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  • Hakonen, Emma (2018)
    Objectives: Research has shown that cognitive deficits are a significant part of schizophrenia. Patients with schizophrenia show poorer performance in multiple areas of cognition such as memory functions, processing speed and executive functions. This review focuses to examine the range of specific executive function deficits in first-episode schizophrenia and how these deficits change during 1-3 year follow up period. Furthermore, the review focuses on viewing whether executive functioning is related to clinical profile, clinical outcome or functional outcome. Methods: The research was executed as a literature review. Search of literature was focused to executive functioning in adult first-episode schizophrenia. The following keywords were used in google scholar and Helka finna databases: ”first episode schizophrenia”, ”schizophrenia” combined with keywords ”executive functions”, ”cognitive functions” and ”cognitive deficits”. Keyword “outcome” was combined with the previous when searching for outcome articles. Some of the articles used were found from other research articles and they were included in the review if they met the same inclusion criteria. Results and conclusions: First-episode schizophrenics showed broad executive function deficits in multiple specific areas of function. Problems were systematically seen in working memory, cognitive flexibility, fluency, inhibition and planning. In addition, there were conflicting results about attention allocation and initiation. Executive deficits did not seem to change drastically during a 1-3 year follow up period, but cognitive flexibility skills were assessed to improve in multiple studies. Moreover, research shows that negative and disorganization symptoms relate to executive dysfunction. Several studies considering relation between executive function and outcome show that there is a link between executive functioning and functional outcome. Studies considering clinical outcome were conflicted and certain conclusions cannot yet be drawn. However, it seems that planning abilities might be related to clinical outcome but there is a need for further study.
  • Kärnä, Julia (2017)
    Several recent studies have suggested that the commonalities between mental disorders outweigh their differences. A transdiagnostic approach has been proposed, which refers to a point of view that exceeds current psychiatric classifications, focusing instead on the shared properties of mental disorders. In this literature review, a brief overlook of the literature on transdiagnostic therapy in the treatment of anxiety disorders is presented, focusing especially on one transdiagnostic therapy, the Unified Protocol (UP) by David Barlow et al. (2011). The UP is an emotion-based, transdiagnostic cognitive-behavioral therapy and it is one of the most studied transdiagnostic therapies to date. So far, several studies preliminarily support the use of the UP in the treatment of anxiety disorders. However, little research has been done on this topic and the existing studies are modest in quality, and therefore strong conclusions should not be drawn yet. Further research that is methodologically more sound, with bigger sample sizes and longer follow-ups needs to be done. In the future, it is especially important to compare the UP with a diagnosis-specific therapy, so that its efficacy can be evaluated more competently. If the UP turns out to be as efficacious as the diagnosis-specific interventions already in use, but in addition offers significant practical advantages, the wide use of UP should be seriously considered. In the future, it might be beneficial to move toward integrating both transdiagnostic and diagnosis-specific therapy methods in clinical practice, while taking into account the individuality of patients’ pathology.
  • Koivukangas, Jenny (2017)
    The aim of this review was to explore transdiagnostic approach to anxiety and depressive disorders in order to find out whether it would be useful in treating them. Transdiagnostic approach has risen as a reaction to diagnostic manuals and the problems they bear with respect to mental disorder classifications. Transdiagnostic therapy could be one way to make evidence based treatments more available cost-effectively as it would solve the problem of having to master many disorder-specific manuals. There are many reasons for transdiagnostic approach in treatment and research; comorbidity i.e. the diagnozability of multiple disorders in one person is common in mental disorders, which is disregarded in disorder specific treatments. Theories that explain internalizing disorders transdiagnostically are combatible, and the overlap of disorders can also be seen in analysis of their latent structure. Several meta-analyses demonstrate equal effectivity of transdiagnostic and diagnosis-specific therapies, although there is a need for more high quality trials in the field. Transdiagnostic approach could be a useful way to make treatments more widely available, for example through internet- and group therapies.
  • Hintsala, Tiina (2023)
    Tavoitteet. Aivoverenkierron häiriöt eli AVH ovat yleisin dysfagian taustasyy. Dysfagiaa kuntoutetaan perinteisen dysfagiakuntoutuksen lisäksi myös muilla menetelmillä, kuten transkutaanisella neuromuskulaarisella elektrostimulaatiolla. Aiemmat tutkimukset ovat antaneet ristiriitaisia tuloksia sen vaikuttavuudesta. Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena oli tutkia, koota ja analysoida tietoa transkutaanisen neuromuskulaarisen elektrostimulaation (NMES) käytöstä ja vaikuttavuudesta aivoinfarktin jälkeisen dysfagian kuntoutuksessa. Menetelmät. Tutkimuksen menetelmänä käytettiin integroivaa kirjallisuuskatsausta. Neljä viidestä tutkimusartikkelista haettiin systemaattisesti PubMed- ja Medline-tietokannoista seuraavalla hakulausekkeella: (transcutaneous OR non-invasive) AND neuromuscular AND (electric* stimulation OR electrostimulation) AND (dysphagia OR deglutition disorder OR swallow* disorder) AND (rehab* OR treatment OR therap*) AND (post-stroke OR subacute stroke OR acute stroke OR stroke). Viides artikkeli poimittiin käsin. Aineisto analysoitiin ja sen tärkeimmät piirteet ja päätulokset koottiin yhteen muistiinpanojen avulla. Aineiston kuvaus taulukoitiin. Kaikki tutkielman aineistoon valikoidut tutkimukset olivat satunnaistettuja ja sokkoutettuja kontrollitutkimuksia, joiden tavoitteena oli tutkia NMES-menetelmää ja sen vaikuttavuutta AVH-peräisen dysfagian kuntoutuksessa yhdistettynä perinteiseen dysfagiakuntoutukseen. Tutkielman aineiston tutkittavien otoskoko oli 244. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Transkutaanista neuromuskulaarista elektrostimulaatiota käytettiin perinteisen dysfagiakuntoutuksen rinnalla sekä kahdessa tutkimuksessa myös ainoana kuntoutusmenetelmänään. Elektrodit sijoitettiin leuan alle kohdistuen kieliluun ylä- ja alapuolisiin lihaksiin. Menetelmän kesto oli keskimäärin 30–60 minuuttia ja sähköimpulssien taajuus 30–80 hertsiä. Kuntoutuskertojen määrä vaihteli 10–80 kerran välillä (md 20) asettuen 3–8 viikon ajalle intensiteetiltään 3–5 kertaa viikossa, 1–2 kertaa päivässä. NMES-menetelmä oli vaikuttavimmillaan AVH-peräisen dysfagian kuntoutuksessa perinteisen dysfagiakuntoutuksen kanssa samanaikaisesti toteutettuna. Potilaiden nielemistoiminnot paranivat tai dysfagiaoireet lievenivät yhdistetyllä kuntoutuksella tilastollisesti merkitsevästi koko aineistossa verrattuna alkutilanteeseen sekä kontrolliryhmään, jossa toteutettiin vain perinteistä dysfagiakuntoutusta. Transkutaanisella neuromuskulaarisella elektrostimulaatiolla saadaan lievennettyä AVH-peräisiä dysfagiaoireita, yhdistettynä perinteiseen dysfagiakuntoutukseen, mutta erikseen toteutettuna NMES-kuntoutuksen vaikuttavuus jää samalle tasolle pelkän perinteisen dysfagiakuntoutuksen kanssa. Aiheesta on tehtävä jatkotutkimusta tehokkaimman NMES-protokollan laatimiseksi.
  • Kiekeben, Julia (2019)
    The aim of this study was to determine which vocal-related factors and characteristics are significant for satisfaction and experience in transmasculine speakers considering their voice. In addition, the goal was to find out what kind of problems transmasculines might encounter with their voice. The research method was an integrative literature review. The research material was collected from two international databases (Pubmed and Web of Science) using a search query (Transsexual OR transgender OR transmasculine OR female-to-male) AND (voice OR voice problems). In accordance with the selection criteria, five research articles on the voice of transmasculine individuals were selected for the thesis. The selection criteria for the articles were: reviewing the voice of transmasculines, in English, peer-reviewed and published after 2000. In addition, the full text had to be available free of charge under license from the University of Helsinki. In all five studies, a significant reduction in the fundamental frequency, ie a lowering of the pitch, had a significant effect on satisfaction. Significant was also compatibility with voice and perceived gender. Problems related to voice were mainly isolated cases and mainly related to the testosterone treatment efficiency and / or the rate of the voice, the lowered pitch, control or other peoples reactions for the detection of sex. Studies 1 and 2 showed that most of the subjects were dissatisfied or not fully satisfied with their current voice. In studies 3 and 4, half or more of the subjects were satisfied with their voices. The study 5 showed that subjects whose voice sounded uniform with the perceived gender, were satisfied with their voices. Low and therefore masculine voice correlates with satisfaction and well-being. Transmasculines satisfaction with their own voice varies. Changes caused by testosterone treatments seem to be sufficient for most transmasculine individuals, but some still report some voice problems.
  • Lehto, Tuuli (2021)
    Tavoitteet. Tutkimustieto vahvistaa, että monet kommunikaatiokäyttäytymistavat vaikuttavat käsitykseen viestijän sukupuolesta. Harvat kirjallisuuden raportit kuitenkaan kuvaavat sitä, miten tätä tietoa sovelletaan puhe- ja viestintäterapiaprotokollissa transsukupuolisten naisten feminisaatiossa ja kuinka tarkasti kliininen käytäntö noudattaa jo olemassa olevia ja tutkittuja lähestymistapoja. Tämän katsaustutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää aiemman tutkimustiedon avulla, mitä menetelmiä ja tavoitteita julkaistuissa transsukupuolisten naisten ääniterapiaa koskevissa tutkimuksissa on käytetty sekä miten interventiot ovat ajallisesti rakentuneet. Tämän katsauksen tulosten perusteella saadaan tietoa siitä, toteuttavatko transsukupuolisten naisten äänen feminisaatioon tähtäävät ääniterapiat jo olemassa olevia hoitoprotokollia, ja miten niissä sovelletaan tutkittuja kommunikaatiokäyttäytymistapoja. Menetelmät. Kandidaatintutkielman menetelmänä käytettiin integroivaa kirjallisuuskatsausta. Aineisto haettiin Scopus-tietokannasta maaliskuussa 2021. Hakulausekkeessa käytettiin monipuolisesti transsukupuolisiin naisiin ja ääniterapiaan viittaavia termejä. Tutkielman aineistoksi valikoitui lopulta viisi valinta- ja poissulkukriteerien mukaista 2007–2018 julkaistua alkuperäistutkimusta. Tutkimuksia analysoitiin soveltaen sisällönanalyysin keinoja. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tässä kirjallisuuskatsauksessa kuvattiin viiden tutkimuksen avulla transsukupuolisten naisten ääniterapioiden ajallista rakennetta sekä niissä käytettyjä menetelmiä ja tavoitteita. Tutkimuksissa käytetyissä menetelmissä ja tavoitteissa havaittiin tutkimusten välillä eroja ja yhtäläisyyksiä. Useimmin käytetyiksi menetelmiksi nousivat Gelferin luoma ääniterapiaprotokolla ja Stemplen luoma VFE-menetelmä. Yleisimmiksi taas tavoitteiksi nousivat äänenkorkeuden/perustaajuuden nosto ja oraaliresonanssin voimistaminen. Kaikille käytetyille tavoitteille ja menetelmille löytyi tukea aiemmasta kirjallisuudesta. Terapian ajallisissa rakenteissa havaittiin tutkimuksen sisällä suuria eroja, mutta aiempaan taustakirjallisuuteen verrattuna tuloksissa ei ollut havaittavissa merkittäviä eroja. Tutkimuksen tulokset viittaavat siihen, että nykyinen ääniterapia hyödyntää usein jo luotuja tekniikoita ja protokollia. Verrattain uudella alalla luotettavaa tutkimustieto on kuitenkin kertynyt vasta niukasti, ja uutta tutkimustietoa tarvitaan lisää alan kehittämiseksi.
  • Tikanto, Maiju (2017)
    This literature review examines the properties of narratives formed of traumatic events and narrative approach to trauma therapy. Several theories of memory, such as double representation theory, propose that the memory of a traumatic event is fragmented in a way that reflects in difficulty producing a coherent narrative of the event. On the basis of these theories, it has been assumed that working on the narrative in psychotherapy helps the client to clarify the memory of the traumatic event and integrate it with other autobiographical memories, which in turn reduces the problems associated with trauma, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms. Research so far has not supported these hypotheses of the fragmented nature of trauma memory and its effect on trauma narratives: though quite a few studies have been done, the results are mostly conflicting and difficult to interpret. This may be partly due to shortcomings in the methodology of the studies, such as the varied operationalization of key concepts. Despite inconclusive evidence to support the theories they are based on, narrative therapeutic interventions aimed at reducing PTSD seem promising. The most popular of these interventions, Narrative Exposure Therapy (NET) was originally developed to aid victims of prolonged violent trauma, such as war and persecution. NET has accumulated convincing evidence of reducing PTSD symptoms and improveing the lives of trauma victims. NET has many advantages over more traditional therapeutic interventions, being an inexpensive and easily administered brief therapy suitable for clients from different cultural backgrounds. Challenges for future research in the field are designing better studies to test the theories of narrative fragmentation of trauma memory as well as comparing the efficacy of NET and other narrative interventions for trauma to the more traditional psychotherapies. In addition, the narrative approach to trauma therapy has potential for different applications, such as online therapy.
  • Korpelin, Halla (2023)
    Tiivistelmä: Tavoitteet: Traumaperäiseen stressihäiriöön liittyy paljon fysiologisia oireita ja kehon tilan muutoksia. Traumaperäistä stressihäiriötä on diagnosoitu tyypillisesti psyykkisten oireiden kautta, mutta sairaus sisältää myös vahvoja yhteyksiä somaattisiin oireisiin. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen tavoitteena oli tarkastella, liittyykö traumaperäiseen stressihäiriöön somaattisia sairauksia tai toimiiko se sairauksien riskitekijänä. Sen vuoksi tässä katsauksessa selvitetään, voisiko traumaperäinen stressihäiriö olla sydän- ja verisuonitautien riskitekijä. Menetelmät: Kirjallisuuskatsauksen lähdemateriaali on haettu syksyllä 2023 käyttäen PubMed, Helka ja World of Science -hakuja. Käytettyjä hakusanoja olivat “PTSD”, ”post traumatic stress disorder”, “autonomic”, “brain-heart axis”, “cardiovascular”, “cardiovascular disease”, “inflammation” ja “physical health problems”. Katsauksen aiheeksi rajautui aikuisuudessa koetun traumatisoitumisen ja siitä seuranneen traumaperäisen stressihäiriön aiheuttamat sydän- ja verisuonitaudit, jossa jätettiin pois sotaveteraaneilla tehdyt tutkimukset ja tarkasteltiin vain uusimpia tutkimuksia. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset: Kirjallisuuskatsaukseen valitut artikkelit näyttivät viitteitä siitä, että traumaperäinen stressihäiriö voisi olla sydän- ja verisuonitautien riskitekijä. Traumatisoituneilla henkilöillä oli suurempi riski sairastua sydän- ja verisuonitauteihin, kuin henkilöillä, joilla ei trauma-altistusta elämänhistoriassaan ollut. Tulokset viittaavat siihen, että traumaperäinen stressihäiriö voi olla riskitekijä somaattisille sairauksille.
  • Syrjälä, Iina (2017)
    Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is an alteration of brain function, or an injury found in the brain, that is caused by an external force. In addition to the immediate effects of the brain injury, there is a host of neurological and psychiatric consequences that may follow from it later. Depression is the most common psychiatric disturbance following a traumatic brain injury and it can considerably affect a person’s functioning and recovery. The purpose of this review is to highlight different variables that can affect a person’s likelihood of developing depression following a traumatic brain injury. Other topics covered are the effect of depression on post-TBI functioning and recovery, the evolution of depression from a temporal viewpoint, and the treatment of depression in people with TBI. Depression that emerges in the early stages after the injury seems to be connected to pre-injury background variables and the neurological attributes of the injury. Later after the injury, depression could in turn be connected to psychological variables, such as subjective experiences or poor functioning or lack of social support. The risk of depression decreases as time passes but it remains elevated even years after the injury. Post-TBI depression is typically treated with antidepressants and psychotherapy. The treatment is carried out as a part of a multidisciplinary rehabilitation program, the aim of which is to improve the person’s functioning and help him or her to adapt to the altered circumstances.
  • Hyvämäki, Vera (2017)
    Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health problem that some people develop after experiencing a traumatic event. Current understanding of the pathogenesis of PTSD is still unclear, and existing theories have proven insufficient to explain the wide range of cognitive and emotional symptoms related to it. Findings of the neural basis of the disorder have been inconsistent, but most studies support the involvement of the prefrontal cortex and regions regulating fear and memory. Heightened responses of the amygdala and dorsal anterior cingulate cortex are seen as predisposing vulnerabilities, whereas changes in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex and hippocampus represent abnormalities that can lead to the disorder if acquired following stress exposure. The experience of trauma itself can have an effect on brain function, and the distinction can only be made by comparing individuals with PTSD to a trauma-exposed control group. Future studies need to take into account the effect of co-occurring disorders and different types of trauma, and proceed to investigate causal relations behind the neural abnormalities.
  • Forslund, Sofia (2022)
    Tavoitteet. Aiempien tutkimusten tulokset tukiviittomien käytön vaikutuksista puheen ja kielel-liseen kehitykseen vaikeasti kuulovammaisilla lapsilla ovat ristiriitaisia. Joidenkin tutkimusten mukaan tukiviittomien käytöstä voi olla hyötyä esimerkiksi sanavaraston kehitykselle, mutta samalla tukiviittomien käyttö saattaa vähentää puhutun kielen käyttöä. Vaikeasti kuulovam-maisilla lapsilla varhaislapsuudessa puhutun kielen omaksuminen tapahtuu hitaammin ja heillä on käytössään vähemmän kommunikaatiokeinoja kuin tyypillisesti kuulevilla lapsilla. Tässä tutkielmassa selvitetään tukiviittomien käytön vaikutuksia vaikeasti kuulovammaisten tai sisäkorvaistutetta käyttävien lasten puheen ja kielen kehitykseen. Menetelmät. Tässä tutkielmassa menetelmänä käytettiin integroivaa kirjallisuuskatsausta. Ai-neistohaku tehtiin Scopus- ja Medline-tietokannoissa käyttäen hakulauseketta (“cochlear im-plant” OR “cochlear implants” OR “cochlea implant” OR “cochlea implants” OR “hearing im-pairment” OR “hearing loss” OR “hard of hearing” OR deaf OR deafness) AND (“key word signing” OR “simultaneous communication” OR “sign support*” OR “aug-mentative sign*”) AND (child* OR infant) AND intervention. Yksi artikkeli poimittiin mukaan manuaalisesti. Lopullinen aineisto koostui viidestä artikkelista, jotka käytiin läpi ja analysoitiin systemaattisesti. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tulokset olivat osittain ristiriidassa keskenään ja aiemman tutki-muksen kanssa. Tulosten perusteella ei voida tehdä selkeitä johtopäätöksiä. Tulokset viittaa-vat siihen, että tukiviittomien käytöllä saattaisi olla positiivisia vaikutuksia sanavaraston suu-ruuteen, mutta niiden käyttäminen vaikuttaisi olevan myös yhteydessä matalampaan kielelli-seen tasoon ja heikompaan puheen tuottoon. Tulokset eivät kuitenkaan ole aineistoin pienen koon vuoksi yleistettävissä. Aiheesta tarvitaan lisää tutkimusta.
  • Hartikka, Roosa (2018)
    Callous-unemotional (CU) traits (e.g. of lack of guilt, empathy and shallow affect) has shown to predict persistent antisocial behaviours and severe psychosocial disruptions. This review sought to examine the aetiological factors underlying the CU traits and whether CU traits can be prevented and treated. Research to date suggests that CU traits are developed in the interaction of genetic and environmental factors. Especially parenting factors, such as parental warmth and sensitivity has shown a great effect on protecting from development of CU traits and parent training interventions has shown a great potential in decreasing CU traits in children and adolescents. However, intervention outcome research to date has been very limited. In addition, recent studies have mainly examined the outcomes of interventions initially intended for treatment of conduct disorder: there is not many empirically tested interventions specifically developed for treatment of CU traits. Also, it remains unclear whether the effects of the interventions are persistent in the long run, is there any difference in the treatment of children of different age and how effective the interventions are on the children with a great genetic vulnerability. There is critical need for more research to enable more effective and valid interventions to be developed.
  • Rantala, Roosa-Maaria (2019)
    Objective. Early onset major depressive disorder is a serious and recurring illness. There is abnormal brain function associated with depression when processing emotional stimuli. However, we do not know how these abnormalities occur in very young children. The aim of this review is to study brain function abnormalities when processing emotional stimuli in depressed pre-schoolers and the stability of these abnormalities in school aged children. Methods. This thesis reviews studies on pre-school major depressive disorder (PO-MDD) and its effects on brain abnormalities when processing emotional stimuli. Also, studies on school aged children with PO-MDD are included to inspect the stability of the abnormalities apparent in PO-MDD. Studies were included in this review, if they assessed children’s depression at least once during the pre-school period, and children were shown emotional stimuli during a functional magnetic resonance imaging. Results and conclusions. Children with PO-MDD had elevated activation in the limbic system and in the cortical areas associated with the processing of emotional stimuli when compared to their healthy peers. This elevated activation did not differ between positive and negative stimuli. Also, school aged children with PO-MDD had enhanced limbic and cortical activation in the areas associated with the processing of emotional stimuli when compared to their healthy peers. This enhanced activation was associated with the negativity of the stimuli. The connection between the PO-MDD and brain abnormalities in school age may be caused by genetic and environmental factors or the PO-MDD induced changes in brain functions. Because the abnormalities in brain function are already visible in pre-school, early intervention plays an important role. By studying the brain abnormalities associated with PO-MDD, we can develop efficient interventions to support the normal development of childrens’ brains and reduce the frequency and severity of future depressive episodes.
  • Salakka, Ilja (2017)
    Emotions and decision making as a field of research is relatively new. However, in the last decades number of studies done on the topic have been increasing and today almost every theory of decision making includes at least some element of emotions. Framework of immediate and expected emotions illustrates how emotions affects our decision making in many different ways. Our decisions are modified by expected emotions based on what kind of emotions we expect to have in the future if we will make a particular choice. Immediate emotions affects in the moment of decision to our expected emotions and our mood. The effects of emotions lead often to many non-optimal tendencies related to decision making. One of these tendencies is known as risk aversion. People weight negative feelings over positive feelings leading them to choose a certain positive option and avoid more optimal but risky option. That said, emotions serve decision making in situations where decisions have to be made quickly or with lack of information. Information can be brought to a situation based on emotions related to former experiences. Somatic marker hypothesis have been developed to explain the neural base of emotions and decision making. According to somatic marker hypothesis, ventromedial prefrontal cortex creates links based on emotional experiences related to decisions. These links help to simulate emotions linked to decisions later in similar situations. While there are lots of studies related to emotions and decision making today, there are very few studies related to interaction of emotions and decision making in the context of individual differences. In the future, researchers should pay more attention to individual differences on this topic.
  • Talkkari, Anna (2022)
    Supporting the mental health of refugees and asylum seekers has become even more urgent now that conflict has increased around the world. The crisis in Afghanistan and war in Ukraine, for example, are going to affect the refugee populations arriving to Finland. Mental health professionals are going to encounter refugees in public health care, occupational health care and schools, so it will be vital to understand the needs of these groups. This thesis analyses the mental health characteristics, risk and protective factors and treatment of refugees and asylum seekers. Literature search was conducted on Medline, PsycINFO, PubMed and SCOPUS databases. Current literature that addressed the mental health, behavior or psychosocial treatment of refugees and asylum seekers in the Western world was accepted for the thesis. Some of the key sources were publications that surveyed the wellbeing of immigrants in Finland, published by the Finnish institute for health and welfare. Based on the chosen literature asylum seekers and refugees are more vulnerable to mental health issues than natives and other immigrant groups. There is international consensus that they experience more anxiety, depression and traumatic disorders. Traumatic experiences, issues with social participation, poor legal status, family separation and discrimination are risk factors for the mental health of refugee populations. Communality and social support, on the other hand, are protective factors. Despite the elevated risk, asylum seekers and refugees use the health care system less than natives and they are more likely to receive lighter treatment. Trauma symptoms, cultural differences, knowledge-gap and language barriers can make diagnosis and treatment difficult. Lack of trust in the clinician, interpreter or the Western health care system can also hinder treatment. In addition, there is a significant risk of marginalization in refugee populations. According to clinical research, trauma-based interventions are most effective, but physical activity interventions offer an approachable option for supporting the mental health of refugees and asylum seekers. However, the success of any intervention is highly dependable on the clinician’s cultural awareness and their ability to build a trusting relationship with the client. It is necessary to develop efficient screening tools and interventions for the needs of refugees and pay attention to practitioners’ cultural know-how.
  • Stickler, Emma (2019)
    Alexithymia is a multidimensional personality trait, which includes difficulty recognizing and describing one’s emotions, a restricted imagination and an externally oriented, concrete style of thinking. The twenty-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20) is overwhelmingly the most common questionnaire used to measure alexithymia. The TAS-20 has been used to study how alexithymia is related to a broad range of psychological and physiological variables, and TAS-20 scores have been consistently associated with psychopathology. The aim of this review is to investigate the validity of the TAS-20. The review focuses on the construct and criterion validity of the TAS-20. The questionnaire’s criterion validity is assessed by examining how the questionnaire is related to other measures of alexithymia as well as to alexithymic behaviour. Areas of behaviour assessed are the limited verbal expression of feelings, a concrete style of thinking and lack of imagination, physical health and symptom reporting, and body awareness. Current studies do not give enough support for the overall validity of the TAS-20. Factor analytic studies support a three-factor structure in both clinical and nonclinical populations. However, the subscales of the questionnaire don’t seem to be interrelated as strongly as would be theoretically expected. An alexithymic person should score high on all subscales, but it is uncertain whether this kind of response pattern is likely. Future studies should investigate how strongly variables such as negative affectivity, depressiveness and a tendency to report symptoms affect TAS-20 scores, as they seem to be confounders. Studies related to the criterion validity of the TAS-20 are variable in their results and don’t encourage confidence in concluding that the questionnaire measures alexithymic behaviour. The strongest evidence given by studies is for the expected association between TAS-20 scores and somatization.
  • Michelsson, Erica (2017)
    Although dementia is often considered a disease of the elderly, it also affects those in midlife. Diagnosing early-onset dementias is challenging, since their central traits differ from those usually seen in the more common late-onset dementias, and the diversity of different dementia profiles is high. Especially nonamnestic dementias, which are common among early-onset dementias, are frequently misdiagnosed or the diagnosis is significantly delayed. In Finland, CERAD is the preferred neuropsychological screening method for dementia but it doesn't have Finnish norms for the middle aged, and its ability to recognize early-onset dementias seems to be insufficient. There is a demand for a screening method aimed at recognizing the early-onset dementias, which would be more sensitive and diverse than the methods used at present. In this review, the characteristics and discriminability of the two most common early-onset dementias – the early-onset type of Alzheimer's disease and frontotemporal dementia – are examined. This review focuses especially in studies, that have examined the sensitivity and specificity of neuropsychological screening methods discriminating those two dementias. This research suggests, that ACE-III, SEB and SDS are screening methods, that could help in the accurate diagnosing of early-onset dementias.
  • Tolonen, Tuija (2018)
    Working memory (WM), the ability to hold information in mind for short periods of time without active presentation of sensory stimuli is a crucial skill for goal-directed behaviour. WM is related to many other higher cognitive skills and specific neuropsychiatric conditions are associated with related deficits. Attempts have been made to improve WM by systematic cognitive training, and through this influence also other related cognitive skills. In this thesis, the behavioural and neuronal effects of WM training are reviewed. Based on current studies, both verbal and visual WM can be improved by training and the effects will last for several months. However, the effects of training on other cognitive skills outside WM, like reasoning and intelligence, have been moderate at best. On neural level, WM training changes the activation in brain areas related to WM, mainly frontal and parietal cortical regions and striatum. WM training also affects the functional and structural connections between these brain regions. WM training seems to improve executive functions rather than affect the size of working memory storages. Improvements in other than trained tasks seem to be based on cognitive functions that are shared between the tasks. On neural level, similar activation patterns between the tasks is related to these transfer effects.
  • Salminen, Saga (2023)
    Tavoitteet: Psyykkisen resilienssin, kapasiteetin adaptoitua positiivisesti erilaisiin stressitekijöihin ja haastaviin tilanteisiin, tiedetään olevan hyödyllistä työssä jaksamiselle ja suoriutumiselle. Tutkimusta erilaisista tavoista tukea ja vahvistaa resilienssiä työelämän kontekstissa on kuitenkin vasta melko vähän. Tässä tutkielmassa pyrittiin saamaan kokonaiskäsitys siitä, millaisia mahdollisuuksia työntekijän resilienssin tukemiselle työympäristössä on, ja miten toimiviksi erilaiset menetelmät on havaittu. Menetelmät: Tutkielma toteutettiin kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Tietojen haussa käytettiin Helka-kirjaston, PubMedin ja Google Scholarin tietokantoja. Lähteet olivat pääasiallisesti kansainvälisiä tieteellisiä artikkeleita. Hakusanoina käytettiin “resilience”, ”employee resilience”, “improving resilience”, ”resilience AND work life”, ”resilience training”, “leader AND resilience” sekä “social support AND resilience AND work”. Tutkimuskirjallisuutta etsittiin myös artikkeleiden lähdeluetteloita tarkastelemalla. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset: Koska resilienssi on ominaisuus, jota vielä aikuisuudessakin voidaan kehittää, on työelämän kontekstissakin löydetty useita mahdollisuuksia resilienssin vahvistamiseksi ja tukemiseksi. Tutkimusnäytön perusteella muun muassa monilla erilaisilla resilienssiä vahvistamaan pyrkivillä interventioilla ja työyhteisön sosiaalisella tuella havaittiin olevan positiivinen vaikutus työntekijän resilienssiin. Erityisesti työkavereiden tarjoaman sosiaalisen tuen hyöty tunnistettiin, mutta myös esihenkilön johtamistyylillä ja resilienssillä havaittiin olevan yhteys alaisen resilienssiin. Erilaisten resilienssi-interventioiden suhteen tarkentavaa jatkotutkimusta jäätiin kaipaamaan tehokkaimman intervention löytämiseksi.
  • Saraja, Aili (2023)
    Tavoitteet. Kirjallisuudessa on käyty paljon keskustelua substantiivien ja verbien omaksumisesta suhteessa toisiinsa. Tavallisesti lasten on ajateltu omaksuvan ainakin aluksi helpommin substantiiveja kuin verbejä, mutta tutkimustulokset ovat osin ristiriitaisia, ja myös joitakin kieltenvälisiä eroja on havaittu. Ainakin tuottavan sanavaraston kokoa, joka on yhteydessä muuhun puheen ja kielen kehitykseen, voidaan kuitenkin arvioida hyödyntämällä erilaisia nimeämistehtäviä. Nimeämistestien avulla on mahdollista tunnistaa myös lapsia, joilla on jo erilaisia puheen ja kielen kehityksen haasteita. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää, analysoida ja kuvata tyypillisesti kehittyvien lasten nimeämisen virheellisyyttä substantiivien ja verbien nimeämistehtävissä. Katsauksessa tarkastellaan sitä, mitä keinoja nimeämisen arvioimiseksi tehtävissä on käytetty ja millä tavoin nimeämisvirheitä on luokiteltu tutkimuksissa. Lisäksi tarkastellaan sitä, mitä eroja tai yhtäläisyyksiä tehtävissä suoriutumisessa mahdollisesti on. Menetelmät. Kandidaatintutkielman menetelmänä käytettiin integroivaa kirjallisuuskatsausta. Tiedonhaku tehtiin Scopus-tietokannasta tammikuussa 2023. Hakulausekkeena käytettiin TITLE-ABS-KEY (noun AND verb AND naming AND errors). Lopullinen tutkimusaineisto muodostui viidestä vuosina 1996–2017 julkaistusta tutkimusartikkelista. Yksi artikkeli nostettiin aineistoon käsin poimintana. Aineisto analysoitiin tarkastelemalla tutkimusten tuloksia kirjallisuuskatsauksen tutkimuskysymysten kannalta. Keskeiset tulokset koottiin taulukoihin. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Nimeämisen arvioimiseksi tutkimuksissa kiinnitettiin huomiota esimerkiksi käytettyyn kuvamateriaaliin, istuntojen ja esitettyjen esimerkkikuvien määrään sekä lapsille testaustilanteessa annettuihin ohjeisiin. Tutkimuksissa käytettyjen virheluokitusten kategorioiden määritelmissä oli paljon yhtäläisyyksiä, vaikka niiden määrä vaihtelikin. Verbejä nimettäessä ei aina tehty enemmän virheitä, vaan esimerkiksi lasten ikä vaikutti joissain tutkimuksissa suoriutumisen eroihin sanaluokkien välillä. Semanttiset virheet ja omissiot vaikuttivat olevan vähän yleisempiä substantiivien kohdalla. Verbien kohdalla oli vastaavasti huomattavasti enemmän kiertoilmauksia ja jossain määrin myös visuaalisia virheitä ja sanaluokan muutoksia. Mikään tietyntyyppinen virhe ei kuitenkaan esiintynyt pelkästään substantiivien tai verbien kohdalla. Suuntaa antavat tulokset osoittavat tarpeen jatkotutkimukselle, joka hyödyttäisi esimerkiksi erilaisten nimeämistestien jatkokehitystä tulevaisuudessa.