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Browsing by Subject "emotion regulation"

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  • Riihilahti, Iita (2019)
    The present thesis reviews studies on the relationship between a childhood trauma and a psychosis, and psychological factors that may mediate this relationship. Recent studies have connected childhood traumas to the psychosis and to the risk for psychosis. The studies are correlational and some of them have explored psychological factors that may mediate relation between childhood trauma and psychosis. Among these, studies have explored attachment, dissociation, emotion regulation, and cognitive schema as potential mediators. The data was collected in October 2019 from the PsycInfo, Google Scholar and PubMed databases. Nine studies were selected for this review, with the emphasis on quality of methods and recent publication. Three of these studies focused on the attachment quality and one of them also on dissociation. Dissociation alone was focused on three studies. One study focused on emotion regulation and two studies on cognitive schemas but one of them included also dissociation. The studies supported a view that anxiety and fearful attachment styles, emotion regulation, negative self-schemas and dissociation functioned as mediators between childhood traumatic experiences and psychosis. Dissociation has particularly a strong role. It was repeated as a mediator in several studies, sometimes even when the comorbid symptoms were controlled for. However, the results should be interpreted critically. All the studies, except one, were cross-sectional precluding any causal conclusions. Further studies need to be done. Future research should include longitudinal studies and there should be paid more attention to research methods.
  • Nokkala, Jaakko (2023)
    Objectives. In the modern times, music and music therapy have emerged as versatile forms of treatment and rehabilitation. Music is also common means of regulating emotions by humans. Problems with emotion regulation can predict and maintain various psychopathological phenomena. The objective of this literary review was to examine if music and music therapy can be beneficial concerning emotion regulation and its possible problems. Methods. Articles for this review were searched in the PubMed and Google Scholar databases. Ultimately, nine articles addressing connection between music and emotion regulation were selected. These articles consisted of interventions and studies concerning beneficial use of music in respect of emotion regulation. Results and conclusions. The research evidence finds that music and music therapy can be used diversely in emotion regulation and the focusing interventions. The effects of the interventions were mostly significant, improving one or several aspects of emotion regulation, such as emotion awareness and confidence in regulating one’s emotions. It was also observed that music can be used as a beneficial or detrimental means of regulating one’s emotions. This should be taken into consideration when designing music therapy focused treatment, for example. The studies selected for this review were vastly different concerning their methods, and it was difficult to create a more detailed image of the potential for music and music therapy to support emotion regulation. However, the field of research in question is still young and this review gives encouraging evidence for the future of music and music therapy in emotion regulation.
  • Kuisma, Amanda (2023)
    TAVOITTEET. Tunnesäätelyn ja niiden ongelmien on todettu olevan merkittäviä psykopatologian synnyssä ja pysyvyydessä sekä yleisesti hyvinvoinnissa. Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastelen, mitä tunnesäätely ja sen ongelmat ovat ja miten ne vaikuttavat ihmisen elämään. Perehdyn erityisesti siihen, miten tunne-elämän ongelmat vaikuttavat masennuksen syntyyn ja pysyvyyteen. Masennus on tunnehäiriö, jossa tunne-elämän haasteet ovat yleensä keskiössä. Masennuksen ennuste on molemmilla sukupuolilla sama, mutta masennusta diagnosoidaan naisilla kaksinkertaisesti miehiin verrattuna. Viime vuosikymmeninä on kuitenkin alettu puhua ”miesten masennuksesta” ilmiönä, sillä joidenkin tutkimusten mukaan miehillä masennukselle epätyypillinen eksternalisoiva oireilu on naisia yleisempää. Tämä voi tilastojen valossa tarkoittaa sitä, että miehillä masennusta jopa alidiagnosoidaan tai diagnosoidaan väärin. Tässä tutkielmassa tutkin, miten naisten ja miesten masennusoireilu eroaa toisistaan ja mikä rooli tunnesäätelyllä voi olla sukupuolieroissa. Perehdyn monipuolisesti masennusoireilun eroihin liittyviin syihin, kuten erilaisiin psykologisiin, biologisiin ja sosiokulttuurisiin tekijöihin. MENETELMÄT. Lähdekirjallisuus etsittiin PubMed-tietokannasta hakusanoilla ”emotion regulation”, ”emotion dysregulation”, ”depression”, ”affect regulation”, ”sex”, ”gender” ja ”men”. Haku rajatiin katsauksiin, systemaattisiin katsauksiin ja meta-analyyseihin. TULOKSET JA JOHTOPÄÄTÖKSET. Tunnesäätelyn ongelmat ovat keskeisiä masennuksen synnyssä ja pysyvyydessä. Erot masennuksen diagnoosien määrässä ja masennusoireilussa voivat johtua biologisista, psykologisista ja sosiokulttuurisista tekijöistä. Sosiokulttuuriset tekijät ja tunnekasvatus voivat vaikuttaa olennaisesti tunnesäätelyn ongelmien syntyyn sekä tytöillä että pojilla. Naisilla ilmenee enemmän perinteistä, internalisoivaa masennusoireilua ja miehillä enemmän eksternalisoivia oireita, joista merkittävimpiä ovat impulssikontrollin puute, riskien ottaminen ja päihteiden väärinkäyttö. Eksternalisoiva oireilu voi peittää masennusoireilua ja itsemurhariskiä, sekä pahentaa masennusta, vaikeuttaa avun hakemista, heikentää masennushoidon tehoa ja lisätä itsemurhan riskiä, joten sen ilmeneminen tulisi huomioida kliinisessä käytännössä.
  • Rokka, Oona (2020)
    Objectives. Adolescence is a sensitive period during which the incidence of depression and anxiety symptoms increases. These disorders have been shown to significantly deteriorate functioning ability and the quality of life. In order to design supporting actions, it is important to investigate the factors affecting these disorders and their connections. The review presents research data concerning the connection between parenting and adolescents’ internalizing symptoms, and the meaning of emotion regulation in this connection. The aim is to examine whether emotion regulation mediates the connection between parenting and adolescents’ internalizing symptoms. Methods. Literary research was conducted in the PsychINFO-database using following key words: adolescent, parenting, emotion, emotion regulation, emotion dysregulation, internalizing, internalizing symptoms, internalizing problems, depression, anxiety. The bibliographies of the articles found in the literary research were perused and the most relevant articles were chosen. Finally, the studies with samples consisting of people too young for this review were excluded. The final number of the articles in the review was 13. The age of the examinees ranged from 10 to 33 years. Results and conclusions. There was coherent evidence showing that emotion regulation, parenting and adolescents’ internalizing symptoms are strongly linked to each other. Negative parenting and emotion regulation difficulties were clearly connected to increased internalizing symptoms. The research data differed in whether emotion regulation mediates the relationship between parenting and adolescents’ internalizing symptoms or whether there exists a different mechanism, such as the moderating effect. In addition, there were differences in the studies depending on whether depression and anxiety symptoms were measured separately or together as internalizing symptoms. According to the results, it seems that emotion regulation strategies and parenting factors relating to depression and anxiety are different. In the future it will be important to investigate different emotion regulation strategies and parenting factors in a more versatile manner, and to conduct more longitudinal studies instead of using the cross-sectional design. Moreover, it would be important to use mediation analysis in order to examine the mediating mechanism. The result concerning the connections between parenting, adolescents’ emotion regulation and internalizing symptoms seem to refer that it would be important to reduce harmful emotion regulation strategies and teach adaptive strategies in the prevention and intervention for anxiety and depression disorders. Additionally, it could be important to concentrate on parents’ emotion regulation and emotion socialization. Further studies on these types of interventions is needed.