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  • Vähätiitto, Emmi (2024)
    Tiivistelmä - Referat - Abstract Tavoitteet. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on koota tietoa siitä, mitä tiedetään nimeämisen yhteydestä sanasujuvuuteen ja sanavarastoon. Lisäksi tutkielmassa tarkastellaan, millaisilla tehtävillä nimeämistä, sanasujuvuutta ja sanavarastoa on mitattu. Nimeämistaidon on havaittu vaikuttavan lukutaitoon sekä muihin kielellisiin taitoihin. Nimeämisessä ja lukemisessa käytettävät osataidot ovat osittain samoja. Nimeämisen yhteydestä sanasujuvuuteen ja sanavarastoon koottu tieto voi auttaa ymmärtämään kielellisiä taitoja ja lukemisen vaikeuksiin liittyviä tekijöitä. Menetelmät. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin integroivaa kirjallisuuskatsausta. Aineisto kerättiin joulukuussa 2023 suorittamalla haku Scopus ja Ovid Medline -tietokannoista. Hakusanoina käytettiin nimeämisen, sanavaraston ja sanasujuvuuden termejä sekä nimeämisen arvioimiseen yleisesti käytetyn testin lyhennettä. Pois rajattiin artikkelit, jotka käsittelivät erilaisia sairauksia, testien normittamista, spesifisti aivojen tiedonkäsittelyä tai ei-kielellisten interventioiden vaikutusta. Hakua täydennettiin kahdella manuaalisesti poimitulla artikkelilla. Lopullinen aineisto koostui viidestä vuosina 1989–2014 julkaistusta artikkelista. Aineisto analysoitiin systemaattisesti. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Nimeämisen ja sanasujuvuuden välillä löytyi merkitsevä yhteys kaikissa näiden yhteyttä tarkastelleista tutkimuksista. Yhteys oli voimakkaampi nimeämisen ja semanttisen sanasujuvuuden välillä. Nimeämistarkkuuden ja reseptiivisen sanavaraston välillä havaittiin merkitsevä yhteys. Korrelaatiot taitojen välillä eivät kuitenkaan olleet täydellisiä, joten taidoissa vaikuttaa olevan jotain yhtäläisyyttä, mutta myös eroavaisuuksia. Tutkimusta nimeämisen ja sanavaraston sekä nimeämisen ja sanasujuvuuden välisistä yhteyksistä on tehty vähän. Jatkossa olisi hyvä saada lisätutkimusta siitä, mikä näiden taitojen välisiä yhteyksiä selittää.
  • Päiviö, Elisa (2016)
    ALF is an memory impairment in which the temporal lobe epilepsy patient has problems with memory retention during an interval of days or weeks, while performing normally in standardised memory tests. ALF has been found for verbal, visual and autobiographical material, but it seems not to be material specific. ALF is associated with older age and higher intelligence, but its causes are unknown. It seems that hippocampal abnormalities contribute to poor memory retention only 24 hours after initial learning. After this point epileptic discharges seem to be more important contributors. The results are contradictory, however, and it is possible that ALF is associated with abnormalities outside the hippocampal region. Treatment possibilities for ALF are unclear. Seizure control with antiepilectic medication and rehearsal of learned material seem to be the best suggestions in the light of current knowledge.
  • Karhunen, Oona (2019)
    Goals: Minor cognitive impairment (MCI) is believed to be an intermediate state between regular aging and dementia, especially Alzheimer's disease. MCI have been used to detect older adults who have a high risk of developing dementia. However, it has not proved to be efficient in separating those who will progress to dementia from those who will not. Neuropsychiatric symptoms have been suggested as another mean to achieve better sensitivity. Neuropsychiatric symptoms are more prevalent in older adults with MCI than in those with regular cognitive functioning. Certain neuropsychiatric symptoms together with MCI increase the risk of dementia more than MCI without the neuropsychiatric symptom. Most of the research literature around neuropsychiatric symptoms and the risk of dementia has focused on depression and anxiety symptoms. However, among neuropsychiatric symptoms psychotic symptoms separate older adults with MCI from those with regular cognitive functioning most prominently. In this bachelors thesis I investigate whether psychotic symptoms increase the risk of decline in cognitive functions towards MCI and dementia in older adults. Methods: Literature was searched from an online database PubMed with entries "dementia AND delusions" and "Alzheimer's disease AND delusions". The final material consists of two reviews and five research articles. Results: In the light of research literature, psychotic symptoms increase the risk of dementia in older adults treefold in comparison with older adults with regular cognitive functioning. Different psychotic symptoms have different relations. Visual hallucinations increase the risk of decline in cognitive functioning, whereas both delusions and hallucinations increase the risk of dementia. The risk of dementia increases as the number of psychotic symptoms increases. The psychotic symptoms increase the risk of dementia independently of cognitive functioning. Dementia related psychotic symptoms can appear before cognitive impairment. This backs up the hypothesis that dementia related neuropsychiatric symptoms can arise during dementia prodrome before cognitive deficits arise. Scanning for psychotic symptoms can help detect dementias in their early phases.
  • Alakiikonen, Aino (2020)
    Objectives. Over the last few decades, the usage of various digital devices has increased significantly. As people spend time on digital media especially in the evenings before bedtime, there has been a growing interest in researching the potential effects of digital media usage on sleep. The association between digital media usage and negative sleep outcomes can be explained by three different mechanisms: circadian effects of exposure to light from screens, stimulation from media content, and displacement of time spent sleeping by time spent using devices. The objective of this thesis was to review recent randomized controlled experiments regarding the effects of pre-sleep digital media usage on sleep and compare their study designs and results. Methods. Experimental studies were searched on PubMed and Ovid Mediline databases using the terms digital media, electronic media, screen light, blue light and sleep. Seven randomized controlled experiments published within the last five years were selected. All the studies had controlled the use of digital media and used both subjective and objective sleep measures. Results and conclusions. Most of the studies indicated that the pre-sleep usage of digital media has a negative effect on sleep. There were associations between the usage of digital media and sleep architecture, sleep onset latency, suppression of melatonin secretion and subjective sleepiness. In addition, each of the three mechanisms were supported by the studies. However, there were notable differences in the study designs between the studies, which made it difficult to assess the significance of the individual factors. There is a need for laboratory experiments with larger sample sizes as well as real-life studies to increase ecological validity. This would help specify recommendations regarding the use of digital media in order to improve human health and wellbeing.
  • Fonselius, Essi (2020)
    Tavoitteet. Ahdistuneisuushäiriöistä kärsii Suomessa noin 4–11 prosenttia nuorista ja ne ovat maailmanlaajuisesti yleisin nuorten mielenterveyshäiriö. On huomattu, että ahdistus saattaa nuorilla johtaa esimerkiksi sosiaalisiin ja akateemisiin ongelmiin sekä mielenterveysongelmiin. Kognitiivisen käyttäytymisterapian ja altistuksen on todettu olevan tehokkaita nuorten ahdistuksen hoitomuotoja, mutta monet jäävät silti vaille asianmukaista apua. Mobiilisovellusten hyödyntäminen ahdistuneisuushäiriöiden hoidossa voisi lisätä hoidon saavutettavuutta. Tutkimusta aiheesta on vasta vähän eikä mobiilisovellusten tehokkuudesta nuorten ahdistuksen hoidossa ole vielä selkeää näyttöä. Tässä katsauksessa perehdytään tämän hetkiseen tutkimustietoon nuorten ahdistuneisuushäiriöiden hoitoon tarkoitetuista mobiilisovelluksista ja pyritään selvittämään, millaisia haasteita ja mahdollisuuksia kyseisiin mobiilisovelluksiin liittyy. Menetelmät. Aineisto haettiin Google Scholar - ja PsycINFO-tietokannoista. Hakusanoina käytettiin muun muassa adolescent anxiety mobile apps, youth mobile apps mental health ja anxiety mobile applications. Aineiston hakua tehtiin myös jo löydettyjen artikkeleiden lähteiden pohjalta. Aineiston haussa suosittiin uudempia julkaisuja. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Nuorten ahdistuneisuushäiriöiden hoitoon tarkoitettuja mobiilisovelluksia löytyi kolme kappaletta: SmartCAT 2.0, Anxiety Coach ja Mindshift. Kaikki sovellukset sisälsivät joitakin kognitiivisen käyttäytymisterapian hoitoelementtejä esimerkiksi psykoedukaatiota, altistusta sekä kognitiivista uudelleenmuotoilua. Näistä mobiilisovelluksista tehdyissä tutkimuksissa oli lukuisia rajoitteita, jotka tekevät johtopäätösten tekemisestä hankalaa. Vielä on esimerkiksi epäselvää, mitkä elementit mobiilisovelluksissa ovat vaikuttavia ja ovatko vaikutukset pitkäkestoisia. Tutkimusten perusteella vaikuttaisi kuitenkin siltä, että kyseisistä sovelluksista on mahdollista oppia uutta tietoa ja niitä voidaan käyttää omien oireiden arvioimiseen. Lisäksi mobiilisovellukset koetaan helpoiksi käyttää, vaikkakin niiden käyttö vähenee ajan myötä. Mobiilisovellukset saattavat myös tehostaa terapiahoitoa, kun niitä käytetään yhdessä kognitiiviseen käyttäytymisterapian kanssa. Tällöin esimerkiksi kotitehtävien tekeminen näyttäisi lisääntyvän ja terapiahoitoa voisi mahdollisesti jopa lyhentää, kun siihen yhdistetään mobiilisovellusten käyttöä. Aiheesta tarvitaan kuitenkin vielä lisää tutkimusta.
  • Leppälä, Mira (2020)
    Objective. Cyberbullying affects children and adolescents around the world since today almost everyone has access to the internet. Cyberbullying can be defined as intentional, harmful and repetitive activity via electronic devices or internet, for example bullying via text messages and sharing or sending pictures or videos without permission. Depression is one of the most common mental disorders and it affects the functional ability of people worldwide. Based on current research literature, there seems to be a bidirectional association between traditional bullying and depressive symptoms, meaning that being bullied increases the risk for depressive symptoms and being depressed increases the risk for being bullied. Previous studies have also shown that there are sex differences in this association. Additionally, it is known that depression is more common amongst girls compared to boys. The association between cyberbullying and depressive symptoms has been researched considerably less. This thesis reviews studies on the association between cyberbullying victimisation and depressive symptoms and possible sex differences of this association, in that is the association bidirectional and are there differences between boys and girls. Methods. Studies were included in this thesis, if they assessed the association between cyberbullying victimisation and depressive symptoms and the sex difference of this association. Both longitudinal and cross-sectional studies were included. Results and conclusions. Adolescence cyberbullying victimisation was associated with depressive symptoms. Reviewed studies showed that cyberbullying victims reported significantly more depressive symptoms compared to non-victims and there were tentative results that the more cyberbullying is experienced, the more depressive symptoms there are. There were also tentative results on the bidirectionality of the association, but so far there are few longitudinal studies. Sex differences have also been researched in only a couple of studies so definitive conclusions cannot be drawn on whether the association differs between girls and boys. If cyberbullying victimisation really increases the risk for depressive symptoms, it is ever more important to develop actions against cyberbullying for example as a part of schools’ mental health programmes and further courage parents to supervise adolescents’ internet usage since it is known to reduce the risk for cyberbullying victimisation.
  • Kaisto, Soila (2018)
    Objective. Studies have shown that callous-unemotional traits in adolescents predict delinquency but only recently the moderators and mediators of this association have become of interest. The aim of this review of literature is to discuss the effects of neighborhood, witnessing violence and peers on delinquent behaviour of callous-unemotional youth. Results and conclusions. The role of the neighborhood was not unambiguous. One study found that the callous-unemotional traits were more stronly associated with delinquent behaviour in higher risk neighborhoods, another study concluded that the effects of callous-unemotional traits on delinquent behaviour was invariant across the levels of neighborhood disorder whereas third one neighborhood had an effect on the quality, not quantity, of delinquent behaviour. Witnessing violence fully mediated the relationship between callous-unemotional traits and all types of delinquency, but exposure to violence in the form of direct victimization mediated only the relationship between callous-unemotional traits and substance delinquency. Callous-unemotional traits were associated with a greater likelihood of adolescent offending in groups compared to other antisocial youth and assuming the role of a leader in the group. These results can be interpreted in the light of the callous-unemotional traits these adolescents have (i.a. lack of empathy and remorse, shallow emotions, being less sensitive to punishment, sensation-seeking). These explain their tendency towards delinquency independent of the neighborhood context and manipulation of others in group crime, among other things.
  • Rautio, Iiris (2024)
    Tavoitteet. Aiempi tutkimustieto osoittaa, että autismikirjon häiriöön ja kehitykselliseen kielihäiriöön liittyy molempiin vaikeuksia kielellisissä taidoissa, mistä voi seurata haasteita ohjeiden ymmärtämisessä ja seuraamisessa. Häiriöiden oirekuvassa on paljon samankaltaisuutta, vaikka ne luokitellaankin erillisiksi. Molempia häiriöitä on tutkittu laajasti, mutta ohjausmenetelmien merkitystä autismikirjon häiriön tai kehityksellisen kielihäiriön lasten puheterapiassa on tutkittu tähän mennessä vasta vähän. Puheterapiassa käytettyjen ohjausmenetelmien tutkiminen on tärkeää kliinisen työn sujuvuuden ja tuloksellisuuden kannalta. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on tarkastella minkälaisten ohjausmenetelmien käyttö edistää puheterapiassa opittujen taitojen yleistymistä arkeen ja minkälainen ohjaus on näiden häiriöiden kohdalla hyödyllisintä. Menetelmät. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin integroivaa kirjallisuuskatsausta, jonka lopulliset aineistohaut tehtiin helmikuun 2024 aikana. Tiedonhaku tehtiin Scopus- ja Ovid Medline- tietokannoista, sekä kaksi tutkimusta valittiin aineistoksi käsipoiminnalla. Hakulausekkeita oli kaksi: autism* AND "speech therapy" AND (instruction* OR guidance*) / "developmental language disorder" AND (instruction* OR guidance*). Lopulliseen aineistoon valittiin mukaan kuusi tutkimuskysymysten kannalta relevanteinta tutkimusta saadun aineiston analyysin jälkeen. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tutkimusartikkeleista saatujen tulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, että annetulla ohjaustavalla on vaikutusta puheterapiassa opittujen taitojen yleistymisessä arkeen. Yleistettävimpänä ohjausmenetelmänä voidaan pitää suoran ohjauksen (Direct Instruction) menetelmää. Autismikirjon kohdalla hyödyllisimpiä ohjausmenetelmiä olivat eksplisiittisiä ja implisiittisiä, eli suoria ja epäsuoria ohjausmenetelmiä hyödyntävät menetelmät. Kehityksellisen kielihäiriön kohdalla taas parhaita tuloksia saatiin ainoastaan eksplisiittisillä menetelmillä. Tulokset painottuivat hyödyllisten ohjausmenetelmien käsittelyyn, sillä hakulausekkeeseen ei ollut sisällytetty ”yleistettävyys”-termiä. Jatkotutkimusta kaivataankin erityisesti ohjausmenetelmien yhteydestä puheterapiassa opittujen taitojen yleistymiseen arkeen.
  • Roland, Annie (2023)
    Tavoitteet: Kuukautisia edeltävät fyysiset ja psyykkiset oireet ovat ilmiö, joka koskettaa suurta osaa menstruoivasta väestöstä. Kuukautiskierron yhteydestä psyykkisten oireiden ilmenemiseen ja pahenemiseen tiedetään kuitenkin yhä vähän. Tämän katsauksen tavoitteena oli tarkastella kuukautiskierron ja siinä tapahtuvan hormonivaihtelun yhteyttä eri mielenterveyshäiriöiden oireiden ilmenemiseen ja vakavuuteen, etenkin premenstruaali- eli kuukautisia edeltävässä vaiheessa. Lisäksi katsauksessa perehdytään psyykkisten oireiden premenstruaaliseen pahenemiseen liittyviin riskitekijöihin. On erittäin tärkeää, että mielenterveysammattilaiset tunnistavat psyykkisten oireiden premenstruaalisen pahenemisen ja ymmärtävät siihen liittyvät riskitekijät, sillä ymmärryksen avulla psyykkisten oireiden kehitystä voidaan mahdollisesti ennustaa ja riskien ehkäisyyn voidaan kiinnittää huomiota ajoissa. Menetelmät: Tutkimuskirjallisuuden haussa käytettiin pääosin Google Scholar ja APA PsycNet -tietokantoja yhdistelemällä hakusanoja ”premenstrual exacerbation”, ”premenstrual syndrome”, ”menstrual”, ”depression”, ”suicide”, ”suicidal ideation”, ”anxiety”, ”panic disorder”, ”eating disorders”, ”OCD”, ”bipolar”, ”schizophrenia”, ”trauma”, ”PTSD”, ”psychosis”, sekä tarkastelemalla artikkelien lähdeluetteloita. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset: Tutkimusten perusteella masennus-, ahdistuneisuus- ja syömishäiriöiden kohdalla oireiden premenstruaalinen paheneminen on yleistä. Traumaoireilussa, kaksisuuntaisessa mielialahäiriössä ja skitsofreniassa tulokset ovat vaatimattomia tai olemattomia. On kuitenkin alustavia viitteitä siitä, että kuukautiskierrolla saattaa olla yhteys psykoosin laukeamiseen. Lisäksi oireiden premenstruaalinen paheneminen näyttää olevan riskitekijä muun muassa itsetuhoisuudelle, toimintakyvyn heikkenemiselle ja vakavammalle oirekuvalle eri mielenterveyshäiriöiden yhteydessä. Tulevaisuuden tutkimuksissa on tärkeää panostaa tutkittavien diagnostiseen erotteluun premenstruaali- ja mielenterveyshäiriöiden suhteen, hormonivaihtelun kattavaan kartoittamiseen, ja interventioiden kehittämiseen. Katsauksen lopussa pohditaan myös kuukautisiin liittyvien tutkimuksien erityishaasteita.
  • Poletaev, Dmitry (2017)
    Goals: Symptom networks as a concept came to the research field only less than 10 years ago. Symptom network is a new statistical approach, where disorder’s symptoms are seen as separate mutually interacting elements, compared to predominant way of seeing symptoms as indicators of common background latent variable. There is only limited amount of reviews available on the topic. Goal of this thesis to review state of symptom network research, i.e. what and with which methodologies is researched with emphasis on the theoretical developments of the concept. At the same time possible and necessary future research avenues discussed. Methods: Thesis is literature review. Google Scholar was used as a search engine and search was done using expression ‘ “symptom network” psychology ’. Only research published after 2008 is included. Due to length limitations of the review, only results from two first result pages were used. After this, based on the found articles references some extra inquiries were performed. Results and conclusions: Main result is that there are very promising results within existing research and statistical methods and measures start to settle. However, there is need for more versatile research, as well as for reproduction of results. Slightly worrying observation is that lion share of symptom network research is done by one research group. This thesis provided quite good overview of the research field, though it is left on slightly non-specific level.
  • Hasanen, Allan (2018)
    ABSTRACT: Background factors of problematic internet gaming UNIVERSITY OF HELSINKI Faculty of medicine Allan Hasanen The goal of this bachelor’s thesis is to examine the current empirical studies on the background factors of problematic internet gaming in the form of a literature overview. The focus of this examination is on the family, social, cognitive and comorbid factors behind problematic internet gaming and to examine the gaming habits of problematic gamers. Internet gaming disorder (IGD) is a condition which American Psychiatric Association requested for further study in DSM-5. Current evidence suggests that problematic internet gaming is most prevalent in children, adolescents and young adults, especially males. There is a relationship between problematic gaming and worse family cohesion and problems in school integration. The main types of games that predict problematic gaming and the games that most problematic gamers play are MMOs (Massive Multiplayer Online), FPS (First Person Shooter) and MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games). Typical motivational factors for problematic gaming are escapism and the fulfilment of social needs. Certain maladaptive beliefs about gaming are found in problematic gamers. Internet gaming disorder shares many traits with gambling, but is its own possible entity. Internet gaming disorder is comorbid with hyperactivity, anxiety and depression. There is no consensus on the specific symptoms or the required threshold on the number of symptoms required for this condition. This causes problems on comparability of the studies on problematic gaming and internet gaming disorder. Keywords: internet gaming disorder, children’s psychiatry, videogames, problematic gaming
  • Naamanka, Joonas (2020)
    Goals. Gambling is a universal problem, which is particularly pronounced in Finland. The problems are not limited to pathological gambling, but gambling also harms a substantial group of non-pathological gamblers, referred to as problem gamblers in research literature. The purpose of the review was to explore differences between pathological and non-pathological gamblers in three different domains: cognition, neurophysiology and personality. The goal was to create a broad picture of psychological factors differentiating pathological gamblers from others in order to improve the understanding of risk factors associated with the development of non-pathological gambling towards pathology. To achieve this, problem gamblers were included in the comparison regarding the studies which had that separate group. Methods. Research articles were searched from Google Scholar and PubMed database with the tags non-pathological gambling and pathological gambling. The inclusion criteria were comparison of pathological gamblers to non-pathological ones and that the research topic fell under one of the three domains of the review. Results and conclusions. Regarding cognition, non-pathological and pathological gamblers seem to differ on several cognitive distortions and problem gambler resemble pathological gamblers more than they do non-problem gamblers. Emotional processing might also be weaker in pathological gamblers. In the domain of neurophysiology, the functioning of many different brain areas in gambling situations may differentiate pathological gamblers from others. Additionally, dampened HPA-axel responses appear to be associated with gambling pathology. Personality-wise pathological gamblers are particularly more impulsive, but also more neurotic than others. The personality of problem gamblers resembles that of non-problem gambler than pathological gamblers. Going forward, more studies including a separate group of problem gamblers are needed because they could provide valuable information on the development gambling pathology. Societally, it is important to recognize gambling as broader problem than just pathological gambling.
  • Toivonen, Linda (2017)
    Depression is one of the most common comorbid mental disorders in anorexia. Many of those who have anorexia have also depression at some point in their lives . Vice versa the connection isn’t as clear, but it has been found that eating disorders are more common among people with depression than others. In this thesis the order of onset and possible causal relationships are examined. Possible hypotheses of causality between depression and anorexia are also examined According to studies depression can precede anorexia, it can begin at same time with anorexia or it can begin after anorexia onset. So it can’t be said that always other disorder expose to another. However according to studies onsets are usually close to each other. There are number of possible hypotheses about the relationship between anorexia and depression. In this thesis hypotheses that malnutrition affects to mood and genetic predisposition are taken for further evaluation. It is possible that part of the depression diagnoses is incorrect and depressive symptoms are caused by malnutrition that changes serotonin activation in brain. The results of the effects of malnutrition to mood are partially unclear. In some studies weight recovery was associated with mood improvement and in some studies this association was not found. However there were few problems with the studies. For example treatment included also therapy and other treatments so it is difficult to distinguish what is the effect of the weight restoration. When genetic predisposition was examined, common genetic factors between anorexia and depression were found. Relatives of the anorexia patients also have elevated risk to depression compared to relatives of the healthy controls. Results suggest that there is association between depression and anorexia but the causality remains unclear. Association can be explained many ways and it is important to get more information about the possible causality between depression and anorexia. It is important for better treatment and prevention. Especially more longitudinal studies are needed. Also more studies about malnutrition impacts to mood are needed so it is possible to avoid for example unnecessary medications.
  • Laine, Julia (2017)
    It is commonly known that physical activity and exercise have a positive effect on physical and psychological health. Previous studies with adults and elderly show that exercise can maintain or even improve cognitive capacity. Due to these results researchers have studied the effects of exercise and physical activity on children’s cognitive ability. Epidemically gro-wing concern with children and adolescent obesity has also had an impact on this field of re-search. Long term effects of exercise on children’s cognitive capacity have been studied with diffe-rent exercise interventions, which are typically organized at schools. Although, exercise in-terventions seem to have some effect it is still unknown what kind of exercise has the grea-test impact. In this thesis, I will study the effect of different kinds of physical activities on children's cognitive skills. This thesis was carried out as a literature review without empirical sample. Review systematically sums up the results from empirical intervention research do-ne. Due to exercise intervention research, getting more exercise during school days seems to have a positive effect on children’s cognitive skills or at least it doesn’t have a negative one. Research is focused on rather simple aerobic exercise interventions. Although, due to some studies covered in these thesis, more diverse aerobic exercises seem to have a greater ef-fect compared to simple ones. There is also some evidence that other than aerobic exercise seem to have an impact on children’s cognitive skills. It is still quite hard to compare the ef-fectiveness of different exercise intervention types due to lack of comprehensive research.
  • Rummukainen, Ossi (2023)
    The embodied nature of music cognition is a growing topic in the field of music cognition. The aim of this study is to understand the paradigm of embodied music cognition. It’s a selective review on the paradigm’s ontological assumptions, some key point of views and relevant empirical evidence supporting the main claims within the field. Hopefully, this paper gives the reader a good introduction into the theoretical and empirical work within the field of embodied music cognition. It’s suited for all scholars and students working in nearby fields. Google Scholar was used in the literature search and “embodied music cognition” was used as a keyword. The main sources were review articles by the most important scholars in the field and the associated empirical literature. Embodied approach to music cognition emphasizes the coupling of action and perception. The role of the human body is seen to be a mediator between the environment and the brain. There is empirical support for various effects of the motor system to music perception and vice versa. A special focus is also given to the multilayered interaction between all the elements from which the “musical mind” emerges, namely, the mind, the body, music and social context. This interactionist view of cognition utilizes insights from dynamical systems theory. Lastly, a novel framework is reviewed that integrates the embodied approach with a more classical predictive coding paradigm under the concept of joint agency. The framework claims music to be, metaphorically, an embodied language. The field of embodied music cognition is quickly growing and the future is assumed to be interdisciplinary since the nature of music cognition is highly complex.
  • Westerlund, Inka (2020)
    Psychopathy is an abnormality of personality characterized by, for example, superficiality of emotional life, glibness, manipulation, and antisociality. Psychopathic individuals burden each stage of the justice system, and they are overrepresented in prison. Psychopathic people fall into violent crimes and also repeat their crimes more often than others. Contradictory results have been obtained in the past for the treatment of psychopathic individuals, and sometimes the treatment may even have worsened psychopathy. There is a general perception that treating psychopathic individuals is impossible or at least very difficult. There are many limitations in previous studies and overall research on the topic is still quite limited. Psychopathy is not a diagnosis recognized by common diagnostic manuals. It can be reliably assessed by using the PCL-R checklist, which is the most widely used and accepted tool for assessing psychopathy. The aim of this review was to determine whether violent offenders who have been assessed psychopathic with the PCL-R checklist or it`s youth version PCL:YV, can be treated. Studies published in the 21st century on the response to treatment of psychopathic violent offenders were used as source literature. This review dealt with treatments for adults and adolescents separately. The results obtained from the treatment of adults were cautiously promising. In particular, treatment could contribute to the improvement of social skills and insight. Overall, the risk of violence was reduced through treatment, but among some psychopathic individuals, violent behavior increased. This could be the result of a repulsive attitude towards treatment or authorities. The results from the treatment of young people were more promising. Intensive care for adolescents halved the risk of violent crimes, and the number of psychopathic features was not found to affect the response to treatment. Long-term treatment gave the best results. The results are promising, especially for young people. However, the results are still preliminary. In order to draw more certain conclusions, more randomized and controlled trials should be made. In addition, the persistence of treatment outcomes should be investigated in follow-up studies with long follow-up periods.
  • Lanki, Emma (2021)
    Tavoitteet. Ääni on opettajille keskeinen työväline. Opettajantyössä äänenkäytön olosuhteet ovat kuitenkin vaativat, ja ääni rasittuu usein muun muassa runsaan puhumisen, taustamelun, sisäilmaongelmien ja heikon akustiikan takia. Kovan kuormituksen takia opettajat kärsivät ääniongelmista muuta väestöä yleisemmin. Tutkimuksissa opettajien ääniongelmat on yhdistetty heikompaan elämänlaatuun. Aihetta on kuitenkin tutkittu melko vähän, joten tutkimusnäyttöä tarvitaan lisää. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena oli tarkastella peruskoulun opettajilla esiintyviä ääniongelmia ja niiden vaikutusta elämänlaatuun. Menetelmät. Kandidaatintutkielman menetelmänä käytettiin integroivaa kirjallisuuskatsausta. Aineistohaku suoritettiin helmikuussa 2021 Ovid Medline ja Scopus-tietokannoista. Hakulauseke koottiin opettajiin, äänen ongelmiin ja elämänlaatuun viittaavista termeistä. Artikkelien tuli olla englanninkielisiä ja vertaisarvioituja alkuperäisiä tutkimuksia, jotka vastasivat tutkimuskysymyksiin ja olivat saatavissa Helsingin yliopiston tunnuksilla. Hakutuloksesta lopulliseen aineistoon valikoitui valintakriteereiden perusteella kuusi artikkelia. Lisäksi yksi artikkeli poimittiin manuaalisesti. Lopullinen aineisto analysoitiin laadullisen sisällönanalyysin keinoin. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Katsauksen perusteella ääniongelmat ovat yleisiä opettajien keskuudessa, mutta esiintyvyydessä oli kuitenkin melko paljon vaihtelua tutkimusten välillä. Elämänlaadun osalta katsauksen tulokset olivat yhteneviä. Tutkimusaineiston perusteella ääniongelmat vaikuttavat tilastollisesti merkitsevästi elämänlaatuun peruskoulun opettajilla. Kaikissa tutkimuksissa elämänlaatu oli heikompi niillä tutkittavilla, jotka kokivat äänioireita tai olivat luokiteltu äänihäiriöisiksi, verrattuna äänioireettomiin tutkittaviin. Tulokset olivat samankaltaisia sekä orgaanisten, että funktionaalisten äänihäiriöiden osalta. Ääniongelmien ennaltaehkäisyyn olisi hyvä panostaa sekä yksilöiden hyvinvoinnin että yhteiskunnallisten syiden takia. Äänenhuollon merkitystä voisi tuoda esille jo ennen varsinaisen ongelman syntyä, esimerkiksi opettajaopinnoissa sekä valmiiden opettajien keskuudessa esimerkiksi koulutuspäivien avulla.
  • Kovala-Viita, Minna (2017)
    The objective of this literature review is to examine the associations between student’s temperament and his/her adjustment and achievement in school context. It also considers how temperament-conscious knowledge could be taken into account in everyday schooling. Student’s temperament is related to his/her self-regulation skills and working style. It is also associated with the quality of teacher-student interaction and student’s innate ability to behave according to school expectations. So called “school temperament” (high task-orientation, high personal social flexibility and low reactivity) corresponds with teachers’ description of the “ideal student” and is associated with better school adjustment as well as academic performance. Temperament-conscious education encourages teachers to take into account and appreciate students’ individual differences in temperament. Learning environment which pays attention to student’s individual needs can best support his/her development and learning. Teachers are in a key position to promote their students’ positive school adaptation and academic achievement. Therefore, teacher education programs should educate future teachers about the associations of student’s temperament with teaching-learning-processes. Students’ adjustment and achievement in school context can be enhanced by training and practicing both students’ self-regulation skills and achievement-related behaviors. Furthermore, students should also have possibilities to use their own temperament-based strengths in learning. Positive and supportive relationships between teachers and students may have a buffering effect on students’ development. A relatively large body of previous research evidence suggests that temperament-conscious education could be part of the high-quality education.
  • Nurmi, Venla (2020)
    Tavoitteet. Hyvin ennenaikaisena syntyneillä keskosilla voi olla kypsymättömyytensä vuoksi syömisvaikeuksia. Vaikeudet voivat hidastaa keskosen kehitystä ja pidentää heidän sairaalassa viettämäänsä aikaa, joten syömiseen voidaan alkuvaiheessa tarvita tukitoimia. Aiemmat tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet, että oraalisella stimulaatiolla ja syömiseen liittymättömällä imemisellä voi olla positiivinen vaikutus keskosen varhaisiin syömistaitoihin. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, millaisilla oraalisen stimulaation interventioilla keskosten varhaisia syömistaitoja pyritään tukemaan ja miten interventiot vaikuttavat heidän syömistaitoihinsa. Menetelmät. Tutkielman menetelmänä käytettiin integroivaa kirjallisuuskatsausta. Artikkelit haettiin Ovid Medline ja Scopus-tietokannoista. Hakulausekkeena oli: (preterm) AND (”feeding skill*” OR sucking) AND (intervention*) AND (non-nutritive OR “oral stimulation”) AND NOT (pain*). Aineistoksi valikoitui viisi vertaisarvioitua artikkelia, joiden sisältöä analysoitiin laadullisesti ja tuloksia vertailtiin keskenään. Tutkimusartikkeleista haettiin vastauksia kahteen tutkimuskysymykseen: 1. Millaisilla oraalisen stimulaation interventioilla keskosten varhaisia syömistaitoja pyritään tukemaan? ja 2. Miten oraalisen stimulaation interventiot vaikuttavat keskosen syömiseen? Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Oraalisella stimulaatiolla havaittiin positiivisia vaikutuksia keskosten syömiseen kaikissa viidessä tutkimuksessa. Heidän sairaalajaksonsa lyhentyivät, imeminen tehostui ja siirtyminen nenämahaletkusta itsenäiseen syömiseen nopeutui. Interventioilla näytti myös olevan positiivinen vaikutus keskosen imettämisen onnistumiselle sekä vanhemman ja keskosen vuorovaikutukselle. Oraalinen stimulaatio keskosten hoidon tukena on kustannustehokas ja helppo keino, joka ei vaadi erikoisvälineistöä. Sairaalajakson lyhentymisellä ja keskosten terveyden parantumisella on katsottu olevan myös kansantaloudellisesti merkitystä. Jatkossa olisi tarpeen tutkia varhaisvaiheen jälkeen jatkuvien interventioiden vaikutuksia keskosten syömisvaikeuksiin ja voitaisiinko niiden avulla vähentää keskosten myöhemmin tarvitsemia puheterapiajaksoja.
  • Budde, Karri (2018)
    Presenteeism (working despite feeling sick) has become a popular object for research in occupational psychology in the 21st century. It has been claimed that stressful psychosocial aspects of work (e.g. job demands) are connected to presenteeism. The purpose of this degree was to find out what can be said about these connections considering current scientific evidence. Another goal was to examine the directionality of these connections, although the causality from job demands to presenteeism was analyzed more thoroughly than the other possible directions. The cross-sectional evidence on connections between job demands and presenteeism is rather incomplete. There have been multiple studies in which the statistically significant correlation between these two phenomena have been found, but the direction of causality cannot be deduced from these studies. There are several ways to operationalize job demands and it has been concluded by a meta-analysis that the strongest connections to presenteeism seem to be with physical demands of work, understaffing, overtime work and general time pressure. There are few longitudinal studies on this issue but from these few studies there has arisen partial support for the idea that higher job demands can lead to presenteeism. The most relevant take-away message from these studies is that the connections between job demands and presenteeism may well be reciprocal and lead to a vicious circle. The biggest limitations in studies are related to the cross-sectionality, the sole use of self-report methods and the poor generalizability due to selected samples. In addition, there have been conversations about the reliability and validity of the self-report measures used in research. Due to these limitations, not much can be said about the connections between job demands and presenteeism. The correlative connections have been repeatedly replicated in various studies which indicates that there most likely is some sort of connection between these two phenomena. However, the prominent use of cross-sectional studies makes it impossible to draw conclusions about the direction of causality. Theoretical frameworks have been underutilized in the planning of studies and there hasn’t been enough research on specific hypotheses derived from these theories. The current scientific evidence is too general. Hence, it’s not possible to analyze the connections between job demands and presenteeism very precisely. These shortcomings can be mended in the future by focusing on well-designed longitudinal studies.