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Browsing by Subject "ruokakulttuuri"

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  • Leinonen, Alina (2019)
    Drinking coffee is an important part of Finnish food culture. This study is about understanding the development of Finnish coffee culture and why people start to drink coffee. This thesis examines and describes factors that affect the start of one´s coffee drinking. Previous study of the subject has been done by Tuija Saarinen in her work Pannu kuumana: suomalaisia kahvihetkiä. She has collected coffee memories from different heritage archives. Inspired by Saarinen´s work, material for this research has been collected by a narrative method. Narratives are written about how Finnish people have started to drink coffee. Material for this study are narratives written by Finns. These narratives were collected by email. They were written by correspondents, independently and without monitoring. There are ten narratives. Material was analysed by finding and categorizing factors that have affected the start of one´s coffee drinking. Two kinds of factors were found affecting the start of coffee drinking. First coffee has an energizing effect which was found beneficial in every day life. This factor was mentioned in four of the ten narratives. Second factor was coffees social dimension. Social motivators to start drinking coffee were found in every single narrative. Sources for this social motivation were family, friends and work community. Energizing and social factors of starting one´s coffee drinking do not exclude each other. However, the social dimensions of coffee drinking appear to be the main factor why Finnish people start to drink coffee.
  • Palokangas, Eeva (2016)
    The purpose of the study was to explore the conceptions of healthy eating of immigrants living in Finland. In addition, the aim was to investigate the factors influencing food choice. The main research question was as follows: What kind of perceptions do the immigrants have about the recommended diet? The study had three additional questions: 1.) What does a healthy diet mean for immigrants? 2) On what basis immigrants make food choices? 3) Which factors may inhibit or promote the recommended choices? The data were collected in March 2016 via individual interviews with four Latino immigrants, aged 27 to 42 years old. Participants had lived in Finland six to eleven years. Immigrants were interviewed in Finnish and English was spoken when necessary. The interviews were recorded and transcribed. After that the data were analyzed by using qualitative, theory based content analysis method. According to the study, the immigrants were very interested in the health promoting diet. An increase in knowledge and the creation of a family increased interest in a healthy diet. Also, immigration affects diet. Information on the health effects of food was directed by the food choice. Factors affecting immigrant`s food choices were taste, availability, safety and health aspects. Immigrants acquire foods in many ways. If necessary, they are ordering food from online stores. They also do their shopping in ethnic shops and restaurants.
  • Karhu, Pilvi (2018)
    The Finns love milk and they consume one of the highest amounts of milk per capita in the world. Dairy products are a big part of Finnish food culture and Finns get used to drinking and eating dairy products already at an early age. In the past few years milk and dairy products have nevertheless faced some significant criticism among consumers. The aim of this study is to get to know the history of dairy becoming a significant part of Finnish food culture and what kind of role dairy is given in the national nutrition recommendations in Finland. The study also aims to find out what are the meanings the milk has been given in the media and press during past years. The research was carried out by studying dairy-related articles published in Helsingin Sanomat -newspaper between years 2015–2017. By using the collected material, different milk-related categories were formed. The data was analyzed by using content analysis. Three main themes rose from the research material. The role of milk and dairy products in the Finnish food culture is considered to weaken. The range of plant-based and vegan products replacing traditional dairy products has increased during past few years. Consumers regard that dairy products can be replaced. Nevertheless, milk is still considered as a great source of calcium. There has also been conversation regarding health effects of dairy products. For example, milk is thought to aggravate skin problems and intolerances to lactose. According to scientific research, milk is nevertheless regarded to have a neutral effect on the risk of diet-related chronic diseases.
  • Salminen, Anni (2018)
    The aim of the study was to find out the attitude of the students to the insect food. The research seeks out the factors influencing students' attitudes towards insect food and explains how students feel about insect food in a student restaurant. Previous studies have shown that young adults have the most positive attitude towards insects. Insects as food is also associated with negative images because they are considered as dirty. Consumers are uncertain about their taste and structure. Attitudes towards insects are influenced by past tasting experiences, personal preferences and culture where an individual lives. Studies indicate that student dining can influence students' eating habits. Since the beginning of February 2018, there have been insect food in the student restaurant in Helsinki. I collected the material by interviewing six home economic students at the University of Helsinki. I examined their attitudes towards insects as food. I transcribed my recordings and analyzed the material by searching for frequently recurring themes. I connected theory and previous studies to the themes I found. The students' positive attitude towards insect food was affected by previous tasting experiences, traveling and interest toward other countries’ food culture. Other factors include insect’s ecology and the desire to reducing eating meat and try new foods. Students were concerned about insect’s safety because their appearance and unclear origin. They also caused disgust and suspicion. The students had not tasted insect food at the student restaurant, but they took a positive attitude because of low prices and ease. In their opinion, the range was limited, but the insects used for familiar food were considered a positive thing. The results were mostly the same as in previous studies. Based on this study, at least some of the home economic students have an open mind about insect food and are ready to expand the Finnish food culture.
  • Raespuro, Suvi (2022)
    Tavoitteet. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli tutkia perinneruokien muuttuvaa asemaa peruskoulun kotitalousoppikirjoissa. Oppikirjoissa tarkastelun kohteena olivat niissä esiintyvät ruokaohjeet sekä perinneruokapuhe. Ruokien ja niitä koskevien sisältöjen esiintyvyyttä tarkasteltiin työssä perinneruokakirjallisuuden avulla koostetun perinneruokalistauksen avulla. Työ vastaa perinneruokakulttuuria koskevan tutkimuksen puutteeseen kuvaamalla ruokaperinteen roolin muutosta erityisesti kouluopetuksen näkökulmasta Menetelmät. Opinnäytetyön aineistona käytettiin yhtätoista pakolliseen kotitalousopetukseen suunnattua oppikirjaa, joiden julkaisuvuodet vaihtelivat vuosien 1990 ja 2020 välillä. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin kvantitatiivista sisällönanalyysia sekä teoriaohjaavaa sisällönanalyysia. Määrällisen menetelmän täydentäjänä käytettiin myös laadullisia menetelmiä, jolloin perinneruokien muuttuvaa asemaa oli mahdollista tarkastella monipuolisemmin. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittivat, että perinneruokaohjeet eivät ole kovin yleisiä kotitalouskirjoissa. Niiden esiintyvyys oli selkeästi vähentynyt 1990-luvun ja 2020-luvun välillä, ja perinneruokaohjeita oli puolet vähemmän vuoden 2020 oppikirjoissa kuin 1990-luvulla. Ruokaohjeiden lisäksi myös perinneruokapuhe oli kadonnut, ja oppikirjoissa puhutaan yleisemmällä tasolla ruokakulttuurista ja siihen liittyvistä asioista
  • Vanne, Elina (2020)
    Tiivistelmä - Referat - Abstract Tavoitteet. Tämän kandidaatin tutkielman tavoitteena oli tutkia 26–28-vuotiaiden pääkaupunkilaisten naisten välipalatottumuksia, ruoanvalintaa ja sitä, näkyykö välipalaistumisen ilmiö heidän ruokatottumuksissaan. Tutkimuskysymykseni olivat: Minkälaisia välipaloja syödään, missä tilanteissa ja korvataanko pääruokia välipaloilla? Välipalaistumisen ilmiö on noussut lähivuosina esille niin Suomessa kuin maailmalla, mutta ilmiöön vaikuttavia syitä tai sitä edistäviä tekijöitä ei ole vielä tutkittu. Välipalaistumiseen liittyy vahvasti napostelun käsite, jolla tarkoitetaan spontaania, strukturoimatonta ja mielitekojen ohjaamaa syömistä tai juomista, joka ei ole sidoksissa aikaan tai paikkaan. Napostelulla voi olla useita terveydelle haitallisia seurauksia, kuten hampaiden reikiintyminen ja painonhallinnan ongelmat. Aterioinnin välipalaistuminen koetaan huolestuttavana ja perinteisiä ruoan ja ruokailun arvoja uhkaavana. Menetelmät. Tutkimus toteutettiin laadullisena tutkimuksena. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin haastattelemalla 26-28-vuotiaita pääkaupunkiseutulaisia naisia (n=5). Tutkittavilla oli toisistaan eroavat taustat, mutta yhteisinä tekijöinä ikä ja asuinseutu. Haastateltavat valittiin harkinnanvaraisesti. Haastattelut suoritettiin teemahaastatteluina ja aineisto analysoitiin sisällönanalyysin keinoin. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tyypillisimmät välipalat koostuivat hedelmistä, rahkasta tai jogurtista ja leivästä. Välipaloja syötiin useissa paikoissa. Tyypillisesti välipalat nautittiin kotona tai kodin ulkopuolella, esimerkiksi liikkuessa paikasta toiseen, kirjastossa tai kauppakeskuksessa. Välipaloja syötiin, jos energiatasoja ja jaksamista haluttiin ylläpitää pääruokaan asti, urheiltiin paljon tai jos päivän kesto pitkitti ateriarytmiä. Tutkimustuloksista selviää, että pääruokia korvattiin välipaloilla hyvin harvoin, jos koskaan. Välipaloja syötiin kerran tai korkeintaan kaksi päivässä. Välipalaistumisen tai napostelun ilmiö ei näy tutkimuksen aineistossa ja siitä saaduissa tuloksissa.
  • Maskulin, Viivi (2018)
    The study examines women´s positive experiences of self-eating. The aim of the study was to find out the experiences of eating alone as part of the structure of eating and the food culture. Eating experiences and related factors are considered in the theoretical framework of gender, food status, and social interaction. This study is based on the theoretical approach to eating and food behavior used in research literature, derived from Nobert's Elias's Food Space theory (1978) and Claude Lévi-Strauss's Culinary Triangle Theory (1966). The survey was conducted through a questionnaire asking open questions about the positive experiences and factors associated with self-deception. In addition, respondents were asked to name the foods that are eaten alone. The study was conducted as a link to the HY e-form ques-tionnaire in the social media Facebook group Geek Women Unite! (Finland). In response to the e-form, 616 responses were received, of which 93.67% (n = 577) were identified as female identifiers. Most of the respondents (99.3%) feel self-eating at home as positive. In other environments, such as restaurants and workplaces, the experiences were described as positive. The enjoyment was related to experiences of their own peace and decision-making, that is, the definition of where and what women ate. The food and food products that were consumed alone represent-ed both meals and snacks. The conclusion of the thesis is that the significance of self-eating came out as stories of high-status foods, and the significance of the women´s own time.