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Browsing by Subject "ADHD"

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  • Luoma, Katri (2019)
    Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is characterized by an early onset of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsiveness. Many studies have shown that ADHD is related to later substance use disorders (SUD). Although the association between the disorders has been proven in several studies, the true nature of this association is still unknown. The latest findings of the association between ADHD and SUD and the mediating factors are discussed in this review. Because substance abuse can cause major problems for individuals and the society, risk factors of SUD should be identified at an early stage. The latest findings have shown that almost one of four SUD patients also meet the diagnostic criteria of ADHD. ADHD patients seem to be in an elevated risk for alcohol, nicotine and marijuana dependence and the use of psychoactive substances. Current research suggests that both genetic and psychosocial factors play a role in the development of SUD in ADHD patients. Genetic studies and studies on families have shown that ADHD and SUD might share a common genetic background. ADHD patients with comorbid conduct disorder seem to have the greatest risk for later SUD. Fetal alcohol and tobacco exposure are risk factors for both ADHD and SUD. In addition, some psychosocial environmental factors, such as academic and social problems, might increase the risk for SUD. The high prevalence of ADHD in SUD patients should be taken into account in the prevention of SUD and in the treatment of both disorders. According to the current knowledge, ADHD medication that is started early on and used properly can reduce the risk for later SUD. However, in order to prevent substance use disorders more effectively, it is important to develop and investigate new possible early preventions for ADHD patients. Instead of treating these disorders separately, we should also provide targeted and optimal treatment for patients with ADHD and comorbid SUD. To make targeted treatment possible, ADHD symptoms should be distinguished from the symptoms of SUD.
  • Vähätalo, Aku (2022)
    Tavoitteet. Aktiivisuuden ja tarkkaavuuden häiriön eli ADHD:n merkitys aikuisen elämänlaatuun on yhä laajemmin tunnistettu ilmiö. Psykososiaalisten hoitojen saatavuus on kuitenkin haaste. Internet-pohjaisia interventioita (kuten Suomessa HUS:n nettiterapiat) on kehitetty osaltaan vastaamaan mielenterveyspalveluiden resurssien ja saatavuuden haasteisiin. Internet-pohjaisten interventiomenetelmien sopivuudesta aikuisten ADHD-kuntoutukseen on toistaiseksi kuitenkin vain vähän tietoa. Tämän kandidaatintutkielman tarkoituksena oli selvittää, millaisia internet-pohjaisia interventioita on tutkittu, ja millaisia tuloksia niistä on saatu aikuisten ADHD-kuntoutuksessa. Menetelmät. Tutkielman aineisto haettiin Google Scholar- ja PubMed-hakukoneiden avulla yhdistelemällä eri tavoin hakusanoja adhd, adult, treatment, intervention, internet, online, ehealth, computerized ja icbt. Lisäksi haettiin suomekielistä materiaalia muun muassa adhd, hoito ja kuntoutus -hakusanojen avulla. Artikkeleita etsittiin myös löydettyjen artikkelien lähdeluetteloista sekä Google Scholarissa cited by - hakemistoista. Tarkasteltavaksi valittiin kaikki tutkimukset aikuisten ADHD:n kuntoutukseen suunnatuista internet-pohjaisista interventioista. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tutkitut interventiot jakautuivat karkeasti kahteen ryhmään: vakiintuneemmista ADHD:n kuntoutusmenetelmistä johdettuihin omatoimisen työskentelyn materiaaleihin perustuviin interventioihin sekä toisaalta omatoimisen työskentelyn materiaaliltaan suppeampiin interventioihin. Erityisesti vakiintuneemmista menetelmistä johdettujen interventioiden tulokset vaikuttavuudesta ADHD:n ydinoireisiin olivat positiivisia, mutta tutkimusten otoskokojen ja vertailuasetelmien vuoksi tutkimusnäyttöä ei voida pitää vahvana. Internet-pohjaiset interventiot vaikuttavat katsauksen perusteella toimivilta ja olisikin aiheellista tehdä laajempaa tutkimusta, jotta niiden edut aikuisten ADHD-kuntoutuksessa ymmärrettäisiin paremmin, ja interventiot saataisiin ihanteellisella tavalla käyttöön potilastyössä.
  • Maksniemi Marie (2018)
    Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common childhood neuropsychiatric disorders. There is a rising global recognition of consequences and impairment associated with ADHD. One of the newest area of research is the connection between ADHD and obesity. Empirically based evidence from recent literature points to a comorbidity between ADHD and obesity, at least amongst adult patients. What comes to children and adolescents there is not sufficient amount of studies to make conclusions, but the existing studies suggest that there is no discernible association of ADHD and obesity in the pre-adolescent years. The existing studies also suggest that the association of ADHD with obesity is stronger in adolescence than in childhood and that the association is stronger with adolescent girls than with adolescent boys. Gender does not seem to have any significant causation between ADHD and obesity, however some studies indicate that the causation would be stronger in women. A better insight into this comorbidity is of considerable relevance for both precautionary work and healthcare work. First, there needs to be more longitudinal studies to research the causality between ADHD and obesity. There should also be research around the different dimensions of ADHD (hyperactivity, impulsivity and inattention) are connected with obesity. Finally, the therapeutic and pharmacological strategies for ADHD patients with obesity should be studied more. With the increased research data it would be possible to map out people in the risk group and therefore better target precautionary work for the right people.
  • Harmaja, Reetta (2019)
    Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a developmental disorder that causes difficulties in pragmatic language and social interactions. This study aimed to examine what kind of interventions have been offered to children with ADHD and how these interventions have affected pragmatic language skills. This study is a literature review. The search of empirical literature was conducted using four different databases. The search statement was (”attention deficit hyperactivity disorder” OR ADHD) AND pragmatic* AND (language OR communication) AND (therapy OR intervention OR program OR treatment). Six articles met the review inclusion criteria. Participants in the studies were aged between 5 and 11. There were 5 to 16 participants in each study. In four studies pragmatic language skills were practiced with playmates. The focus was on children’s self-knowledge as well as their verbal and nonverbal communication. Parents were involved in all interventions and school teachers participated in one study. The most common assessment measures used were Children’s Communication Checklist (CCC) and Pragmatics Observational Measure (POM). The pragmatic skills of children with ADHD did improve as a result of the studied interventions. Whilst the effect size was large (d=0,97-1,67), children’s pragmatic skills remained lower compared to their play mates and typically developed children of the same age. However, the sample sizes were small and there were no control groups or randomized participation. So far there is very little evidence on which spesific pragmatic skills can be improved in interventions and how different intervention techniques work. According to the reviewed studies interventions are beneficial when they involve parents and peer-to-peer interactions.
  • Puhakka, Jasmin (2019)
    Attention-deficit/hyperactivity-disorder (ADHD) is a common developmental psychiatric disorder. The prevalence of ADHD in adults has estimated to be 4-70 %. The diagnostic criteria include symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. In addition, in adulthood the psychiatric comorbidities and emotional dysregulation are common. Emotional dysregulation appears in the form of low frustration tolerance, impatience, hot temper and swift changes in mood. The diagnosis of adult ADHD is based on the criteria applicable to children and adolescents, although the criteria do not apply well to adults. The symptoms of emotional dysregulation do not include in the current criteria for the diagnosis of ADHD, although the literature suggests that the overlap between ADHD and emotional dysregulation can be found in neuroanatomical and treatment levels of analysis. In this review, the neuroanatomical commonalities between ADHD and emotional dysregulation, and the question whether the same pharmacological and therapeutic treatment alleviates both types of symptoms when they co-occur, will be investigated. Furthermore, the relationship between ADHD, emotional dysregulation and psychiatric comorbidies will be explored. This review is based on the literature of ADHD and emotional dysregulation in adults. Keywords in the search were emotional dysregulation, emotion dysregulation, emotional deficits, impaired emotional regulation, deficient emotional self-regulation, ADHD, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, core symptom, adult, neural correlates, neurocognitive, treatment, stimulants, psychotherapy. The articles where retrieved from Pub-Med, Psycinfo, Medline and Google Scholar. Some of the articles were found in the references of other papers. The evidence suggests that emotional dysregulation is associated with ADHD itself and the symptoms of emotional dysregulation seem not to manifest solely as a consequence of comorbidies. The same pharmacological and therapeutic treatments seem to alleviate both the classical ADHD symptoms and emotional dysregulation. The studies suggest that emotional dysregulation and ADHD are linked to distinct neural and cognitive deficits that overlap. This research suggests that emotional dysregulation may be a core feature of adult ADHD. Further research is needed to fully understand the particular ways the neuroanatomical mechanisms overlap in ADHD and emotional dysregulation. The overlap need to be considered in the context of clinical assessment, diagnostic criteria and treatment of adult ADHD.
  • Silakoski, Saara (2020)
    Aktiivisuuden ja tarkkaavuuden häiriö (ADHD) on varhain puhkeava kehityksellinen häiriö, joka heikentää lapsen ja perheen toimintakykyä. ADHD heijastuu laaja-alaisesti lapsen arkeen ja vaikeudet usein pahenevat ilman varhaista puuttumista. Vanhempainohjaus on leikki-ikäisille suunnattu varhainen hoitomuoto, joka vähentää merkittävästi ADHD-lapsen oirehdintaa ja parantaa vanhempien kykyjä tukea lasta arjessa. Vanhempainohjausta käytetään Suomessa kuitenkin pääosin käytöshäiriöiden hoidossa. Tässä kirjallisuuskatsauksessa tarkastellaan kolmea Suomessa tarjottavan vanhempainohjausohjelman (Ihmeelliset vuodet, Voimaperheet ja Perhekoulu POP) soveltuvuutta ADHD:n hoitoon. Lisäksi tarkastellaan ohjelmien saatavuutta Suomessa. Katsauksessa tarkastellaan Suomessa tarjolla olevien mallien lisäksi myös kahta maailmalla käytettävää ohjelmaa (New Forest Parenting Program ja Triple P). Ohjelmien toteutustavoissa on eroja, mutta yleisesti vanhempainohjauksella on positiiviset vaikutukset ADHD-lapseen ja hänen perheeseensä. Tutkimuksissa vanhemmat havaitsivat muutoksia havainnoijia ja opettajia useammin. Vanhemmat kokivat lähes systemaattisesti vanhempainohjauksen parantaneen käytöshäiriö oirehdintaa ja lisänneen vanhemmuuden keinoja, mutta ADHD-oireiston suhteen tutkimustulokset olivat ristiriitaisia. Vanhempainohjauksen tarjonta ja soveltuvuus ADHD:n hoitoon on Suomessa osin puutteellista. Tulevaisuudessa erityisesti vanhempainohjauksen kansallisesti yhdenvertaisiin hoitomahdollisuuksiin tulisi panostaa, esimerkiksi lisäämällä etänä toteutettavia ohjelmia. Vanhempainohjausta tulisi tutkia lisää ADHD-lapsilla, sillä toistaiseksi ohjelmat ovat painottuneet käytöshäiriöiden hoitoon. Ohjelmien tutkimuksessa ja tarjonnassa tulisi huomioida ADHD-oireisto nykyistä paremmin.