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Browsing by Subject "uudistava oppiminen"

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  • Tallqvist, Jenni (2016)
    The purpose of this research is to identify why the professional substance abuse counselors, which have overcome their own substance abuse problems, leave to study substance abuse professional qualifications, even if they have already found a job without a degree. Is it compulsion or something else? The study will also identify what studies can provide to an all seen addict, if anything. The main research questions are: 1. What made the professional substance abuse counselors, who were also former substance abusers seek training? 2. What they felt that they got out of the training? This study is a qualitative research. For the study, five former substance abuser, who are working as professional substance abuse counselors were interviewed, all twice. After overcoming their own substance problems, the subjects had started to work as substance abuser counselors to make substance abuse work and acquired later substance abuse professional degree. The research material was collected by themed interviews. The data was inspected by using content analysis. The study shows that the former drug users were not very strongly motivated to study substance abuse work. However, during the studies their external motivation changes to the internal. All those who were interviewed felt that studying gave them something. Education, inter alia, increased self-esteem, a new perspective on substance abuse work and the tools to work.
  • Vasama, Tuulia (2019)
    Tarkastelen tässä narratiivisessa kirjallisuuskatsauksessa aikuisen ajattelu- ja oppimisprosessien kehittymistä kohti itseohjautuvaa oppimista. Tutkielman tarkoituksena on kuvata itseohjautuvuuden muodostumiselle tarpeellisia yksilön sisäisiä ominaisuuksia, sekä tekijöitä, joiden voidaan nähdä rajoittavan itseohjautuvuuden kehittymistä. Koska itseohjautuvuus on kasvatuksellisesti ajankohtainen ilmiö, näen aiheellisena tarkastella sitä myös yksilön näkökulmasta käsin, jolloin sen kehittymistä on mahdollista ymmärtää paremmin. Tutkielmani taustateoriana toimii Jack Mezirowin teoria uudistavasta oppimisesta aikuisuudessa, jossa aikuisen oppimista lähestytään kokonaisvaltaisesti, yksilön elämänkokemusten tulkintoja muuttavana kehityksenä kohti autonomista tulkintaa ja itseohjautuvuutta. Näkemyksen mukaan aikuisen kehittyminen itseohjautuvaksi tapahtuu kriittisen tiedostamisen ja itsereflektion kautta. Täten yksilö pyrkii vapautumaan sosialisaation myötä omaksumistaan sisäisistä rajoitteista, jotka vaikuttavat itseohjautuvuuteen sitä rajoittaen tai estäen sen toteutumista. Muutokset tapahtuvat yksilön merkitysperspektiiveissä, jotka sisältävät yksilön henkilökohtaisen viitekehyksen, jolloin muutosprosessi käsittää yksilön ajattelun useita eri kerroksia. Vuorovaikutuksella on prosessissa keskeinen rooli ja teoria korostaa tuen saamisen merkitystä osana itseohjautuvaksi kehittymistä. Tässä Mezirowin näkemys eroaa vallitsevasta humanistisesta näkemyksestä, jossa itseohjautuvuus nähdään aikuisessa valmiina olevana ominaisuutena, tuen saamisella ei katsota olevan merkitystä itseohjautuvuuden kehittymisen kannalta ja jossa korostus on enemmän yksilössä. Kirjallisuuden perusteella ilmeni, että itseohjautuvuuden toteutuminen edellyttää muutosvalmiutta, itsetuntemusta, sosiaalista vuorovaikutusta ja metakognitiivisia ajattelutaitoja. Estäviksi tekijöiksi ilmenivät puolestaan tuen saamisen puute, haluttomuus muutokseen tai liian vaikeiksi koetut muutosprosessin aiheuttamat tunteet.
  • Niinistö, Sari (2019)
    In this candidate´s dissertation I examined the relationship of adult personality and transformative lear-ning with the help of an integrative literature review. In connetion with adult learning, too little consi-deration has been given to the personality changes of an individual. My study interest concentrated on finding connections between the concepts of personal learning process and personality, and clarifying the possibilities of developing one's self . My point of view is abstract and individualistic ,and my ap-proach is humanistic , personality psychological and adult educational. My material consisted of sources dealing with Dan McAdams' personality theory and Jack Mezirow's theory of transformative learning, as well as other adult educational, humanistic and personality psychological materials. In my review I also included the humanistic background philosophy of Me-zirow's theory and humanistic conception of man and learning. I dealt with personality using McA-dams' level theory, concentrating on the structure of personality and the all-inclusive narrative perso-nal life story. The connections of these theories became evident by analyzing the concepts. In Mezirow's theory per-sonality, identity and self image are considered flexible and the possibilities of learning strong despite external boundary conditions. Mezirow talks about changing the frames of reference through dialogue and by re-evaluting one's experiences. According to McAdams, there is a possibility of change even in adulthood when the narrative identity intertwines life experiences into stories and when life expe-riences are observed critically. On the basis of these theories even the challenges of life can be used as strenghts and the learning processes are connected to the development of one's personal identity. Every adult has the opportunity to learn to reform. In the course of the learning process individual objectives and frames of reference come more clearly to the levels of conciousness. According to the humanistic view , personality also develops in adulthood and according to my interpretation, these changes take place through transformation. The new significances of life experiences help the indiviual to direct his choices in formal connections in addition to the intrapersonal changes.