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Browsing by Subject "tapaustutkimus"

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  • Vasarainen, Minna (2016)
    Object. Ethical sensitivity is terminologically close to “social intelligence”, which is the new represented form of intelligence. Ethical sensitivity in practice means for example that how well an individual is able to cope with other people and legitimate one’s actions to others. In internet societies it’s a relevant factor when individuals form a new social rules among each other. The goal of the study was to describe the way ethical sensitivity manifests in a one of these societies, which has formed around a game-streaming channel in a streaming service. The subject interested me specially because the channel and streaming environment general involves lot of young people and different kind of information technology takes more and more of our time including youngsters. This study analyzes the streamers actions based on one thematic interview. It also introduces a new work ethic called “hacker ethics” and considers its possibilities among the workers in 21th century in new kinds of environments, which information technology makes possible. Method. The research method was a qualitative case study with a thematic interview. I interviewed one person who streams professionally. In addition, I participated to the channels activity to form a better understanding about the research environment. Conclusions. The streamer has on her/his channel unquestionable power as well as the responsibility of handling the channel. Since the ownership of the channel streamer gives guidelines about the approved behaviour in the channel. The streamer is able to show with her/his own choices one way of coping with different kind of conflict situations despite of biases people might have. Studies have shown that showing an example of approved behaviour might be helpful to decrease bullying via internet.
  • Luukkonen, Elli (2017)
    This study describes the pre-school education and its main tasks on the basis of the binding documents and literature. The aim is to determine kindergarten teacher’s views on which goals they find most important in pre-school education. In addition, the objective is to review methods and procedures by which kindergarten teachers strive to achieve the key objectives mentioned. Pre-school education is governed by Basic Education Act (628/998) and the Government Decree (422/2012). Based on these National Board of Education regulations draws up the national core curriculum in pre-school education, which controls the composing of the local curriculum. New criteria for the national pre-school curriculum was published in 2014, and it came to introduce 01.08.2016. The study is a qualitative case study. The study involved three Helsinki based kindergarten teachers. The interviewees were working in the same area of ​​early childhood education, but in different day care units. The data were obtained from group-based theme interviews in the spring of 2016 the same time as when the new pre-school curriculum was introduced. The method of analysis used in this study is theory based content analysis. According to this study the main objectives of pre-school education are related to the child's socio-emotional and cognitive competence. The results were crystallized into three categories: Personal development of the child and the perception of oneself as a learner, Development of the child's learning capacity and Child as an independent individual agent in a peer group. These results highlighted the general objectives and extensive know-how as mentioned in the curriculum. Instead the learning modules got less attention. The kindergarten teachers interviewed for this study seeked to achieve the objectives of the curruculum by creating an operating culture that supports growth and learning. Such a culture is based on a good learning environment, a child-sensitive pedagogy, teacher's pedagogical thinking and action, as well as integrative education and phenomenon-based learning.
  • Abdulkarim, Zainab (2020)
    Tässä kandidaatintutkielmassa tarkastellaan sukupuolten välisen tasa-arvon edistymistä Suomessa vuosina 2014-2019. Tapaustutkimuksen kohteena on YK:n tasa-arvojärjestön UN Womenin käynnistämä solidaarisuusliike eli HeForShe-kampanja, jonka pääasiallisena tavoitteena oli sukupuolten tasa-arvon edistäminen eri elämänaloilla. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on saada kattava käsitys toistaiseksi vähän tutkitusta kampanjasta sekä sen toteutuksesta. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan vallan ilmenemistä kampanjan toteutuksessa, toimijuuden toteutumista tavoitteissa sekä kampanjan aikaansaamaa edistystä Suomessa tehtävän tasa-arvotyön kentällä. Aiempien tutkimusten mukaan Suomessa toteutuva aktiivinen tasa-arvotyö on ollut epälineaarista ja monet yhteiskunnalliset haasteet ovat edelleen epäsuhteisen sukupuolittuneita. Tutkimusmenetelmänä toimi kvalitatiivinen eli laadullinen tutkimusmenetelmä ja tutkimusstrategiana hyödynsin tapaustutkimusta. Tutkimuksen tieteenfilosofisena lähtökohtana toimi sosiaalinen konstruktionismi. Tutkimuksen aineisto koostui pääasiassa kampanjan julkaisemista raporteista ja muutamasta sukupuolten tasa-arvoon liittyvistä uutisartikkeleista kampanjan toteutuksen ajalta. Aineisto löytyi verkosta ja kampanjaa koskeva materiaali oli pääosin kirjallista. Aineiston analysoinnin menetelmänä toimi sisällönanalyysi. Tulosten perusteella HeForShe-kampanjalla oli onnistunut toteutus Suomessa. Sukupuolten tasa-arvon edistyminen oli nähtävissä hallinnon tason muutoksilla ja käytännön tason ratkaisuina. Kampanja keskittyi Suomessa pääosin hallinnon tason muutoksiin eikä tavallisten kansalaisten osallistaminen kampanjaan ollut merkittävässä roolissa kampanjan käytännön toteutuksessa. Kampanja sai aikaan käytännön tason muutosta Suomessa. Kampanjan tuloksena syntyneisiin pyrkimyksiin edistää sukupuolten tasa-arvoa sekä murtaa sitä estäviä epäkohtia kuuluivat muun muassa tunteiden hallintaa ja aggression purkamista käsittelevä koulutus ja sen pohjalta luotu opas, Miehet liittolaisina-seminaari sekä lisääntyneet turvakodit lähisuhde- ja perheväkivallan uhreille. Tuloksista voidaan todeta, että kollektiivinen toiminta on avain asemassa systemaattisen ja rakenteellisen epätasa-arvon murtamisessa sekä tosiasiallisen sukupuolten tasa-arvon saavuttamisessa.
  • Borchers, Aleksandra (2016)
    The aim of my study is to find out the methods and forms of activity in which the Finnish National Ballet practices their audience engagement for schools. I also describe the goals and aims of the Finnish National Ballet’s audience engagement. Finally I place the cooperation of The Finnish National Ballet and schools in Yrjö Engeström’s (2004, pp. 107—109) sets of interaction. Traditionally audience engagement has meant different kind of workshops, art projects and open rehearsals (Aunola, 2014, p. 131). Audience engagement has been a way of attracting new audiences and making the art form easier to reach and understand (Hietanen, 2010, p. 4). In a pedagogical point of view the core of audience engagement has been participation (Aunola, 2014, p. 135). The Finnish National Opera, including the Finnish National Ballet is mostly funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture (OKM) and the cities of Helsinki Metropolitan area. These financiers have an impact on the practices and aims of the Finnish National Ballet’s audience engagement. I Interviewed the Finnish National Opera’s Audience Outreach and Social Responsibility Manager Lauri Pokkinen for my study. The interview along with an article Kasvatuksesta yhteistyöhön (Hietanen, 2010) forms the research material of this study. I analyze the material by using theory-based content analysis and classification. The most common ways to practice audience engagement were open rehearsals, projects and workshops. Open rehearsals were the most traditional form of audience engagement. Workshops and projects meant practicing ballet or making a choreography in the guidance of professionals. The most important workshops were Balettienergiaa pojille and So you think you can move. The most fundamental aims of audience engagement seemed to be expanding the audiences, answering to demand, developing the art organization and participating children. Participation was by far the most significant aim of all. The experiences as well as the feedback of the Finnish National Ballet’s audience engagement was mostly positive. Of the sets of interaction by Yrjö Engeström (2004) the best one to describe the cooperation of the Finnish National Ballet and schools was the set of communication (Engeström, 2004, p. 109). The cooperation seemed to be dialogical and reflexive.
  • Rossinen, Eveliina (2017)
    The purpose of this study is to examine a certain teacher’s ICT-oriented pedagogy and to clarify what applications this teacher uses in school and why. The aim was to find out this certain teacher’s views on ICT and media’s benefits and disadvantages. The general interest was also in how the Finnish national core curriculum and participation affects this certain teacher’s teaching. The target of this case study was chosen for one’s advanced ICT-skills. Previous studies and the Finnish national core curriculum show that the use of ICT in schools is increasing. Also, the use of ICT and media in teaching influence the development of future working skills. The mission of this study is to clarify and describe certain teacher’s ICT-oriented pedagogy. The study was conducted by qualitative approach interviewing one teacher in April 2016. The interview was a semi-structured interview. In the analysis, the material was categorized from large categories to smaller ones using the help of the questions used in the interview. The study showed that this certain teacher uses a lot of technology and various kinds of media applications in his/hers teaching. The teacher was able to indicate many different benefits and disadvantages of the use of ICT and media concerning the society, home, school, teachers and pupils. The teacher’s visions on developing pupils’ future working skills correlated with the Finnish national core curriculum and views presented in the theoretical part of this study. Participation became one of the keywords of this study as it was noted to be one of the most essential elements in the certain teacher’s pedagogy. Participation is also an important part of the new Finnish national core curriculum. This study focused only on one teacher. In the future, it would be interesting to examine how the new, more ICT-oriented Finnish national core curriculum affects other teachers teaching and pedagogical views.
  • Saario, Hanna-Kaisa Christina (2018)
    Goal. Lack of exposure to the Finnish language is a common problem for Finnish-speaking children living in the United States. These children having Finnish as their mother tongue, have to grow without a comprehensive exposure to Finnish. They also belong to a minority language group. To maintain and improve Finnish, children should have a need to use their language and opportunities to gain exposure to it. Often Finnish ends up being the weaker language and parents find keeping its level up difficult. The goal of this research is to find the challenges Finnish speaking parents are facing when maintaining or developing Finnish language in the U.S. In addition to this I will look into the reasons behind this and practical solutions to these problems. Methods. This research is a qualitative case study. The data consists of 17 answers for the questionnaire survey. The questionnaire survey was done during the summer of 2016. The respondents were Finnish speaking parents, living in the U.S., whose children are / were the age of 6 or below during their stay. The respondents’ spouse’s mother tongue was not taken into account during the analysis. The data of the study was analyzed through content analysis methods. Results and conclusion. The research shows that the biggest challenges for the parents in maintaining their children’s ability to speak Finnish was largely focused on their need to use Finnish, a lack of varied exposure, quality of language, availability of native speech therapy services, and the problems focusing on language characteristics. The parents made sure to attempt to maintain the children’s Finnish language and their children’s choice was to primarily use English. According to the data, the challenges the parents face are varied and depend commonly on what kind of Finnish language exposure the children have a chance to live in, and what kind of standards the parents have for maintaining the children’s mother tongue. The higher the parents’ standards are in maintaining their children’s level of Finnish language, the more they are willing to work even when they are facing problems with their children’s mother tongue.
  • Puhakka, Tuila (2016)
    The study investigates the action culture in Vironniemi day care centre that emphasizes participation and communality. The focus is to reveal the strengths and weaknesses of Vironniemi concerning participation from the educators’ perspective. During decades, the pedagogy of Vironniemi has developed through the values and customs in the action culture. The framework of this study consists of Edgar H. Schein’s (1985) organizational culture model and the participation of children, their parents and the staff in the early childhood education. The approach of this study is qualitative case study. The data was acquired through an employee survey responded by 12 educators and was analyzed using content analysis. The used data was originally collected for a wider research about the state and development of participation culture in Vironniemi. The strengths of the action culture according to the educators were that children’s, their parents’ and the staff’s interaction and the pedagogy of Vironniemi is based on participation and communality. The pedagogy and its methods were seen demanding. The educators stated that organizing, planning, documentation, time resources and the quantity of action were the major issues requiring improvements.