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Browsing by Subject "lukivaikeus"

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  • Rajala, Nea (2019)
    Tavoitteet. Kertomuksen muodostaminen on haastava tehtävä, sillä se edellyttää lapselta monien kognitiivisten, kielellisten ja sosiaalisten taitojen hallintaa. Kerrontataitojen on todettu olevan yhteydessä kielellisiin taitoihin ja oppimisvaikeuksiin, minkä vuoksi niillä on merkittävä rooli logopedisessä arviointi- ja kuntoutustyössä. Tästä huolimatta kerrontataitoja on suomen kielessä tutkittu melko vähän. Puhutun ja kirjoitetun kielen vaikeudet ovat ainakin osittain päällekkäisiä ilmiöitä, vaikka niiden suhde ei olekaan yksiselitteinen. Kehityksellisen kielihäiriön ja lukivaikeuden välisestä suhteesta on tehty tutkimusta, mutta niissä ei ole keskitytty kerrontataitoihin. Tämän kandidaatintutkielman tarkoituksena on selvittää, millaisia kieli- ja lukihäiriöisten lasten kerrontataidot ovat verrattuna tyypillisesti kehittyneiden lasten kerrontataitoihin ja pohtia, löytyykö näiden häiriöryhmien lasten kerrontataidoista mahdollisesti samankaltaisuuksia. Menetelmät. Tutkimusmenetelmänä oli integroiva kirjallisuuskatsaus. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin käyttäen elektronisia Scopus- ja Ovid Medline-tietokantoja. Hakulausekkeeseen sisältyivät englanninkieliset termit specific language impairment, developmental language disorder, language impairment, dyslexia, reading disability, reading impairment ja narrative/narration. Valintakriteereiden mukaisesti tutkielmaan valikoitui kuusi tutkimusartikkelia, jotka olivat englanninkielisiä, vertaisarvioituja ja ilmaiseksi luettavissa Helsingin yliopiston tunnuksilla. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Kaikissa kuudessa tutkimusartikkelissa havaittiin eroja häiriöryhmien lasten ja tyypillisesti kehittyneiden lasten kerrontataitojen välillä joko kertomuksen makro- tai mikrorakenteessa tai molemmissa. Häiriöryhmien lapset tuottivat esimerkiksi sisällöltään niukempia ja kieliopilliselta rakenteeltaan yksinkertaisempia kertomuksia kuin verrokkiryhmien lapset. Kieli- ja lukihäiriöisten lasten kerrontataidoissa voitiin havaita joitain samankaltaisuuksia, kuten tuotettujen kertomusten mikrorakenteiden yksinkertaisuus. Tulokset tukevat käsitystä siitä, että kerrontataidot ovat yhteydessä sekä kielellisiin taitoihin että oppimisvaikeuksiin, kuten heikkoon lukutaitoon.
  • Serimaa, Oona (2022)
    Objective. The wide range of challenges associated with dyslexia can complicate academic studies. One of the reasons why studying is challenging is that the students need to read a large amount of material in a short period of time. Previous studies show that university students with dyslexia use various compensatory methods to cope with their challenges in reading and writing. These compensation mechanisms, in turn, may allow the students to get along in their studies. This review examines which dyslexia compensation mechanisms affect academic success and how? Method. The literature was searched through the Google Scholar and PubMed databases. The search criteria was limited to studies published in the 21st century, and reviews and meta-analyses on the subject were excluded. In addition, the target group of those studies had to be university students or university graduates who had been diagnosed with dyslexia. In PuBMed the search terms used were: dyslexia AND (university OR high education OR academic) AND (achievement OR manage OR success) AND compensation. And in Google Scholar the search terms used were: dyslexia, university, compensation, academic success. A total of nine research articles were selected for this literature review using the above-mentioned search criteria Results and conclusions. Students with reading difficulties in the academic world fill in the gaps in their reading and writing skills through a variety of preattentive and attentive compensation mechanisms. In this review students with dyslexia used preattentive compensation mechanisms related to different levels of language by utilizing the morphology and semantics of words. These compensatory mechanisms were especially used to compensate for deficiencies in phonological processing. The attentive compensation mechanisms were the use of learning strategies and tools that aid reading or writing. The main limitation of the study was that no studies directly measured the academic success of students with dyslexia. More research is needed if we want to know more about how the use of effective compensation mechanisms affects the academic success and well-being of people with dyslexia.
  • Henriksson, Joanna (2021)
    Tavoitteet. Tässä kandidaatintutkielmassa tarkastellaan lukihäiriön esiintyvyyttä rikostaustaisten nuorten keskuudessa: esiintyykö rikostaustaisilla nuorilla muuta samanikäistä väestöä enemmän lukemisen vaikeutta ja miten lukemisen vaikeus voi ilmetä näillä nuorilla. Tarkoituksena on myös selvittää luki-vaikeutta mahdollisesti seuraavia sekundaarisia vaikutuksia rikostaustaisten nuorten sosioemotionaaliseen hyvinvointiin. Aiempi tutkimustulos luki-vaikeuden yleisyydestä rikostaustaisilla nuorilla on ollut paikoitellen ristiriitaista, joten toistaiseksi ei ole voitu varmaksi sanoa, onko luki-vaikeus yliedustettuna rikostaustaisilla nuorilla. Nuorten omia kokemuksia lukemisen haasteesta ei ole myöskään aikaisemmin kartoitettu kovin tarkasti. Menetelmät. Tämä tutkimus toteutettiin integroivan kirjallisuuskatsauksen keinoin. Aineistohaku suoritettiin Scopus- ja PubMed-tietokannoissa hakulausekkeella (dyslexi* OR reading impairment OR disab*) AND (juvenile OR youth OR young OR adolescen* OR teenage* OR underage) AND (offend* OR delinqu-en* OR crim* OR incarcerat*). Saatu aineisto käytiin läpi ja lopulliseen aineistoon valikoitui neljä artikkelia sekä lisäksi kaksi väitöskirjaa manuaalisella poiminnalla. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tämän kirjallisuuskatsauksen aineiston mukaan lukivaikeus oli muuta saman ikäistä väestöä yleisempää rikostaustaisilla nuorilla. Lukivaikeus ilmeni tutkittavilla paitsi luetun syvällisen ymmärtämisen mutta myös sanaston hallinnan pulmina. Monet tutkittavat kokivat, etteivät olleet saaneet riittävästi tukea lukemisen vaikeuteen. Aineistosta kävi myös ilmi, että lukivaikeus oli vaikuttanut tutkittavien kouluttautumiseen ja työttömyyteen. Etenkin luetun ymmärtämisen vaikeuden havaittiin olevan yhteydessä rikosten tekemiseen ja uusimiseen.
  • Kokko, Noora (2022)
    Objectives. The purpose of this Bachelor’s thesis was to evaluate the efficacy of music-based interventions in the treatment of dyslexia. Additionally, the processes through which engaging in musical activities affects reading ability were explored. Literacy is essential to independence and agency, and deficits in reading ability can have long-term impacts not only on learning ability and academic and career-related prospects, but also on holistic wellbeing. Consequently, the early detection and efficient treatment of dyslexia are important. According to prior research, music training positively affects reading ability and auditive processing abilities linked to dyslexia. The aim of this literary review was to determine whether music-based interventions could be implemented in dyslexia treatment. Methods. A literary search was conducted using PubMed and Google Scholar databases and keywords linked to dyslexia and music-based interventions. The inclusion criteria for experimental studies were that the participants were found to have dyslexia and that the intervention entailed some form of music training. Some of the literary sources were found through the references of studies included. In addition, sources concerning the etiology and symptoms of dyslexia as well as the cognitive and neural outcomes of music training were included. Results and conclusions. The literary search showed that experimental studies on music-based interventions are scarce. Furthermore, the studies included in this review differed from each other for example in terms of study design and the characteristics of the interventions, and therefore the efficacy of music-based interventions cannot be determined reliably. However, research points to music-based interventions having a positive effect on both auditive processing abilities and skills that support and constitute reading ability. Additionally, music-based interventions can improve working memory and academic performance, and thus alleviate the negative effects of dyslexia. In conclusion, although music training appears to be a promising and versatile intervention method in dyslexia treatment, further research is needed to determine its efficacy and possibilities of its implementation.
  • Gallen, Anastasia Victoria Charlotte (2018)
    Patricia Kuhl's hypothesis of native language neural commitment suggests that during the first year of life, linguistic exposure produces neural networks that are committed to the regularities in native language thus interfering with phonetic processing of another language. Infants begin to attend to the relevant aspects of their native language and thus native language learning is enhanced. In her social gating hypothesis Kuhl suggests that this process requires social interaction. These two hypotheses could shed light on early language disorders thus offering treatment possibilities. This review evaluates Kuhl's hypotheses in the light of brain research and developmental disorders such as autism spectrum disorder and dyslexia. Evidence from brain research suggests that infants' ability to discriminate phonemes of their native language increases while their ability to discriminate phonemes of a foreign language decreases during their first year of life. Neural commitment could be explained by maturation of the nervous system, like mechanisms of synaptic pruning and synaptic reorganization, which depend on experience. Studies suggest, that native language neural commitment might require social interaction where adult and child attend to the same object thus helping the child to connect phonemes to their targets. However, adults also speak to infants in a way that highlights the relevant acoustic aspects of speech sounds. It's likely that native language learning is enhanced especially in situations where the adult and the child attend to the same object whilst the adult also stresses the relevant acoustic aspects of speech sounds. Children with autism spectrum disorder have problems in both social cognition and language development, but the evidence supporting an association between autism spectrum disorders and problems with social gating is still scarce. Evidence from brain research suggests that in dyslexia, aberrant processing of the speech signal is connected to problems in native language neural commitment. Understanding of early native language learning enables efficient and well-timed interventions for developmental disorders. Future studies should address on how to prevent language problems by promoting native language learning of infants at risk.
  • Wahlström, Maaria (2019)
    Supportive measures for reading difficulties are traditionally only available to children who have noticeably failed to achieve the reading level of their peers after a considerable amount of reading instruction at school. However, there's evidence that susceptibility to reading difficulties can be assessed already at the age of four, by considering familial risk and deficits in preliteracy skills such as phonological awareness and decoding. The development of digital learning games creates an opportunity to provide computer programs as affordable supportive measures, but evidence of their effectiveness for younger children is still scarce. This review of computerized early interventions and their results is motivated by the importance of finding ways to prevent reading difficulties before school-age, in order to allow all children an optimal chance to learn to read. A search was conducted on the Scopus database with a publishing time range of 2010-2018. The search terms were “intervention”, “dyslexia”, “computerized”, and “kindergarten”, with some alternative wordings. Seven articles were found to fulfill the following criteria: reporting an intervention using computerized training to prevent reading difficulties with participants under school-age. Computerized interventions for children aged from 4 to 6 are not consistently effective for all participants, and evidence for the persistence of gains is varied. Nevertheless, there have been no reports of adverse effects from practicing with games, which is why such a cost-effective supportive measure can be recommended. An intervention is more likely to benefit a child who has poor preliteracy skills, advanced phonological working memory, or a genetic susceptibility to environmental effects. The child’s preliteracy skill profile and the quality of other preliteracy instruction may also contribute to which skills are affected by the intervention.