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Browsing by Subject "anxiety"

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  • Saarelma, Joel (2023)
    Goals: Anxiety symptoms during adolescence are highly prevalent and correlate with poor academic outcomes. Despite the effects reported in prior review literature being negative on average, the results of different studies have great heterogeneity, leaving room for deeper investigation of the direction and causality of the effects between anxiety and academic achievement. This narrative review aims to synthesize the findings of recent longitudinal studies on the subject. Methods: A narrative review of seven articles on several different measures of anxiety as predictors of academic achievement during adolescence, measured in grades, education continuity and graduation. Results: Several different measures of anxiety symptoms, including social anxiety, PTSD, test anxiety, and generalized anxiety symptoms, are predictive of poor academic grades in adolescence, even when other mental health problems are controlled for. Anxiety is linked to a lower chance of college graduation but there may be no independent effect over that of depression. There appear to be cascading, long-term links between different anxiety symptoms and academic outcomes, some of them bi-directional, making longitudinal designs and repeated measures of multiple variables recommendable for future research. Most effects appear to be gender-non-specific, but effect strengths do seem to vary between groups of low and high anxiety, hinting at a possibly curvilinear relationship worth investigating.
  • Närvänen, Eija (2019)
    Objective. Transdiagnostic models of psychopathology assume that the commonalities across disorders may outweigh their differences. While these models acknowledge that disorder-specific symptoms and features undoubtedly exist, the same underlying factors are perceived to cause and maintain various disorders. In recent years, this approach has received growing attention and several new forms of therapy have been developed based on it. These may be well-suited for the treatment of mixed-diagnosis groups or individuals with comorbid disorders, and as such, they hold the promise of being very cost-effective. One of the most established transdiagnostic treatments is the Unified Protocol (UP), designed to help patients suffering from depression and the full range of anxiety disorders. The purpose of the present study is to review the evidence regarding the efficacy and effectiveness of the UP for the transdiagnostic treatment of adult anxiety and depression. Methods. For this review, systematic literature searches were performed using the PsychInfo and PubMed online databases in October 2018. The search term used was “Unified Protocol”. The search yielded 114 results in PsychInfo and 138 in PubMed. Ten of these matched the following study selection criteria and were included in the current review: a) the study measured either the efficacy or effectiveness of the cognitive-behavioral UP therapy developed by Barlow (2011), b) treatment was delivered face-to-face in either individual or group setting, c) treatment followed the UP therapist guide without major modifications, d) participants suffered from an anxiety disorder or depression, e) participants were over 18 years of age, d) the study was published in 2015 or later, and f) the study was published in English in a peer-reviewed journal. Results and conclusions. The UP appeared both efficacious and efficient in reducing the severity of adult anxiety and depression as well as the number of comorbid diagnoses; however, there were some conflicting findings regarding recovery rates and effect sizes. The results achieved were comparable to those achieved using diagnosis-specific cognitive-behavioral therapy. The UP treatment had a positive impact on the patients’ functioning and quality of life and the amount of positive and negative affect they experienced. Treatment retention was generally high, particularly when treatment was delivered individually, and the UP received high ratings from those who participated in the studies. All in all, the current empiric evidence regarding the UP appears fairly promising. However, these results must be interpreted with caution, as the research concerning the UP is still in its infancy and a large part of it has been conducted by researchers affiliated with the treatment.
  • Mustonen, Sampo (2023)
    Tavoitteet: Palliatiivisen hoidon tarve tulee kasvamaan tulevaisuudessa väestön ikääntyessä. Psyykkinen oireilu, kuten mieliala-, ahdistuneisuus- ja eksistentiaalinen oireilu, on palliatiivisen hoidon piirissä yleistä, ja sen hoitaminen on toistaiseksi osoittautunut haastavammaksi kuin peruspopulaatiossa. Psykedeeliavusteinen psykoterapia (psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy, PAT) on hoitomuoto, jonka soveltamista psykiatriaan on alettu 2000-luvulla tutkia uudestaan lähes täydellisen parikymmentä vuotta kestäneen tauon jälkeen. Tässä tutkielmassa arvioidaan kirjallisuudessa kertynyttä näyttöä psykedeeliavusteisen terapian sovellettavuudesta, tehokkuudesta ja turvallisuudesta palliatiivisen hoidon kontekstissa. Menetelmät: Tutkimuskirjallisuus haettiin PubMed-, Web of Science - ja Google Scholar -tietokannoista hakusanalla ”psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy palliative care”. Tutkimuksia etsittiin myös aiheeseen liittyvien artikkeleiden lähdeluetteloista. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset: Tulosten mukaan psykedeeliavusteinen terapia on turvallinen ja hyvin palliatiivisen hoidon kontekstiin soveltuva hoitomuoto. Tutkimuksissa saavutettiin efektikooltaan suuria vaikutuksia potilaiden ahdistus-, masennus- ja eksistentiaalisissa oireiden hoidossa. Tutkimusta on kuitenkin tehty vielä kohtuullisen vähän ja tulosten tulkintaa rajoittaa tietyt metodologiset haasteet, kuten sokkouttamisen vaikeus ja odotusvaikutukset. Psykedeeliavusteinen terapia on kuitenkin lupaava hoitomuoto, jonka tutkimus tulee todennäköisesti lisääntymään lähivuosina entisestään.