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Browsing by Subject "yrittäjyys"

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  • Koskinen, Markus (2018)
    This bachelor's thesis aggregate notions of entrepreneurship education that has been given over the years. There are lot of definitions and person who are interest in this subject can find quite different opinion. When we define entrepreneurship, it is remarkable, that intrapreneurship means industrious attitude and entrepreneurship means business and practice. Entrepreneurship education is a common topic in Finnish education debate and people think that it is necessary. Still and all, it is not own subject in school and so it doesn’t have the criteria of good knowledge in national core curriculum. Additionally studies shows that teachers have different views on this subject. Because of this entrepreneurship education may seem confusing. With this bachelor thesis I look for a response to the problem: what is entrepreneurship education? In this thesis I take to review national core curriculum 2014, researches of entrepreneurship education and society. I include teachers, students, decision-makers, organizations, companies, old national core curriculums and civil servants to society. In addition I consider what skills we can teach through entrepreneurship education? In this case highlighted my experience from Me&MyCity-day. This thesis shows that the current national core curriculum doesn’t mention the term entrepreneurship education. Instead of there are many mentions to entrepreneurship and companies. The relationship between national core curriculum and entrepreneurship is economical. Based on researches and perceptions of society, there are four category in entrepreneurship education: preparing for the future, build transferable skills to meet with uncertainty, industrious attitude and work as an entrepreneur. We can learn many skills through entrepreneurship education. Problem solving skills and accountability were highlighted in Me&MyCity-day. These observations are also in line with research literature. The conclusion of the thesis we can say that entrepreneurship education is the teaching of entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship. Intrapreneurship includes preparing for the future, transferable skills to meet with uncertainty and industrious attitude. Entrepreneurship includes work as an entrepreneur.
  • Purasmaa, Marika (2016)
    In this study I examine phenomena linked in time allocation and search for the questions behind the decisions of con-cerning time allocation. The context of the study is Design entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship-like studying at schools, rising values of the craftsmanship and maker culture, and also the typical speculations concerning time management and balanced lifestyle in our society, can be seen as the specific motivation to this study. Theoretical basis of this research can be represented by five concepts, that I think are the most powerfull drivers concerning the decisions of using and controlling one’s time. The abstractions like Making, Expertise, Freedom and Responsibility of the entrepreneurship and the Values are factors that are also strongly connected to each other. The aim of this study is to find out operators or themes behind those concepts, that will finally lead to concrete choises and personal impressions of time, as well as the signifigance of time management. The empirical data is collected by two theme interviews. The main theme of the slightly structured interviews, was concerning the time in general, focusing on the questions of the entrepreneurship, working practices, values, profes-sional identity and time allocations. The Design enterpreneurs, that I interviewed are Molla Mills and Aleksi Viirilä. The analysis method is theory-drifted, and its themes were based on five theoretical categories. According to this study, there can be found countless operators inside the abstractions Making, Professional skills, Freedom, Responsibility and Values, that have an impact on decisions of time allocating issues. These operators do not need to be arranged by order nor can they be generalised. In certain connections, in different points of the making process and also along one’s own professional chapter they can have a variable importance yet they are dynamic. The values, the importance and essentialness of making and the great reverence of freedom can be seen for example as the aim of doing good things and will to do things with the authentic touch, even if it means timeconsuming process with even higher costs. The relationship with time is constructed by finding the way and purpose of own professionalism, brightening own lifevalues and being passionate for working and progressing in it. Keeping the promises and high quality standards within one’s process and the products are significant issues in time allocation targets. Responsibility for the customers and co-operators is important. Time management sometimes appears distracting, but the reliability of own skills, certain assertiveness and going with the own philosophy allow to maintain freedom and inner tranquility.
  • Ralli, Silja (2018)
    Purpose. The aim of this study is to describe the factors that determine whether entrepreneurship education in basic education is equal and consistent with objectives, as well as the impacts of these factors. Outside Finland, the research on the topic has been conducted mostly in the field of economics. In Finland the research has been interdisciplinary. Hence this study approaches the topic through research done in pedagogics, sociology and economics. Methods. This study was conducted as a literature review, more specifically as a narrative overview with critical analysis. The method enables description of a broad, interdisciplinary phenomenon. Results and conclusions. The research concluded that whether entrepreneurship education is equal and consistent with the objectives, or not, is determined by social stock of stories and an individual’s opportunities to find their inner narrative constituents to support entrepreneurship. Other determining factors are schools, teachers, parents and their attitudes and educability on entrepreneurship education. The social stock of stories and the interpretation of various instances portrayed mainly two types of entrepreneurships, both of which are masculine: the virtuous working man and the prosperous middle-class male. The political premise of entrepreneurship education adheres to the talent profile of the prosperous middle class male. This entrepreneurship profile that has become the norm in the western society is characterized by power, independence, prosperity, rivalry, risk-taking and heroism. The teachers’ perceptions created a portrayal of a new kind of prowess specifically related to entrepreneurship that the school is not able to enhance. This was considered as having specific significance on equality since the school has the authority to make interpretations regarding educability. In addition, the research focused on the ambiguity of entrepreneurship education in the name of objectives and equality. There is a struggle over broad themes related to the definition of citizenship, economic policies, learning theories and theories of childhood. However, public discourse and discourse among the educators over values is minimal.
  • Saarelainen, Sinikka (2021)
    Tutkielman tarkoituksena on tarkastella, mitä haasteita yleissivistävän koulutuksen opettajat kohtaavat yrittäjyyskasvatuksen toteutuksessa. Yrittäjyyskasvatus on asetettu kaikkien koulutusasteiden tehtäväksi Suomessa vuosien 2004-2006 opetussuunnitelmauudistusksen myötä. Yrittäjyyspoliittisilla toimenpiteillä on Euroopassa pyritty vastaamaan lisääntyneeseen kilpailuun sekä rakennetyöttömyyden tuottamiin haasteisiin. Koulutusjärjestelmä on myös koettu tulevaisuuden työelämää vastaamattomana ja näin ollen yrittäjyyskasvatuksella on pyritty osaltaan tuomaan työelämässä tarvittavia taitoja lähemmäksi opiskelijoita. Yrittäjyyskasvatuksen tarkoituksena on lisätä myönteisiä asenteita yrittäjyyttä kohtaan sekä kasvattaa yrittäjyysosaamista läpäisten eri koulutustasot peruskoulusta yliopistoihin. Tutkielma toteutettiin integroivana kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriön linjaukset ovat johtaneet yrittäjyyskasvatuksen määrittelyyn sekä yrittäjyyskasvatukseen liittyvän pedagogiikan ja opetuksen tutkimukseen koululaitoksissa. Usein tutkimuksissa esille nousevat haasteet, joita yrittäjyyskasvatuksen toteutus on kohdannut. Tutkimuskysymyksenäni on: Mitä haasteita yleissivistävän koulutuksen opettajat kohtaavat yrittäjyyskasvatuksen toteutuksessa? Yrittäjyys, yrittäjyyskasvatus ja opettajien rooli olivat keskeisessä osassa tutkielmaani ja määrittivät teoreettisen viitekehyksen. Aineistona toimivat sisällönanalyysillä läpikäydyt 5 tutkimusartikkelia ja yksi väitöskirja. Analysoiden ja syntetisoiden aineistoa katsaus nosti yrittäjyyskasvatuksen toteutuksen haasteiksi opettajien vaihtelevan ymmärryksen yrittäjyyskasvatuksen merkityksistä, ristiriitaisten tavoitteiden ja arvojen yhteensovittamisen, toteutuksissa ilmenevät paradoksit, kasvatustieteellisten käsitteiden puutteellisen soveltamisen, oppimisteorioiden haasteet sekä opettajien yrittäjämäisen toimintatavan. Johtopäätöksinä voidaan todeta, että Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriön linjaukset ohjaavat, miten yrittäjyyskasvatusta tulisi toteuttaa, mutta yrittäjyys ja kasvatus näyttäytyvät molemmat aikaan, yhteiskuntaan ja arvoihin sidoksissa olevina tutkimuskohteina, mikä tekee yrittäjyyskasvatuksen sisällyttämisestä opetukseen haastavaa. Uudistus on kuitenkin aikaa vievä prosessi, jossa opettajien yrittäjyyskasvatusvalmiudet, uusi tutkimustieto ja yhteistyöt tulevat auttamaan tulevaisuudessa.