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  • Kaasinen, Jasmiina (2021)
    OBJECTIVE Eating disorders are serious and often long-lasting conditions with significantly elevated mortality risk. Treating eating disorders is challenging, and the interventions commonly used do not benefit all patients. The aim of this literature review was to examine the effects of different mindfulness-based interventions on the treatment and prevention of eating disorders. METHODS The literature was searched in PubMed and Google Scholar databases using combinations of the terms mindfulness, ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy), DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy), MBCT (Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy) and eating disorder. Three meta-analyses and six randomized controlled trials examining the effects of mindfulness-based interventions on eating pathology were selected for the review. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS Results concerning the effects of mindfulness-based interventions on eating disorders were promising. Several mindfulness-based interventions appear to be efficacious in the treatment of both subclinical eating disorder symptoms and diagnosable eating disorders. There are some limitations in this review and in the literature used. The meta-analyses included many uncontrolled studies and waitlist and treatment as usual control groups were often used in RCTs. Furthermore, the heterogeneity of the studies was high. More RCTs are needed, but based on this review, mindfulness-based interventions can be considered as potential psychosocial treatments for eating disorders and disordered eating behavior.
  • Kallela, Jyri (2019)
    Mindfulness has been recognized as a valuable skill for psychological well-being, and it has been utilized in psychotherapeutic treatment for decades. However, its operationalization has proven to be difficult, and research on mindfulness contains a number of additional methodological challenges. Mindfulness-based interventions also differ from each other in how they conceptualize mindfulness and use it as a part of treatment, and thus its role in their effectiveness is difficult to establish. This review compares three mindfulness-based psychotherapeutic interventions: acceptance and commitment therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy. The comparison focuses on their definition of mindfulness and its utilization in treatment, and the role of mindfulness as a possible change mechanism. The interventions contained both common and differing elements in how they define and utilize mindfulness, which reflects the multi-faceted nature of the concept. The two elements that are most often linked to mindfulness, namely present-moment awareness and an accepting stance towards experience, were common to all interventions. However, the therapies differed in their emphasis of mindfulness either as a specific state of consciousness or as a set of skills to learn and master. There were also differences in the underlying purpose of mindfulness practice as part of the therapeutic process. The most obvious difference was whether or not a formal mindfulness practice is expected from either the patient or the therapist. The diversity of definitions makes mindfulness suitable to adapt for various psychological interventions which are aimed at different patient groups, and its therapeutic potential is clear. However, there is currently too little high-quality research available to make reliable conclusions about the specific effect of mindfulness in mindfulness-based treatments. Much more research is needed, starting with a clear definition and operationalization of the construct, and developing more reliable measures.
  • Hartikainen, Sari (2020)
    Objective. The aim of this literature review was to research whether mindfulness-based methods are related to stress reduction among students. Mindfulness, in other words the ability to be fully present in the moment, has been found to have many neurobiological, psychological and physiological effects on human health. Stress is linked to students' health in many ways and it is important to find effective ways to manage stress already while studying to prevent the negative sides of stress. In previous studies, stress has been reduced with mindfulness training. Methods. Research on mindfulness and students’ stress was searched in PubMed and Google Scholar with the keywords mindfulness, student and stress. Recent studies were searched between the years 2018 and 2019. Articles were also manually searched through the bibliographies of already selected articles. A total of six research articles were selected for the review, three of them using a mindfulness-based phone application and three of them using a traditional mindfulness course. Results and conclusions. The results between students’ stress and mindfulness exercises were ambiguous. In half of the studies, those who practiced mindfulness were less stressed after the intervention than those who were non-practitioners, and the results remained in follow-up. In half of the studies, mindfulness practitioners were as stressed after the intervention as non-practitioners. However, the latter studies give some hope for the effectiveness of mindfulness interventions among students. They found, among other results, that an improvement on the aspects of mindfulness was associated with less stress and stress decreased after mindfulness intervention in women but not in men. In one study they also found a slight decrease in stress among mindfulness practitioners. Mindfulness is a potential tool for students’ stress management, especially for students who are motivated to learn mindfulness and are ready to engage in regular practice.
  • Lahti, Heidi (2018)
    Insomnia and milder sleep problems are common complaints that affect about one third of the adult population. Because of the side-effects of hypnotics there is a growing need for new non-pharmacological treatments for insomnia. In earlier studies mindfulness-based treatments have proven to be effective for example in the treatment of depression and stress symptoms. It has also been demonstrated in multiple studies that mindfulness has many favorable effects on general wellbeing, such as increasing positive affect. The effects of mindfulness on insomnia and sleep have been the focus of large-scale research just for the past few decades. The objective of this thesis was to review the most recent research findings on the effects of mindfulness-based treatments on insomnia and sleep in different contexts, and to evaluate the reliability of these findings and the studies’ limitations. In addition, initial findings on the mechanisms through which mindfulness is thought to improve sleep are reviewed. Latest meta-analyses, systematic reviews, randomized controlled trials and background information were searched form Pubmed and Google Scholar -databases. Three most recent systematic reviews or meta-analyses and six randomised controlled trials published after them were included in the review of the effects of mindfulness on insomnia and sleep. Seven studies were included in the review of the mechanisms between mindfulness and sleep. Research findings accumulated so far indicate quite strongly that mindfulness-based treatments might be an effective approach in treating insomnia and in improving sleep in general. Mindfulness-based therapies might even pose a potential alternative to traditional insomnia treatments. Especially the positive effect of mindfulness on sleep quality was demonstrated in many studies. However, the observed effect sizes varied between different studies. Research findings concerning the mechanisms between mindfulness and sleep suggest that more adaptive cognitive processes seem to play a central role.
  • Moisala, Lotta (2016)
    Aims. The aim of this thesis was to consider whether interventions based on mindfulness are effective in job stress management. Job stress causes harm both to the working individual and the organisation as well as the whole society. The individual consequences of job stress include coronary heart diseases, which are the main cause of death in our societies, and burnout, a clinical condition that can be compared to depression. This thesis emphasises the individual aspect and management of job stress. Mindfulness aims at concentrating on the exact moment and accepting all emotions and stimuli in that moment. Mindfulness is seen as a skill that can be trained. The emphasis of mindfulness training is on different types of meditation, and the trainings can also include yoga or journaling. Originally mindfulness evolved from Buddhism and it was first used in clinical practice for patients with chronic pain. Mindfulness as an intervention is currently used in a variety of other contexts, such as depression, anxiety and job stress. Concerning job stress, mindfulness is seen as a cost-effective and an easy method to be put in practice even at the workplace. Mindfulness can be a more approachable intervention compared to for example psychotherapy. Methods. The results of the thesis, which was executed as a literature review, were gathered from several review articles and meta-analyses. Only research on working adults was included in the results section. Results and conclusions. Considering the results, mindfulness is quite an effective method in managing job stress. However, the effects found so far are only moderate and there is not enough evidence on longitudinal effects of mindfulness on job stress. Longitudinal effects on meditation have been found, which points at possible future findings also in mindfulness. Also, the mechanism of mindfulness is still unclear: the question of why mindfulness is beneficial and effective in job stress management has also been raised. Mindfulness is thought to affect the health positively through changes in for example attention, sleep quality and self-compassion. More research in job context is still needed to determine this, and future research should concentrate on distinguishing the effects of mindfulness on behaviour, cognition and emotions on job context.
  • Kangas, Suvi (2019)
    Objectives. Misophonia is a little known neurophysiological and behavioral syndrome, defined by an oversensitivity to a select group of sounds. Although the syndrome is not included in any international manual of diseases, there is a growing body of empirical evidence delineating its features. The purpose of this review is to briefly introduce and examine the phenomenon, its central features and the ways it has previously been studied. In addition to the symptoms and consequences of misophonia, this review also discusses the underlying neurophysiological mechanisms, as well as whether misophonia should be classified as a discrete psychiatric disorder. Methods. A search was made on the databases of PubMed, Scopus, Helka and Google Scholar using primarily the terms “misophonia” and “misofonia”, and secondarily ”sound sensitivity”, ”hyperacusis” and ”tinnitus”. Recent reviews, experimental studies and survey-based studies were favored. Results and conclusions. Misophonia means oversensitivity to a group of sounds characterized by certain patterns or personal meanings. These are primarily sounds of human origin, especially eating sounds. The sounds trigger an irrationally strong emotional reaction consisting predominantly of anger, irritation or anxiety. This generally leads to avoidance behaviors, but occasionally also verbal or physical aggression. Studies attest that misophonia affects daily functioning in social environments as well as psychological wellbeing. The oversensitivity is not caused by audiological problems; research points to abnormal connectivity between auditory and emotional systems, impairment in early attentional and auditory processes, and activation of the autonomous nervous system. Besides these neurophysiological factors, individual assigned meanings and social contexts also appear to affect misophonic responses. Conditioning has also been suggested as a possible mechanism causing the disorder. Misophonia fits some of the criteria of a mental disorder, but its nature is currently too vague for it to be established as a new diagnostic category. For example, it is not yet clear whether misophonia is a discrete disorder or part of a broader one, nor whether it is psychiatric or neurological by nature.
  • Urnberg, Heidi (2019)
    The goal of this thesis was to examine how the representation of faces and identities has been researched with multivariate brain-imaging analysis methods. The coding of the visual identity of faces is a complex process, which arises from abstract high-level representations that are viewpoint independent. This process has been localized to certain visual brain areas, namely FFA and ATL-FA in humans and AM in macaque monkeys. The coding processes of identities have been researched with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and multivariate pattern analysis (MVPA) methods, where the measured brain activity distribution is compared with the distributions predicted by the processing models of identity. Most models are based on face spaces, which are defined by the identities, features or abstract properties of a face. The neural basis for coding of the identity of faces has not yet been resolved. However, the low-level and feature models were best at predicting the data, although low-level models explain mainly the properties of the stimuli and the function of V1. The prototype model was not as successful in predicting the activity distributions as the other models. In general, the models explained the orientation of the faces better than their identity. This might be due to the differences between the brain activities associated with different identities being so subtle that the multivariate pattern analysis cannot differentiate between them. It is also possible that the coding of identity does not happen within the face processing areas, but perhaps in the connections between frontal and face areas. To conclude, the usefulness of fMRI-MVPA in studying identity has been questioned and the methods still need improvement. However, MVPA is a more versatile and sensitive method of investigating the coding of identity than traditional univariate analysis methods.
  • Simpanen, Sonja (2017)
    Exercise as a treatment of depression has been researched for many decades. So far it can be said that exercise alleviates the symptoms of depression at least a little and it can be recommended as a part of the treatment of depression. The way exercise reduces depression has been explained by both psychological and physiological mechanisms. This thesis is concentrating on the psychological mechanisms that have been proposed as the most potential psychological mechanisms in the research literature. The following are self-efficacy, self-esteem, affect regulation, distraction and behavioral activation. There was a limited research examining the psychological mechanisms and therefore most of the mechanisms are mainly based on hypotheses. Self-efficacy was the strongest candidate mechanism based on this review but there were only a few studies available of this mechanism which also had methodological problems. Also due to the lack of quality research of the other above mentioned mechanisms there is little we can say. While the mechanisms may have a connection with depression, the causality remains unclear. More research of the psychological mechanisms is needed to understand how exercise reduces depression in the long term. This could lead to an improvement of the state of exercise in the treatment of depression and to a development of better exercise interventions. Examining the mechanisms would also be beneficial to the development of all depression interventions in general.
  • Salo, Netta (2020)
    Work meaningfulness has been under increasing interest in the field of organizational psychology during the last years. Stronger experience of work meaningfulness have been found to correlate for example with job satisfaction, work engagement and workplace commitment. Due to these benefits, the organizations have also started to realize the importance of ensuring the meaningfulness of work for employees. However, the scholars lack mutual agreement of ways of increasing work meaningfulness. The goal of this thesis is to provide further knowledge of these means by integrating existing theoretical and empirical literature. This thesis was conducted as a review. The main sources of the thesis were recent review articles and empirical studies. Furthermore, this thesis investigates large number of theoretical papers on work meaningfulness. The primary database of references used in this review was Google Scholar. Research findings suggest that employee work meaningfulness can be improved in multiple ways. Based on the review, organizational ways of increasing meaningfulness are possible on the areas of job design, social environment and organizational practices. In particular, the studies demonstrate the importance of job crafting and task significance. Moreover, organizational culture and climate seem to correlate with experienced meaningfulness. All in all, based on this thesis, the importance of a holistic approach to work meaningfulness can be emphasized. Finally, the review highlights the importance of conducting more research based on meaningful work, especially with empirical and longitudinal settings. This additional research would greatly help organizational scholars to put the accumulated knowledge into practice.
  • Rinkinen, Juuso (2020)
    Tavoitteet: Mobiilisovellusten käyttö yhteiskunnassa kasvaa jatkuvasti. Mobiilisovellusten yleistyessä on oleellista tutkia, voidaanko niitä käyttää apuna terveyden edistämisessä. Kansantautien ehkäisyä varten on oleellista edistää ihmisten terveellisiä elämäntapoja, kuten syömis- ja liikuntakäyttäytymistä. Tämä tutkielma käsittelee mobiilisovellusten vaikutusta syömis- ja liikuntakäyttäytymiseen ja pyrkii vastaamaan kysymyksiin, vaikuttavatko mobiilisovellukset kyseisiin elämäntapoihin ja jos vaikuttavat niin millä tavalla. Kyseistä aihetta on tutkittu laajalti, vaikka se onkin suhteellisen uusi tutkimusalue, mutta lisää tutkimusta tarvitaan, jotta mobiilisovellusten yhteys elämäntapoihin muodostuisi entistä selkeämmäksi. Tämän yhteyden tutkiminen voi mahdollistaa älylaitteiden välityksellä toteutettavien interventioiden toteuttamisen entistä tehokkaammin jatkossa. Menetelmät: Tässä tutkielmassa tarkasteltiin mobiilisovellusten ja syömis- ja liikuntakäyttäytymisen yhteyksiä kirjallisuuskatsauksen avulla. Tutkielma tarkasteli aiheesta tehtyjä aiempia tutkimuksia, katsauksia sekä meta-analyysejä ja näiden avulla loi kokonaiskuvan mobiilisovellusten vaikutuksista kyseisiin elämäntapoihin. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset: Mobiilisovellusten yhteyksistä syömis- tai liikuntakäyttäytymiseen ei voida olla varmoja. Tutkielmassa mukana olevat tutkimukset ja katsaukset antoivat epäjohdonmukaisia tuloksia, joidenkin löytäessä positiivisen yhteyden mobiilisovellusten ja syömisen ja/tai fyysisen aktiivisuuden välille. Epäjohdonmukaiset tulokset johtuivat mahdollisesti tutkimusten välisistä erilaisista määritelmistä terveelliselle syömiselle ja liikuntakäyttäytymiselle, joka vähensi tutkimusten välistä validiteettia. Epäjohdonmukaisten tulosten vuoksi on perusteltua tutkia kyseistä aihetta jatkossa vielä lisää ja tätä varten määritellä tarkemmin käsitteet, jota tutkimus käsittelee. Mielenkiintoisena tulevaisuuden tutkimusaiheena on vanhempien ikäryhmien tutkiminen ja mobiilisovellusten käyttö heidän terveytensä edistämiseksi, tutkimuksen ollessa vähäistä vanhempien ikäryhmien kohdalla. Viimeisenä johtopäätöksenä on pelillistämisen ja teorioiden käyttö ja niiden mahdolliset hyödyt. Pelillistäminen on tapa luoda mobiilisovelluksista viihdyttävämpiä ja paremmin mukaansatempaavia, joka voi tehostaa mobiilisovellusten kautta toteutettuja interventioita ja terveellisten elämäntapojen edistämistä. Teorioita käytetään apuna sovellusten kehittämisessä entistä tehokkaammiksi ja vaikuttavammiksi, niiden selittäessä mitkä tekijät ihmiset kokevat vaikuttavina ja miten ihmisten käyttäytymiseen voi vaikuttaa. Tämän vuoksi on perusteltua vielä tulevaisuudessa tutkia lisää pelillistämistä ja teorioiden käyttöä mobiilisovelluksissa ja kuinka niitä voidaan käyttää hyödyksi sovelluksia kehittäessä.
  • Sairanen, Veronika (2020)
    Objectives Over the past decade the importance of psychological phenomena as part of political behavior has begun to be recognized and research on the subject has increased. The formation of political opinions is influenced by several psychological factors and individual characteristics of information processing. Studies have found that thinking style is associated with political orientation and with what type of needs motivate cognition. Thinking style and motivation together effect how information is viewed and what type of influences are adopted. Rejecting new information and accepting false news can have a problematic effect on political opinion-forming. The purpose of this review is to explain how political opinions are formed and what kind of differences in processing result in political differences. There is also an interest in what kinds of heuristics can influence opinion forming. Psychological factors that are examined include thinking style, epistemic and existential motivation, as well as rejection of science and acceptation of false information. Methods Studies were found using Helka-, PubMed- and Google Scholar databases and search terms "analytic thinking" + "political orientation", "fake news" + "political orientation" and "political psychology" + ”motivation”. In addition, articles were discovered with a manual search from the reference lists of found studies. Conclusions Several studies have found a link between intuitive thinking and conservative political orientation, but there are some differing results. Intuitive thinking could also be associated with epistemic and existential motivation, which have also been found to be stronger among politically conservative. Intuitive thinking together with epistemic and existential motivation expose to heuristics that influence the formation of political opinions. Furthermore, the rejection of information is also more common among intuitive and conservative people. The results regarding the predisposition to accept false news as true and its relation to thinking style and political orientation are more controversial and require further research. Studying the interaction of thinking style, motivation and stance on information could in future shed light on which psychological tendencies and characteristics can potentially lead to diverse political behavior.
  • Mäkinen, Jenna (2017)
    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease, which usually has its onset in early adulthood. Both physical and neuropsychological symptoms are related to MS. Neuropsychological symptoms include cognitive and behavioral symptoms, and up to 65% of MS patients suffer from cognitive symptoms. The most common cognitive symptoms in literature are deficits in memory functions and information processing speed, and impairments in visual learning. The most often reported behavioral symptoms are instability, irritability, and inflexibility. There have been many attempts to find effective treatment and rehabilitation methods. Previously, studies of neuropsychological rehabilitation of MS were primarily concerned of rehabilitation of memory and learning ability functions whereas currently, the interest seems to be in the treatment possibilities of attentional processes and information processing speed. Pharmacological treatments (e.g. acetylcholinesterase inhibitor and natalizumab) for neuropsychological symptoms in MS have also been tested. Changes in behavior and habits may also be needed for relieving symptoms. It is possible to increase brain activation of MS patients with neuropsychological rehabilitation, and by using fMRI it has been shown that the brain of MS patients compensate the impaired brain functioning by increasing the brain activation. Rehabilitation is used to improve and maintain patient’s quality of life and ability to work. Neuropsychological rehabilitation may have long-term positive effects on patient’s quality of life. The purpose of this review is to consider what is currently known about the treatment and rehabilitation possibilities of the neuropsychological symptoms in multiple sclerosis. Problems with the studies conducted so far are small number of subjects and controls, and conflicting results between studies. That is why it is important to conduct more studies in order to find suitable and effective treatment and rehabilitation methods for neuropsychological symptoms in MS.
  • Turkia, Mirva (2018)
    Objectives. Multisystemic therapy (MST) is one of the most studied interventions for adolescent conduct disorder and new results of the efficacy of it is published every year. Earlier reviews have come up to some extent with inconsistent results of the efficacy of MST. The objectives of this thesis were to view the most recent findings of treating adolescent conduct disorders with MST, to evaluate the reliability of this information and especially view those factors that make MST an efficient intervention. Methods. Background information, latest reviews, meta-analyses and randomised controlled trials were searched from Pubmed and Helka databases. Three of the most recent reviews or meta-analyses and six randomised controlled trials which were published after the latest review were included. Results and conclusions. The results of the efficacy of MST were mostly positive, but partly inconsistent. There was some variation in the quality of research methods and the accuracy of reporting the results which influenced the results of this review. The most efficient factors in MST were directing the treatment towards parenting skills as well as the multi-sidedness, flexibility and continuous follow- up of the efficacy of the treatment. If the treatment as usual is of good quality, MST may not bring any added value. All in all, MST is a useful intervention especially if there is not suitable clinical pathway for adolescent conduct disorder already.
  • Katajamäki, Tuuli (2020)
    Objectives. Stroke cases are becoming more common due to the aging population. The consequences of stroke are significant and long-lasting both for individuals and for society. Stroke affects the everyday life of the patient by causing depression and deficits in cognitive, language and motor skills. Therefore, it is crucial to begin rehabilitation as soon as possible after the stroke. The wide-scale bilateral brain activation induced by music has recently motivated the use of music in stroke rehabilitation. The purpose of this bachelor’s thesis is to determine whether music listening and producing are effective methods in stroke rehabilitation. Methods. This thesis is a literature review based on the literature searched from PubMed and PsycInfo databases by using the keywords stroke, music, music listening, music therapy, music supported therapy and melodic intonation therapy. Results and conclusions. First of all, music listening improved the recovery of verbal memory and focused attention, and, secondly, reduced depression and confusion. The recovery of cognitive skills and mood induced changes in brain plasticity. Music-supported therapy (MST) combined with physical and occupational therapy improved the recovery of fine and gross motor skills of the hemiparetic upper extremity, therefore increasing the activity of the motor cortex. Music-supported therapy and melodic intonation therapy (MIT) enhanced the communication skills of the patients suffering from non-fluent aphasia. MST combined with speech therapy improved their spontaneous speech, and MIT improved their object naming and daily communication. All in all, music listening and producing seem to be effective rehabilitative methods, but more research is required to utilise music in a clinical setting.
  • Holttinen, Meri (2017)
    Abstract Objective. Strokes are common diseases, and the stroke survivals may suffer from many symptoms that affect their everyday living. Efforts are made to develop efficient interventions for stroke survivals, some of which make use of the therapeutic effects of music. Music activates and increases blood flow in widespread neuronal networks and engaging in musical activities is correlated with neuroplastic changes in healthy subjects. This thesis presents findings of music supported interventions and their effects on the performance of stroke patients with different types of outcome measures. Method. This thesis is a review including studies examining the effects of music supported interventions on physical, social, cognitive or psychological functioning after stroke. Results and conclusions. The results suggest that music and especially rhythmic music facilitates the rehabilitation of gait after stroke. The studies examining the effects of music on cognitive and psychological functioning after stroke are underrepresented, but there is some evidence suggesting that music improves memory, attention and mood. Using music in stroke rehabilitation is a promising option, and it can readily be integrated in an existing rehabilitation program. In addition, merely listening to music as a part of the rehabilitation is feasible with minimal resources.
  • Kallio, Paula (2018)
    Many studies have shown that music training is connected to many cognitive skills. Recently, studies have focused on whether there could be an association between music training and executive functions. Executive functions consist of many components which can be divided to three main functions. They are inhibition, cognitive flexibility and working memory. It has been argued that executive functions are connected to academic skills in children. However, it is challenging to examine the association between music training and executive functions, because the definition of executive functions isn’t clear and there are many different tests to measure it. The aim of this literature review is to clarify the definition of executive functions and examine whether music training is associated with its components. The review covers only studies focused on preschool and elementary school aged children with no cognitive or developmental disorders. In general, several studies suggest that a positive association between music training and executive functions exists. The association has been examined either comparing structured music training to some other activity or musically trained children to musically untrained children. The studies showed that music training improved performance in tasks that measure inhibition, cognitive flexibility and working memory. In addition, music group performed better in most tasks compered to visual art group, science group and passive control group. However, the difference between groups wasn’t found in all of the studies when measuring inhibitory control and selective attention. Also, in one study it was noticed that the longer the participants had been training music, the better they performed in tasks which measures different components of executive functions. It seems that music training can be used to improve child’s executive function skills. Music training could play an important role for example in schools when supporting children’s executive function skills. In addition, it has been showed that executive functions are associated with subsequent academic achievement. Therefore, supporting executive functions could be a way to support school performance in general. However, it is still uncertain whether music training has some special impact compared to other activities. Therefore, more research about the subject is needed.
  • Antila, Asta Minea (2020)
    Objective. Ambivalence refers to a state where there is incongruity between different factors driving an agent towards and away from change. An ambivalent person will sometimes act against change, even though they want to change and are aware of effective methods of change. In psychotherapy, ambivalence often manifests as the rejection of guidance, avoiding meaningful topics and engaging in other unproductive behaviors that work against the goals of treatment. The objective of this review is to examine the connection between ambivalence in psychotherapy clients and the outcome of treatment. Methods. A search was done using Google Scholar, Helka and PubMed databases. “Ambivalence” and “resistance” were used as keywords combined with ”psychotherapy”, ”therapy”, ”psychotherapy outcomes” and ”psychotherapy drop-out rate”. Predefined criteria were followed when choosing the final material. Results and conclusions. The evidence reviewed here indicates a possible connection between client ambivalence and the outcome of psychotherapy. Counter-change talk in client dialogue, which is used to measure client ambivalence, was found to be connected to resistance in psychotherapy, disconnects in the therapeutic relationship and poor outcome. However, the evidence was not unequivocal: one study found that clients who reported feeling ambivalent about treatment before the initiation of therapy had better outcomes when compared with clients who approached treatment with exaggerated positivity. Harmful ambivalence can be difficult to notice before additional problems arise. Psychotherapists should receive basic training on how to discern and solve ambivalence. Methods that are specifically designed to resolve ambivalence should also be integrated into standard practices more efficiently. Some examples of methods that are both effective and easy to integrate are the two-chair technique and motivational interviewing. In addition to paying more attention to ambivalence on the clinical field, more research is needed.
  • Vartiainen, Erika (2018)
    The aim of this review is to examine the mental health of immigrants and the riskfactors as well as factors which offer resilience towards mental disorders. The previous studies on immigrants’ mental health have been bringing up elevated risk and healthy immigrant effect. I will get into the examination through these and as themes I’ll have the three-phase trajectory of immigration and heterogeneity of immigrants. The three-phase trajectory includes the following phases: pre-migration, migration and post-migration. Each phase includes specific risks and vulnerabilities. Adversities in these phases have their effects on incidence of specific mental health issues. Factors post-migration can be moderating the effects that pre-migration has. Especially refugees and asylum seekers seem to have high amounts of psychological symptoms. Risk of post-traumatic stress disorder is significantly higher amongst refugees than what it is in general population. The risk can be even ten times higher for them. Other symptoms that can be found in immigrant populations are for example anxiety and depression symptoms. Overall research indicates heterogeneity of immigrants. They differ widely by the reasons and type of immigration, age, sex and socioeconomic status. Therefore mental health of them and their psychological symptoms vary as well. The best way to affect on mental health of immigrants is when they are encountered as individuals, taking into consideration their individual needs.
  • Vaalasranta, Liisa (2020)
    Tavoitteet. Mystiset kokemukset ovat harvinaislaatuisia kokemuksia, joita kuvaa vähentynyt tietoisuus itsestä ja voimakkaat yhteyden kokemukset ympäröivän maailman tai jonkin itseä suuremman voiman kanssa. Mystisiä kokemuksia pidetään yleensä hyvin merkityksellisinä, jopa elämän- ja maailmankatsomusta mullistavina kokemuksina, ja niille annetaan usein hengellisiä merkityksiä. Mystisiä kokemuksia on pyritty tutkimaan kartoittamalla tiettyjen aivotoiminnan häiriöiden yhteydessä ilmeneviä hengellisiä kokemuksia sekä hengellisen harjoittamisen, erityisesti meditaation, aikaisia aivotapahtumia. Viime vuosina kiinnostavaa uutta tietoa mystisiin kokemuksiin liittyvistä aivotoiminnan muutoksista on saatu aiheuttamalla tällaisia kokemuksia niin kutsuttujen psykedeelisten aineiden avulla. Tämän kirjallisuuskatsauksen tarkoituksena on luoda katsaus ajankohtaisiin teorioihin ja tutkimusnäyttöön mystisten kokemusten aikaisista aivotapahtumista. Menetelmät. Kirjallisuuskatsaus toteutettiin hakemalla erityisesti viimeisen 20 vuoden aikana ilmestyneitä aihepiirin tieteellisiä tutkimuksia laajasti eri tietokantoja hyväksikäyttäen. Käytettyjä hakusanoja olivat muuan muassa: mystiset kokemukset ja aivokuvantamistutkimus ja mystisten kokemusten neuraaliset korrelaatit. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Mystisten kokemusten fenomenologiset piirteet viittaavat tunne- ja kehollista tietoa käsittelevien aivoalueiden rooliin näissä kokemuksissa, ja osalla näiden aivoalueiden toimintahäiriöistä kärsivistä ihmisistä esiintyy poikkeavia kehollisia kokemuksia, jotka saatetaan tulkita hengellisiksi tai mystisiksi. Sekä kokeneet meditaation harjoittajat että psykedeelisten aineiden vaikutuksen alla olevat henkilöt kuvaavat mystisen ykseyskokemuksen piirteet täyttäviä kokemuksia. Meditaation ja psykedeelisten aineiden piirissä tehdyn aivokuvantamistutkimuksen perusteella vaikuttaa siltä, että mystisiin kokemuksiin saattaa liittyä aivojen lepotilaverkoston toiminnan muuttuminen tällaisten kokemusten aikana. Meditaatiotutkimuksessa lepotilaverkoston vähentynyt aktivaatio on yhdistetty mielen vaeltamisen lakkaamiseen meditatiivisen tilan aikana. Psykedeelisissä tiloissa lepotilaverkoston toiminnan vaimeneminen ja konnektiivisuuden heikentyminen on yhdistetty itsen katoamisen kokemuksiin. Lisäksi alustavaa tutkimusnäyttöä on lepotilaverkoston ja niin kutsuttujen tehtäväsuuntautuneiden aivoverkostojen keskinäisten suhteiden muuttumisesta mystisten ykseyskokemusten aikana. Meditaation harjoittaminen on pitkällinen prosessi, johon liittyy monia hienovaraisia muutoksia kokemuksessa ja aivotoiminnassa, eivätkä täysimittaiset mystiset kokemukset ole todennäköisesti tahdonalaisesti tuotettavissa tutkimusolosuhteissa. Sen sijaan psykedeelisten aineiden avulla pystytään melko luotettavasti aiheuttamaan täysimittaisia mystisiä kokemuksia laboratorio-oloissa, mikä saattaa avata uuden oven näiden kokemusten aivoperustan tutkimiseen.
  • Mononen, Riikka (2019)
    Memory is based on the brain’s ability to save information from the surroundings of the animal. Memory has three main functions: the encoding and consolidation of new memory traces and the retrieval. Oscillations are cyclic variations occurring in time. Neural oscillations are brain’s electric activity that can be viewed in cellular level or in the level of brain areas. The aim of this thesis is to review recent models about the role of neural oscillations in the encoding and consolidation of long term memories. Memory traces form when the connections of the neurons active in the encoding are strenghtened. New memory traces are stabilized to the long term memory in the consolidation processes. Consolidation contains both the strenghtening of local synaptic connections (synaptic consolidation) and the system consolidation, which solidifies the memory traces to the already existing information networks. According to the standard model of system consolidation new memory traces are saved simultaneously to the short term memory storage in the hippocampus and the long term storage in the cortex. The consolidation of the memory traces occurs when the memory traces in hippocampus are repeatedly reactivated which strengthens the analogous memory traces in the cortex. Neural oscillations are part of the memory processes both in awake state and sleep. In the awake state the main process is the encoding of new memories which for declarative memories is thought to occur mainly in hippocampus, mediated by for example gamma and theta oscillations. During the sleep the processes of the system consolidation are presumably in the main role, mediated by neural oscillations characteristic for different sleep stages (for example sharp-wave ripples and sleep spindles in slow wave sleep). Slow wave sleep is thought to be specifically important for the consolidation occurring in the sleep. On the other hand the role of lighter sleep stages may be greater than it has earlier been assumed. There is no complete understanding of the roles of different sleep stages and sleep time neural oscillations, and different partly contradictory, partly complementary models have been proposed.