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Browsing by Subject "syrjäytymisen ehkäisy"

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  • Korhonen, Mirka (2022)
    Tavoitteet. Tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää arjen hallinnan ja taitojen roolia nuorten syrjäytymisessä ja sen ehkäisyssä sekä tarkastella arjen hallinnan ja taitojen oppimista ja kehittymistä syrjäytymisen vastaisessa työssä. Aiemmat tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet nuorten syrjäytymisen olevan pysyvä ongelma, jonka ratkaisuun tulisi kehittää uusia toimintatapoja nykyisten palveluiden ollessa riittämättömiä. Koronapandemian seurauksena on noussut esiin kysymys nuorten arjen hallinnan, rakentumisen ja taitojen roolista arjen hyvinvoinnin tukena pandemian laskiessa nuorten koettua hyvinvointia ja lisätessä syrjäytymistä. Tässä tutkielmassa nuorten syrjäytymistä ja sen ehkäisyä lähestytään arjen hallinnan ja taitojen sekä rytmien näkökulmasta. Menetelmät. Tutkielma toteutettiin narratiivisena yleiskatsauksena. Narratiivisessa yleiskatsauksessa pyritään perehtymään tutkittavaan ilmiöön monipuolisen kirjallisen aineiston avulla ja luomaan tästä kokonaiskuva. Aineiston haussa käytettiin Google- ja Google Scholar - hakukoneita, joiden avulla löydettiin seitsemän julkaisua varsinaiseen kirjallisuuskatsaukseen. Tästä aineistosta viisi julkaisua oli hankeraportteja ja kaksi julkaisua tieteellisiä artikkeleja. Aineiston analyysin viitekehyksenä käytettiin laadullista sisällönanalyysiä. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tutkimus osoittaa, että arjen hallinnan ja taitojen tukeminen koettiin tärkeäksi osaksi syrjäytymisen ehkäisyä. Arkeen kohdistuvien tukikeinojen avulla voitiin parantaa nuorten hyvinvointia ja tukea heidän siirtymäänsä takaisin koulutuksen ja työelämän pariin. Koska syrjäytymisvaarassa olevilla nuorilla oli todettu olevan vakavia puutteita elämänhallinnassa, tuli nämä ratkaista, jotta syrjäytymiskierteeseen pystyttiin vaikuttamaan. Syrjäytymisvaarassa olevien nuorten arjen rakentumista, hallintaa ja taitoja sekä näiden roolia syrjäytymisessä ja sen ehkäisyssä tulisikin tutkia tarkemmin. Näin voitaisiin mahdollistaa arjen hallinnan ja taitojen oppimista ja kehittymistä tukevien pysyvien toimintamallien kehittyminen nuorten syrjäytymistä ehkäisevien palveluiden joukkoon.
  • Virva-Auvinen, Elisa (2019)
    The purpose of this research is to describe ways to prevent social exclusion at school. This research was executed as a systematic literature review. The model of social exclusion as a process by Jahnukainen (2001) was used as a theoretical framework in this research. This model recognizes school dropout as one of the stages of social exclusion which is why this research focuses on preventing social exclusion by increasing school attachment. Social exclusion is a subject that has been researched widely but there exists no common definition of what social exclusion is. Youngsters have not been researched as much as young adults and usually research concentrates on those who are deeper in the process of social exclusion. The aim of this research was to find scientific publications about how to prevent social exclusion before the process has even begun. The research material included five scientific articles about teenagers’ social exclusion and school dropout. Three of the articles included social exclusion intervention models executed at school grounds. The other two articles handled social exclusion prevention through school attachment. The material was searched from Ebscohost database by using different combinations of the following terms: social exclusion, social inclusion, secondary school, adolescents, prevention, intervention, program, students, teachers, preventing in schools, school dropout, preventing school dropout, school failure. This research showed that the factors that influence school attachment have many connections with preventing social exclusion. Especially school’s atmosphere, school grounds, co-operation between school, home and society, sense of belonging to school, family background and teachers’ attitudes and well-being had an impact on school attachment. Three ways of preventing social exclusion came up from the research material: different teaching practices, supporting teachers and taking the student’s whole life into consideration. Especially teachers were given many different roles in social exclusion prevention. Teachers were seen as objects, instruments and collaborators in social exclusion prevention.
  • Huusko, Liinu (2018)
    Social exclusion of children and adolescents is a topical problem that has been increasingly noted by media and political conversation in Finland. Prevention of social exclusion is one of the most prioritized issues worldwide. Social exclusion is usually a result of accumulation of multiple different problems that have negative influence for persons wellbeing. Factors that can cause social exclusion are for example unemployment, mental health-problems, financial troubles or lack of education. It`s often difficult to return from social exclusion and extreme result can be convicting person for criminal behavior. There is also different risk-factors that can predict social exclusion of children and adolescents, for example behavioral problems, learning difficulties and negative circumstances in family. The aim for this study is to find different ways for teacher to prevent social exclusion of children. This study has been implemented as a literature review. Material of this review has been collected systematically from University of Helsinki library`s database. Material includes 4 different social exclusion of children and adolescents related peer-reviewed articles and one doctoral thesis. As result of this study I found multiple different ways for teacher to prevent social exclusion of children. Improving social relationships between children was mentioned in every article. Warm and confidential relationship between teacher and pupils was also seen important factor to decrease exclusion. Strengthening and encouraging of positive behavior, instead of forbidding and punishing, is seen more efficient way to improve school atmosphere and learning results. It was seen important that teacher truly respects and cares for pupils. Also including pupils to making rules and planning classes was mentioned in many of the articles.
  • Ilonen, Sonja (2017)
    The goal of this this literary review is to examine Finnish sports culture and organized sports as a social exclusion prevention point of view. Both sports and social exclusion are widely researched topics. It has been studied what predicts exclusion and what factors there are behind the phenomenon. About sports and movement there are for example studies about how does sports affect to health and how much children and young people spend time doing sports. In organized sports there is a lot of elements which supports children and young people growth. The material of this literary review based mainly Finnish research literature and Finnish researches. In addition sports clubs` websites was used in this bachelor thesis. As the result of this literary review, sports clubs` had still strong place in Finnish society. In 2014 over half (51%) of the 9–15 children living in Finland took actively a part in sports clubs` free time activities. Taking a part in sports clubs` was more popular among younger children and doing sports decreased with the age. The activities of sports clubs` seemed to be focused on serious doing. Social exclusion in turn seemed to be a complex phenomenon and hard to define. It was important to recognize the factors behind the disadvantageous development of a child. Sports clubs` had unofficial educational tasks and they also had possibilities to affect children well-being. Icehearts –model was a good practical example of sports clubs` possibilities to prevent exclusion.
  • Hernesmaa, Ville (2018)
    Aims: The topic of this research is related to marginalization and preventing of young people through art education. The aim of this study is to map out related research through a literature review. This research was conducted using a systematic literature review and research problems were: 1) What kind of research results have been found from the role of art education in preventing marginalization? 2) What forms of art have been used in Finland to prevent marginalization by art education? Methods: The method of research is a systematic literature review. Literature and research have been carried out with search terms marginalization, young people's art education, prevention of marginalization, art education to support marginalization. Data collections include: Helka, Helda, Melinda, Google Scholar and Google. The materials were limited to 2010-2018, limited to research, dissertations, scientific articles, master's theses and research reports on art education projects on marginalization. Based on the database search, 6 research reports were selected for research. Results and conclusion: All of the research results were mainly positive in artwork operations to prevent marginalization. In the light of the studies, workshops empowered and increased the feeling of self-fitness among young people. Young people's social competence increased and group work skills increased. As a negative result, the disadvantageous behavior of adults in the craftsman's work seemed to be undermined by the importance of art projects, without neglecting the use of young people