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  • Aalto, Kirsi (2018)
    Introduction. The purpose of this study was to find out what is adventure education and how could it be put into practice in the forest during comprehensive school’s home economics’ lesson. Some home economics researches have been done concerning nature and home economics but there’s no research about adventure education and home economics. This study tries to answer Finnish comprehensive school’s curriculum, National Core Curriculum for Basic Education 2014 that says: the teacher should use nature as a learning environment and one aim of the education is to teach sustainable lifestyle. I wanted to innovate how adventure education and forest as a learning environment could develop pupil’s home economics skills. I chose forest as a possible learning environment because there are forests everywhere in Finland. I studied adventure education, home economics’ research about how experiences are related to learning skills of home economics, theory of human ecology, and relationship between human and nature. Methods. This study is a descriptive literature review about adventure education literature. I wanted to receive an overview about the topic. I wanted to find answers to following questions: what is adventure education? What kind of learning environment forest could be during home economics’ lesson? I tried to find adequate information related to my topic. Conclusion. Based on my literature review, adventure education develops pupil’s personal growth, for example learning. It is possible to use adventure education as a pedagogical method in the comprehensive school during home economics’ lesson. Adventure education improves home economics’ skills such as cooperation skills. Experiences in the forest also improve pupil’s environmental thinking. This study can be used as a tool to use adventure education in home economics and to inspire those who are interested in adventure education.
  • Mäkinen, Minja (2020)
    Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää, miten eri tavoin luonnossa oppimista on järjestetty Suomessa ja mitä myönteisiä vaikutuksia luonnolla on oppimisympäristönä. Tutkimus toteutettiin kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Aineistona käytettiin vertaisarvioituja 2000-luvun jälkeen julkaistuja artikkeleita sekä käsikirjoja. Tiedonhaussa käytettiin hakusanoja ja hakusanojen yhdistelmiä. Haku rajattiin suomen- ja englanninkielisiin lähteisiin. Tutkimustulosten perusteella ilmeni, että Suomessa luonnossa oppimista on järjestetty monin eri tavoin. Keskeisiä toimintamalleja olivat luontoretkeily, ulkoluokka, luontokoulu, ympäristökoulu ja retkitoiminta. Luontokoulu on ainoa käsite, joka mainitaan sellaisenaan vuoden 2014 opetussuunnitelman perusteissa. Erilaisia toimintamalleja voidaan toteuttaa seikkailukasvatusta tai elämyspedagogiikkaa hyödyntäen. Luonnolla oppimisympäristönä oli hyvin monipuoliset vaikutukset oppilaisiin ja luontoa hyödynnetään etenkin laaja-alaisten taitojen opettamiseen. Luonnolla oli myönteinen vaikutus lasten luontosuhteen kehittymiseen. Luontosuhteen lisäksi luonnolla oppimisympäristönä oli myönteisiä fyysisiä, psyykkisiä ja sosiaalisia vaikutuksia. Fyysisistä vaikutuksista isoimmaksi nousi oppilaiden lisääntynyt liikkuminen ja psyykkisistä vaikutuksista keskittymiskyvyn paraneminen. Sosiaaliset vaikutukset ilmenivät etenkin sosiaalisten suhteiden paranemisella. Jatkotutkimuksissa voisi selvittää millaisia haasteita ja negatiivisia puolia luonnon käyttämisellä oppimisympäristönä voisi olla.
  • Mähönen, Suvi (2017)
    Today’s crucial problems in postindustrial society, appear to be according to study of leisuretime and sport researches, children’s weakened endurance and inactive lifestyle. The health risks caused by sedentary lifestyle have an impact to majority of the school students. Beeing aware of these kind of problems as a starting point to my Bachelor Theses, I try to study, how Out Door Adventure Education (OAE) as a teaching method could improve children’s more physically active lifestyle in school. In my research i aim to perceive the essential traditions of OAE in Finland, the main features and elements of it and simply, how this method can be utilized and applied in many different ways on the field of education. In the process, I discuss which kind of education goals, values, learner image and approach to learning OAE has, where the roots originate from and how these ideas are sitting in today’s education work. Which kind of benefits seems to be the most crucial from adolescent wellfare point of you? I approached my research intrests with the hepl of the integrative literature reviw. The literature consists of wellbeing literature, OAE articles, collection books of OAE articles, 2 dissertation and 4 master’s thesis. The history of Finnish Outdoor Adventure Eduction as a reform pedagogue and current state as constructivist and experiental learning method, I studied by familiarizing my self with Finnish theory books of OAE. I was interdisciplinary observing my study field regarding theories and empirical studies to figure out which kind of wellbeing effetcts OAE has reported and what kind of views are not yet included in the research. The results of my studies suggest that the main idea in OAE is to learn and improve cooperative skills, group coherence, motivation, autonomy, participation, responsibility, perseverance, resilience, personal growth, self-concept, and understanding of own world relations by reflecting own and shared adventure peak experiences. In my studie, I have shared the field of OAE in 4 different kind of target groups: Adventurous Teaching, Adventure Sport, Outdoor Adventure and Therapeutic OAE. In the light of my literature review, by using OAE methods, it is possible to improve adolescents menthal, physical and social wellbeing. Outdoor Adventure Education might also reinforce relationship with nature and encourage for more physicly active lifestyle. Especially objective wellbeing and recilience is worth for futher study.