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Browsing by Subject "valmiudet"

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  • Alasuutari, Nea (2017)
    Goals. The purpose of this research was to find out views on a child’s self-esteem and ways of supporting it, from graduating kindergarten teachers from the university of Helsinki. The views on a child’s self-esteem, the studies done on it and the significance of early childhood education training formed the research problems. As a future early childhood educator, I found the topic to be worthy of studying because of its importance in a child’s life. The strengthening of a child’s self-esteem and positive self-image is one of the most important missions of early childhood education. A strong self-esteem has been linked to for example satisfaction with life, selfappreciation and self-confidence. The experiences in childhood and adolescence create the base for self-esteem, therefore kindergarten teachers and other early childhood educators have great responsibility and a big task upon them. Methodology. The research was carried out by using a qualitative research method. The material was gathered with a questionnaire. 19 students of early childhood education from the university of Helsinki participated in the research. The material was analyzed by using qualitative material analysis. Results and conclusions. According to this research, kindergarten teachers graduating from the university of Helsinki believe that the self-esteem of a child and supporting it is a very important matter. The respondents mostly comprehended self-esteem as self-appreciation. Many answers highlighted encouragement and praise as ways of supporting positive self-esteem. The experience of succeeding, the supporting of positive relationships with peers and individual attention were also seen as important ways of supporting self-esteem. The respondents were divided by their thoughts about if their education and training provided by the university of Helsinki was broad enough for the respondents to support children’s self-esteem sufficiently.
  • Sumiloff, Satu (2019)
    Pre-reading and pre-writing skills predict the development of reading and writing skills. The purpose of this research is to study how kindergarten teachers support children’s pre-reading and pre-writing skills in preschool. Motivation and interest also predict the development of reading and writing skills. That said, it is also an intention to study how children’s motivation and interest towards reading and writing is supported in preschool. The answers were found trough an online survey. There were two different parts in this survey and it mainly consisted of open questions. The survey was published in a Facebook-group that is meant for personnel working in kindergarten. There were 11 people who took part in this research and they all work as kindergarten teachers in preschool. Eight of them had had extra education about this subject. The answers were analysed trough content analysis. It was found out that kindergarten teachers have many different ways to support children’s pre-reading and pre-writing skills in preschool. The most important factors seemed to be literature and reading out loud. Supporting children’s pre-reading and pre-writing skills was something that belongs to every day and the skills were practised in all kinds of situations. Also different games and playing and the use of technology were pointed out in many of the answers. Motivation and interest were mostly supported via cheering and praising. Kindergarten teachers seemed to have a strong vision that the motivation and interest towards reading and writing comes naturally.
  • Terehova, Rosa (2021)
    Inkluusioon pyrkiminen peruskoulussa on vahvasti kansallisten asiakirjojen ohjaamaa, jotka määrittelevät koulun kaikille yhteiseksi. Inkluusion toteuttamisessa on kuitenkin opettajien puolelta negatiivista asennoitumista etenkin SEN-oppilaiden vastaanottamisessa luokilleen. Opettajien negatiivisten asenteiden takana nähdään olevan heikkoa minäpystyvyyttä sekä osaamista toteuttaa inklusiivista opetusta. Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena oli selvittää opettajien valmiuden kokemuksia inklusiivista opetusta kohtaan, miten toteuttaa inklusiivista opetusta sekä miten kohdata ja tukea SEN-oppilaita yleisopetuksessa. Tutkielmassa kartoitettiin opettajien valmiuksia asenteiden, minäpystyvyyden sekä kokemuksien kautta. Opettajankoulutuksen koetaan olevan merkittävässä roolissa vaikuttamassa opettajien vahvempiin kokemuksiin omista valmiuksistaan. Tarkastelin siis myös, millaisia valmiuksia koulutuksen koetaan antavan tuleville opettajille. Tutkielma on toteutettu kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena, johon valittiin yhdeksän vertaisarvioitua tutkimusartikkelia sekä yksi väitöskirja. Tutkielman aineiston kohderyhmänä olivat opettajat. Tutkielman analyysi toteutettiin teorialähtöisenä sisällönanalyysinä. Tutkielman tuloksista selviää, että opettajien kokemat valmiudet olivat yleisesti heikkoja. Etenkin tietojen ja taitojen koettiin olevan riittämättömiä. Opettajat kokivat, että ainoastaan erityisopettajilla oli riittävä osaaminen kohdata, tukea ja opettaa SEN-oppilaita. Minäpystyvyydellä koettiin olevan vaikuttava merkitys opettajien valmiuden kokemuksiin, sillä vahvemmalla minäpystyvyydellä opettajat uskoivat omaan osaamiseensa. Opettajankoulutuksen perusteltiin olevan merkittävänä vaikuttajana opettajien valmiuden kokemuksiin. Opettajat kokivat, että heillä oli hyvin vähäinen tai olematon erityispedagoginen osaaminen, jota he työssään olisivat tarvinneet. Opettajankoulutuksen kehittäminen sekä erityispedagogisen osaamisen lisääminen sai tutkimuksissa vastaajilta kannatusta.