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Browsing by Subject "yhteistoiminnallinen oppiminen"

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  • Pekkala, Antti (2019)
    Purpose of this thesis is to outline decisions made designing the physical learning environment of Koulu school -concept, and further develop its elements for humanitarian work and disaster relief. It also seeks ways to take advantage of local materials and craftsmanship. Previous studies have shown that physical learning environment can improve learning results, serve to direct towards more interactive learning methods and increase overall well-being. Engaging local communities in school’s day-to-day operations develops life skills and helps normalize everyday life in difficult circumstances. Thesis was implemented as survey, which was targeted at Koulu school team members. Survey collects tacit knowledge that has accumulated within the team and structures this know-how into practical solutions to further develop Koulu school -concept. Survey was conducted online using Helsinki university’s eLomake -service and six responses were received. Data was analyzed qualitatively using theory-driven content analysis, with physical elements of Koulu school’s learning environment as analytical framework. A short action research was conducted at Za’atr refugee camp to complement the survey. According to respondents the best elements of learning environment were shade cloth and wall of blackboards. These created comfortable atmosphere and allowed for flexible room layouts. Floor cushions were considered adaptable and promoting social equality. Respondents also suggested that physical elements of learning environment should be further developed more reliable, considering difficult and often primitive circumstances of humanitarian relief work. Thesis also concludes that Koulu school’s physical learning environment, as well as processes and instructions should be developed towards craft methods. Using local materials and craftsmanship engages local communities to the school and helps making processes more flexible and robust. In order to support this, elements of learning environment should be simplified, and instructions be developed in order to meet the needs of humanitarian work.
  • Lindholm, Tarja (2017)
    Goals. The purpose of this Bachelor´s Thesis was to define group skills in school context and find efficient ways to teach group skills to pupils. As the national curriculum in Finland (POPS 2014) emphasizes co-operation and communication skills, these questions are important and relevant. In this thesis, I try to clarify the process of learning and teaching group skills in school as well as the factors effecting it. Methods. The research method was a literature review. The material was gathered by reading educational and psychological literature and research. Essential research objects were co-operative learning theory and group dynamics. The results found in these materials were compared to POPS 2014, the national curriculum of Finland. Results and conclusions. Group skills are a part of social competence, which is based on socio-cognitive, social and emotional skills and temperament. There are four levels of co-operative group skills, which are forming, functioning, formulating and fermenting. According to the material used in this thesis, the following features and actions were typically related to group skills: listening, asking, taking turns, justification, sharing ideas, forming common views, managing conflicts and working for common goals. Group skills are not learned only by working in a group. Group skills should be systematically taught to pupils. Several studies indicate that group skills can be improved by following the basic elements of co-operative learning. Teaching co-operative group skills has also shown to have a positive influence on the relationships and atmosphere in the classroom as well as on the learning results.
  • Ersta-Turunen, Riikka (2020)
    Tiivistelmä - Referat - Abstract Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää minkälainen opetusmenetelmä Young Leader Method on. Tutkimustehtäväksi muodostui Young Leader -metodin kuvaaminen, huomio kohdistettuna menetelmän tavoitteisiin, toteutustapaan sekä lasten vuorovaikutukseen ja toimintaan sitoutumiseen. Tutkimuskysymykseni ovatkin: 1. Mitkä ovat Young Leader -metodin tavoitteet? 2. Miten Young Leader -metodia toteutetaan? 3. Minkälaisena lasten välinen vuorovaikutus ja sitoutuminen toimintaan näyttäytyy? Tutkimus toteutettiin kvalitatiivisena kuvailevana tapaustutkimuksena. Aineisto kerättiin haastattelemalla pedagogiikan kehittäjää ja esiopettajaa, tutkimalla menetelmän internetsivuja sekä havainnoimalla kahta saman sisältöistä opetustuokiota esiopetusryhmässä. Havainnoinnin tukena käytettiin videointia. Haastattelut analysoitiin aineistolähtöisellä sisällönanalyysillä. Videomateriaalia havainnoitiin soveltavin osin Orientaatioprojektin havainnointiohjetta hyödyntäen, joka sisälsi muun muassa LIS-YC-asteikon lapsen sitoutumisen havainnointiin. Young Leader –metodin tavoitteet luokiteltiin pelkistettyjen ilmausten kautta yläkäsitteisiin, joita olivat arvot ja asenteet, hyvinvointi, vuorovaikutus sekä ajattelu ja oppimisen taidot. Young Leader – metodia toteutetaan jakamalla lapset neljän hengen tiimeihin, joissa tiimijohtajan rooli kiertää vuorotellen jokaisella lapsella. Tiimit ratkaisevat opettajan suunnitteleman tiimihaasteen, joka vaatii koko tiimin työskentelyä yhdessä. Kasvattaja on valmentavassa roolissa ja jalkautuu antamaan lapsille kohdennettua tukea ja rohkaisua. Lasten välistä neuvottelua ja vastavuoroisuutta esiintyi tiimihaasteiden keskellä runsaasti. Sosiaalisesta tilanteesta vetäytymisiäkin ilmeni hetkittäin yksittäisten lasten osalta. Samoin määräileviä aloitteita, mutta pääsääntöisesti lasten välinen vuorovaikutus oli hyväksyvää ja yhteistoiminnallista. Lapset olivat hyvin sitoutuneita tiimihaasteiden tekemiseen ja saattoivat pitkäänkin kestäneet tehtävät loppuun asti. Young Leader –metodilla on monia positiivisia vaikutuksia. Johtajuustaitojen ja tiimitaitojen oppimisesta voivat hyötyä kaikki ja niitä voidaan opettaa myös lapsille.