseltä toimintakaudelta toiminnan kuvauksia oli yhteensä 90 kappaletta ja ne kerättiin Vantaan kaupungin verkkosivuilta syksyllä 2019. Aineistonkeruussa on hyödynnetty määrittelemiäni kriteereitä sekä satunnaisotantaa. Varsinainen tutkimusaineisto muodostui yhteensä 20 toiminnan kuvauksesta. Tutkimus on toteutettu laadullisena tutkimuksena ja tutkimusaineiston analysointimenetelmänä on hyödynnetty teoriaohjaavaa sisällönanalyysia. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Toiminnan kuvauksissa oppimisympäristön fyysistä osa-aluetta kuvattiin päiväkodin ja piha-alueen, välineiden, esineiden ja materiaalien sekä laajennetun oppimisympäristön osalta. Kuvauksista ilmeni, että fyysisen oppimisympäristön nähdään toimivan toiminnan mahdollistajana, toiminnan tukijana sekä oppimisympäristöjen rikastajana. Oppimisympäristön psyykkiseen ja sosiaaliseen osa-alueeseen liittyvät maininnat kuvasivat päiväkodin psyykkistä ilmapiiriä, vuorovaikutussuhteita, toimintaa määrittäviä periaatteita, lasten osallisuutta sekä päiväkodin yhteistoimintaa. Toiminnan kuvauksissa psyykkinen ja sosiaalinen oppimisympäristö kuvataan psyykkisen hyvinvoinnin ja oppimisen tukijana, aktiivisen toimijuuden tukijana sekä päiväkodin yhteisöllisyyden vahvistajana. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa ilmeni kuvauksia, joissa päiväkodin oppimisympäristöä kuvattiin molempien sekä fyysisen että psyykkisen ja sosiaalisen osa-alueiden osalta. Nämä kuvaukset kuvasivat oppimisympäristön suunnittelua, rakentamista ja kehittämistä sekä oppimisympäristön kokonaisvaltaista turvallisuutta, ja ne muodostivat käsitteen oppimisympäristö kokonaisuutena.
  • Rinta-Paavola, Salla (2017)
    The purpose of this thesis is to get more information about parents’ perceived trust towards kindergartens. This study will find out which themes concerning kindergarten are calling forth discussion in the internet web sites among parents of pre-schoolers. Besides that the study aims to delineate how the trust is manifested in the internet discussions. The new document of the grounds of early childhood education is coming into effect in the autumn 2017. The importance of cooperation with parents is emphasized in this document. Educators have to be conscious of parents’ opinions and be able to develop methods of cooperation with the help of that. Previous surveys have pointed out that parents’ trust towards Finnish early childhood education is quite strong. Research data in this thesis was written material in internet. The research material consisted of 23 message chains containing 1–38 messages. The messages were written during August and September 2016. The material was assembled in and –internet discussion areas. The thesis was executed with qualitative methods by content analysis. The material showed that parents were discussing about ways of action in separate kindergartens, characters of workers and security of kindergartens. In addition of that they inquired opinions about separate kindergartens from each other. Other families’ ways of action and public reporting news of kindergartens was also called forth discussion. The material showed that parents often perceived distrust towards kindergartens. In spite of that they trusted they have chance to influence and the principals could help if needed. The research results differ greatly from earlier findings. These results extend people’s knowledge about parents’ trust towards kindergartens. The trust is not so unambiguous that earlier findings show. The realistic picture of parents’ perceived trust towards kindergarten could be formed by studying the situation by using varied range of research methods.
  • Jauhiainen, Susanna (2017)
    The purpose of this study was to describe what level of sensitivity personnel of kindergarten works when under 3-years old child arrive to kindergarten. In addition on this study researched was there difference on level of sensitivity between different educations by kindergarten personnel. Purpose was also to describe in what ways sensitivity interaction is mentioned in documents witch instruct action in kindergarten. Earlier studies have indicated that education of kindergarten personnel affects to level of sensitivity and that sensititivity interaction increase quality of early childhood education. That’s why it was necessary got more information on what level of sensitivity kindergarten personnel works and what is the signification of education and documents witch instruct action. This was qualitative research. Methods of data collection was non-pariticipant structured observation and completed documents. Observated data was analysed as a indicator of Adult Engagement Scale (AES), take noticed only level of sensitivity. Completed documents analysed as a data analysis method. This study achieved at three different kindergartens. On each kindergartens there was one kindergartenteacher and one children’s nurse who participated on study. In addition completed documents was data of this study. Outcome of study was that kindergartenteachers and works at high level of sensitivity when they receive under 3-years old child to kindergarten. According this study kindergartenteachers worked higher level of sensitivity than nannys, because usually measured level of sensitivity was level 5 at kindergartenteachers and level 4 at children’s nurses. On documents witch intruct action in kindergarten, came out that mentions of sensitivity was more concrete on one document (1) than other documents (2,3). This showed also that person who had highest level of sensitivity worked on kindergarten whose document mentioned sensitivity strongly.
  • Häkkänen, Matias (2016)
    Objective. In the thesis the learning environments of two Norwegian kindergartens and schools are observed and studied. The Norwegian kindergarten act and education act are opened for discussion. Especially the links between the values presented in the acts with the corresponding field of education are emphasized. Procedure. The data for the thesis was collected by observing two Norwegian kindergartens and schools in the Spring 2016. To support the observation the staff was interviewed. The learning environments of the kindergartens and schools are being analyzed through the theory of Kopko, which discusses the effect of crowding, noise and quality of neighborhood. The construction of social skills in childhood is also viewed through Stig Brorström’s theory of childhood construction. Results and Conclusion. Connections were found between the acts and the kindergartens and schools. The Norwegian kindergarten act and both kindergartens observed emphasize care, play, respect for human and nature, equality, solidarity and creativity. The schools ob-served named Koulu1 and Koulu2 focused on knowledge and skills presented in the Nor-wegian education act. Also equality and solidarity listed in the school act was emphasized with Koulu1. The students should be couraged to solve problems together and share their knowledge. The process of learning is ought to aim at a shared experience, where the skills of an individual are brought to day light and being developed further with the peers.
  • Kotro, Anne (2017)
    In Finland bullying has been researched mainly in a school context. Based on a slight scien-tific knowledge it has come out that bullying occurs already amongst under school-aged chil-dren and educators of kindergartens don’t have enough knowledge to recognize or prevent it. The purpose of this bachelor’s thesis in education was to examine and represent an areal view on bullying as a phenomenon: what kind of views the educators of kindergartens have on bullying, its prevention and intervention. It was also taken to notice whether the views of the educators differed from each other depending on the kindergarten unit. The theory of this study consists of the analysis of the concepts that are related to bullying as a phenomenon and the principles of bullying prevention and intervention. The aim was to reveal the charac-teristic features of bullying in kindergarten. This research is a qualitative phenomenografic case study. The data was collected by exam-ining 19 written action plans for preventing bullying. The action plans are composed by 19 kindergarten units in one south-east municipality in Finland. Each action plan is attached to each kindergarten units’ preschool and early childhood education year plan 2015–2016. The collected data was analyzed by retelling the content analysis. The data revealed that the educators of the examined kindergartens have quite a lot of infor-mation about bullying. The views of the educators about bullying were quite similar in spite of the kindergarten. It seemed that those views were based on the scientific knowledge rather than the myths of bullying. The prevention and intervention methods seemed to be appropri-ate for young children. The methods differed from each other a little depending on the kinder-garten unit. As a result of these findings it can be proposed that written action plans for pre-venting bullying can advance educators’ awareness of bullying.
  • Berggren, Vilma (2017)
    The aim of the study was to determine the state of art education in Finnish early childhood education from the point of view of art education and the daycare environment. The study is a descriptive literature review and aims to find out the role of art and visual arts in education and how visual arts education is reflected in Finnish early childhood education from the point of view of art education and the day care environment in the 21st century. The study creates an overview of the traditions of art education, the effects of modern and postmodern thinking on arts and art education and the theories developed for helping art education. The study studies the social and educational tasks and goals of art education. The study describes the kindergarten teacher as a visual arts educator and the kindergarten as a learning environment in visual art education. The research used literature sources on arts education and visual arts education and other research literature, Early Childhood Education Act (2015) and the Basics of Early Childhood Education Plan, which came into effect in 2017. The role of art was viewed in the study through the art's intrinsic value and its instru-mental value. The study found that the instrumental role of art is to act as a combiner of the inner and outer world of the child and as a contributor to the development of other areas of learning. The essence of art, it's intrinsic value, lies in the emotions and experiences which can be lived through art. The research showed that the identity of an art educator in early childhood education lies in the personal relationship between the kindergarten teacher and the perception of art and early childhood education. The art educator in early childhood education has a sensitive way to see the child and child's way of being, participating and engaging to the action. A sensitive art educator uses suitable pedagogic models in the right way and at the right moment. As a kin-dergarten teacher, he creates a shared cultural space with children. A kindergarten as a learning environment for visual arts education enables every child to engage in ac-tivities. Materials and tools are available to everyone. In such a learning environment, children act as active providers of knowledge and skills. Through this research, edu-cator in early childhood education becomes familiar with the traditions of art educa-tion, the art education and the kindergarten as a learning environment for visual arts education and gives new perspectives to their own relationship with art.
  • Rinkinen, Anni (2016)
    This is a qualitative study, applied with a phenomenographic view, where I observe Worldview Education in Early Childhood Education. The function of the study is to find out, what kind of perceptions do university educated kindergarten teachers have on Worldview Education. My objective was to build a general view on Worldview Education in kindergartens by researching the fundamental cultural and social aspects that effect it and also by researching the documents that regulate Early Childhood Education. In gathering the material, I used a half-structured interview. The results I got from the interviews, I compared in respect of my theoretical framework and on the previous results. My research questions are: 1. How do kindergarten teachers comprehend Early Childhood Education as a Worldview Education concept? 2. What kind of meaning does Worldview Education have on a child’s general growth and development in the opinion of kindergarten teachers? 3. What kind of a role do the kindergarten teachers feel they have as executors of Worldview Education? Based on the answers there formed three categories which proved the problem in the concept of multicultural, as in the kindergarten teachers view, the meaning of the concept was thought to be “others” beside the Christian religion. Conversations with the children were seen significant especially in the aspect of broadening the children’s worldview, foundation of safety and in the aspect of tolerance. The central challenge in the view of Worldview Education arose the uncertainty in respect of execution and the negative attitudes or secular mindsets that teachers encounter in the work environment. Significant result also was the possibility of delegating Worldview Education to employees of the Christian church. The findings of the research revealed the need of additional education for the kindergarten teachers, in cultural and worldview know-how, and the sensitivity in respect of them. On the other hand, the ambiguousness of the documents guiding early childhood education and the freedom concerning kindergartens operating procedure, has presumably had an increasing effect on the vast amount of different policies on worldview education.
  • Ojatalo, Juha (2018)
    This Bachelor’s thesis was aimed to find out, what kind of factors in working culture and in food education in Finnish daycare centres are affecting the realization of children’s educational potential in daily eating situation in daycare. Thesis was also aimed to research what factors in interaction makes daily eating situations smooth and pleasant for children. Research questions were: 1) what are the major factors that affect children’s food education in daily eating situations? and 2) in what way does interaction and working culture affect the realization of children’s educational potential in daily eating situations. There was not much prior research on subject in Finland. To apply international research to Finland is complicated, because many factors in eating depend on local culture and the differences in practises between countries are big. Method was literature review. Source material was searched in methods of systematic literature review. What was done in search was written so that this research could be repeated if necessary. Results were written in methods of narrative literature review, by giving out a picture of food education in Finnish daycare in general and of major factors that are affecting the quality of interaction and working culture. Results show that interaction is the major factor in food education. In the quality of interaction important is how the educator gives social and emotional support to the children. In daily eating situations there are many factors that can provoke challenging situations for educators. Challenging situations are connected to self-regulation skills that children are learning. Besides of giving social and emotional support to children it is important to give food education in age-appropriate ways. Children’s knowledge on food is different than adults in quality.
  • Harjola, Aava (2016)
    The purpose of this research is to find out the perceptions of parents about the selection of a bully victim i.e. why some children get bullied in a group of children, and some do not. It must be clarified, that the purpose of the research is not to find any reason for the justification of bullying, but to find information on how and on what account a bully chooses its victim. Earlier theories about bullying insist that the reasons behind bullying can be traced to the bully, not the victim. Even so, it must be brought to light that victims of bullying exist, and that they often resemble each other in some way or another. The main goal of this research is to find these commonalities, this time from the point of view of the parents. It will be interesting to see if these common features are something we can interfere with, in order to prevent being selected as a victim of bullying. The point of view of the parents is crucially important to this research, because attitudes towards bullying and victims of bullying, can be easily forwarded from parents to their children and so on into their peer relationships, without the parents intending to do so. In fact, one goal of the research was to see whether there could be seen a negative approach towards the victims of bullying in the answers of the parents, which could be forwarded to the children through their upbringing. It was as important to find out the parents opinions on the interference of bullying, and how it could be done. The research material was gathered during December 2015 with an online questionnaire. The questionnaire gained 183 answers from the parents of under school aged children, living in Helsinki. Phenomenography was used as the research method. The results of the research could be divided into three types of groups. Based on the results the selection of a victim of bullying happens coincidentally and for any reason. There are ways in which parents can interfere with the selection, but these ways are seen as dubious. Based on the results, the risk of getting bullied is twice as high with a child whose parents have been bullied, compared to a child whose parents have not been bullied.
  • Lindgren, Essi (2016)
    The goal of this study was to examine how much dissociative behaviour preschool teachers observe in 56 year old children in day care, what kind of dissociative behaviour the children exhibit in day care and in what kind of situations dissociation occurs. An additional goal was to investigate teachers’ perceptions of the reasons for dissociative behaviour in preschool children and the methods they use to respond. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were utilized in this study. Data was collected using an online questionnaire. The questionnaire comprised of The Child Dissociative Checklist, a validated measure of dissociation by MD Frank Putnam, and a set of open-ended questions. Research data consisted of 19 questionnaires filled by preschool teachers. The quantitative data was analysed using statistical analysis and the qualitative data using content analysis. The participants observed dissociative behaviour in 2 % of the 213 children in their classes, on average. One child (0,5 %) displayed more dissociative behaviour than is considered normal. The most common dissociative behaviours found were denying misbehaviour de-spite obvious evidence (9 %) and difficulties learning from experience (4,7 %). Other types of dissociation were observed in 03,3 % of the children. Most commonly, dissociation was used in interactive situations where conflict of some kind was involved. The teachers con-sidered dissociative behaviour to stem from emotional difficulties, attempts at self-regulation and getting in control, difficulties facing one’s own shortcomings, home environment or de-velopmental problems. They responded by reducing the child’s experience of shame when facing denying misbehaviour despite obvious evidence, difficulties learning from experience, rapid changes in personality or intense outbursts of anger. In case of hearing voices, re-gression or talking to oneself they resorted to normalizing the experience. Trance-like states, somatization and traumatic reactions were met with sensitivity without exception. Poor sense of time and variation in learned skills and preferences were taken into account using clear communication.
  • Mehtälä, Mikko (2022)
    Lasten fyysisen aktiivisuuden väheneminen ja liikkumattomuus ovat viime vuosikymmenet hallinneet yhteiskunnallista keskustelua lasten liikkumisesta. Lasten liikkumisen väheneminen on huolestuttavaa, sillä riittävä fyysinen aktiivisuus on todella tärkeässä roolissa lapsen kokonaisvaltaisen kehityksen ja hyvinvoinnin kannalta. Päiväkoti varhaiskasvatusympäristönä on paikka, missä lapsi viettää ison osan päivästään. Päiväkodeilla on myös oma roolinsa, kun lapsia kasvatetaan kohti liikunnallista elämäntapaa. Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastellaan, mitkä tekijät päiväkodissa lisäävät fyysistä aktiivisuutta ja mitkä tekijät taas ovat yhteydessä sen vähenemiseen. Tutkimuksessa tekijät on tarkemmin jaoteltu, Bronfenbrennerin ekologisen systeemiteorian näkökulman mukaan, yksilöllisiin tekijöihin, sosiaalisten suhteiden tekijöihin sekä fyysisen ympäristön tekijöihin. Systemaattisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen tarkan aineistonhaun sekä asetettujen sisäänotto- ja poissulkukriteerien jälkeen varsinaiseksi tutkimusaineistoksi muodostui yhdeksän vertaisarvioitua tutkimusartikkelia, joissa tutkittiin fyysistä aktiivisuutta päiväkodissa. Kaikki tutkimusartikkelien tutkimukset oli toteutettu suomalaisissa päiväkodeissa vuosina 2010–2021. Tutkimusaineiston haussa käytettiin kolmea eri tietokantaa. Tämän laadullisen tutkimuksen tutkimusaineistoa analysoitiin teoriaohjaavan sisällönanalyysin keinoin. Yksilölliset tekijät, jotka vaikuttivat lasten fyysisen aktiivisuuden määrään, olivat sukupuoli ja ikä: pojat liikkuivat enemmän kuin tytöt ja vanhemmat lapset enemmän kuin nuoremmat. Lisäksi motoriset ongelmat näyttivät olevan yhteydessä vähäisempään fyysiseen aktiivisuuteen. Sosiaalisten suhteiden tekijöistä fyysiseen aktiivisuuteen lisäävästi vaikuttivat vertaistoiminta (esim. leikki) ja päiväkotihenkilöstön suora kannustus. Yleisesti ottaen aikuisjohtoinen toiminta, kuten suorat opetustuokiot, olivat lapsia passivoivaa toimintaa. Fyysisen ympäristön kohdalla ulkoilu ja ulkona vietetty aika oli aktiivisempaa kuin sisätiloissa. Lisäksi vuodenajalla ja käytössä olevalla välineistöllä oli yhteys lasten fyysisen aktiivisuuden määrään. Lapsen sukupuoli tai ikä ei kuitenkaan saa selittää sitä, miksi jotkut liikkuvat enemmän kuin toiset. Kasvattajat voivat tietoisuuden avulla ryhtyä toimiin, jotka lisäävät kaikkien fyysistä aktiivisuutta. Yhdenvertaisuus koskettaa myös fyysistä aktiivisuutta, joten sen eteen on tehtävä töitä.
  • Vaara, Jenni (2016)
    The aim of this study was to examine kindergarten teachers' knowledge and expertise produced by two separate study programmes, because currently it's possible to graduate to a kindergarten teacher in Finland via university or polytechnic. My subject of research was the University of Helsinki's Bachelor of Education and the Laurea University of Applied Sciences' Bachelor of Social Services. The method of this study was qualitative content analysis. The subject of examination was the public curriculums of the two study programmes mentioned above. This research's theoretic background was Karila's (1997) knowledge fields (raising, context, child and didacstical knowledge), which describe the central content of finnish kindergarten teachers' expertise. First, the courses were categorized into the different knowledge fields by their content. Then the study credits and the expertise produced by different studies and courses were examined in relation with Karila's knowledge fields. This study shows, that the asset of the University of Helsinki's Bachelor of Education's was didactical knowledge with 67 course credits (44%), where as Laurea University of Applied Sciences' Bachelor of Social Services' studies only had 10 course credits (5.6%) in didactical knowledge. On the other hand, Laurea's Bachelor of Social Services' asset was context knowledge with 120.5 course credits (66.9%), where as Bachelor of Education only had 15 course credits of studies relating to context knowledge. Similar research results has been gained also in other studies. According to the published analysis by OAJ (2003) Bachelor of Social Services and Bachelor of Education supplement each other in kindergarten's work assignments, however profiles based on different expertise should be dissociated from each other. Conclusion of this study is, that the field of early childhood education should recognize and utilize the differing emphasis of the two study programmes, for an example in the division of work.
  • Tuominiemi, Viivi (2017)
    The goal of this research is to explore the perceptions kindergarten teachers, working with children under the age of three, have on the execution of musical education within early childhood education and its significance on a child’s overall growth and development. The research is limited to concerning only the opinions of kindergarten teachers, as for the teachers work as the groups pedagogical leaders and are responsible for the planning and execution of high-quality early childhood education. Musical education is included as a part of other fine arts subjects and musical expression is a typical way of functioning and think-ing for a child. Music has been proven to have an influence on the development of a childs’ personality and therefor it is necessary that various ways of musical expression are sup-ported through musical education in early childhood education. The study has been carried out as a qualitative research, in which the material has been formed with an electronic questionnaire. The questionnaire was sent with an accompanying letter to 20 early childhood education centers in the city of Vantaa. The final sample con-sisted of the answers of 10 kindergarten teachers. Five of the examinees had a university degree in early childhood education and five had a vocational degree in social work. The material was analyzed by using recurring themes and finding similarities and resemblances in the answers and studying the differences. According to the results, kindergarten teachers saw musical education as a significant sup-port for the development of linguistics within children under the age of three. Musical educa-tion was also seen as creating the feeling of secureness for the child while basic needs were attended to like in toilet and clothing situations. Music was seen as a natural form of interaction with small children. The teachers experienced musical education in their training leading up to their job as a kindergarten teacher differently. Differences between the experi-ences of the university educated teachers and the vocationally trained teachers were visible and also had an effect on the challenges that musical education generated for them. The teachers saw for example their lack of skills in accompaniment and the scarce knowledge of musical theory as a challenge for accomplishing adequate musical education.