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  • Karjalainen, Henri (2016)
    The qualities required for achieving expert performance and for developing expertise have been researched a lot. According to the expertise theory and the theory of achieving expert performance, at least 10 years’ practice is needed to become a master in one’s own field. Especially being aware of one’s own strengths is seen as an important prerequisite for succeeding in sports and achieving expert performance. Part of important mental characteristics of a driver in autosports are good self-esteem and self-confidence (Pahkinen 2007, 17–18). A good self-concept in its turn is a significant part of good self-esteem. The purpose of the study was to find out what characteristics young drivers consider important for the success in autosports and how they experience their own skill level in relation to these characteristics. In this study the drivers assess themselves and their own skills in autosports. The AKK-Motorsport’s national junior team group, who represent Finnish top level in their own field, was chosen as the target of the study. Thirteen drivers aged 13 to 21 participated in the study with four of them racing in touring and formula series and nine in different karting series. The questionnaire with open-space questions about the drivers’ background and likert-scaled questions about their different characteristics were used as study material. The average results of the participants’ own characteristics and the characteristics considered important were compared with each other using Spearman’s correlation coefficient. The reliability of the analysis was examined with the help of Cronbach alfa. The characteristics that were regarded as the most important were driving skills, the will to win and self-confidence whereas drivers’ external support groups were least appreciated. Older and more experienced drivers considered their own skills better than younger and less experienced ones. Many of the characteristics that were valued the most important were psychical skills, which indicates that mental skills are a significant factor in autosports. Mental training, awareness of one’s own self-concept and the boosting of self-confidence are important qualities to be taken into consideration in autosports in addition to physical practice and the training of driving skills.
  • Huttunen, Anette (2019)
    This study examines positive pedagogy, the underlying ideas, and the position in today's school. The aim of the study was to describe positive pedagogy as a phenomenon and the related strength-based teaching and to find out what methods it involves. Positive pedagogy is a growing trend and its background theory is positive psychology. Positive pedagogy strives to promote well-being in the school context and considers the promotion of well-being as a school task alongside the teaching of traditional cognitive skills. The purpose of teaching is to find the strengths of each student and to develop and utilize them, and to focus on positive emotions and the challenges students may face. The research seeks to find answers to how positive pedagogy appears in the school and what its strenght-based teaching means. The research was conducted as a qualitative descriptive literature review. The source material was collected from different databases and the scientific articles and textbooks related to positive psychology and pedagogy were selected as the source material. The source material of the literature review was analyzed in accordance with content analysis and assembled into descriptive synthesis. In the teaching of positive pedagogy, it is important that the child participates and expresses himself. It is also essential in the teaching that the child is supported to observe and document his or her own life and that he has the opportunity to share and process his observations in interaction with others. Strength-based teaching utilizes virtues based on the division of Peterson and Seligman (2004). Research has shown that the use of positive pedagogy and strength-based teaching at school has been found to be of great benefit. Positive effects on well-being have been noticed as an improvement in self-esteem and self-worth and a more positive anticipation of the future. Effects have also been noticed in motivation, performance, achievement of goals, stress reduction and social relationships. Positive pedagogy is a current topic in Finland and many of its goals correspond to the objectives of the Basic Education Curriculum that came into force in 2016.
  • Kuusela, Sini-Mari (2023)
    Tavoitteet. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli saada eri ammattinimikkeillä toimivien varhaiskasvatuksen työntekijöiden kokemuksia siitä, kuinka positiivinen pedagogiikka toteutuu heidän yksikössään erilaisten lasten kohdalla. Haastattelun avulla voidaan tutkia millaisia tunteita aihe henkilöissä herättää, millaisia ajatuksia ja omia kokemuksiaan heillä asiasta on (Hirsjärvi, S & Hurme, H, 2022, s.48). Tutkimuksessa tuotiin esille sitä mitä positiivinen pedagogiikka on, miten sen koettiin toteutuvan ja millaiset asiat siihen vaikuttavat. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa nousee esille kasvattajan merkitys, sekä positiivisen pedagogiikan näkökulmia hyötyihin ja haittoihin. Menetelmät. Tutkimus menetelmänä oli haastattelu, johon osallistui neljä varhaiskasvatuksen työntekijää, yksi varhaiskasvatuksen opettaja, yksi varhaiskasvatuksen sosionomi, yksi varhaiskasvatuksen lastenhoitaja ja yksi varhaiskasvatuksen avustaja. Kaikki vastaajat toimivat samassa helsinkiläisessä varhaiskasvatusyksikössä. Haastattelut litteroitiin, jonka jälkeen aineisto analysoitiin, etsien haastatteluista yhtäläisyyksiä ja eroavaisuuksia. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tuloksista tuli ilmi, ettei positiivinen pedagogiikka ole kaikille alalla työskenteleville tuttu. Varhaiskasvatuksessa henkilökunnalla on kuitenkin pääasiassa asiasta monipuolista tietoa, he pyrkivät toteuttamaan sitä arjessa parhaansa mukaan. Usein ajatellaan, ettei lapsen oppimista lähestytä enää tänä päivänä puutteiden kautta, miettien mitä lapsi ei vielä osaa (Kumpulainen, K., Mikkola, A., Rajala, A., Hilppö, J., & Lipponen, L., 2014, s. 199). Tästä asiasta haastateltavani ovat erimieltä, sitä kohtaa arjessa edelleen. Toteutumiseen vaikuttaa kuitenkin vahvasti kasvattajan oma sensitiivisyys, sekä halu toimia positiivisen pedagogiikan mukaisesti. Arkea varjostaa resurssipula, kiire ja henkilökunnan väsymys, jolloin lasten kohtaaminen ei aina toteudu tavoitteiden mukaisesti. Jokainen haastateltava tiedosti positiivisen pedagogiikan hyödyn läpi lapsen elämän.
  • Malinen, Jenni (2016)
    Objectives. The pursuit of well-being and happiness has become an important element of life in the western world and its societies. Positive psychology’s objective is to find the best qualities in people, help them strengthen those qualities and fulfill their individual potential. The Finnish media has recently displayed many examples of social exclusion and bullying among the youth as well as stories of students and teachers, who are exhausted by the increasing group sizes and the hectic everyday laden in school. The phenomenon is not new. For quite some time, the scholars and professionals of teaching and education have been searching ways to increase children's well-being in and outside classrooms. Positive education is an approach to education, that is based on positive psychology’s emphasis of individual strengths and personal motivation as well as the meaning of a warm-spirited and well-balanced community to promote learning and the pursuit of well-being and happiness. The first objective of this study was to find out the theoretical justifications of using positive education as a teaching method in a classroom. The second objective of the study was to look into the already existing applications of positive education and find out how the approach can be put into practice in the everyday school life. Methods. This study is a descriptive review of the literature of positive psychology and positive education and their theoretical background. The material of the study consists of articles and books written by the most appreciated domestic and foreign scholars in the field of positive psychology and education. In addition to the previous, the material consists also of one dissertation and one guidebook, as examples of positive education’s practical applications. Results and conclusions. Happiness has a tending to nourish itself and accumulate, having a tremendous affect, on how we react to the successes and setbacks we face in life. Happiness increases out mental resilience and helps us get over disappointments more quickly and effectively. It strengthens us and helps us to cope with the demands and challenges today's society sets for us. Positive psychology based teaching methods have many positive effects on learning, as well as on fulfilling the basic psychological human needs. The applications of positive education are fairly simple to implement in the daily schoolwork. It is also definitely worth the while, as their impact on individuals as well as the class and school communities are very positive.
  • Sullivan, Riikka (2023)
    Tavoitteet. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on kartoittaa tunnekasvatuksen nykytilannetta Suomessa. Viime aikoina on monin paikoin alettu kiinnittämään huomiota lasten tunne- ja vuorovaikutustaitoihin osana laajempaa pyrkimystä hyvinvointiin. Aikaisempien tutkimusten mukaan lapsen tunnetaitojen tukeminen saattaa vähentää negatiivisia tunteita sekä auttaa lasta ymmärtämään ja säätelemään tunteitaan (Denham ym., 2016). Lisäksi aikaisemmissa tutkimuksissa on todettu tunnekasvatuksella olevan positiivisia vaikutuksia sekä yksilötasolla että yhteiskunnallisella tasolla. Tämän tutkimuksen tutkimustehtävänä on kuvata tunnekasvatuksen keinoja ja työkaluja, sekä siitä saatuja hyötyjä tai sen muita mahdollisia seurauksia. Menetelmät. Tämä tutkimus oli laadullinen tutkimus. Tässä käytetty kuvaileva ja integroiva kirjallisuuskatsaus tarjosi mahdollisuuden sekä tutkimusten kriittiseen tarkasteluun että myös hyväksyi aineistoina käytettyjen tutkimusten erilaiset metodit ja lähestymistavat. Tässä tutkimuksessa käytetyn Integroivan kirjallisuuskatsauksen vaiheita olivat tutkimuskysymysten laatiminen, aineiston kerääminen, aineiston arviointi, aineiston analyysi ja tulkinta sekä tulosten esittäminen. Kirjallisuuskatsaus aloitettiin määrittämällä tutkimustehtävä, tutkimuskysymykset ja keskeiset käsitteet. Aineistona oli neljä alkuperäistä tutkimusta tunnekasvatuksesta, joissa oli käytetty sekä laadullisia että määrällisiä tutkimusmenetelmiä. Tässä tutkimuksessa lähestymistapana oli teoriasidonnainen sisällönanalyysi. Analyysimenetelmänä käytettiin teemoittelua. Aineistosta nostettiin esiin tutkimustehtävän kannalta keskeisiä asiakokonaisuuksia, jotka luokiteltiin teemoittain. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin tunnekasvatuksesta olevan selkeää hyötyä. Näitä hyötyjä löytyi yksilötasolta aina yhteiskunnalliselle tasolle saakka. Toisaalta havaittiin myös passiivisen tunnekasvatuksen haitallisia seurauksia. Passiivisessa tunnekasvatuksessa kasvattaminen tapahtui siirtämällä tiedostamattomia ja usein toimimattomia malleja eteenpäin eikä varsinaiseen tunnekasvatukseen kiinnitetty tietoista huomiota. Koska kaikilla tietoisen tunnekasvatuksen keinoilla ja työkaluilla oli selkeitä hyötyjä, johtopäätöksenä voidaankin pitää yleisesti tunnekasvatuksen tärkeyttä varhaiskasvatuksessa ja kouluissa. Myös henkilökuntaa tulee kouluttaa tunnekasvatuksen osaajiksi sekä turvata riittävät resurssit tunnekasvatuksen menestyksekkääseen toteuttamiseen.
  • Högel, Senja-Riitta (2016)
    The goal of this thesis is to disclose the conceptions that young adults, who are on a gap year, have of their own strengths. In addition, this research examines how useful these strengths are perceived on different parts of life, and how does recognizing one’s own strengths affect planning their future. The theory part defines the concept of strength and the different processes that lead to the introduction of one’s strengths. The part also presents previous researches about the positive effects of recognizing one’s strengths. The material consists of interviews of three young adults, who are on a gap year. The method used for the interviews was theme interview and the method for the analysis of the data was content analysis. The interviewees seemed to have quite clear conceptions of their own strengths. They emphasized on specific core strengths, that appeared on different parts of their lives. The interviewees strengths were seen as permanent. The strengths were also seen as something the interviewees can utilize at work, free time as well as at school. Though, school was not seen as a place where strengths are at their fullest or where the development of one’s strengths would be supported. The material showed up three different means, how understanding one’s strengths affect planning their future. The strengths were seen as signposts of future, factors that support dreaming and as necessary tools in future.