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Browsing by Subject "suoriutuminen"

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  • Eira, Emma (2019)
    Objectives; The aim of this Bachelor’s thesis was to compile information on the association between physical activity and academic performance in primary school children from previous studies. The connection between physical activity and academic performance has attracted a great deal of interest and has been studied extensively. Previous studies have found a positive association between physical activity and academic performance. However, the results have been contradictory and the ositive link between physical activity and academic performance has not been found in all of the studies. The purpose of this study was to answer the following research questions 1) Is there a connection between physical activity and academic performance? 2) What kind of physical activity supports academic performance? Methods: Bachelor thesis was executed as a systematic literature review. The research material consisted of nine articles that studied the connection between physical activity and academic performance in primary school children. The material was collected in three differ-ent literature searches from library of the University of Helsinki’s Helka database. The stud-ies were grouped into longitudinal and cross-sectional studies, to studies that examine phys-ical fitness, motor skills, physical activity during school hours and during leisure time. Ana-lyze was carried out as a content analysis. I emphasized main findings by highlighting them in the text and created a table to illustrate most important findings according to the research questions. The results formed in relation with the research questions through the analysis. Results and Conclusions: The majority of studies showed that there is a positive association between physical activity and academic achievement. These results showed that especially good physical fitness and short physically active breaks during school day support learning outcomes. For further research, we would be interested to investigate whether the effects of physical activity are as positive for children of high school age as for primary school children.
  • Ruuska, Ronja (2020)
    Jaetun johtajuuden malli on tullut ajankohtaiseksi etenkin asiantuntijaorganisaatioissa työelämän siirtyessä kohti tietotaloutta. Yksittäisen ihmisen ei oleteta hallitsevan kaikkia johtajalta vaadittavia taitoja, jolloin johtajuuden jakaminen on organisaation kannalta hyödyllistä. Jaetun johtajuuden tiimien ryhmädynamiikka on luonteeltaan omalaatuinen, mutta sitä on tutkittu varsin niukasti. Tässä tutkielmassani tarkastelen jaetun johtajuuden tiimien jäsenten välistä sitoutumista ja omistautumista tehtävään, eli koheesiota. Tarkastelen myös tekijöitä, jotka vaikuttavat koheesion ja tiimin suoriutumisen väliseen monisyiseen suhteeseen. Tutkielman tutkimuskysymykset ovat: 1) Miten koheesio ilmenee jaetun johtajuuden tiimeissä? 2) Millaiset tekijät vaikuttavat koheesion ja tiimin suoriutumisen väliseen suhteeseen? Tutkielma on toteutettu kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Olen etsinyt aineistoa eri tietokannoista, (Google Scholar, SCOPUS, Web of Science) minkä lisäksi olen käynyt läpi jo löytämieni lähteiden lähdeluetteloita. Aineisto koostuu 27:stä lähteestä. Näistä neljä on kokonaisteosta ja 23 tieteellistä artikkelia. Aineiston valinta on toteutettu arvioimalla aineiston sisällön sovellettavuutta tutkimuskysymysten vastaamiseen. Luodakseni kokonaisvaltaisen kuvan käsiteltävistä ilmiöistä olen valinnut aineistoksi kirjallisuutta eri tieteenaloilta, kuten sosiaalipsykologian, pienryhmätutkimuksen ja työelämäntutkimuksen kentältä. Katsauksen tulosten perusteella jaettu johtajuus pääosin edistää tiimin koheesiota. Tiimin koheesion ja suoriutumisen suhteeseen vaikuttaa koheesion laatu, tehtävän laatu, jaetut johtajuustyylit, tiimin virtuaalisuus ja ryhmäajattelu. Ryhmäajattelun riskiä lukuun ottamatta koheesio edistää tiimin suoriutumista ja suoriutumisesta saadut myönteiset kokemukset vastavuoroisesti kasvattavat koheesiota. Jaetun johtajuuden tiimien on tärkeää tiedostaa näiden tekijöiden vastavuoroinen suhde. Tämä tutkielma jäsentää uuden näkökulman jaetun johtajuuden tiimien moniulotteiseen tarkasteluun ja perustelee jaetun johtajuuden tiimien ryhmädynamiikan empiiristä tutkimusta tulevaisuudessa.
  • Viljakainen, Reeta (2018)
    Emotions are present everywhere, also at school. In this thesis, I aim to clarify the meaning of academic emotions and achievement emotions by looking at research literature on the subject. Furthermore, I will study the connection between achievement emotions and achievement in mathematics through previous research. The theoretical basis of this thesis is the control-value theory developed by Pekrun (2000). According to the theory, different types of control-value appraisals and their combinations predict achievement emotions. This thesis is a descriptive literature review. In the thesis, I examined the connection between achievement emotions and achievement in school. The criteria for studies included were that their theoretical basis was in control-value theory and at least one of the subjects studied was mathematics. Based on previous research, enjoyment is directly related to better grades. Mathematics anxiety, on the other hand, is associated with lower achievement in mathematics. Boredom also has a significant yet modest negative relationship with academic success. The research studied in this thesis suggests that teachers should be increasingly aware of the emotions experienced in classrooms. They also ought to be able to create such learning environments and learning experiences that nourish emotions favourable for learning. It is therefore important to gain further research information on how different learning environments and teachers’ means and methods impact the pupils’ positive emotions and increase the amount of control and value appraised.
  • Ding, Tapio (2016)
    Objectives: There is vast literature on the association between personality traits and individuals performance. In addition to individual it is important to focus also on groups. By only focusing on individuals the effect of interactive nature of groups is omitted. Overall the factors that might be affected by performance in a way synergistic nature or by tapping into the social dimension of group work are missed when only examining the individuals. The aim of this thesis was to conduct a literature review on the effect of personality traits on group performance. Methods: Based on the literature review the current state of the research was analysed. Based on the articles and perception of the current situation the final conclusions were done. Results and Conclusions: Based on the literature review, conscientiousness was mostly positively related to the performance of groups. The higher the level of conscientiousness of the group, the better they performed. In terms of extraversion the results were not as straight forward as with conscientiousness but indicated a possibility of also having a positive relation to performance. In addition, the literature indicated that the association between extraversion and group performance might be non-linear. For the other three traits, agreeableness, neuroticism and openness to experience, there is no conclusive evidence towards one way or another. To conclude, it is still unclear what the effects of a group’s personality traits are on the overall performance of the group. More research is needed to make more accurate conclusions.