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  • Eerola, Satu (2017)
    Goals. The Goal of this study was to research how kindergarten teachers plan activities and when the teachers planning time is realized. This study also aimed to find out what kind of solutions kindergarten teachers have found for challenges regarding planning. Research questions was: 1. How does a kindergarten teacher plan activities? 2. When is a kindergarten teachers planning time realized? 3. What kind of challenges are kindergarten teachers faced with and what kind of solutions have they found in regards to planning? Research methods. This study is qualitative study. Six kindergarten teachers were interviewed for the study, all of them had a University Kindergarten teacher's degree and work experience between one and eleven years. Interviews were conducted with a University of Helsinki e-form inquiry containing both multiple choice and open questions. Multiple choice questions were used to clarify the interviewees starting point and open questions to understand their points of view. Responses were analyzed with theorybased analysis. Results and conclusions. Information regarding the kindergarten teachers’ ways of planning activities was obtained through the open questions. All kindergarten teachers who responded the interview plan activities either alone, in groups or by doing the ground work alone and finishing in groups. Planning time was usually held during outdoor activities, breaks or in the afternoon. The interviewees viewed the main challenges of activity planning as being related to scheduling and challenges regarding staff and child groups. One of the interviewees held her planning time at home cause work list allow it. They felt that the director could easily have an impact on the realization of planning time by work shift planning, which is thought to clarify operations and to be a guarantee of functioning practices.
  • Luuri, Tytti (2016)
    This study aims to find out the views and experiences of planning time of kindergarten teachers in the City of Helsinki. In this study, planning time refers to the time kindergarten teachers use to plan their group’s activities. In previous studies on planning time, it has been discovered that there has been significantly less planning time for teachers in the capitol city area. This study was performed with a University of Helsinki e-form inquiry, which was sent to every kindergarten in the City of Helsinki. A total of 115 kindergarten teachers responded. The study was mainly quantitative, but it had some characteristics of qualitative study, as the e-form included an open question. The data was handled with an SPSS-program, from which it was exported to Excel for making charts. Reponses to the open question were analysed based on their content. In kindergartens in the City of Helsinki, teachers had an average of 1 hour 12 minutes planning time a week. 51 % of respondents had planning time outside of working hours. Planning was usually done in group spaces, and the most usual time was during the children’s resting time. Over half of the respondents, 66 %, used the children’s personal early childhood education plans as well as the plans of the kindergarten to help with planning. Responses to the open question brought up many different things concerning planning time. I divided these responses to five main groups, which were lack of resources, defining planning time content, structural changes, activity of superiors and team planning.