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Browsing by Subject "vaikuttaminen"

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  • Alatalo, Niko (2016)
    The goal of this study is to solve how three different fifth-graders, from Helsinki, experience their own opportunities to influence in their own local community. In this study the strongest local community which rises is school community. But I have been trying to process pupils’ hobbies, friends and their home as well beside the school and how the pupils influence in those local communities. The study is timely because of a new subject, social studies, which is starting in elementary schools in fall of 2016. One of the goals is to solve how these fifth-graders see this new subject and part of its contents now in spring of 2016 before it’s starting in the fall of 2016. A research problems are following, how elementary school fifth-grader experience its own opportunities to influence its own local community, how active fifth-grader is to influence in its own local community and how elementary school fifth-grader experience to be heard in the local community-based issues in decision-making. I will interview three fifth-graders and trying to get interviewed pupils who have some kind of a background of being a part of some team or organization. I will analyse a results by using content analysis method. I am trying to parallel the results of levels of an influencing and involvement in local communities to former theories about interactions between kids and adults in decision making. The study found that pupils had different views about influencing in the local community depending what was meant with a local community. In a school community pupils experienced their own chances to influence weak. While at home or with friends pupils experienced their chances to influence just natural part of day to day routines. All these things together create an understanding of pupils’ activity of trying to influence in their local communities. Level of activity is strongly dependent of what was meant about local community.
  • Jaakkola, Santeri (2016)
    Aim of the thesis was to find out how persuasion and influencing has been done in retail trades service counter. It is everyday life for men to do business in retail trade, but the subject is still relatively short on research. Persuasion and influencing has been studied, and from the field most relevant for this thesis has been Aristotle’s division of influencing to ethos, pathos and logos. Influencing with speaker’s status, feelings or knowledge is one of the most known division of persuasion and influencing. Behavior of salespersons in retail trade has been studied more and Kottlers, Armstrongs, Wongs and Saunders (2012) personal selling process was used in this thesis to clarify different phases of selling process. In the thesis will be canvassed, how persuasion is executed in service counter selling and what kind of measures salespersons use. For the thesis four salespersons from same retail trades meat- and fish counters were interviewed. Semi-structured interviews were executed for each separately and in the interview questions were about impressions of salespersons about persuasion and customer service. In the end of the interview, the interviewees were shown different customer profiles and pictures of meats, and tried to figure out salespersons argumentation tactics and reasons, why products are being sold and to whom. Received data was transcribed and analyzed in a way of subject analysis, meaning the data was divided to different subthemes, the themes were combined to classes and then from the results were analyzed all similarities and differences. Most significant finding from the perspective of persuasion was the salespersons usage of own rank and status (ethos) in persuasion. Interviewees also utilized impassioned persuasion (pathos) and this was often done with visualizing and associations. From the data also stood out a supportive meaning of relationship between customer and salespersons persuasion. This finding was important difference compared to other selling situations, because in retail trade salespersons have possibilities to build long-lasting relations to their customers. That is why it is interesting, that salespersons see relationship as important way of executing persuasion and influencing.
  • Hyyrynen, Birgitta (2020)
    Demokratia tarvitsee aktiivisia kansalaisia, joilta löytyy riittävät valmiudet ja tahto muuttaa maailmaa. Suomalainen yhteiskuntatiedollinen opetus ja nuorten heikko vaikuttamisosallistuneisuus on herättänyt paljon keskustelua. Nuorten yhteiskunnallisten asenteiden ongelmiin pyrittiin osittain vastaamaan opetussuunnitelmauudistuksella, minkä myötä yhteiskuntaoppia alettiin opettaa myös alakouluissa. Oppimateriaaleilla on usein suuri merkitys opetuksen toteutuksessa ja niiden tulisi mukailla opetuksen tavoitteita. Työni tarkoituksena on selvittää, kuinka opetussuunnitelman yhteiskuntatiedolliset tavoitteet toteutuvat alakoulun yhteiskuntaopin oppikirjasarjassa. Tarkasteluni kohdistuu demokraattisen vaikuttamisen ja osallisuuden teemoihin. Toteutin tutkimukseni laadullisena sisällönanalyysina, jonka tarkoituksena on luoda tutkittavasta ilmiöstä tiivis kuvaus sekä kytkeä tulokset ilmiön laajempaan asiayhteyteen ja aiempiin tutkimuksiin. Aineistona toimi alakoulun yhteiskuntaopin Forum -kirjasarja sekä Perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelman perusteet 2014 -asiakirja. Tämän lisäksi hyödynsin aiempaa tutkimustietoa tutkielmani perustana. Tutkimuksen tuloksista ilmeni, että oppikirjat mukailevat pääosin perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelman perusteiden tavoitteita, mutta myös kehitettävää löytyy. Oppiaineen yhteiskuntaan sosiaalistavat tavoitteet olivat oppikirjojen sisällöissä suuressa roolissa. Oppiaineen kriittisyyteen kasvattava rooli jäi puolestaan kirjoissa pienemmäksi. Vaikuttamismahdollisuuksia oli esitetty laajasti, mutta useimmat niistä olivat lapsen tulevaisuuteen kohdistuvia. Kirjojen instituutioita korostava tietopainotteisuus on osaltaan pienentänyt oppiaineen kriittisyyteen kasvattavaa roolia. Näin ollen yhteiskunta näyttäytyy lapsille muuttamattomana ja yhteiskunnan todelliset areenat sellaisina, joille pääsee vasta aikuisena. Työtapoihin liittyvät tavoitteet toteutuivat kirjoissa keskustelutehtävien muodossa.
  • Valmu, Nelli (2018)
    The purpose of this study is to find out how parents feel about their opportunities of influencing in their child’s kindergarten in Helsinki. The topic has been in the news copiously lately. The cooperation between the kindergartens and the parents is guided by numerous documents. “Varhaiskasvatussuunnitelman perusteet” states that the parents have a right to be a part of planning, execution and evaluation of the early childhood education. Influencing means altering or changing someone’s thoughts or actions. It is one of the most important things enabling the feeling of empowerment. Empowerment is the feeling of being an important part of a group and being able to influence and take responsibilities. In this study, I use a phenomenological basis. I used an internet inquiry to ask parents who live in Helsinki, how they feel about their possibilities of influencing in the early childhood ed-ucation of their children. There were 24 answerers. I did the analysis with analysis of content. The results were quite well in line with my expectations. Parents are given opportunities to in-fluence, but they feel like it is not enough. Most of the opportunities involve their own chil-drens day to day life, for example clothing and food. Many parents wish for possibilities to help the kindergartens with planning activities, like excursions and celebrations. There were also parents who are completely satisfied with the opportunities that they are given and the communication between them and the kindergarten.