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  • Linnoinen, Maaria (2017)
    Objective. Listening music while studying is a common habit among students. However, despite the numerous studies conducted, it is still disputed whether and how background music influences learning and concentration. In addition, the results have not been comparable due to variety of theoretical framework and methodological quality in studies. To clarify the variety of paradigms in different studies Ferreri and Verga (2016) have recently proposed a model explaining the effect of music on verbal learning and concentration. Thus, the aim of this thesis is to discuss the effects of background music on learning and concentration and identify factors explaining the results. Method. This thesis is a review of recent studies on the effects of background music on learning and concentration. Since majority of the recent studies have focused on adults only studies with adult participants are considered. Results and conclusions. Background music has no general effect on learning and concentration as compared to no music. More detailed examination of studies reveals that different aspects of mu-sic, the task and personal characteristics can moderate the impact of background music. Individual musical features cannot explain the impact of background music, but the simultaneous variation of its features such as complexity can alternate the influence in learning mechanisms. Some effects might be explained by the type and the difficulty of the task. Comparison of different types and the difficulty of the task reveals that background music has detrimental effect on reading comprehension and in contrast, in simple tasks (i.e. simple math tests) background music might be beneficial for the processing. Individual differences might be explained by the preference for back-ground music and finding the presence of music distracting, indicating that background music might distract the learning of those with lower tendency to listen music. Nevertheless, some results are inconsistent and consequently these single factors might not be helpful to explaining the results. It is possible that these factors might moderate the effects simultaneously. In addition, the impact of learning context should be taken into account in further studies. It is also possible that several mechanism moderate the effects as Ferreri and Verga (2016) propose in their model. The impact of attention, arousal and mood, and emotions and reward must be considered in future studies on the effects of background music.
  • Kiiski, Ilona (2020)
    Tavoitteet. Aiemmat tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet, että tehohoitopotilailla ilmenee runsaasti nielemisvaikeuksia intubaatioputken, eli hengitysputken poiston jälkeen. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää mitkä riskitekijät vaikuttavat tehohoitopotilaiden nielemisvaikeuksien syntyyn sekä kuinka paljon ja millaisia ongelmia tehohoitopotilailla ilmenee syömiseen ja nielemiseen liittyvissä toiminnoissa intubaatioputken poiston jälkeen. Menetelmät. Tämä tutkimus toteutettiin integroivana kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Tutkimusaineisto haettiin Ovid Medline, Scopus ja PubMed tietokannoissa. Hakulauseke oli (deglutition OR deglutition disorder* OR deglutition dysfunction* OR deglutition impair* OR swallow* OR swallowing disorder* OR swallowing dysfunction* OR swallowing impair*) AND (critical care OR intensive care OR critical ill* OR critically ill OR intensive care unit OR ICU) AND (extubation OR post-extubation OR postextubation OR post-extubation dysphagia OR dysphagi*) AND (assess* OR assessment OR assessment tool* OR screening tool* OR screening OR evaluation* OR estimation* OR instrumental OR non-instrumental OR FEES OR fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing OR VFSS OR videofluoroscopic swallow study OR bedside* OR bedside* OR bedside-assessment OR bedside swallow evaluation). Aineistoa analysoitiin valintakriteerien perusteella tarkastelemalla ensin otsikkoa ja abstraktia ja sitten kokotekstiä. Tutkimusaineistoksi valikoitui seitsemän vuosina 2015–2019 julkaistua artikkelia. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tehohoitopotilaiden nielemisvaikeuksien syntyyn vaikuttavista riskitekijöistä merkittävimmäksi nousi intubaation kesto ja etenkin pitkittynyt intubaatio (≥48h). Muita riskitekijöitä olivat potilaan vanhempi ikä, ikään liittyvät äänenlaadun muutokset ja muutosten vaikeusaste sekä intubaatioputken asettamisesta aiheutuneet nieluun ja kurkunpäähän kohdistuneet anatomiset vauriot. Intubaatioputken poiston jälkeen tehohoitopotilailla ilmeni runsaasti erilaisia nielun ja kurkunpään rakenteellisia vaurioita, aspirointia, penetrointia ja aspiraatiosta johtuvaa keuhkokuumetta, muita hengitysteihin liittyviä komplikaatioita, oraalimotoriikan heikentymistä, normaaliin ruokavalioon palaamisen viivästymistä sekä sairaalassaoloaikojen pidentymistä.
  • Lehtimäki, Laura (2018)
    Tavoitteet. Autismikirjon häiriöiden arviointi perustuu nykyään lähinnä haastatteluihin, kyselylomakkeisiin ja havainnointiin. Näillä menetelmillä saadut tulokset ovat kuitenkin yleensä laadullisia, eivätkä ne sovi erityisen hyvin kehityksen seurantaan tai kuntoutuksen vaikuttavuuden arviointiin. Muissa häiriöryhmissä on jo käytössä erilaisia teknologisavusteisia arviointimenetelmiä, ja sellaiset voisivat sopia hyvin myös autismikirjon häiriöiden arviointiin. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli kartoittaa, millaisia puheen- ja liikkeentunnistukseen perustuvia teknologisavusteisia arviointimenetelmiä autismikirjon lapsille on tutkittu tai jo käytössä sekä millaisia ongelmia teknologisavusteisiin arviointimenetelmiin mahdollisesti liittyy. Menetelmät. Tutkimus oli integroiva kirjallisuuskatsaus. Aineistoa haettiin viidestä eri tietokannasta käyttäen hakusanoina autismia tai lyhennettä ASD, arviointia kuvaavia sanoja sekä erilaisia liikkeen- ja puheentunnistusta kuvaavia ja teknologisiin ratkaisuihin liittyviä sanoja. Hakutuloksista valittiin tiivistelmän ja tarkemman sisällön tutkimisen perusteella tutkimusaineistoksi seitsemän tutkimusartikkelia. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tutkimusartikkeleissa oli esitelty seitsemän erilaista teknologisavusteista arviointimenetelmää, joista neljässä käytettiin hyväksi erilaisia sensoreita, kahdessa kameroita ja tietokonenäköä ja yhdessä tablettitietokonetta. Menetelmillä pyrittiin arvioimaan stereotyyppisten liikkeiden määrää, lapsen motorisia taitoja, lapsen leikkitaitoja, tarkkaavuuden suuntaamista ja katseella seuraamista, ilmeiden tunnistamista ja tuottamista sekä autismikirjon henkilöiden jäljittelytaitoja. Kaikki menetelmät olivat vielä kehitysasteella. Löydetyt menetelmiin liittyvät ongelmat johtuivat joko käyttäjästä, laitteista tai käytännön järjestelyistä. Raportoituja ongelmia olivat sensorien antamat väärät positiiviset tulokset, mittalaitteen ja tietokoneen välisen yhteyden pätkiminen, laitteen akun matala varaus, se että lapsi kieltäytyi käyttämästä sensoriranneketta, se että, osa kameralla kuvattavista tilanteista jäi katvealueelle ja siksi huomaamatta, ja se, että mittausdataa analysoivat algoritmit eivät tunnistaneet kaikkia analysoituja tilanteita oikein.
  • Heinisuo, Vilma (2020)
    Tavoitteet. Väestön ikääntymisestä johtuva muistisairaiden määrän kasvu tulee tulevaisuu-dessa olemaan merkittävä haaste terveydenhuollolle. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on luoda yleiskuva siitä, millaisia teknologisia apuvälineitä voidaan käyttää muistisairaiden ih-misten kielellis-kognitiivisten taitojen ylläpitämiseen sairauden edetessä, ja millaisia koke-muksia muistisairailla ja heidän lähi-ihmisillään on teknologisten apuvälineiden käytöstä. Menetelmät. Tämän tutkielman menetelmänä käytettiin integroivaa kirjallisuuskatsausta. Aineistohaku suoritettiin maaliskuussa 2020 Ovid Medline- ja Web of Science- tietokan-noista. Hakulauseke muodostui dementiaan tai lievään kognitiiviseen heikkenemiseen, kuntoutukseen, teknologisiin apuvälineisiin sekä kieleen ja kognitioon liittyvistä englannin-kielisistä termeistä. Valittujen artikkeleiden tuli olla englanninkielisiä, vertaisarvioituja ja vuo-sina 2010-2020 julkaistuja alkuperäisiä tutkimusartikkeleita. Sisäänottokriteerien perusteella hakutuloksesta valittiin lopulliseen aineistoon neljä artikkelia. Lisäksi valittiin yksi artikkeli manuaalisella poiminnalla. Artikkelien sisältöä analysoitiin laadullisin menetelmin. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Muistisairaille tarjolla olevien erilaisten teknologisten apuvälineiden kirjo on laaja. Muistisairaat ja heidän lähi-ihmisensä suhtautuvat apuvälineisiin positiivisimmin silloin, kun ne ovat edullisia, helposti saatavilla olevia, helppokäyttöisiä ja vastaavat heidän henkilökohtaisiin tarpeisiinsa. Toistaiseksi ei ole näyttöä siitä, että teknologisin apuvälinein toteutettu kielellis-kognitiivinen kuntoutus tuottaisi parempia tai radikaalisti erilaisia tuloksia kuin perinteiset menetelmät. Alustavaa näyttöä on kuitenkin siitä, että teknologiaa voidaan käyttää kielellis-kognitiivisen harjoittelun lisäämiseen ja täydentämiseen hyvin tuloksin. Teknologia-avusteinen kuntoutus voi olla hyvä ratkaisu silloin, kun perinteisiä terapiamuotoja on niukasti tarjolla tai kuntoutuja ei pysty osallistumaan niihin.
  • Virkkilä, Kristiina (2022)
    Tavoitteet. Puhevammaiset henkilöt muodostavat heterogeenisen ryhmän ihmisiä, joilla on yksilöllisiä kykyjä ja tarpeita. Yksilöllisesti sopivaa apuvälinettä ei ole aina saatavilla vastaamaan kommunikoinnin tarpeita, ja apuvälineen käyttöön voi liittyä hitautta ja turhautumisen tunnetta. Tekoälyteknologian levittäytyminen terveydenhuollon palveluihin on ollut käynnissä jo useita vuosia, ja sen hyödyntämistä on tutkittu myös teknisissä kommunikoinnin apuvälineissä. Apuvälineiden kehitystyössä tarvitaan moniammatillista yhteistyötä, jotta apuvälineet voisivat onnistuneesti siirtyä kliiniseen käyttöön, näyttöön perustuvan toiminnan periaatteiden mukaisesti. Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena oli tutkia, millaisia koneoppimista tai syväoppimista hyödyntäviä teknisiä kommunikoinnin apuvälineitä on tutkittu, ja miten näissä apuvälineissä huomioitiin käytettävyyden näkökulma. Lisäksi tutkittiin, millä tavalla moniammatillisuus ilmeni tutkimusta tehneissä tutkimusryhmissä. Menetelmät. Tutkielman menetelmänä käytettiin integroivaa kirjallisuuskatsausta, ja tiedonhaku suoritettiin Scopus ja OVID Medline -tietokannoissa. Hakutuloksien otsikossa, tiivistelmässä tai avainsanoissa esiintyi niin kommunikoinnin apuvälineisiin, tekoälyn osa-alueista koneoppimiseen ja syväoppimiseen, sekä apuvälineiden käytettävyyteen liittyviä hakutermejä. Tutkimusaineisto koostui viidestä vertaisarvioidusta artikkelista vuosilta 2019–2022, ja ne esittelivät kehitteillä olevia teknisiä kommunikoinnin apuvälineitä tai kokeellisessa vaiheessa olevia apuvälinekonsepteja. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tutkielmassa tarkasteltiin viittä kokeellisessa vaiheessa olevaa teknistä kommunikoinnin apuvälinettä tai apuvälinekonseptia. Näissä apuvälineissä koneoppimista, syväoppimista tai siirto-oppimista hyödynnettiin tulkitsemaan apuvälineen käyttäjän tuottamaa syötettä kommunikointitarkoituksessa. Apuvälineiden käytettävyyttä arvioitiin kuuden käytettävyysperiaatteen näkökulmasta. Käytettävyys huomioitiin suurimmassa osassa tutkimuksia kohtalaisesti. Tutkittujen apuvälineiden taustalla oli yhtä tutkimusta lukuun ottamatta insinöörivetoinen tutkimusryhmä, jolloin moniammatillinen yhteistyö ei toteutunut. Jatkotutkimusaiheeksi tunnistettiin apuvälinetekniikan moniammatillisen kehitysyhteistyön mahdollistavien tekijöiden kartoittaminen, jotta kehittyvän teknologian tarjoamat mahdollisuudet voidaan saada yhä laajemmin apuvälinetekniikan käyttöön.
  • Krabbe, Kaisa (2021)
    Objective. Transgender and gender nonconforming (TGNC) individuals are exposed to many different stressors due to their gender minority status. This makes them more vulnerable to mental health problems, and a comparatively large number of TGNC people use psychotherapy services during their lifetime. Studies have shown that starting psychotherapy can be a difficult and vulnerable time for TGNC people, and that seeking psychotherapeutic help can be delayed due to the fear of therapists’ reactions. Affirmative psychotherapy has been proven to raise TGNC people’s quality of life and lessen gender dysphoria. There is a comparatively small amount of research concerning TGNC people in psychotherapy. The objective of this review is to examine which factors affect TGNC peoples’ experiences in psychotherapy and the alliance between the therapist and their TGNC client. Methods. The literature for this review was searched on Google Scholar using combined keywords “transgender”, “affirmative” and “psychotherapy”. Studies using terms “therapy” or “counselling” in place of “psychotherapy” were also included. Results and conclusions. The working alliance between a therapist and their TGNC client was positively influenced by the therapist’s conscious and affirming attitude to the client’s gender. If the client’s gender was either avoided or overfocused upon, the working alliance suffered. A good working alliance was described as empathetic, supporting, accepting and safe. Addressing systems of power and the effects of minority stress can be helpful in affirmative psychotherapy. Minority stress and its effects originate from the surrounding society and cannot be solved in classic individual psychotherapy. It might be time to ask what psychologists and psychotherapists can do to affect the systems that cause minority stress.
  • Lampinen, Amanda (2024)
    Tavoitteet: Vaikka psykoterapiat ovat tehokkaita hoitoja, niiden vaikuttavuudessa on parannettavaa. Yksi ratkaisukeino on potilaan rutiininomainen tulosten seuranta routine outcome monitoring eli ROM. ROM:n avulla mitataan hoidon kannalta asiaankuuluvia tulosmuuttujia kuten potilaan oireita ja tämän pohjalta hoitoa sopeutetaan vastaamaan paremmin potilaan tarpeisiin. Vaikka ROM:n hyödystä hoidon vaikuttavuuteen on empiiristä näyttöä, osa terapeuteista vastustaa menetelmää. Katsaukseni tavoite on tutkia terapeuttien kielteisiä asenteita ROM:ia kohtaan sekä pohtia mahdollisia tekijöitä asenteiden taustalla. Pohdin myös keinoja asenteiden muuttamiseksi. Menetelmät: Kirjallisuushaku tehtiin syksyllä 2023 Scopus ja Google Scholar tietokantoihin termein (ROM OR ”routine outcome monitoring”) AND (therapist OR clinician) sekä (ROM OR ”routine outcome monitoring”) AND (implementation). Katsaus rajattiin mielenterveystyön ammattilaisten asenteiden tarkasteluun. Tulokset ja pohdinta: Terapeuttien havaittiin olevan huolissaan erityisesti ROM:iin liittyvistä käytännönjärjestelyistä. Menetelmän mahdollinen vaikutus työnkuvaan, asemaan ja terapiasuhteeseen herättävät myös epäilyksiä. Asenteissa ROM:ia kohtaan löytyi eroja tutkimuksen toteutusmaasta, terapeutin teoreettisesta suuntauksesta ja käyttömäärästä riippuen. Katsauksessa keskustellaan ROM:n käyttöönottoa helpottavista tekijöistä.
  • Iso-Kokkila, Eero (2019)
    Understanding the mechanisms of change in psychotherapy is still a work in progress. More profound understanding of these mechanisms of change would provide research-based guidelines for developing psychotherapies that are more effective and efficient. Psychotherapy research has found multiple active ingredients (specific techniques, therapeutic alliance, positive expectations, etc.) but understanding the way how these elements lead to the positive therapeutic change is unknown. Mechanisms of change in psychotherapies have been attempted to establish by researching the effects of therapy-specific techniques, but the results have been incoherent. Earlier psychotherapy research has found out that common factors that exist in all forms of psychotherapy have a larger effect on effectiviness of the treatment than the specific techniques have. Especially therapeutic alliance has been noticed to be a largest single factor in effectiveness of psychotherapies. In my thesis I present The Common Factor model of psychotherapy with a focus on therapeutic alliance. I also consider the requirements for finding mechanisms of change in psychotherapy. Lastly, I outline the current research on how therapeutic alliance might play a role in mechanisms of change in psychotherapies.
  • Huuskonen, Milla (2018)
    This thesis explores how bilinguals process and represent language in the brain and discusses evidence of the way in which bilingualism alters neural and cognitive processing in non-linguistic tasks. The processing and representation of different languages in the brain appears to be shared, with processing converging when adequate fluency is reached in a non-native language. Both neural and behavioural evidence indicates that the need for bilinguals to navigate and control multiple languages places increased demands on systems of executive control. This may explain the bilingual advantage over monolingual individuals often observed in non-linguistic tasks recruiting executive functions. Furthermore, patient record studies comparing bilingual and monolingual older adults indicate bilingualism may preserve neural and cognitive functioning, leading to delayed symptom onset of Alzheimer’s disease. Current literature varies in the kind and extent to which bilingual advantage is observed, and not all studies have found bilingual advantage in executive functioning and cognitive reserve. Further research could clarify the exact causal mechanisms of bilingual advantage, for example through comparing different kinds of bilingual populations to isolate circumstances in which executive and neuroprotective advantage occurs. This is also crucial for any potential clinical or educational applications based on the presented research to be effective.
  • Luokkala, Sanni (2020)
    Goals. Schizophrenia is a neuropsychiatric disorder characterized with cognitive symptoms such as memory deficits and sleep disturbances. Sleep spindle (slow ~10Hz, fast ~13Hz) activity has been found to correlate with declarative and procedural memory performance. Having enough of spindles might not guarantee intact sleep-dependent memory consolidation, but their temporal coordination with neocortical slow oscillations (SOs) and hippocampal ripples (100-250Hz) needs to be considered. SOs temporally group thalamic spindle and hippocampal ripple activity thus creating coordinated brain activity that has been proposed to be responsible for the redistribution of recently encoded memories from temporary dependence on the hippocampus to longer term representation in the cortex. Synchronized SO-spindle activity has been observed to predict overnight memory consolidation. Abnormalities in sleep spindle parameters and synchronized SO-spindle activity have been proposed to explain memory performance deficits present in schizophrenia. The purpose of this review is to familiarize the reader with the current research on the relationship between sleep spindles and memory performance in schizophrenia, and to provide an understanding of the possible role of coordinated SO-spindle activity in this relationship. Methods. This integrated literature review was constituted of articles that build up an understanding of the basic mechanisms of sleep spindles and memory consolidation. The scope was then extended to cover articles concerning the synchronization of sleep spindles and slow oscillations, and its relation to memory performance in schizophrenia patients. Results and conclusions. Some studies observed reduced sleep spindle parameters such as sleep spindle number and density predicting less overnight improvement in memory performance in schizophrenia patients. Cortex-wide synchronized SO-spindle activity was found to predict overnight improvement in healthy controls but not in schizophrenia patients, whereas synchronized SO-spindle activity measured from local brain areas was observed to predict overnight improvement in patients. The result indicates that distributed SO-spindle synchrony could present a hallmark of impaired memory performance in schizophrenia patients.
  • Saranpää, Aino (2018)
    Objectives: The ventral visual stream (VVS) is important for recognizing visual objects and processing semantic knowledge. However, it is not clear whether non-pictorially presented objects are processed similarly. Posterior inferotemporal cortex (pITC) in the upstream VVS has been shown to process visual object properties. On the other hand, perirhinal cortex (PRC) in the downstream VVS is important for differentiating complex visually and semantically similar objects. We investigated whether the same areas are connected to visualizing objects and understanding their meanings when objects are presented non-pictorially. We hypothesise that signals in the pITC and PRC are connected to object imaginability and semantic similarity, respectively. Methods: In a fMRI study the participants (n=17) guessed, which object was presented based on verbal clues. Subjective semantic similarity, imaginability and detailedness were evaluated with a questionnaire (n = 16). Objective semantic similarity was evaluated with a word2vec-vector space model. The association between the ITC and PRC and the object properties was studied with partial correlation. Results and conclusions: Objective semantic similarity and imaginability were connected to the BOLD-signal in the PRC. Detailedness was connected to the BOLD-signal in the pITC. These results indicate that the VVS processes verbally cued objects similarly as visually presented objects.
  • Turunen, Pietari (2023)
    Objectives. The study aimed to explore the relationships and disparities between the Big Five personality traits and investment decision-making, specifically focusing on risk aversion, investment horizon, trading activity, asset allocation, and diversification. In addition, the study wanted to examine the complex interplay between financial knowledge, intentions, and actual behavior in the stock markets, and how they are conceptualized in existing literature. Methods. A comprehensive information search was conducted, utilizing the Google Scholar and Helka databases. This search combined terms such as "big five", "openness to experience", "conscientiousness", "extraversion", "agreeableness", "neuroticism", "investment decision-making", "risk", "investment horizon", "trading activity", "asset allocation", and "diversification". The aim was not to conduct a systematic review, but rather to specifically select from the search results those publications that were directly relevant to the given topic. Results. The study finds significant, though inconsistent, connections between personality traits and investment decision-making. Openness and extraversion are linked to riskier investment behaviors, despite extraverts trading less often. Conscientiousness and agreeableness have complex impacts on investment choices, displaying both risk-averse and risk-seeking tendencies. Neurotic investors perceive themselves as risk-averse, but their portfolios suggest otherwise.
  • Mynttinen, Nella (2022)
    Hypnosis has a colorful history and different beliefs are still very much alive. Hypnosis can be broadly defined as top-down regulation where suggestions can influence on individual’s cognitive functions. Effects can be seen in ideomotor, -sensory and cognitive functions as well as ideomotor challenges. How hypnosis produces these effects can be considered through two theoretical frameworks. The altered state theory of hypnosis states that hypnosis produces a special state of consciousness that is optimal for automatic influences of the suggestions. Sociocognitive theories emphasize that changes produced by hypnosis are due to mental imagination and situational factors. By combining these integrative model aims to create an interaction network that brings together social, cognitive and neural factors. In highly hypnotizable individuals changes in perceptual experience can be created without induction of hypnosis. The primary role of suggestions has arisen from experiments of Stroop effect and production of visual hallucinations. Pure hypnosis without suggestions does not seem to influence on different cognitive functions. The role of suggestions is complicated by results where hypnosis has been necessary for the effects of the suggestions to arise. The neural bases of the hypnotic suggestions seem to be the changes in activation on those brain areas and connections that are involved in executing cognitive functions in everyday situations. In systematic analysis only activation in lingual gyrus was associated with hypnosis. Studying hypnotic suggestions and related brain mechanisms opens an opportunity to understand cognitive functions as well as to examine the scientific nature of hypnosis.
  • Viljanen, Reetta (2018)
    Änkytys on puheen sujuvuuden häiriö, johon liittyy usein psykososiaalisia ongelmia. Puheen sujumattomuus saattaa heikentää änkyttävän henkilön elämänlaatua, vaikeuttaa ihmissuhteiden luomista ja rajoittaa yhteiskunnallista osallistumista. Hyväksyvän suhtautumisen omaa änkytystä kohtaan on todettu parantavan änkyttävän henkilön hyvinvointia. Viime vuosina änkytyksen kuntoutuksessa onkin keskitytty myös änkytyksen hyväksymistä edesauttaviin harjoituksiin. Tietoisen läsnäolon menetelmä, mindfulness, on myötätuntoista ja hyväksyvää suhtautumista painottava, meditaatioharjoituksiin pohjaava menetelmä, jota on käytetty osana erilaisia interventiomuotoja. Mindfulness-menetelmän harjoituksia on otettu myös osaksi puheen sujuvuuden häiriöiden kuntoutusta. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on kartoittaa änkytyksen kuntoutuksessa käytettyjä tietoisen läsnäolon harjoituksia ja harjoitusten vaikutuksia änkytyksen kuntoutumiseen. Tämä tutkielma toteutettiin integroivana kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Aineistohaku tehtiin helmikuussa 2018 neljästä kansainvälisestä kokoteksti- tai viitetietokannasta (Scopus, Pubmed, Ovid MEDLINE ja speechBITE). Hakusanoiksi valittiin sanat stutter ja tälle synonyyminen stammer ja mindfulness. Niistä muodostettiin hakulauseke ((stutter*) OR stammer*) AND mindful*. Aineistoksi hyväksyttiin ainoastaan vertaisarvioidut ja maksutta kokotekstinä luettavissa olevat artikkelit. Änkytyksen kuntoutuksessa käytetyissä tietoisen läsnäolon harjoituksissa painottuivat änkytysoireiden ja niiden aiheuttamien tunteiden tietoinen havainnointi ja hyväksyminen. Tietoisen läsnäolon harjoitukset paransivat tutkimuksiin osallistuneiden henkilöiden elämänlaatua ja itseluottamusta ja vaikuttivat myönteisesti heidän kommunikaatioasenteisiinsa. Tulosten perusteella tietoisen läsnäolon harjoituksia osana änkytyksen puheterapeuttista kuntoutusta tulisi tutkia enemmän, sillä harjoitusten vaikutukset näyttäisivät olevan kuntoutumista tukevia ja harjoitukset mahdollisia toteuttaa osana puheterapiaa.
  • Hukkanen, Henna-Maaret (2020)
    Objective. Mindful parenting, which means applying the principles of mindfulness to the parent-child relationship, has received growing interest in the recent years. Cross-sectional studies have provided evidence for an association between mindful parenting and better child outcomes, a more secure attachment and the use of more positive and less negative parenting practices. In addition, mindful parenting has been shown to be associated with, for example, less parenting stress. The purpose of this literature review is to examine longitudinal studies and determine whether mindful parenting interventions, for parents of children under the age of seven, are associated with the quality of parent-child interactions, child behavior or parent well-being. Methods. Mindful parenting intervention studies for parents of children aged 0–6 years were searched in the PubMed and Scopus databases. The combination of keywords mindful* and parenting were used and the search was limited to studies published between 2015–2020. The review excluded studies that were conducted on parents of children with a developmental disorder. In addition, studies that focused on child feeding and studies conducted with parents with a substance use disorder were excluded. Seven studies were found in the databases. Results and conclusions. The studies provide initial evidence regarding the association between mindful parenting interventions, for parents of children under the age of seven, and a more positive parent-child relationship, better child behavior and higher parental well-being. This is indicated by improvement seen in, for example, parental accepting behaviour towards the child and reductions in over-reactive parenting, together with reductions in parent reported child problem behaviour and parental stress. Study limitations, like small sample sizes and lack of control groups, limit the reliability of made conclusions.
  • Virtanen, Lari (2017)
    Attention is known to play a major role in which stimuli become the content of our consciousness. However, there is no consensus about the interaction between attention and consciousness in the field, although several theories have been presented. This study explores the question of the connection between attention and consciousness. The subject was approached by delving into relevant literature, vast amounts of studies on the subject, and alternative interpretations. Different views were subjected to critical comparison in light of the general view formed by the material. A broader perspective was pursued by examining newer theories and by re-evaluating the evolutionary development of attention and consciousness. Defining the connection between consciousness and attention encountered numerous obstacles due to conflicting research findings. As a possible way of advance, relinquishing the definitions of attention and consciousness as uniform and distinct phenomena was suggested. In this light, neither the evolutionary adaptivity of consciousness or contradictory research findings seem as problematic.
  • Holopainen, Marianne (2017)
    Objectives: Mindfulness-based interventions hve shown positive effects on adult’s mental health and well-being. In recent times, interest in application of mindfulness-based interventions with adults has increased and spread to developing and studying mindfulness-based approaches with children and youth. However, the research is in its infancy. Objectives of this bachelor degree was to go though mindfulness-based interventions of children and adolescents and review preliminary research base of approaches’ effects on mental health of children and youth, as well as generally well-being of schoolchildren. Methods: The study was an overview of the current research literature. Materials and published articles were collected by the searches of the following electronic data bases: Google Scholar and PubMed. The literature review was examined mindfulness-based interventions of children and youth. Specifically, the concentration was on two methods: Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for children (MBCT-C) and Mindfulness-based stress reduction for teens (MBSR-T). These methods are adaptions for children and youth based on two most popular mindfulness-based interventions of adults. In addition, effects of interventions were reviewed. Results were divided in two: elementary school aged children and high school aged adolescents. Main focuses were on mental health and well-being of school-aged children and adolescents both in clinical and non-clinical school settings. Results and Discussion: Current research results show that mindfulness-based interventions are feasibility and acceptability among children and adolescents. Interventions were well-tolerated by the participants and studies did not report adverse effects. Results were also in line with similar results of adult’s population. Tentatively, research findings showed beneficial effects of mindfulness in different age groups and in clinical and school settings. However, the research field is still in its infancy and many studies had a lot of methodological weaknesses. As a results of empirical evidence, the final general conclusion cannot be made of interventions’ efficacy and effects.
  • Hyry, Saimi (2019)
    Objectives: Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a common and chronic disorder that causes significant burden for both patients and the society. There are particular challenges associated with the treatment of GAD compared to other anxiety disorders. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is considered the preferred treatment for GAD, but many patients continue to suffer from residual symptoms after treatment, and relapses are common. Many researchers have emphasized the need for research and development of new approaches to treating GAD. The purpose of this review is to examine the basis for using mindfulness and in particular mindfulness-based cognitive therapy in the treatment of GAD, to go through existing research on effectiveness of MBCT for GAD, and to discuss methodological questions that ought to be considered in future research. Methods: Studies were found using search terms mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, generalized anxiety disorder and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy + generalized anxiety disorder. In addition, articles were discovered by conducting a manual search from the reference lists of the studies searched from the databases. Results and conclusions: There was not yet enough research to determine whether MBCT could be considered effective in the treatment of GAD. However, there were conceptual bases and initial positive findings that encourage further research. Practicing mindfulness seemed particularly promising in the reduction of worrying, which is the defining symptom of GAD. Mindfulness had been found effective in treating other central symptoms of GAD as well, such as difficulty in concentrating, restlessness and disturbed sleep. Cost-effective MBCT could lessen the financial burden associated with treating GAD and make treatment available for more patients. Future studies should better consider special characteristics of MBCT such as its group format and the central role of mindfulness. If found effective, MBCT could be utilized as it is or as complementary to other interventions.
  • Wahlström, Maaria (2019)
    Supportive measures for reading difficulties are traditionally only available to children who have noticeably failed to achieve the reading level of their peers after a considerable amount of reading instruction at school. However, there's evidence that susceptibility to reading difficulties can be assessed already at the age of four, by considering familial risk and deficits in preliteracy skills such as phonological awareness and decoding. The development of digital learning games creates an opportunity to provide computer programs as affordable supportive measures, but evidence of their effectiveness for younger children is still scarce. This review of computerized early interventions and their results is motivated by the importance of finding ways to prevent reading difficulties before school-age, in order to allow all children an optimal chance to learn to read. A search was conducted on the Scopus database with a publishing time range of 2010-2018. The search terms were “intervention”, “dyslexia”, “computerized”, and “kindergarten”, with some alternative wordings. Seven articles were found to fulfill the following criteria: reporting an intervention using computerized training to prevent reading difficulties with participants under school-age. Computerized interventions for children aged from 4 to 6 are not consistently effective for all participants, and evidence for the persistence of gains is varied. Nevertheless, there have been no reports of adverse effects from practicing with games, which is why such a cost-effective supportive measure can be recommended. An intervention is more likely to benefit a child who has poor preliteracy skills, advanced phonological working memory, or a genetic susceptibility to environmental effects. The child’s preliteracy skill profile and the quality of other preliteracy instruction may also contribute to which skills are affected by the intervention.
  • Plym, Jade (2017)
    As information technology advances, computer-based cognitive training programs have been developed as tools for neuropsychological rehabilitation. Computer-based cognitive training could improve rehabilitation outcomes by strengthening cognitive functions and by facilitating adaptation to life after cognitive impairment. Computerization shows promise for example in making cognitive training more ecologically valid, enhancing training by better adapting to individuals’ skill level and in leaving more time for therapeutic process during rehabilitation sessions with a neuropsychologist. Effectiveness research of computer-based cognitive training is still in an early phase: There are relatively few studies with sufficient generalizability and the results of the studies have also been partly controversial. Neuropsychological rehabilitation outcomes in general are affected by many different factors: e.g. the qualities of individual, training program and neuropsychologist. According to previous research on effectiveness of neuropsychological rehabilitation, hypotheses can be made about how these qualities affect the outcomes of computer-based cognitive training. There is initial evidence of effectiveness of computer-based cognitive training as a part of neuropsychological rehabilitation. However, due to the holistic and individualized nature of neuropsychological rehabilitation, it may be difficult to study the effectiveness of individual methods with controlled designs. Even so, there is a need for research to clarify different factors related to treatment outcome and to conclude which kind of training is the most effective and to whom training suits best.