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  • Mykhalevych, Volodymyr (2018)
    Psilocybin assisted psychotherapy is a combined psychological and psychopharmacological mental health intervention. It is currently in research for the treatment of mood and personality disorders, and addiction. Psilocybin is a short-lasting central nervous system drug which can produce a psychedelic experience. Its clinical applications have been studied in the 60s and 70s and again during the 21th Century. In this review I examine the theoretical characteristics of psilocybin assisted psychotherapy and outline the practical arrangements of a psilocybin session. My primary sources are first and second phase clinical studies published this century during the new wave of psychedelic research. A psychedelic experience is an altered state of consciousness affecting perception, emotions and cognitions. The experience frequently provides insights into oneself and one’s connectedness to the surroundings. Research suggests the safety of therapeutic dose psilocybin use and good tolerability in a controlled environment. A psychedelic experience within a therapeutic setting appears to decrease mental health disorder symptoms and promote positive life-style changes. The pharmacological effects of psilocybin last for six hours. The method requires a novel session structure. The session is planned to maximize the positive impact of a psychedelic experience. Verbal interaction is hindered by the effects of psilocybin and discussion is left for other sessions. For the duration of the experience, the participant is encouraged to lay down, wear a sleep mask, and listen to a carefully created playlist. Two therapists with personal experience in altered states of consciousness are present by the participant. Psilocybin may occasion intense but transient anxiety which has subsided through the therapists’ psychological support in clinical research settings.
  • Aaltonen, Lilja (2023)
    Syöpäsairaudet ovat yleisin kuolinsyy maailmassa, ja parantumattomaan syöpään liittyy usein potilaan elämänlaatua merkittävästi haittaavaa ahdistus- ja masennusoireilua. Usein tähän psyykkiseen ahdinkoon liittyy eksistentiaalista kärsimystä, joka juontuu esimerkiksi kuolemanpelosta, elämän merkityksettömäksi kokemisesta, yksinäisyydestä ja toivottomuudesta. Psykedeeliavusteisia hoitomuotoja pidetään yhtenä tulevaisuuden mahdollisuutena osana palliatiivista hoitoa syöpäsairailla, sillä psykedeelien tuottamiin tajunnantilan ja kognition muutoksiin sekä henkisiin kokemuksiin on liitetty eksistentiaalisen kärsimyksen vähenemistä ja elämän merkitykselliseksi kokemisen lisääntymistä. Klassisten psykedeelien kentältä erityisesti psilosybiini on herättänyt lääketieteellistä kiinnostusta, sillä sitä on käytetty vuosituhansien ajan eri ihmisyhteisöissä sakramentaalisiin ja parantaviin tarkoituksiin. Tämän kirjallisuuskatsauksen tarkoituksena on selvittää, miten psilosybiini on yhteydessä ahdistuksen ja masennuksen vähenemiseen syöpäsairailla potilailla. Tiedonkeruumenetelmänä käytettiin systemaattista aineistohakua Scopus- ja Web of Science -tietokannoista. Mukaan valikoitui viisi yksittäistä tutkimusta, joista neljässä tutkittiin syöpää sairastavien henkilöiden masennus- ja ahdistusoireiden muutosta suhteessa psilosybiinin nauttimiseen kontrolloidussa tutkimusympäristössä. Viides tutkimus on seurantatutkimus yhdelle edellä mainituista kokeellisista tutkimuksista. Tutkimusten valintakriteerinä oli, että koehenkilöiden ahdistusta ja masennusta oli mitattu jollakin kvantitatiivisella menetelmällä ja että tutkimus oli julkaistu vuoden 2000 jälkeen. Tämän katsauksen tulokset osoittivat, että psilosybiini yhdessä kokemukseen valmistelevien ja sitä integroivien tapaamisten kanssa tuottaa merkittävää ahdistuksen ja masennuksen vähenemistä. Koehenkilöt arvioivat psilosybiinikokemukset itselleen merkityksellisiksi ja luonteeltaan henkisiksi. Muutokset olivat myös ajassa pysyviä. Psilosybiinin tuottamilla mystisillä kokemuksilla löydettiin myös olevan medioiva rooli psilosybiinin tuottamien positiivisten vaikutusten välittymisessä, vaikka yhteys ei ollutkaan enää 4,5 vuoden seurantajakson päättyessä tilastollisesti merkitsevä. Tämä katsaus antaa viitteitä siitä, että psilosybiinillä on potentiaalia syöpäsairaiden potilaiden masennus- ja ahdistusoireilun vähentämisessä sekä elämänlaadun parantamisessa osana palliatiivista hoitoa. Psilosybiinin vaikutusmekanismeiksi ahdistus- ja masennusoireilun vähentämisessä on ehdotettu henkisyyden kokemuksia sekä juurtuneiden ajattelu- ja käyttäytymismallien muuttumista, mutta varmuutta ei toistaiseksi ole. Tähän katsaukseen valittujen tutkimusartikkelien osalta rajoitteisiin lukeutuu mahdollisesti vinoutunut otos, jossa lähtötason kiinnostus psykedeeleihin voi olla valtaväestöä suurempi, sekä keskusteluhoidon ja psilosybiinin yhteisvaikutus, jota ei voitu vakioida. Tulevaisuudessa tarvitaan jatkotutkimuksia entistä kattavammalla otannalla tulosten vahvistamiseksi sekä laadullista tutkimusta psilosybiinin vaikutusmekanismien tarkemmaksi ymmärtämiseksi.
  • Koponen, Johannes (2018)
    In today’s health-care, evidence-based medicine is practised, which means that treatment needs to be based on the latest research. Country-specific guidelines, that help to apply latest research into practise, are created to standardize treatment and to ease the work of clinicians. In my thesis I will compare Finnish (käypä hoito) and Canadian (CANMAT) recommendations for psychosocial treatment of depression. Various therapies can be used in the treatment of depression. Cognitive and interpersonal psychotherapies and behavioural activation have the strongest recommendation in the treatment of acute depression. The most clear difference between the recommendations is regarding psychodynamic therapies; In finnish recommendation psychodynamic therapies are seen as effective as other therapies, whereas in Canadian recommendation the grading for it is not as strong. The lack of research on psychodynamic therapies is most likely a major factor in it’s weaker position. The amount of research has increased in recent years and the grading of psychodynamic therapies has improved accordingly in both recommendations. The position of psychodynamic therapies in the treatment of depression is still controversial which can be seen in the difference between Finnish and Canadian recommendations.
  • Aalto, Jukka (2017)
    Objective The aim of this bachelor thesis is to investigate how duration of psychotherapy affects it´s outcome when treating adults with unipolar depression. So far the scientific evidence in this matter has been patchy: very few meta-analyses or systematic reviews have been published and thus there is no clear consensus in the field. Methods This bachelor thesis was carried out as a literature meta review. Effectiveness studies of both short and long term psychotherapies were included, along with studies that focus specifically on the length of therapy. There were two inclusion criteria for the studies: at least half of the subjects were required to have unipolar depression as their main psychiatric problem, and no specialty groups – such as pregnant women or ethnical minorities – were allowed as a main sample. Results and implications Among short term (1-20 sessions) psychotherapies, scientific evidence for optimal therapy duration is conflicting. It is, however, safe to say that the shortest (1-3 sessions) psychotherapies are the least effective therapeutic interventions of all kinds. Change during psychotherapy was roughly linear across all studies and initial symptom severity did not correlate significantly with optimal length of psychotherapy. Long psychotherapies of over 100 sessions proved to be the most effective. However, there are only few effectiveness studies investigating long-term psychotherapies and the methodology of those studies is not only varied but often quite lenient. Therefore it is dubious to compare short- and long-term psychotherapies and these results should be taken as preliminary remarks. There are practically no studies investigating medium long (20-100 sessions) psychotherapies. Given the scientific evidence, psychotherapeutic guidelines in Finland seem rather weird. In Finland, most therapies last 100-200 sessions, although good quality studies supporting these kinds of treatments are still sparse. On the other hand, short term psychotherapies are still rather rare in Finland despite firm scientific evidence suggesting their high utility in everyday clinical practice.
  • Launis, Kaisa (2019)
    The present review describes the multidimensional connection between REM sleep and emotional processing as a possible mechanism for explaining depression. Previous studies have found abnormalities in the amount and structure of REM sleep in depressed patients and those who have a high risk for depression. Indeed, REM sleep deprivation has been found to have rapid mood-enhancing effects. Recent behavioral research has explored the effect of REM sleep on emotional memory consolidation and emotional reactivity, as well as the impact of emotional experience on the amount and quality of REM sleep. Two theories accounting for this connection have been suggested. The first proposes that REM sleep consolidates emotional memories, but the associated affective tone is de-potentiated. According to the second model, the emotional change associated with emotional memory is reinforced as a result of REM sleep. The data was collected in December 2018 from the PsychInfo and PubMed databases. A total of nine experimental behavioral studies met the selection criteria and were selected for the review. Seven of these studied the effect of REM sleep on emotional processing while two focused on the effect of an emotional stimulus on REM sleep. The studies reviewed provided support for the emotional memory consolidating effect of REM sleep. However, conflicting results also emerged: in some studies, REM sleep did not have any clear impact on emotional memory. According to the studies using psychophysiological measures, the emotional reactivity associated with memories increased. These results are in line with the model proposing that REM sleep consolidates the emotional charge of the negative emotional memory or at least reduces its attenuation over time. Emotional stimuli had no effect on sleep during the following night. In light of these results, it seems that changes in sleep structure are not immediate. Thus, the connection between REM sleep and emotional processes is not yet clear, and further research is required to understand the role of REM sleep behind mood disorders.
  • Kivistö, Maria (2022)
    Tavoitteet. Tämän katsauksen tavoitteena on jäsentää tutkimuskirjallisuutta, jossa käsitellään mielialan ja masennuksen yhteyttä suoliston mikrobiomiin. Masennus on yleinen mielenterveyden häiriö, joka ilmenee eriasteisena mielialan laskuna tai kiinnostuksen ja mielihyvän puutteena sellaisiin asioihin liittyen, jotka ovat ennen olleet palkitsevia. Suoli-aivoakseli mahdollistaa aivojen ja suoliston välisen kaksisuuntaisen viestinnän. Tätä yhteyttä moduloivia väyliä ovat endokriinisen järjestelmän hormonit, immuunijärjestelmä ja hermostolliset väylät. Lisäksi katsauksessa käydään läpi probioottien ja mielialan yhteyteen liittyvää tutkimusnäyttöä. Menetelmät. Kirjallisuushaut tehtiin syys-, loka-, marras- ja joulukuun aikana 2022 Google Scholar-, Ovid Medline- ja Scopus -tietokannoista. Hakusanoina hyödynnettiin termejä “gut microbiome”, “probiotic”, “mood” ja “depression”. Mukaan otettiin vain englanninkielisiä artikkeleita. Katsauksessa käsitellään mielialan ja mikrobiomin yhteyttä aikuisilla. Johtopäätökset. Alentunut mieliala vaikuttaa tutkimusten mukaan suoliston bakteerikantaan tyypillisesti niin, että mikrobiomin monimuotoisuus kapenee. Eri tutkimuksissa suoliston bakteerikannan ja mielialan yhteyden selittämisessä painotetaan vuoroin immuunijärjestelmän, vagushermon tai endokriinisen järjestelmän roolia mikrobiomissa tai mielialassa havaittujen muutosten selittämisessä. Vaikutusväylästä riippumatta useimmissa satunnaistetuissa kontrolloiduissa tutkimuksissa on havaittu lupaavaa näyttöä probioottien myönteisistä vaikutuksista mielialaan. Myös esimerkiksi ulosteensiirtojen avulla toteutettavilla mikrobiomisiirroilla on havaittu olevan mielialaa kohentavia vaikutuksia. Kliinisissä tutkimuksissa psykiatrisista häiriöistä kärsivillä potilailla on useimmiten muita lääkityksiä ja hoitomuotoja, jotka voivat sekoittaa tutkimustuloksia. Lisätietoa tarvitaan probioottien mahdollisista interaktiovaikutuksista masennusoireiden hoidossa käytettävien lääkitysten, psykoterapian tai muiden hoitomuotojen kanssa.
  • Ilola, Marianne (2021)
    Objectives. Sex work stigma portrays sex workers merely as victims of some kind of external pressure, coercion or even their own bad choices, which is not the truth for all sex workers. Stigma has been proven to be associated with elevated symptoms of different mental illnesses among many stigmatized populations. Therefore this bachelor thesis aimed to examine if the same association exists among sex workers and what would be the possible effect of stigma on mental health. Instead of automatically victimizing all sexworkers it might be more useful to target help to the most vulnerable sexworkers while leaving those with less attention who like doing sexwork. Methods. Literature search was carried out using Google Scholar in spring 2021. At the beginning search focused on a general level about mental health of sexworkers using keywords such as ’sexwork’, ’prostitution’, ’prostitute’, ’mental health’, ’psychiatric disorder’, ’depression’ and ’anxiety’, which resulted in 59 studies for a later evaluation. Selected 59 studies included 10 studies regarding the association between stigma and mental health, of which two studies got later left out at random. Literature search was continued with a focus on stigma and mental health among sexworkers. After ’stigma’ was included in keywords, additional two studies were found. In total 10 studies were selected in this thesis. Results and conclusions. The prevalence of depression or elevated depressive symptoms were significantly higher among sexworkers compared to other low-paid people. Studies showed a positive significant association between sexwork related stigma and depressive symptoms. There were many limitations of this thesis that impacted the interpretation of results. Unfortunately the selected studies were not comparable due to many differences in samples and methodology, all studies were cross-sectional and most of them lacked a control group. Hence, these results aren’t generalizable to all sexworkers and conclusions can’t be made about the stability of depressive symptoms or the causal connection between them and stigma.
  • Vuorinen, Vilma (2022)
    Tiivistelmä: Tavoitteet. Katsauksen tavoitteena oli koota tietoa serotoniinin ja masennuksen yhteydestä. Katsauksessa käsiteltiin masennuksen lääkkeellistä hoitoa erityisesti SSRI-lääkkeillä, koska niitä suositellaan ensilääkkeeksi masennuksen hoitoon ja ne ovat yksiä määrätyimmistä lääkkeistä maailmanlaajuisesti. Lisäksi selvitettiin stressin, inflammaation ja dopamiinin yhteyttä masennukseen. Katsauksessa kuvataan masennusta, sen oireita sekä lääkkeellistä hoitoa. Lääkehoidon neurologisia vaikutusmekanismeja käsitellään suhteessa serotoniinihypoteesiin. Lääkehoidon tehokkuutta ja hoitovasteeseen liittyvää viivettä tarkastellaan tarpeellisina lisätutkimuksen kohteina. Menetelmät. Katsauksen lähteet haettiin Google Scholar- hakupalvelusta käyttäen avainsanoja, kuten ”depression”, ”serotonin hypothesis”, ”serotonin receptors” ja ”SSRI”. Lisäksi hyödynnettiin jo löytyneiden lähteiden lähdeluetteloita. Kyseessä ei ole systemaattinen katsaus. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Masennusta aiheuttavia ja sille altistavia tekijöitä tulisi tutkia enemmän. Serotoniinin ja masennuksen yhteys vaihtelee tutkimuksittain, ja tulosten kontekstissa masennuslääkkeiden käyttöä tarkastellaan eri tavoilla. Masennuksen lääkehoito ei tehoa kaikille masentuneille, ja sen tehokkuutta pyritään lisäämään. Tulevaisuudessa masentuneen lääkehoitoa voitaisiin personoida biomarkkereiden avulla. Masennuksen hoidossa on tärkeää yhdistää lääkkeellinen ja terapeuttinen hoito, sekä muovata masentuneen elinympäristöä mielenterveyttä tukevaksi.
  • Öhman, Suvi (2021)
    Depression is a mental health disorder that causes significant individual and societal harm, such as extensive suffering and increased disability and mortality. Due to its high prevalence, depression remarkably contributes to the global disease burden, which makes continuous work for developing more effective treatment particularly important. This literary study investigates the usability of dance-based interventions in the treatment of adulthood depression. The aim is to obtain an understanding of their overall effectiveness as well as compare treatment outcomes with conventional and other treatment. An additional objective is to discuss and compile possible contributing factors and evaluate the emphasis and deficiencies of current research literature. The method of data collection for the study was a systematic literary search on databases OvidMedline and Scopus. Seven individual studies investigating the effect of a dance intervention on either diagnosed or self-reported depression were chosen for data. The intervention had to be conducted mainly face-to-face and the symptoms had to be evaluated in a quantitative measure at least before and after the intervention. Research subjects were to be over the age of 18 and have no significant physical conditions or inabilities. Studies that included only elderly people were also excluded. The results of this study indicate that dance-based treatment can significantly reduce symptoms in depressed adults. In addition, the observed reduction in depressive symptoms was greater in favour of the treatment group compared to controls receiving only conventional treatment or psychoeducation and being on a waiting-list. The effectiveness of dance interventions also appears to be as good, or in some respects better compared to previously studied mindfulness-meditation, monotonous exercise and listening to music. Furthermore, dance interventions reduced a variety of comorbid symptoms, such as anxiety, psychological stress and difficulty in identifying emotions and gave rise to other positive changes, such as increased satisfaction with life, vitality and subjective happiness. Possible methods of change may be related to the enjoyable action that dancing provides, as well as to improved emotion identification and awareness, improvements in physical health and the social environment of the interventions. However, in interpreting these results, the limitations must also be taken into account as some studies were non-experimental, follow-ups were short or absent and the gender distribution of the participants was strongly unbalanced. In the future it is important to systematically investigate and control different factors that may alter the effectiveness of dance interventions, relating to both study subjects and the intervention itself. Accumulating such information is vital as dance interventions could have notable, cost-effective uses in the treatment of depression.
  • Piri, Anna (2020)
    Objective. Executive functions are involved in regulating human behavior and thinking. They are based on three core functions: inhibition, working memory and cognitive flexibility. Inhibition suppresses automatic and harmful responses, working memory manages information held in mind, and cognitive flexibility is needed when adjusting one’s behaviour to fit the current situation. Many psychiatric ilnesses are associated with deficits in executive functions, and it has been proposed that poor executive functioning might be a transdiagnostic risk factor for mental disorders. Depression is characterized by biased information processing and difficulties with emotion regulation, which in turn are associated with both onset and maintenance of the disease. The aim of this literature rewiev is to examine executive function deficits related to depression, the relationships between these deficits and emotion regulation, and possible brain abnormalities associated with impaired execuive functioning and emotion regulation difficulties found in patients with major depression. Methods. Studies were collected from PsycINFO-, PubMed-, Medline- and Google Scholar- databases. The headwords used were ”major depression” paired with ”executive function”, ”cognitive impairment”, ”inhibition”, ”working memory”, ”updating”, ”cognitive flexibility”, ”set shifting”, and ”emotion regulation”. Neural correlates were searched by adding the term ”neural correlates” to the previous searches. Results and conclusion. Studies presented in this rewiev found that patients with depression had poorer performance in tasks used to measure executive functions compared to healthy controls. Deficits were evident in all of the three core functions, but deficits in inhibition seemed to be greater than deficits in other processes. Performance in tasks requiring emotional processing was also impaired, and poor executive functioning correlated with the use of maladaptive emotion regulation strategies. Brain imaging studies found that depressed patients exhibited less activation in brain areas associated with cognitive control. These results support the idea that depression is associated with deficits in executive functions, and these deficits are also involved in emotion regulation difficulties. Most of the studies rewieved were cross-sectional, so conclusions about causal relations cannot be made.
  • Koivukangas, Jenny (2017)
    The aim of this review was to explore transdiagnostic approach to anxiety and depressive disorders in order to find out whether it would be useful in treating them. Transdiagnostic approach has risen as a reaction to diagnostic manuals and the problems they bear with respect to mental disorder classifications. Transdiagnostic therapy could be one way to make evidence based treatments more available cost-effectively as it would solve the problem of having to master many disorder-specific manuals. There are many reasons for transdiagnostic approach in treatment and research; comorbidity i.e. the diagnozability of multiple disorders in one person is common in mental disorders, which is disregarded in disorder specific treatments. Theories that explain internalizing disorders transdiagnostically are combatible, and the overlap of disorders can also be seen in analysis of their latent structure. Several meta-analyses demonstrate equal effectivity of transdiagnostic and diagnosis-specific therapies, although there is a need for more high quality trials in the field. Transdiagnostic approach could be a useful way to make treatments more widely available, for example through internet- and group therapies.
  • Viheriävaara, Veera-Maija (2021)
    Transgender youth experience extreme gender incongruence: their gender identities differ from their sex assigned at birth. The number of referrals to gender identity research clinics, where the need of gender-affirming care is assessed, has been growing over the past decade across Europe and North America. According to research, depression is more common among transgender adolescents compared to their peers, who do not experience gender incongruence. Psychiatric problems may make deciding whether to begin gender-affirming medical treatments even more difficult for the healthcare personnel. The aim of this review was to examine how depression among transgender youth and the timing of gender-affirming care are related, and if the prevalence of depression will change after gaining access to gender-affirming care. According to the reviewed literature, an earlier access to gender-affirming care may be associated with a smaller prevalence of depression among transgender youth and after approximately a year of gender-affirming care, depressive symptoms are less common. However, the interpretation of these results is limited due to possible selection bias regarding the research material and the scarce amount of literature in general. More research on the subject is needed, so the growing number of referrals to gender-identity examinations can be handled with evidence-based policies that consider the mental health of these vulnerable youth.
  • Syrjälä, Iina (2017)
    Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is an alteration of brain function, or an injury found in the brain, that is caused by an external force. In addition to the immediate effects of the brain injury, there is a host of neurological and psychiatric consequences that may follow from it later. Depression is the most common psychiatric disturbance following a traumatic brain injury and it can considerably affect a person’s functioning and recovery. The purpose of this review is to highlight different variables that can affect a person’s likelihood of developing depression following a traumatic brain injury. Other topics covered are the effect of depression on post-TBI functioning and recovery, the evolution of depression from a temporal viewpoint, and the treatment of depression in people with TBI. Depression that emerges in the early stages after the injury seems to be connected to pre-injury background variables and the neurological attributes of the injury. Later after the injury, depression could in turn be connected to psychological variables, such as subjective experiences or poor functioning or lack of social support. The risk of depression decreases as time passes but it remains elevated even years after the injury. Post-TBI depression is typically treated with antidepressants and psychotherapy. The treatment is carried out as a part of a multidisciplinary rehabilitation program, the aim of which is to improve the person’s functioning and help him or her to adapt to the altered circumstances.
  • Rantala, Roosa-Maaria (2019)
    Objective. Early onset major depressive disorder is a serious and recurring illness. There is abnormal brain function associated with depression when processing emotional stimuli. However, we do not know how these abnormalities occur in very young children. The aim of this review is to study brain function abnormalities when processing emotional stimuli in depressed pre-schoolers and the stability of these abnormalities in school aged children. Methods. This thesis reviews studies on pre-school major depressive disorder (PO-MDD) and its effects on brain abnormalities when processing emotional stimuli. Also, studies on school aged children with PO-MDD are included to inspect the stability of the abnormalities apparent in PO-MDD. Studies were included in this review, if they assessed children’s depression at least once during the pre-school period, and children were shown emotional stimuli during a functional magnetic resonance imaging. Results and conclusions. Children with PO-MDD had elevated activation in the limbic system and in the cortical areas associated with the processing of emotional stimuli when compared to their healthy peers. This elevated activation did not differ between positive and negative stimuli. Also, school aged children with PO-MDD had enhanced limbic and cortical activation in the areas associated with the processing of emotional stimuli when compared to their healthy peers. This enhanced activation was associated with the negativity of the stimuli. The connection between the PO-MDD and brain abnormalities in school age may be caused by genetic and environmental factors or the PO-MDD induced changes in brain functions. Because the abnormalities in brain function are already visible in pre-school, early intervention plays an important role. By studying the brain abnormalities associated with PO-MDD, we can develop efficient interventions to support the normal development of childrens’ brains and reduce the frequency and severity of future depressive episodes.
  • Kuisma, Amanda (2023)
    TAVOITTEET. Tunnesäätelyn ja niiden ongelmien on todettu olevan merkittäviä psykopatologian synnyssä ja pysyvyydessä sekä yleisesti hyvinvoinnissa. Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastelen, mitä tunnesäätely ja sen ongelmat ovat ja miten ne vaikuttavat ihmisen elämään. Perehdyn erityisesti siihen, miten tunne-elämän ongelmat vaikuttavat masennuksen syntyyn ja pysyvyyteen. Masennus on tunnehäiriö, jossa tunne-elämän haasteet ovat yleensä keskiössä. Masennuksen ennuste on molemmilla sukupuolilla sama, mutta masennusta diagnosoidaan naisilla kaksinkertaisesti miehiin verrattuna. Viime vuosikymmeninä on kuitenkin alettu puhua ”miesten masennuksesta” ilmiönä, sillä joidenkin tutkimusten mukaan miehillä masennukselle epätyypillinen eksternalisoiva oireilu on naisia yleisempää. Tämä voi tilastojen valossa tarkoittaa sitä, että miehillä masennusta jopa alidiagnosoidaan tai diagnosoidaan väärin. Tässä tutkielmassa tutkin, miten naisten ja miesten masennusoireilu eroaa toisistaan ja mikä rooli tunnesäätelyllä voi olla sukupuolieroissa. Perehdyn monipuolisesti masennusoireilun eroihin liittyviin syihin, kuten erilaisiin psykologisiin, biologisiin ja sosiokulttuurisiin tekijöihin. MENETELMÄT. Lähdekirjallisuus etsittiin PubMed-tietokannasta hakusanoilla ”emotion regulation”, ”emotion dysregulation”, ”depression”, ”affect regulation”, ”sex”, ”gender” ja ”men”. Haku rajatiin katsauksiin, systemaattisiin katsauksiin ja meta-analyyseihin. TULOKSET JA JOHTOPÄÄTÖKSET. Tunnesäätelyn ongelmat ovat keskeisiä masennuksen synnyssä ja pysyvyydessä. Erot masennuksen diagnoosien määrässä ja masennusoireilussa voivat johtua biologisista, psykologisista ja sosiokulttuurisista tekijöistä. Sosiokulttuuriset tekijät ja tunnekasvatus voivat vaikuttaa olennaisesti tunnesäätelyn ongelmien syntyyn sekä tytöillä että pojilla. Naisilla ilmenee enemmän perinteistä, internalisoivaa masennusoireilua ja miehillä enemmän eksternalisoivia oireita, joista merkittävimpiä ovat impulssikontrollin puute, riskien ottaminen ja päihteiden väärinkäyttö. Eksternalisoiva oireilu voi peittää masennusoireilua ja itsemurhariskiä, sekä pahentaa masennusta, vaikeuttaa avun hakemista, heikentää masennushoidon tehoa ja lisätä itsemurhan riskiä, joten sen ilmeneminen tulisi huomioida kliinisessä käytännössä.
  • Talkkari, Anna (2022)
    Supporting the mental health of refugees and asylum seekers has become even more urgent now that conflict has increased around the world. The crisis in Afghanistan and war in Ukraine, for example, are going to affect the refugee populations arriving to Finland. Mental health professionals are going to encounter refugees in public health care, occupational health care and schools, so it will be vital to understand the needs of these groups. This thesis analyses the mental health characteristics, risk and protective factors and treatment of refugees and asylum seekers. Literature search was conducted on Medline, PsycINFO, PubMed and SCOPUS databases. Current literature that addressed the mental health, behavior or psychosocial treatment of refugees and asylum seekers in the Western world was accepted for the thesis. Some of the key sources were publications that surveyed the wellbeing of immigrants in Finland, published by the Finnish institute for health and welfare. Based on the chosen literature asylum seekers and refugees are more vulnerable to mental health issues than natives and other immigrant groups. There is international consensus that they experience more anxiety, depression and traumatic disorders. Traumatic experiences, issues with social participation, poor legal status, family separation and discrimination are risk factors for the mental health of refugee populations. Communality and social support, on the other hand, are protective factors. Despite the elevated risk, asylum seekers and refugees use the health care system less than natives and they are more likely to receive lighter treatment. Trauma symptoms, cultural differences, knowledge-gap and language barriers can make diagnosis and treatment difficult. Lack of trust in the clinician, interpreter or the Western health care system can also hinder treatment. In addition, there is a significant risk of marginalization in refugee populations. According to clinical research, trauma-based interventions are most effective, but physical activity interventions offer an approachable option for supporting the mental health of refugees and asylum seekers. However, the success of any intervention is highly dependable on the clinician’s cultural awareness and their ability to build a trusting relationship with the client. It is necessary to develop efficient screening tools and interventions for the needs of refugees and pay attention to practitioners’ cultural know-how.
  • Snellman, Veera (2018)
    Aims. Stalking is a phenomenon that has various effects on the stalking victim’s life. Previous studies have shown that the effects on the victim may be very heterogeneous. This dissertation will introduce how stalking occurs and the factors that mediate the effects of stalking. The deleterious effects of stalking and cyberstalking are reported. Furthermore, the impact of harmful stereotypes and attitudes on the psychopathology and symptomatology of the victims is examined. However, the interpretation of the results of the studies is not unequivocal due to the methodological challenges, that are considered. Methods. The selection of the studies was executed by performing a literature search from various databases (Finna, PubMed and PsycINFO) on the terms stalking, victimization, and stalking + victimization. Furthermore, a manual search was performed by which studies that were included in meta-analyses were selected if applicable. Results and conclusions. According to the studies selected in this dissertation, the victims of stalking are more likely to suffer from anxiety and depression than non-victims. Moreover, many of the victims report symptoms indicative of post-traumatic stress disorder. In addition, stalking may affect the general, occupational and social functioning of the victims. The victims have reported not being able to go to work or being afraid of social interactions. The effects of stalking may also reflect on the somatic well-being of the victim in that the victims have reported tiredness, insomnia and a loss of appetite. The stereotypes and attitudes regarding stalking may exacerbate the victims’ experience. Blaming the victim or underestimating the victim’s experience may aggravate the effects of stalking, because self-blame has been found to have a negative relationship with depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder and increasing self-blame may worsen the situation. By unifying the methodological components of stalking research, the heterogeneity of the studies and the need for specifically aimed therapeutic interventions can be addressed.
  • Rokka, Oona (2020)
    Objectives. Adolescence is a sensitive period during which the incidence of depression and anxiety symptoms increases. These disorders have been shown to significantly deteriorate functioning ability and the quality of life. In order to design supporting actions, it is important to investigate the factors affecting these disorders and their connections. The review presents research data concerning the connection between parenting and adolescents’ internalizing symptoms, and the meaning of emotion regulation in this connection. The aim is to examine whether emotion regulation mediates the connection between parenting and adolescents’ internalizing symptoms. Methods. Literary research was conducted in the PsychINFO-database using following key words: adolescent, parenting, emotion, emotion regulation, emotion dysregulation, internalizing, internalizing symptoms, internalizing problems, depression, anxiety. The bibliographies of the articles found in the literary research were perused and the most relevant articles were chosen. Finally, the studies with samples consisting of people too young for this review were excluded. The final number of the articles in the review was 13. The age of the examinees ranged from 10 to 33 years. Results and conclusions. There was coherent evidence showing that emotion regulation, parenting and adolescents’ internalizing symptoms are strongly linked to each other. Negative parenting and emotion regulation difficulties were clearly connected to increased internalizing symptoms. The research data differed in whether emotion regulation mediates the relationship between parenting and adolescents’ internalizing symptoms or whether there exists a different mechanism, such as the moderating effect. In addition, there were differences in the studies depending on whether depression and anxiety symptoms were measured separately or together as internalizing symptoms. According to the results, it seems that emotion regulation strategies and parenting factors relating to depression and anxiety are different. In the future it will be important to investigate different emotion regulation strategies and parenting factors in a more versatile manner, and to conduct more longitudinal studies instead of using the cross-sectional design. Moreover, it would be important to use mediation analysis in order to examine the mediating mechanism. The result concerning the connections between parenting, adolescents’ emotion regulation and internalizing symptoms seem to refer that it would be important to reduce harmful emotion regulation strategies and teach adaptive strategies in the prevention and intervention for anxiety and depression disorders. Additionally, it could be important to concentrate on parents’ emotion regulation and emotion socialization. Further studies on these types of interventions is needed.
  • Huuskonen, Olga (2017)
    Depression during adolescence is a significant problem. Depression causes harm to adolescents and it is associated with many negative outcomes, including academic problems, impaired social relationships, substance abuse, mental health problems and suicide. Thus, prevention of adolescent depression is extremely important and many prevention programs have been developed to do so. The purpose of current thesis is to examine the effectiveness and applicability of cognitive-behavioral prevention programs for adolescent depression. Prevention programs are classified into three categories on basis of the populations to whom the interventions are directed. Universal programs are provided to all members of a target population, selective programs are targeted to individuals at elevated risk for depression, and indicative programs are provided to individuals who manifest subclinical depression symptoms. These programs differ in their effectiveness in depression prevention and in their applicability. Universal programs are more applicable and more inexpensive than selective or indicative programs. According to the existing findings, selective and indicative programs seem to be more effective in preventing depression in adolescence than universal programs and selective and indicative programs seem to be as effective. Longer programs and programs that have older adolescents and more female participants, seem to be more effective in preventing depression. The most common limitations of studies so far are the relatively short follow-ups. In future there is a need for longer follow-ups and more longitudinal studies.