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Browsing by Subject "tavoiteorientaatio"

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  • Makkonen, Kirsi (2018)
    The purpose of this study was to examine the significance of developing learning skills during the year of voluntary additional basic education in Seurakuntaopisto (The Church Training College), Järvenpää. Every student, including those having learning difficulties, will benefit from good learning skills. The knowledge of one’s own learning practices and learning skills helps us in different contexts during our whole life. The research material consisted of empathy-based narratives written by students, two different multiple choice inquiries, and the change of grades of final certificate during school year in 2013-2014. The research target group included 13 students. The evaluation is based on students´s own experience of different methods and tasks used by teachers. In the beginning of autumn 2013, I made a suggestion to other teachers to particularly handle different learning methods on each subject. In the end of spring 2014, I studied how students had experienced their progress. The research material was collected as a part of standard feedback in the college. The method of empathy-based stories was not a good choice because of the scarce texts. Only one student actually wrote the whole story, most students only listed briefly their experiences. The most important newly acquired learning method was ability to make notes both of written and spoken material. Especially the students liked study visits. Based on the grades of the final certificates, the study year was good. The minimum improvement of grades of different subjects was by three grades and maximum by eleven per student. The grade per one single subject was raised at least by one point, in many cases even more. The mean value of whole student group raised by 1.1 (min. 0.58 and max 1.84).
  • Poranen, Tiina (2020)
    Tiivistelmä - Referat – Abstract Tavoitteet. Lasten ja nuorten liikunta-aktiivisuuden heikkeneminen on ollut huolenaiheena yhteiskunnallisessa keskustelussa. LIITU 2018 -tutkimuksen mukaan vain alle puolet 11-15-vuotiaista nuorista saavuttaa päivittäiset liikuntasuositukset. Peruskoulun koululiikunnan tavoitteena on luoda oppilaille positiivisia kokemuksia itsestään liikkujana, jolloin liikunta-aktiivisuus jatkuisi myös vapaa-ajan harrastamiseen. Koululiikunnan motivaatioilmastolla on todettu olevan yhteyttä oppimiseen, viihtyvyyteen, motivaation muodostumiseen ja käsitykseen omasta pystyvyydestä. Tämän vuoksi on merkityksellistä ymmärtää, millaiset tekijät muodostavat suotuisan motivaatioilmaston koululiikuntaan. Tässä tutkimuksessa motivaatioilmastoa määritellään tehtävä- ja minäsuuntautuneilla tavoiteorientaatioilla, joihin yhdistyy itsemäärämisteorian mukaiset kolme psykologista perustarvetta, jotka ovat autonomia, koettu pystyvyys ja koettu yhteenkuuluvuus. Tutkimuksessa luodaan katsaus koululiikunnan motivaatioilmastosta. Tavoitteena on selvittää suotuisaan motivaatioilmastoon yhteydessä olevat tekijät. Lisäksi halutaan selvittää, mikä on motivaatioilmaston merkitys koululiikunnassa. Menetelmät. Tutkimus toteutettiin kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Katsauksen aineisto koostui kahdeksasta tutkimusartikkelista. Tutkimusaineiston avulla pyrittiin vastaamaan mahdollisimman tarkasti tutkimuskysymyksiin. Katsauksessa oli integroiva ote. Tutkimustulokset pyrittiin jäsentelemään alaotsikoiden alle teemoittain. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tutkimustulokset osoittivat, että koululiikunnan motivaatioilmasto on yhteydessä viihtyvyyteen, motivaatioon, ahdistuneisuuden tunteeseen, psykologiseen turvallisuuteen, autonomian kokemiseen ja fyysisen pätevyyden tunteeseen. Tutkimustuloksista kävi ilmi, että koululiikunnassa suotuisaa on tukea tehtäväsuuntautunutta motivaatioilmastoa, jossa toteutuvat itsemäärämisteorian mukaisesti autonomia, koettu pystyvyys ja koettu yhteenkuuluvuus. Koululiikunnassa koetulla viihtyvyydellä näytti olevan joitakin yhteyksiä vapaa-ajan liikunta-aktiivisuuteen. Opettaja on avainasemassa luomassa motivaatioilmastosta tehtäväsuuntautunutta, autonomiaa tukevaa ja sosiaalista yhteenkuuluvuutta edistävää, jolloin kaikilla oppilailla on mahdollisuus kokea pystyvyyden tunnetta liikunnallisesta taitotasosta riippumatta.
  • Annaniemi, Iiris (2019)
    Goals. The aim of this study was to examine what sort of achievement goal orientation profiles it is possible to identify among young adults in work life and how differently motivated young adults differ regarding wellbeing at work. Achievement goal orientations describe ones general orientations and tendencies towards learning. They are associated with different patterns of goals, meaning, coping, and behavior. This tendency develops through individuals experiences. Work wellbeing is examined with subjective perceived eagerness and burnout. Burnout can be defined with three dimensions, it includes exhaustion, cynicism and inadequacy. It is important to examine the connection between wellbeing and motivation in order to support young adults’ work wellbeing and decrease and prevent possible burnout. Methods. The data (N = 170) was collected from young adults working and living in Helsinki Area. Participants filled in questionnaires that measured work motivation and - wellbeing. In this study, person-oriented approach was utilized. In this approach, it is crucial to identify dif-ferent subgroups and examine group differences. Participants were divided into groups by using Two-Step Cluster analysis. Group differences in engagement and burnout were exam-ined by means of analysis of variance. Results and conclusions. Three different achievement goal orientation groups were identified. The groups were labelled as mastery-, performance-, and avoidance-oriented. Mastery-oriented young adults expressed higher engagement and lower inadequacy and cynicism at work than the other groups. There were no differences in wellbeing between performance- and avoidance-oriented. It seems that striving for learning and mastery is especially beneficial in terms of well-being. The result was in line with previous studies examining the connection between motivation and wellbeing.
  • Torpo, Hanna (2018)
    The purpose of this thesis was to investigate what kinds of achievement goal orientation groups can be identified among young employees and to examine how the groups differ in experiences of team atmosphere, job-education correspondence and the length of the employment. In this study, motivation was examined through the concept of achievement goal orientation and team atmosphere through the notion of psychosocial work environment. The study concentrated on a specific age group, which has not been common in work motivation studies. The aim was to acknowledge a wide set of different kinds of goals at work, and therefore an instrument assessing five types of achievement goal orientations was used (mastery-intrinsic, mastery-extrinsic, performance-approach, performance-avoidance and avoidance orientation). The study focused on young adults, aged 18-30, in their working life. The respondents (n = 170) were classified into goal orientation groups by utilizing a person-oriented approach and two-step cluster analysis. Analysis of variance and cross tabulation were performed to examine the group differences. Three goal orientation groups were found in the data: mastery-oriented (46 %), performance-oriented (26 %) and avoidance-oriented (28 %). On average, the employees in this sample demonstrated high levels of mastery-intrinsic and mastery-extrinsic orientations. Mastery-oriented employees evaluated their team’s atmosphere to be better than the other two groups. Mastery-oriented young adults reported more often than expected that their job corresponded strongly to their education, whereas avoidance-oriented reported most that their job did not correspond to their education at all. Regarding the length of the employment, the groups did not differ from each other. The results of the study indicate that by investing in the team solidarity, the mastery-oriented attitude of young employees can be supported. The results are also a strong argument for the importance of helping young adults in their challenges in the context of work and other areas of life.
  • Lammela, Ellinoora (2021)
    Both personality and achievement goal orientations have been related to learning based on previous studies. In this study, the term personality is approached through The Big Five theory, which describes five personality traits: neuroticism, extraversion, openness to experience, consciousness, and agreeableness. Achievement goal orientation refers to an individual’s tendency to react and be motivated in performance situations in a certain way. While goal orientations and personality have been studied a great deal, the connections between the two not much. Therefore, further research on this topic is highly needed. The purpose of this study is to further clarify the nature of goal orientations and personality, and what is already known about the connection between the two. This study is a systematic literature review. The data of this review consisted of six research articles published in a scientific, peer-reviewed journal. The articles were found through systematic literature searches. The literature was collected using online databases, such as Google Scholar and the Helka database of the University of Helsinki. Articles including search terms such as “goal orientation”, “achievement goal orientation” and “personality” were included, as well as combinations of these and their Finnish equivalents. In addition, the literature was obtained by utilizing the sources used in the articles already found. The data were used to analyze the results of the relationship between goal orientations and personality. Based on this study, goal orientations have connections to some, but not all, personality traits. Learning goal orientation is related to all personality traits except neuroticism. The connections of performance-avoidance orientation to personality traits are the opposite of those of learning orientation. Some of the results were contradictory, such as the connection between performance-approach orientation and personality traits. The results were also partly incomplete, especially in terms of performance orientation, as there has been little research on the issue. This study creates the base on which to build empirical research. The intention is to continue researching the topic empirically in a master's thesis using data from the projects Mind the Gaps and Bridging the Gaps funded by the Academy of Finland.
  • Saarinen, Noora (2017)
    Many studies have shown that motivation is connected to learning and problems that occur with learning. Especially in the complex process of learning to read and write, motivation is an important factor. The goal of this study was to look into the relations between students’ goal orientations and problems with reading. In this study I examine what kind of goal orientations do students with reading problems have compared with students who have average skills in reading. The goal is to look for and explain prospective differences in goal orientations and the causes affecting them. The study used the method of systematic literature review. Through the review, eight studies were found as the research material. The studies discussed motivation from the viewpoint of goal orientations and dyslexia or the risk of having problems in reading. Based on the results of this study, it seems that there are connections between problems with reading and goal orientations. Students who had problems with reading were less task-oriented and more performance-oriented than other students. These students were less interested in learning new things and completing tasks, more socially dependent in learning situations and showed more task-avoidant behaviour. Most of the studies showed that motivation and reading problems formed a reciprocal relationship that caused a negative cycle for learning to students who had problems with reading. Students’ goal orientations also seemed to be quite stable during the school years. Motivation and goal orientations have a significant role in learning to read especially when a child faces challenges in learning. Based on the results of this study it is important to pay more attention to the development of students’ goal orientations already in the early years. More research should also be focused on how the teacher can affect students’ motivation in the classroom.
  • Mäenpää, Linda (2018)
    Objectives. The aim of this study was to examine the literature and previous research with what motivation, goal orientation, motivation climate and physical education are. In addition, was wanted to find out how the intrinsic motivation is connected to the goal orientation and how the goal orientation is linked to motivational climate in physical education classes. The aim of this study was to generate information about the different motivation theories and fac-tors that affect to the motivational climate. Literature review was meant to find information about what kind of action in physical education classes increase students' intrinsic motivation and what kind of motivational climate supports the students' a positive motivation and at the same time, to promote a positive and active way of life. Methods. The study was a literature review. The purpose of the literature review is to provide new information on the already existing information. In the literature review the choice of the information likely to be of use are not guided by strict rules, so the study used data is select-ed, depending on how it is responsible for the specific research questions. This research ma-terial consisted of the literature and previous studies. Results and conclusions. Based on previous studies and the literature, could conclude that the intrinsic motivation as well as feelings of competence has a positive connection to the students' goal orientation. In the study was found that the students’ experience of the goal orientation was related to motivational climate in physical education classes. In addition, the teacher has an impact on the students' experience and motivational climate. Based on the results of research can be thought of that the teacher's action is of great importance to moti-vational climate in the physical education classes. The results of the study should be taken into consideration when new teachers are trained.
  • Kuvaja, Emma (2018)
    Aims. The aim of this study was to describe Finnish student’s personality traits and goal orientations in higher education, and examine if there are correlations between these variables. The underlying theory of approaching personality in this study was the Big Five trait theory, also known as five factor model, which includes five well-established personality traits (extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism and openness to experiences). In this research the theoretical frame of reference to motivation is the goal orientation theory which is widely investigated especially in educational sciences. Goal orientations can be roughly divided into three dimensions – learning orientation, achievement orientation and work-avoidance orientation. Furthermore, the aim of this study was to examine possible differences in personality traits or goal orientations between university students and students of university of applied sciences. Differences between various age groups and classes were investigated as well. Methods. The approach of this study was quantitative, and the empirical data was collected with questionnaire from closed Facebook groups of various subjects. The data was analysed using statistical analysis methods, such as correlations and mean differences. The results of this study can not be generalized since discretionary sample of Finnish students was used when collecting data. Results and conclusions. Results of this research are partly consistent with earlier studies in this field. The feature of conscientiousness from the Big Five theory was positively correlated to both learning and achievement orientations, while the tendency to avoid working during studies was negatively correlated to conscientiousness. In addition, openness to experiences was related to learning orientation of students in higher education. Differences in personality traits and goal orientations between university students and students of university of applied sciences, or students of different age groups were not found in this data. The current year of studies was also a poor indicator of differences in goal orientations and personality traits, however, in this study the third-year students were more conscientiousness than others. Similar research has not been done in the past but studying diversity of motivation and goal orientations among students provides valuable information also when it comes to teaching. Therefore, the subject is significant as it provides valuable information that can be utilized for example when developing teaching methods.
  • Mannonen, Oona (2019)
    The aim of this thesis was to view university students’ achievement goal orientations and burnout. The first research problem was to examine what kinds of achievement goal orienta-tion groups can be identified among university students. The second research problem was to examine how students with different achievement goal orientation profiles differ in how they experience burnout. The achievement goal orientations were divided into five different orien-tations: mastery-intrinsic, mastery-extrinsic, performance-approach, performance-avoidance and avoidance orientation. Burnout was defined as a psychological syndrome caused by long-term school related stress that includes feelings of exhaustion, cynicism and inadequacy. Previous achievement goal orientation studies have largely focused on children and younger students. Moreover, there has been few studies examining the link between achievement goal orientations and burnout, so this thesis aimed to introduce new information about this topic. The participants filled a survey which included achievement goal orientation and burnout in-struments. The respondents (n=122) were university students and they varied in age and state of studies. A person-oriented approach was applied as the students were classified to different achievement goal orientation groups using cluster analysis. The link between achievement goal orientations and burnout was examined using analysis of variance. Three achievement goal orientation groups were found in the data: mastery-oriented (45 %), performance-oriented (38 %) and avoidance-oriented (17 %). On average the students were quite mastery- and performance-oriented. The mastery-oriented students experienced least burnout and the performance-oriented the most. The performance-oriented students experi-enced exhaustion and inadequacy, whereas the avoidance-oriented students felt cynicism more than the other groups. The results imply that students who are differently oriented to their studies may differ in what they think about their wellbeing, although in this study the stu-dents overall didn’t experience severe burnout. Especially strong performance or avoidance orientation may cause burnout and thus have a negative impact on wellbeing. In the future it is important to pay attention to students’ wellbeing and also for example what kind of pres-sure and demands their studies and future possibly set for them.