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Browsing by Subject "kognitio"

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  • Bergman, Vilma-Reetta (2021)
    Elinympäristömme on ilmastokriisin ja kaupungistumisen myötä jatkuvassa muutoksessa, jonka vuoksi ympäristön vaikutuksia ihmisen mielen toimintaan on tärkeää ymmärtää. Tämän katsauksen tavoitteena on selvittää, millaisia vaikutuksia luonnollisilla ympäristöillä on ihmisten kognitioon urbaaniin tai rakennettuun ympäristöön verrattuna. Lisäksi pohditaan mahdollisia vaikuttavia tekijöitä kokoamalla ja tarkastelemalla ilmiötä selittäviä teorioita, erityisesti tarkkaavaisuuden palautumisteoriaa ja stressinvähentymisteoriaa, sekä tarkastellaan nykyisen tutkimuksen painopisteitä, rajoitteita ja mahdollisia tulevaisuuden tutkimuksen suuntia. Katsauksen tiedonkeruumenetelmänä käytettiin systemaattista aineistohakua Google Scholar -hakupalvelusta. Mukaan valikoitui kahdeksan tutkimusta, joissa tutkittiin luonnon vaikutusta ihmisen kognitioon digit span -testien avulla. Kontakti luontoympäristöön täytyi tapahtua aktuaalisesti eikä virtuaalisten kanavien kautta. Tutkittavien tuli olla täysi-ikäisiä, eikä heillä saanut olla mielenterveyden häiriöitä. Pois jätettiin myös ainoastaan ikääntyneitä käsittelevät tutkimukset. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen tutkimuksien tulosten perusteella voidaan osoittaa, että luonnollisilla ympäristöillä on ihmisten kognitiivista toimintaa tukevia vaikutuksia. Lisäksi mieliala raportoitiin paremmaksi luontoympäristövierailujen jälkeen, ja luontoympäristöt myös koettiin palauttavammaksi kuin urbaanit tai rakennetut ympäristöt. Tuloksista löytyy tukea tarkkaavaisuuden palautumisteorialle, jonka mukaan luonnon positiivinen vaikutus kognitioon saattaa olla seurausta luonnollisten ympäristöjen piirteistä, jotka mahdollistavat suunnatun tarkkaavaisuuden prosessien palautumisen. Mielialan ja kognitiivisten kykyjen yhteys taas ei tutkimusten perusteella ole aivan suoraviivainen, mikä ei ole täysin toisen suuren selittävän teorian, stressinvähentymisteorian, mukaista. Jatkotutkimuksia varten olisi hyödyllistä kehittää jokin objektiivinen keino määritellä ympäristön luonnollisuus, jolloin tutkimuksien vertaaminen keskenään olisi helpompaa. Lisäksi jatkossa olisi tärkeää kontrolloida myös muita tekijöitä, kuten kulttuurin ja ympäristössä vietetyn ajan vaikutusta tuloksiin. Lisätutkimustieto on erittäin tärkeää, sillä luonnon kognitiivisia kykyjä lisääviä vaikutuksia voitaisiin huomioida esimerkiksi interventiokehityksessä tai kaupunkisuunnittelussa.
  • Etholén, Tatu Juhani (2020)
    Multiple Sclerosis is a progressive demyelinating neurodegenerative disease with an unknown etiology and thus far with no known cure. It is the most common neurodegenerative disease affecting young adults. Despite the fact that it has been known since the discovery of multiple sclerosis in1869 that cognitive impairment is involved in the progression of the disease, it is still not routinely assessed in its treatment. Instead, measuring the disease's progression usually involves assessing the capabilities related to motor functioning and the interest in the cognitive aspect begun to resurface over a hundred years later. According to current research evidence, cognitive impairment is present in approximately half of the cases, increasing with age from onset of the disease. This review presents the current state of treatment and the surrounding debate related to whether measuring cognitive functioning should also be a routine examination involving patients suffering from multiple sclerosis, and how the measuring of such symptoms should be much more widespread (Finnish Käypä hoito -suositus: aguideline for proper treatment created for medical professionals) Some options to assess cognitive impairment with neuropsychological test batteries are presented. Several screening procedures, including very easy and quick to administer in clinical settings, are also presented. Additionally, some new measurement methods requiring less staff involvement, are discussed, including computerized testing.In spite of the overwhelming evidence about the cost/benefit ratio, routine cognitive testing is stille not routinely applied.
  • Naamanka, Joonas (2020)
    Goals. Gambling is a universal problem, which is particularly pronounced in Finland. The problems are not limited to pathological gambling, but gambling also harms a substantial group of non-pathological gamblers, referred to as problem gamblers in research literature. The purpose of the review was to explore differences between pathological and non-pathological gamblers in three different domains: cognition, neurophysiology and personality. The goal was to create a broad picture of psychological factors differentiating pathological gamblers from others in order to improve the understanding of risk factors associated with the development of non-pathological gambling towards pathology. To achieve this, problem gamblers were included in the comparison regarding the studies which had that separate group. Methods. Research articles were searched from Google Scholar and PubMed database with the tags non-pathological gambling and pathological gambling. The inclusion criteria were comparison of pathological gamblers to non-pathological ones and that the research topic fell under one of the three domains of the review. Results and conclusions. Regarding cognition, non-pathological and pathological gamblers seem to differ on several cognitive distortions and problem gambler resemble pathological gamblers more than they do non-problem gamblers. Emotional processing might also be weaker in pathological gamblers. In the domain of neurophysiology, the functioning of many different brain areas in gambling situations may differentiate pathological gamblers from others. Additionally, dampened HPA-axel responses appear to be associated with gambling pathology. Personality-wise pathological gamblers are particularly more impulsive, but also more neurotic than others. The personality of problem gamblers resembles that of non-problem gambler than pathological gamblers. Going forward, more studies including a separate group of problem gamblers are needed because they could provide valuable information on the development gambling pathology. Societally, it is important to recognize gambling as broader problem than just pathological gambling.
  • Laine, Julia (2017)
    It is commonly known that physical activity and exercise have a positive effect on physical and psychological health. Previous studies with adults and elderly show that exercise can maintain or even improve cognitive capacity. Due to these results researchers have studied the effects of exercise and physical activity on children’s cognitive ability. Epidemically gro-wing concern with children and adolescent obesity has also had an impact on this field of re-search. Long term effects of exercise on children’s cognitive capacity have been studied with diffe-rent exercise interventions, which are typically organized at schools. Although, exercise in-terventions seem to have some effect it is still unknown what kind of exercise has the grea-test impact. In this thesis, I will study the effect of different kinds of physical activities on children's cognitive skills. This thesis was carried out as a literature review without empirical sample. Review systematically sums up the results from empirical intervention research do-ne. Due to exercise intervention research, getting more exercise during school days seems to have a positive effect on children’s cognitive skills or at least it doesn’t have a negative one. Research is focused on rather simple aerobic exercise interventions. Although, due to some studies covered in these thesis, more diverse aerobic exercises seem to have a greater ef-fect compared to simple ones. There is also some evidence that other than aerobic exercise seem to have an impact on children’s cognitive skills. It is still quite hard to compare the ef-fectiveness of different exercise intervention types due to lack of comprehensive research.
  • Rummukainen, Ossi (2023)
    The embodied nature of music cognition is a growing topic in the field of music cognition. The aim of this study is to understand the paradigm of embodied music cognition. It’s a selective review on the paradigm’s ontological assumptions, some key point of views and relevant empirical evidence supporting the main claims within the field. Hopefully, this paper gives the reader a good introduction into the theoretical and empirical work within the field of embodied music cognition. It’s suited for all scholars and students working in nearby fields. Google Scholar was used in the literature search and “embodied music cognition” was used as a keyword. The main sources were review articles by the most important scholars in the field and the associated empirical literature. Embodied approach to music cognition emphasizes the coupling of action and perception. The role of the human body is seen to be a mediator between the environment and the brain. There is empirical support for various effects of the motor system to music perception and vice versa. A special focus is also given to the multilayered interaction between all the elements from which the “musical mind” emerges, namely, the mind, the body, music and social context. This interactionist view of cognition utilizes insights from dynamical systems theory. Lastly, a novel framework is reviewed that integrates the embodied approach with a more classical predictive coding paradigm under the concept of joint agency. The framework claims music to be, metaphorically, an embodied language. The field of embodied music cognition is quickly growing and the future is assumed to be interdisciplinary since the nature of music cognition is highly complex.
  • Kainulainen, Julia (2018)
    Psychosis is a condition in which a person's sense of reality is weakened and he/she has considerable difficulty in distinguishing what is true and what is not. Psychosis includes a number of different symptoms. The most typical symptoms are various hallucinations and delusions, fragmentation of thought and speech and abnormal behavior. For example, schizophrenia, psychotic depression, bipolar disorder, schizoaffective disorder and various personality disorders may include psychotic episodes. In schizophrenia there are significant difficulties in all domains of cognition. Difficulties can be observed in childhood. Children who develop schizophrenia in later years experience difficulties which have been observed as early as age 3. In first grade, their grades are about one standard deviation lower than those of their peers. The cognitive level prior to illness has not been associated with the timing of the illness, so the deficits in cognition can not be explained by pre-symptoms. As psychotic illness progresses, the level of cognitive function remains stable. This hypothesis is supported by most of the research. However, the results are in some respects contradictory. According to some research, cognitive functioning weakens steadily as the illness progresses. Some results have found that cognitive functioning improves as the disease progresses. Similarly, there are contradictory results as to the relationship between psychotic symptoms (positive and negative) and cognitive functioning. Support is most prevalent in the hypothesis that there is no connection between the level of difficulty of psychotic symptoms and cognitive deficits. In psychotic patients, the level of cognitive impairment has a greater effect on overall functional capacity than the symptoms of psychosis. The difficulty of cognitive disorders predicted lower real world functioning more than the difficulty of positive or negative symptoms. In addition to the clinical symptoms of psychosis, it is important to always evaluate cognitive functioning and aim to rehabilitate cognition.
  • Räty, Sini (2020)
    Ihmisen tiedonkäsittelyn ja päätöksenteon tukena käytetään yhä enenemissä määrin teknologioita, jotka sisältävät tekoälyä. Näiden teknologioiden kanssa jatkuva vuorovaikuttaminen vaikuttaa myös meidän kognitiivisiin prosesseihimme. Sovellusten inhimillistämisen vuoksi ihmiset näyttäisivät suhtautuvan tekoälyä sisältävään teknologiaan eri tavalla kuin muihin teknologioihin. Tekoälysovelluksia käytetään ihmisen oman kognition tukena, mutta näiden teknologioiden käyttäminen ei ainoastaan paranna tiedonkäsittely- ja päätöksentekoprosessejamme vaan saattaa myös vääristää niitä. Tekoälyä sisältävät teknologiat mahdollistavat suurten datamäärien käsittelyn ja ne voivat olla apuna havaintoprosessiemme parantamisessa. Ihminen saattaa kuitenkin luottaa liikaa koneen tekemiin päätöksiin ja meidän voi olla vaikea ymmärtää tekoälysovellusten päätöksentekoprosesseja. Järjestelmät, jotka jäljittelevät ihmisten välisiä kommunikaatiotapoja helpottavat vuorovaikutustamme koneiden kanssa. Koneiden näyttäessä ihmismäisemmiltä tai niiden puhuessa ihmisen tavalla sovellamme niiden kanssa kommunikoimiseen samankaltaisia käytösnormeja, kun ihmisten kanssa kommunikoitaessa. Koneiden ihmisenkaltaisuus herättää meissä myös epämukavuuden tunteita. Tekoälyteknologioiden kehitys on tapahtunut niin nopeasti, ettei tutkimustietoa niiden vaikutuksista ihmisiin ole ehtinyt kertyä tarpeeksi. Psykologinen tieto on hyödyllistä näiden uusien sovellusten suunnittelussa ja tutkittaessa niiden vaikutuksia kognitiivisiin prosesseihin. Aiempi tutkimus ja teoriat ihmisten välisestä vuorovaikutuksesta ja ihmisen kognitiivisista prosesseista toimivat hyvänä pohjana tutkittaessa tekoälyteknologioiden vaikutuksia meihin.