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  • Kepsu, Karoliina (2021)
    Masennuksen ja ahdistuneisuushäiriöiden taustalla saattaa olla useita turvattomaan kiintymyssuhteeseen liittyviä aspekteja aina tilannekohtaisista tunteista ja ajatuksista laajempi mittaisiin ongelmiin vuorovaikutuksellisissa tilanteissa ja ihmissuhteissa ylipäätänsä. Kiintymyssuhdetyyppi käsittää vältteleviä- ja lähestyviä käyttäytymismalleja sekä sisäisiä melko pysyviä malleja muista ja itsestä. Nämä kiintymyssuhteeseen liitetyt keskeiset hallinta-keinot, defenssit, stressinsietokyky sekä ajatukset ja tunteet, jotka heräävät erilaisissa vuorovaikutuksellisissa tilanteissa, saattavat olla depression ja ahdistuneisuuden taustavaikuttajina. Se, miten mallinnamme kiintymyssuhteiden muodostumista aikuisilla vaikuttaa siihen, mihin keskitytään depression ja ahdistuneisuushäiriöiden interventioissa: voiko aikuisella olla useita kiintymyssuhteita ja voiko niihin vaikuttaa? Vaikuttavatko kahden ihmisen kiintymyssuhdetyylit toisiinsa? Jos kiintymyssuhdetyylit voivat muuttua niin, mitkä osat niistä voivat muuttua? Turvaton kiintymyssuhde aikuisiällä näyttäisi luovan laaja-alaisen ja vaikeasti hahmotettavan sosiaalisen ja itsen havainnoinnin ongelman, mikä saattaa ainakin välillisesti vaikuttaa masennus- ja ahdistuneisuusoireistolle altistumiseen.
  • Mäntylä, Paula (2019)
    The goal of this review is to show the possible connections between depressive disorders and the Big Five personality traits. Also, the focus is to examine the personality traits which have a possible influence on the outcome of psychotherapy when treated depression. Research shows that especially Neuroticism is connected to depression. Other personality traits connected to depression are low Conscientiousness and low Extraversion. Personality traits which influence the positive outcome of the treatment are Conscientiousness, Extraversion and Agreeableness. The personality profile connected to depression seems to be an obstacle in the treatment of depression. More research about the real connection sizes between depression and personality traits is needed to help the clinicians to offer the best treatment for patients suffering from depression.
  • Benouaret, Sofia (2018)
    Autism spectrum disorder is associated to high rates of comorbid mental disorders, where depression is probably most common disorder. Although the high prevalence of depression in autism is well-known thing, relatively little is known about its underlying risk factors or explaining factors. This study aimed to examine whether there is evidence that some characteristic features of autism spectrum disorder would have an impact on high prevalence of depression in autism spectrum disorder. We discuss about two psychological factors: emotion regulation and its deficits and the tendency to perseverate and ruminate. Two factors related to perseveration, cognitive flexibility impairments and rumination were associated with depression and depression symptoms. The association between emotion regulation deficits and depression manifested in the use of maladaptive coping skills and in tendency to ruminate. More research is still needed to replicate these results and gain stronger evidence. The depression diagnosis in autism spectrum disorder is problematic in many ways, therefore all results concerning the subject should be interpreted with caution.
  • Lehtinen, Aino (2019)
    This review will address how individual symptomology may be used to model a person’s psychological disorder. The discussed disorders are depression, generalised anxiety disorder and social anxiety disorder, which will be discussed separately and as simultaneous compositions of symptoms. Traditionally mental health disorders have been elucidated by dividing them into separate categories. In 2010s network analysis has risen as an alternative method, where the relationship between symptoms is examined in time and visualised as a network. The network analysis viewpoint suggests that psychological symptoms cause each other and that activation spreads through the network via the interactions between those symptoms. Two disorders that occur simultaneously are thought to constitute separate clusters of symptoms, which are united by bridge symptoms that mediate activation from one cluster to another. This review will focus particularly on idiographic, personalised networks. These personalised models aspire to take into consideration all the variation in a person’s symptomology. These models are formulated from occurring symptoms in several points in time, so it is possible to speculate, although not prove, the direction of an interaction between symptoms. The symptoms that affect several other symptoms strongly spread activation all around them when activated, whereas those symptoms that receive several effects from other symptoms particularly often associate with other symptoms. The application of network models to clinical practice is based on this idea. To demonstrate idiographic modelling, two different cases will be considered. In both examples the person is afflicted with both depression and an anxiety disorder, and for each person an idiographic network model is formed. The observation can be made from these cases that the symptoms described as most central in categorical models are not equal to the symptoms in these networks that most maintain its activation. The idiographic networks of the example cases also do not indicate bridge symptoms, but rather the symptoms form a single cluster and maintain each other across disorder category boundaries. The conclusions made from personalised network analyses cannot be generalised to the population or even the same person in other points in time. In addition, conclusions cannot be made about the validity of DSM categories or the concept of comorbidity. Nevertheless, they open windows to the individual variation and complexity of symptomology, which categorical diagnostic classifications cannot consider. From these observations different study questions and designs can be formulated and novel clinical interventions developed.
  • Pitkänen, Mona (2021)
    Tavoitteet: Tämän kandidaatintutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää hevosavusteisen terapian vaikuttavuutta nuorten masennus- ja ahdistusoireiden hoidossa. Vaikka hevosavusteista terapiaa on alettu viime vuosina käyttää enenevissä määrin erityisesti nuorilla potilailla, on sitä tutkittu vielä hyvin vähän. Nuoret ovat ikävaiheeseen liittyvän ambivalenssin takia haastava potilasryhmä, joka jää helposti hoidon ulkopuolelle ja jolle pyritään löytämään tehokkaita interventioita perinteisten terapiamuotojen ulkopuolelta. Hevosavusteisesta terapiasta on saatu alustavasti lupaavaa tutkimusnäyttöä masennuksen ja ahdistuksen hoidossa, joten katsauksessa haluttiin tutkia, voiko hevosavusteinen terapia olemassa olevan tutkimusnäytön perusteella olla toimiva hoitomuoto nuorille masennus- ja ahdistuspotilaille. Menetelmät: Kirjallisuutta haettiin Google Scholar -hakukoneella eläin- ja hevosavusteista terapiaa kuvaavilla hakusanoilla, kuten ”equine assisted therapy”, ”hippotherapy” ja ”animal assisted therapy”. Lisäksi tehtiin erillisiä tarkempia hakuja yhdistämällä näihin yleisempiin hakusanoihin hakutermit ”adolescent”, ”depression” ja ”anxiety”. Hakutuloksista valittiin yksityiskohtaisempaa tarkastelua varten artikkelit, joissa tutkimuksen kohteena oleva ilmiö oli masennus- ja/tai ahdistusoireet tai yleisempi psyykkinen hyvinvointi, jonka osailmiönä oli epäsuorasti masennus ja/tai ahdistus. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset: Tutkimusnäytön perusteella hevosavusteinen terapia oli vaikuttavaa nuorten masennus- ja ahdistusoireiden hoidossa. Tulokset olivat yksinomaan positiivisia, joskaan kaikissa tutkimuksissa ne eivät olleet tilastollisesti merkitseviä. Tilastollisen merkitsevyyden puuttuminen ei välttämättä kuitenkaan johdu siitä, että hevosavusteinen terapia olisi tehotonta, vaan siihen voivat vaikuttaa tutkimusasetelmien puutteet, esimerkiksi hyvin pienet otoskoot. Lisäksi joidenkin koehenkilöiden erityispiirteet vaikuttivat todennäköisesti itseraportoinnin kautta tulosten luotettavuuteen. Tutkimuksissa on myös usein tarkasteltu pienempää erityisryhmää, heikentäen yleistettävyyttä. Monissa tutkimuksissa ei ole ollut kontrolliryhmää eikä satunnaistettuja vertailukokeita ole toistaiseksi juurikaan tehty. Koska hevosavusteisen terapian vaikuttavuuden varmistaminen vaatii vielä lisätutkimusta, ei sen käyttöä voida varauksetta suositella. Kuitenkin lupaavat ja yhdenmukaiset tulokset nykytutkimuksesta puoltavat hevosavusteisen terapian käyttöä nuorten masennus- ja ahdistusoireiden hoidossa, kunhan se on potilaskohtaisesti perusteltua ja ammattilaisen valvomaa.
  • Jalava, Annika (2021)
    Hyväksymis- ja omistautumisterapia (HOT) on kolmannen aallon kognitiivisen käyttäytymisterapian suuntaus, jonka avulla pyritään kehittämään asiakkaan psykologista joustavuutta. HOT:n tavoitteena on, että psykologisen joustavuuden parantumisen myötä asiakas voisi elää mielekästä ja arvojensa mukaista elämää. Hyväksymis- ja omistautumisterapiaa on hyödynnetty muun muassa masennuksen hoidossa, sillä psykologinen joustamattomuus nähdään vaikuttavaksi tekijäksi masennuksen taustalla. Masennukseen on tärkeää kehittää entistä toimivampia hoitomuotoja, sillä se on hyvin yleinen ja helposti uusiutuva mielenterveyden häiriö sekä yleinen syy työkyvyttömyydelle. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on tarkastella hyväksymis- ja omistautumisterapian vaikuttavuutta masennuksen hoidossa aikuisilla. Lisäksi tutkielmassa tarkastellaan HOT:n vaikuttavuuteen yhteydessä olevia tekijöitä sekä sitä, miten HOT ja perinteinen kognitiivinen käyttäytymisterapia (KKT) vertautuvat toisiinsa tuloksien osalta masennuksen hoidossa aikuisilla. Tutkimuksia haettiin Google Scholar- ja PubMed-tietokannoista muun muassa hakusanoilla ”acceptance and commitment therapy”, ”ACT” ja ”depress*”. Mukaan otettiin kolme lähivuosina julkaistua katsausta tai meta-analyysiä sekä neljä katsauksien ulkopuolista satunnaistettua kontrolloitua tutkimusta. Lisäksi tarkasteluun otettiin mukaan neljä tutkimusta, joissa oli arvioitu HOT:n vaikuttavuuteen yhteydessä olevia tekijöitä. Tutkimusten tulosten perusteella HOT vaikuttaa tehokkaalta hoitomuodolta etenkin lievän masennuksen hoidossa aikuisilla. HOT voi olla vaikuttava hoitomuoto masennuksen hoidossa myös internet-pohjaisena itsehoitointerventiona sekä ryhmäterapiana toteutettuna. KKT:hen verrattuna HOT vaikuttaa vähintään yhtä tehokkaalta hoitomuodolta masennuksen hoidossa aikuisilla. Komorbideissa mielenterveysongelmissa HOT voi tutkimusten perusteella olla jopa tehokkaampi hoitomuoto kuin KKT. HOT:n vaikuttavuuteen ovat tutkimusten perusteella yhteydessä muun muassa terapeutin kompetenssi ja sitoutuminen hoitoprotokollaan sekä HOT:n prosesseista hyväksynnän kasvaminen, defuusio ja arvoihin sitoutunut toiminta. Vaihtelevuutta tutkimustuloksissa oli muun muassa siinä, kuinka kauan intervention tulokset säilyivät, minkä tasoista masennusta oli hoidettu ja miten masennusta oli mitattu. Jatkotutkimuksia tarvitaan näiltä osin lisää, jotta voidaan varmistua HOT:n vaikuttavuudesta masennuksen hoidossa aikuisilla.
  • Parvio, Minna (2018)
    Individualism and collectivism, known amongst cultural psychology, have been long studied in relation to mental health. On one hand, it has been studied whether there is a relationship between depression and individualism or collectivism on a cultural level. On the other hand it’s equally interesting whether there is a relationship between depression and individualism and collectivism on an individual/personal level, also known as idiocentrism and allocentrism. It seems cultural level collectivism or individualism is not a risk factor or a protective factor for depression. However, a conflict between cultural orientation and personal orientation appears to be positively related with depression. Allocentrics living in individualistic cultures get depressed easier than allocentrics in collectivistic cultures or idiocentrics in individualistic cultures. People with individual tendencies get depressed for different reasons than people with collectivistic tendencies. Individualists are more sensitive to failures and disappointments related to success and personal goals, whereas collectivists are more sensitive to lack of social support or negative social feedback such as rejection, lack of approval or lack of intimate relationships. These different predispositions for depression show already a on genetic level.
  • Corander, Carla (2021)
    Aims: Major depression is associated with substantial individual and societal burden due to its high prevalence. Current treatments are estimated to only reduce about one-third of the economic burden of depressive disorders. Depression prevention could be an alternative means to alleviate this disease burden. However, current face-to-face prevention programs have several limitations including limited health care resources and mental health stigma. Internet and mobile based (IM) preventions could potentially overcome the limitations of face-to face prevention programs. The aim of this review is to introduce different types of IM-preventions of depression and to evaluate effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of these prevention programs. Methods: A literature search was conducted on pubmed database and google scholar using search terms “depression prevention” and “internet and mobile based” with terms “cost-effectiveness” and “adherence”. Results and conclusions: The results of this review indicate that major depression could be prevented with IM-preventions. The length of an effective treatment is most likely 5-8 weeks and it usually includes human support while less effective treatment is most likely self-help based. The importance of human support can be attributed to the adherence to the treatment and enhancing adherence is particularly important in populations with more severe symptoms. Indicative, selective and universal preventions are equally effective. It is not possible to compare different approaches since nearly all preventions utilise cognitive-behavioural techniques and are internet-based. Studies that examine the cost-effectiveness of depression prevention are far and between, but according to one study internet and mobile based prevention of depression could be a cost-effective alternative to the primary healthcare services. The available evidence suggests that it would be fruitful to try internet and mobile based depression prevention in a context of a workplace or a school but there is inadequate evidence for national prevention programs.
  • Metsola, Wilhelmiina (2020)
    Aims. Research on positive impacts of self-compassion has increased during 21th century. Previous studies have shown that self-compassion is associated with more adaptive coping strategies, more effective emotion regulation and better readiness to face up personal weaknesses and life challenges. Furthermore, self-compassion is consistently associated with less psychopathology, especially depression. Chronic pain is a globally significant cause of burden, often existing with comorbid depression. The aim of this bachelor’s thesis was to examine the associations between self-compassion and typical psychopathology in people living with chronic pain as well as to examine how self-compassion is related to close psychological processes in this population. Methods. Literature search was carried out in Scopus and PubMed -databases using keywords self-compassion, selfcompassion and chronic pain. Keywords were limited to exist only in the article title. Intervention studies were excluded from review. Results and conclusions. Studies on positive impacts of self-compassion in people with chronic pain have so far been mainly cross-sectional which does not allow causal implications. Still, the evidence is fairly impressive. Self-compassion is shown to have negative and strong associations with typical psychopathology, especially with depression- and stress-symptoms. There is also tentative indication that self-compassion is a prospective predictor of depressive symptoms. Self-compassion is associated with close psychological processes, particularly acceptance of pain, healthier coping strategies and less experiential avoidance in people living with chronic pain. Together these processes seem to lead to better mental health, better social functioning and less pain disability. Findings suggest that one key element of self-compassion is its motivational impact on action. Enhancing self-compassion is an interesting and potential way to promote health and quality of life in people living with chronic pain. It would also be worth to take into consideration when developing psychological interventions for people suffering from chronic pain.
  • Häkkinen, Marie (2019)
    The idea that fandom is connected to maladaptive development or cognitive deficits seems to underlie psychological studies on celebrity adoration. These studies often describe fandom as celebrity worship and offer hypotheses that seem to be at least in part based on stereotypes. I review the psychological study of fandom that is based on the idea of three types of celebrity adoration between which the adoration ranges from what is perceived as harmless to such that can be described as pathological. I review results that both support and contradict the suggested model and finally, ask if celebrity adoration should be perceived as a personality based coping mechanism rather than a maladaptive state. Celebrity adoration would seem to entail both a cognitive component and lower psychological well-being. In addition, both personality and personality based coping mechanisms are associated with celebrity adoration. I suggest that one explanation to celebrity adoration could be found from personality and psychological well-being. In this context celebrity adoration could be understood as a personality based coping mechanism that is facilitated by stress-related cognitive deficits.
  • Saikku, Ellen (2022)
    Klassisten psykedeelien potentiaalista psykiatrisessa hoidossa on saatu näyttöä mm. ahdistuksen, pakko-oireisen häiriön ja riippuvuushäiriöiden sekä vakaviin sairauksiin liittyvän ahdistuksen ja masennuksen osalta. Tämän katsauksen tarkoituksena oli tarkastella klassisten psykedeelien terapeuttisia mahdollisuuksia masennuksen ja hoitoresistentin masennuksen hoidossa. Lisäksi käytiin läpi klassisten psykedeelien neurobiologisia ja psykologisia vaikutusmekanismeja sekä tarkasteltiin psykedeeliavusteista terapiaa ja pohdittiin sen merkitystä hoidon vaikuttavuuden kannalta. Tutkimukset haettiin Google Scholar ja PubMed-tietokannoista hakusanoilla “depression”, “treatment resistant depression”, “classic psychedelic”, “psychedelic”, “classic hallucinogenic”, “hallucinogenic”, “psilocybin”, “DMT” ja “ayahuasca”. Katsaukseen valittiin ne artikkelit, joissa tutkittiin klassisten psykedeelien terapeuttisia mahdollisuuksia masennuksen tai hoitoresistentin masennuksen hoidossa. Tämä sulki pois mm. tutkimukset vakaviin sairauksiin ja kuolemanpelkoon liittyvästä masennuksesta. Katsaukseen valittiin kahdeksan (8) tuoretta tutkimusta (N=388), joista viisi (5) käsitteli psilosybiiniä ja kolme (3) DMT:tä. Tuoreita tutkimuksia muilla klassisilla psykedeeleillä ei löytynyt. Tutkimuksissa kartoitettiin ja seurattiin muutoksia masennusoireisiin erilaisten masennuskyselyiden avulla, ja tulokset ilmoitettiin keskimääräisinä muutoksina näiden kyselyiden pisteissä tai responssin ja remission käsitteillä. Masennusoireet vähenivät kaikissa tarkastelluissa tutkimuksissa. Vaikutukset kestivät päivistä viikkoihin ja jopa kuukausiin. Tulokset viittaavat siihen, että klassisilla psykedeeleillä on potentiaalia masennuksen ja hoitoresistentin masennuksen hoidossa, mutta lisää tutkimusta tarvitaan. Tällä hetkellä epäselvää on, miten klassiset psykedeelit vaikuttavat mielenterveyden häiriöiden, kuten masennuksen, hoitamisessa. Lisäksi tulisi selvittää millainen vaikutus psykedeeliavusteisella terapialla on verrattuna pelkkään klassisen psykedeelin annosteluun.
  • Wredfors, Emilia (2022)
    Tavoitteet: Tutkielman tavoitteena on valaista masennukseen liitettyjen yleisimpien kognitiivisten vääristymien – tarkkaavaisuusvinouman, muistitoimintojen vinouman sekä tiedon prosessoinnin vinouman – olemusta sekä niiden hermostollista perustaa. Tutkielmassa on tarkoituksena selvittää, mitkä aivoalueet ovat yhteydessä näihin masennuksen kanssa yleisimmin esiintyviin kognitiivisiin vinoumiin. Menetelmät: Kirjallisuushaku toteutettiin käyttämällä PubMedin tietokantaa sekä Google Scholaria. Hakusanoina käytettiin ”neural mechanisms/substrates/processes/correlates”, ”neuroscience”, ”cognitive bias”, “biased attention”, “biased memory”, “biased processing” ja “depression”. Tutkielmaan valittiin erityisesti artikkeleita, jotka olivat keskittyneet vinoumien hermostollisiin taustatekijöihin. Johtopäätökset: Vinoumilla ovat selvästi omat erilliset hermostolliset taustatekijänsä. Tarkkaavaisuuden vinouma painottuu erityisesti aivokuorelle sekä tumakkeisiin, muistitoimintojen vinouma mantelitumakkeisiin ja tiedon prosessoinnin vinouma etenkin etuotsalohkon sekä ohimolohkon aivokuorelle. Vinoumien hermostollisten taustatekijöiden ymmärtämistä voidaan hyödyntää masennuksen sekä lääkkeellistä että terapeuttista hoitoa suunniteltaessa. Se myös auttaa laajentamaan ymmärrystä kognitiivisista vinoumista sekä masennuksesta ilmiönä. Vinoumien hermostollisen taustan ymmärtäminen auttaa erittelemään vinoumia toisistaan, mutta myös yhdistämään niitä masennuksen taustalla oleviin hermostollisiin ominaisuuksiin.
  • Reinistö, Elena (2018)
    Depression is a significant personal and societal burden, and it is unequally divided in population. The most important risk factors for depression are gender, age, socioeconomic status, marital status and negative experiences in childhood. This literary review considers the connection of depression and socioeconomic status. The study considers 18 exploratory articles of the topic. Low socioeconomic status is associated with psychiatric morbidity. The association with depression is more incoherent, but still significant. Low socioeconomic status is connected especially with the prevalence of depression, that is 1.8 times higher in the lowest class compared to the highest class. The connection with the incidence of depression is weaker. Socioeconomic background has an influence on depression already in childhood, and the socioeconomic background is also inherited in generations. The connection is two-directional because depression can also have negative effects on one’s socioeconomic status. Many physiological, behavioral and social factors have an impact on the connection of depression and socioeconomic status. The social distribution of depression is mainly explained with the stress theory, that focuses on the stress exposure, and on the other hand on social resources to cope with that stress. Lifestyle, diseases, social support, psychosocial stress and access to health care are some important mediators of the connection. That is how the problems are accumulating to those in the weakest positions. In summary, depression is more common in the lowest socioeconomic class. Society structures support the resources on some of its members, and exposes those same individuals to fewer harmful experiences. Also, those in the lower socioeconomic class might be easier left outside of mental care. It is important to take these things into account in political decision-making, mental care and health care.
  • Mattila, Anni (2022)
    Objectives. The aim of the bachelor’s thesis was to examine how many studies of antidepressant trials remain unpublished and whether outcomes of published and unpublished trials differ – that is, whether the publication bias affects the publication of antidepressant studies. Publication bias occurs when positive or expected results are more likely to be published than negative or unexpected ones. The use of antidepressants is constantly increasing, which is why it is also important to study and make more transparent the reliability of related research. Methods. The study was conducted as a literature review. The final data of the study consisted of four peer-reviewed studies, which were searched in five different databases during May 2022. The analysis of the data was carried out qualitatively. Results and conclusions. The results of this study suggest that publication bias highlights the positive results of antidepressant trials. Less than a third of negative results end up being published, with almost all positive results being published. Thus, the available research does not really correspond to all the research that has been done, as a result of which the efficacy of antidepressants is probably judged to be better than the truth. Despite the actions taken to eradicate the bias, the phenomenon can still be considered a significant problem, although some improvement may have taken place.
  • Korhonen, Emma (2016)
    Intellectual disability (ID) is defined as a difficulty to learn and understand new things. Intellectual disability is divided into mild, moderate and severe disability by the abilities of an individual. Abilities and strengths of an individual vary a lot in the disabled population. Unlike thought before, depression and other psychiatric disorders are even more popular in people with intellectual disability than what they are in the general population. The purpose of this thesis was to examine symptoms and problems with diagnostic methods of depression in people with ID. Due to limitations in mental and cognitive capacity, there is differences in symptoms between general population and people with ID, which also makes diagnosing more difficult. Standard diagnostic criteria and treatments developed for general population can effectively be used to detect and treat depression with mild ID. The same criteria and treatments do not again work on depression associated with moderate to severe ID. Neither have the efforts to build own criteria for people with ID worked so far. According to researches and reviews I examined, almost all of the most potential methods have originally been developed for general people and are based on self-reports. Due to lack of conceptual and language skills, behavioural equivalents like aggression and other challenging behaviour are in a bigger role in diagnosis. Most sources point out the challenging behaviour as a symptom of depression anyway to be very debatable. There is no consensus whether it is a part of depression or ID and at the moment a common opinion seems to be that challenging behaviour should not be used as diagnostic criteria of depression. After all adequate diagnostic criteria or methods for people with severe ID do not seem to yet exist. Improving the criteria and methods would be important for people with ID to get the treatment and quality of life they deserve.
  • Kepsu, Karoliina (2022)
    Masennuksen ja ahdistuneisuushäiriöiden taustalla saattaa olla useita turvattomaan kiintymyssuhteeseen liittyviä aspekteja aina tilannekohtaisista tunteista ja ajatuksista laajempi mittaisiin ongelmiin vuorovaikutuksellisissa tilanteissa ja ihmissuhteissa ylipäätänsä. Kiintymyssuhdetyyppi käsittää vältteleviä- ja lähestyviä käyttäytymismalleja sekä sisäisiä melko pysyviä malleja muista ja itsestä. Nämä kiintymyssuhteeseen liitetyt keskeiset hallintakeinot, defenssit, stressinsietokyky sekä ajatukset ja tunteet, jotka heräävät erilaisissa vuorovaikutuksellisissa tilanteissa, saattavat olla depression ja ahdistuneisuuden taustavaikuttajina joko moderaattoreina tai mediaattoreina. Se, miten mallinnamme kiintymyssuhteiden muodostumista aikuisilla vaikuttaa siihen, mihin keskitytään depression ja ahdistuneisuushäiriöiden interventioissa: voiko aikuisella olla useita kiintymyssuhteita ja voiko niihin vaikuttaa? Vaikuttavatko kahden ihmisen kiintymyssuhdetyylit toisiinsa? Jos kiintymyssuhdetyylit voivat muuttua niin, mitkä osat niistä voivat muuttua? Turvaton kiintymyssuhde aikuisiällä näyttäisi luovan laaja-alaisen ja vaikeasti hahmotettavan sosiaalisen ja itsen havainnoinnin ongelman, mikä saattaa ainakin välillisesti vaikuttaa masennus- ja ahdistuneisuusoireistolle altistumiseen.
  • Jokinen, Jade (2022)
    Objectives. Prenatal depression is one of the most common mental disorders during pregnancy. It not only causes notable distress to the mother but also to the rest of the family. When choosing treatment, the well-being of the fetus should also be taken into consideration. Music has been proven to have benefits as a treatment method but not any notable adverse effects. This suggests that it could be a practical treatment method in treating prenatal depression. The aim of this review is to find out whether music interventions could be effective methods to treat prenatal depression. In addition, it is examined how these music interventions have been carried out and what could be their possible contributing factors. Methods. The literary research was done on PubMed database. The words used for title and abstract were “depress*” and “music” and “antenatal” or “antepartum” or “prenatal”. In addition, the references of the found meta-analyses and reviews were scoped. All studies included had to be based on a randomized controlled trial. Five research papers were selected into this review. All the subjects were pregnant women who volunteered to participate in the studies. Results and conclusions. The reviewed studies in this review suggest that music interventions can reduce the amount of depression symptoms on pregnant women. The studies found for this review carried out music interventions as music interventions that were focused on listening to music and as music interventions that were focused on singing. However, this review cannot answer which one of these interventions is more effective in the treatment of prenatal depression. Possible mechanisms of action could be related to adding enjoyable action to one’s daily life that aid relaxation. However, there is not a lot of research literature concerning the subject, and, in the future, it is relevant that there would be studies comparing different music-interventions on pregnant women. This is of essence because music interventions could have efficient and cost-effective usage in the future for the treatment of prenatal depression.
  • Leppälä, Mira (2020)
    Objective. Cyberbullying affects children and adolescents around the world since today almost everyone has access to the internet. Cyberbullying can be defined as intentional, harmful and repetitive activity via electronic devices or internet, for example bullying via text messages and sharing or sending pictures or videos without permission. Depression is one of the most common mental disorders and it affects the functional ability of people worldwide. Based on current research literature, there seems to be a bidirectional association between traditional bullying and depressive symptoms, meaning that being bullied increases the risk for depressive symptoms and being depressed increases the risk for being bullied. Previous studies have also shown that there are sex differences in this association. Additionally, it is known that depression is more common amongst girls compared to boys. The association between cyberbullying and depressive symptoms has been researched considerably less. This thesis reviews studies on the association between cyberbullying victimisation and depressive symptoms and possible sex differences of this association, in that is the association bidirectional and are there differences between boys and girls. Methods. Studies were included in this thesis, if they assessed the association between cyberbullying victimisation and depressive symptoms and the sex difference of this association. Both longitudinal and cross-sectional studies were included. Results and conclusions. Adolescence cyberbullying victimisation was associated with depressive symptoms. Reviewed studies showed that cyberbullying victims reported significantly more depressive symptoms compared to non-victims and there were tentative results that the more cyberbullying is experienced, the more depressive symptoms there are. There were also tentative results on the bidirectionality of the association, but so far there are few longitudinal studies. Sex differences have also been researched in only a couple of studies so definitive conclusions cannot be drawn on whether the association differs between girls and boys. If cyberbullying victimisation really increases the risk for depressive symptoms, it is ever more important to develop actions against cyberbullying for example as a part of schools’ mental health programmes and further courage parents to supervise adolescents’ internet usage since it is known to reduce the risk for cyberbullying victimisation.
  • Toivonen, Linda (2017)
    Depression is one of the most common comorbid mental disorders in anorexia. Many of those who have anorexia have also depression at some point in their lives . Vice versa the connection isn’t as clear, but it has been found that eating disorders are more common among people with depression than others. In this thesis the order of onset and possible causal relationships are examined. Possible hypotheses of causality between depression and anorexia are also examined According to studies depression can precede anorexia, it can begin at same time with anorexia or it can begin after anorexia onset. So it can’t be said that always other disorder expose to another. However according to studies onsets are usually close to each other. There are number of possible hypotheses about the relationship between anorexia and depression. In this thesis hypotheses that malnutrition affects to mood and genetic predisposition are taken for further evaluation. It is possible that part of the depression diagnoses is incorrect and depressive symptoms are caused by malnutrition that changes serotonin activation in brain. The results of the effects of malnutrition to mood are partially unclear. In some studies weight recovery was associated with mood improvement and in some studies this association was not found. However there were few problems with the studies. For example treatment included also therapy and other treatments so it is difficult to distinguish what is the effect of the weight restoration. When genetic predisposition was examined, common genetic factors between anorexia and depression were found. Relatives of the anorexia patients also have elevated risk to depression compared to relatives of the healthy controls. Results suggest that there is association between depression and anorexia but the causality remains unclear. Association can be explained many ways and it is important to get more information about the possible causality between depression and anorexia. It is important for better treatment and prevention. Especially more longitudinal studies are needed. Also more studies about malnutrition impacts to mood are needed so it is possible to avoid for example unnecessary medications.
  • Landén, Essi (2021)
    Tiivistelmä Psilosybiinin terapeuttisia vaikutuksia tutkittiin jo 1950- ja 1960-luvuilla, mutta tutkimus tyrehtyi, kun psilosybiini luokiteltiin laittomaksi huumausaineeksi 1970-luvulla. Kiinnostus psilosybiinin terapeuttiseen potentiaaliin on herännyt 2000-luvulla uudelleen. Yhdysvaltain elintarvike- ja lääkevirasto FDA on nimennyt psilosybiiniavusteisen psykoterapian läpimurtoterapiaksi masennuksen sekä hoitoresistentin masennuksen hoidossa vuonna 2018. Tässä katsauksessa tarkasteltiin, minkälaisia tuloksia psilosybiiniavusteisen psykoterapian vaikutuksesta masennukseen on saatu 2000-luvulla tehdyissä kliinisissä tutkimuksissa. Tutkimustulosten lisäksi tarkasteltiin tutkimusten puutteita ja hoidon turvallisuutta. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin PubMed-tietokannasta syys- ja lokakuun 2021 aikana. Moderni tutkimus psilosybiiniavusteisen psykoterapian vaikutuksesta masennukseen on vasta hyvin alkuvaiheessa. Tulokset ovat positiivisia: potilaiden masennusoireet olivat kaikissa tutkimuksissa merkitsevästi vähentyneet heti hoidon jälkeen ja vaikutus kesti muutamasta viikosta muutamaan kuukauteen. Tutkimusten otoskoot ovat kuitenkin pieniä ja vain puolet tutkimuksista on plasebokontrolloituja. Plasebokontrolloiduissa tutkimuksissa on käytetty ristikkäisasetelmaa, sokkoutus on haastavaa ja sen onnistumisesta on raportoitu puutteellisesti. Nämä tekijät heikentävät efektikokojen luotettavuutta. Huolellisesti toteutettuna psilosybiiniavusteinen psykoterapia on turvallinen hoitomuoto. Psilosybiinin sivuvaikutukset olivat ohimeneviä, eikä vakavia sivuvaikutuksia havaittu lainkaan.