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Browsing by Subject "musiikki"

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  • Ståhl, Aada (2019)
    The integration of immigrants into Finnish society has become an increasingly important social and equality issue, which underlines the importance of supporting the integration and development of immigrant children. The immigrants in the migration process can be burdened with risks, which can be realized especially among young people because they can also be affected by the difficult situation of their parents in addition to their own stressful experiences. With regard to the mental well-being, research suggests that the majority of immigrant children are doing well, but a small number have persistent problems, that according to research seems to be due an accumulation of stress. The need for support for children and adolescents with an immigrant background is emerged in education, where they perform worse than the general population, which can be influenced by language skills in addition to the mental load. There have been various attempts to solve these problems, one of them being musical interventions; they could support, for example, emotional regulation skills that could alleviate cumulative stress. In addition, it could support parenthood and thus contribute to the overall well-being of the immigrant family. Past research demonstrate that musical interventions have potential in supporting language development, and language has been rased as one of the most important areas where migrant children needs to be supported. This paper examines research evidence on the potential of music training, music interventions and musical interaction in supporting the development of young immigrants. The search of the literature was conducted using OvidMedline database. There is very little research on supporting the development of immigrant children through music, limited to a few studies conducted outside Finland. Individual studies indicated the potential benefits of music interventions in increasing orientation to mainstream culture and supporting language learning especially in terms of phonological awareness. There is preliminary evidence on the impact of music interventions on internalizing and externalizing behavior problems and the effect was found in the externalizing symptoms. It is important to be able to provide migrant children support which is not obstructed by for example lack of language skills. If music interventions are greeted with satisfaction among parents, such as in previous studies, parents might integrate better in health care system, thus supporting the well-being of the whole family, which would also support the child's development.
  • Kokko, Noora (2022)
    Objectives. The purpose of this Bachelor’s thesis was to evaluate the efficacy of music-based interventions in the treatment of dyslexia. Additionally, the processes through which engaging in musical activities affects reading ability were explored. Literacy is essential to independence and agency, and deficits in reading ability can have long-term impacts not only on learning ability and academic and career-related prospects, but also on holistic wellbeing. Consequently, the early detection and efficient treatment of dyslexia are important. According to prior research, music training positively affects reading ability and auditive processing abilities linked to dyslexia. The aim of this literary review was to determine whether music-based interventions could be implemented in dyslexia treatment. Methods. A literary search was conducted using PubMed and Google Scholar databases and keywords linked to dyslexia and music-based interventions. The inclusion criteria for experimental studies were that the participants were found to have dyslexia and that the intervention entailed some form of music training. Some of the literary sources were found through the references of studies included. In addition, sources concerning the etiology and symptoms of dyslexia as well as the cognitive and neural outcomes of music training were included. Results and conclusions. The literary search showed that experimental studies on music-based interventions are scarce. Furthermore, the studies included in this review differed from each other for example in terms of study design and the characteristics of the interventions, and therefore the efficacy of music-based interventions cannot be determined reliably. However, research points to music-based interventions having a positive effect on both auditive processing abilities and skills that support and constitute reading ability. Additionally, music-based interventions can improve working memory and academic performance, and thus alleviate the negative effects of dyslexia. In conclusion, although music training appears to be a promising and versatile intervention method in dyslexia treatment, further research is needed to determine its efficacy and possibilities of its implementation.
  • Perkiö, Pinja (2023)
    Tavoitteet. Musiikilla ja kielellä on monia yhteisiä osa-alueita ja niiden molempien käsittely perustuu samanlaisiin kognitiivisiin kykyihin. Kehityksellisessä kielihäiriössä lapsen kielellinen kehitys on epätyypillistä ilman selvää syytä. Aiemmat tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet, että kehityksellisesti kielihäiriöisillä lapsilla voi olla vaikeuksia musiikin prosessoimisessa. Erityisesti ongelmia on havaittu rytminkäsittelyn taidoissa. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää millaisia taitoja arvioidaan ja millä menetelmillä tutkitaan musiikin havaitsemisen taitoja lapsilla, joilla on kehityksellinen kielihäiriö. Lisäksi halutaan selvittää millaiset kehityksellisesti kielihäiriöisten lasten musiikilliset ja musiikin havaitsemisen taidot ovat verrattuna tyypillisesti kehittyneisiin lapsiin. Menetelmät. Menetelmänä tutkielmassa käytettiin integroivaa kirjallisuuskatsausta. Tiedonhaku tehtiin Ovid Medline- ja Scopus-tietokannoista helmikuussa 2023. Hakulausekkeena oli: ("specific language impairment*" OR "developmental language disorder*" OR "language delay" OR "developmental dysphasia") AND ("identification" OR "perception" OR "processing" OR "production" OR "awareness") AND (music*). Aineiston analyysin jälkeen tutkielmaan valikoitui 6 vertaisarvioitua artikkelia, jotka oli julkaistu vuosien 2015 ja 2020 välillä. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Musiikillisia ja musiikin havaitsemisen taitoja arvioitiin useilla eri menetelmillä. Testeissä arvioitavia osa-alueita olivat rytmi, sävelkorkeus, melodia, tempo, sointiväri, laulutaito sekä muistiin tallennettujen musiikillisten sekvenssien tunnistaminen. Kehityksellisesti kielihäiriöisillä lapsilla oli vaikeuksia musiikin havaitsemisessa ja tuottamisessa. Jokaisessa tutkimuksessa vähintään yhdessä tutkitussa musiikillisuutta ja musiikin havaitsemisen taitoja arvioivassa osa-alueessa kehityksellisesti kielihäiriöiset lapset suoriutuivat heikosti verrattuna tyypillisesti kehittyneisiin lapsiin. Tulokset ovat linjassa aiemman tutkimuksen kanssa ja ne lisäävät musiikki-interventioiden vaikuttavuuden tutkimisen tarpeellisuutta kehityksellisesti kielihäiriöisillä lapsilla. Musiikki-interventioiden olisi hyvä olla sisällöltään sellaisia, että kaikki musiikin osa-alueet ovat monipuolisesti käytössä.
  • Nokkala, Jaakko (2023)
    Objectives. In the modern times, music and music therapy have emerged as versatile forms of treatment and rehabilitation. Music is also common means of regulating emotions by humans. Problems with emotion regulation can predict and maintain various psychopathological phenomena. The objective of this literary review was to examine if music and music therapy can be beneficial concerning emotion regulation and its possible problems. Methods. Articles for this review were searched in the PubMed and Google Scholar databases. Ultimately, nine articles addressing connection between music and emotion regulation were selected. These articles consisted of interventions and studies concerning beneficial use of music in respect of emotion regulation. Results and conclusions. The research evidence finds that music and music therapy can be used diversely in emotion regulation and the focusing interventions. The effects of the interventions were mostly significant, improving one or several aspects of emotion regulation, such as emotion awareness and confidence in regulating one’s emotions. It was also observed that music can be used as a beneficial or detrimental means of regulating one’s emotions. This should be taken into consideration when designing music therapy focused treatment, for example. The studies selected for this review were vastly different concerning their methods, and it was difficult to create a more detailed image of the potential for music and music therapy to support emotion regulation. However, the field of research in question is still young and this review gives encouraging evidence for the future of music and music therapy in emotion regulation.
  • Katajamäki, Tuuli (2020)
    Objectives. Stroke cases are becoming more common due to the aging population. The consequences of stroke are significant and long-lasting both for individuals and for society. Stroke affects the everyday life of the patient by causing depression and deficits in cognitive, language and motor skills. Therefore, it is crucial to begin rehabilitation as soon as possible after the stroke. The wide-scale bilateral brain activation induced by music has recently motivated the use of music in stroke rehabilitation. The purpose of this bachelor’s thesis is to determine whether music listening and producing are effective methods in stroke rehabilitation. Methods. This thesis is a literature review based on the literature searched from PubMed and PsycInfo databases by using the keywords stroke, music, music listening, music therapy, music supported therapy and melodic intonation therapy. Results and conclusions. First of all, music listening improved the recovery of verbal memory and focused attention, and, secondly, reduced depression and confusion. The recovery of cognitive skills and mood induced changes in brain plasticity. Music-supported therapy (MST) combined with physical and occupational therapy improved the recovery of fine and gross motor skills of the hemiparetic upper extremity, therefore increasing the activity of the motor cortex. Music-supported therapy and melodic intonation therapy (MIT) enhanced the communication skills of the patients suffering from non-fluent aphasia. MST combined with speech therapy improved their spontaneous speech, and MIT improved their object naming and daily communication. All in all, music listening and producing seem to be effective rehabilitative methods, but more research is required to utilise music in a clinical setting.
  • Holttinen, Meri (2017)
    Abstract Objective. Strokes are common diseases, and the stroke survivals may suffer from many symptoms that affect their everyday living. Efforts are made to develop efficient interventions for stroke survivals, some of which make use of the therapeutic effects of music. Music activates and increases blood flow in widespread neuronal networks and engaging in musical activities is correlated with neuroplastic changes in healthy subjects. This thesis presents findings of music supported interventions and their effects on the performance of stroke patients with different types of outcome measures. Method. This thesis is a review including studies examining the effects of music supported interventions on physical, social, cognitive or psychological functioning after stroke. Results and conclusions. The results suggest that music and especially rhythmic music facilitates the rehabilitation of gait after stroke. The studies examining the effects of music on cognitive and psychological functioning after stroke are underrepresented, but there is some evidence suggesting that music improves memory, attention and mood. Using music in stroke rehabilitation is a promising option, and it can readily be integrated in an existing rehabilitation program. In addition, merely listening to music as a part of the rehabilitation is feasible with minimal resources.
  • Ferrand, Viola (2023)
    Aim. Music and language share many similarities and require similar cognitive processes. Music has a wide range of positive effects on different areas of children’s development. Because of this, researchers have been interested in exploring the connection between music activities and children’s language development. Phonological awareness is one area of language abilities. It is one of the best predictors of the development of reading skills, which is why it is crucial to notice delays in the development of phonological awareness early. The aim of the thesis was to find out what is known about the connection between music and the development of phonological awareness and whether musical activities affect its development. Methods. Literature search was done in PubMed and Google Scholar databases using keywords “music AND language development “ and “music AND language AND children” during autumn 2022. The review was limited to examining the development of phonological awareness in preschool aged children. Conclusions. Musical activities were found to be positively related to the development of children’s phonological awareness. This was reflected in the better performance of children who participated in musical activities in a wide range of tests measuring different phonological awareness skills. However, in some studies, no difference in performance between the music activity group and the other groups was observed. These results promote the integration of various musical activities into kindergartens which could develop children’s linguistic skills and support language development before the development of reading skills.
  • Kallio, Paula (2018)
    Many studies have shown that music training is connected to many cognitive skills. Recently, studies have focused on whether there could be an association between music training and executive functions. Executive functions consist of many components which can be divided to three main functions. They are inhibition, cognitive flexibility and working memory. It has been argued that executive functions are connected to academic skills in children. However, it is challenging to examine the association between music training and executive functions, because the definition of executive functions isn’t clear and there are many different tests to measure it. The aim of this literature review is to clarify the definition of executive functions and examine whether music training is associated with its components. The review covers only studies focused on preschool and elementary school aged children with no cognitive or developmental disorders. In general, several studies suggest that a positive association between music training and executive functions exists. The association has been examined either comparing structured music training to some other activity or musically trained children to musically untrained children. The studies showed that music training improved performance in tasks that measure inhibition, cognitive flexibility and working memory. In addition, music group performed better in most tasks compered to visual art group, science group and passive control group. However, the difference between groups wasn’t found in all of the studies when measuring inhibitory control and selective attention. Also, in one study it was noticed that the longer the participants had been training music, the better they performed in tasks which measures different components of executive functions. It seems that music training can be used to improve child’s executive function skills. Music training could play an important role for example in schools when supporting children’s executive function skills. In addition, it has been showed that executive functions are associated with subsequent academic achievement. Therefore, supporting executive functions could be a way to support school performance in general. However, it is still uncertain whether music training has some special impact compared to other activities. Therefore, more research about the subject is needed.
  • Luoma, Anna-Sofia; Luoma, Anna-Sofia (2019)
    Tavoitteet. Musiikki ja kieli koostuvat hyvin samankaltaisista elementeistä ja niitä prosessoidaan osittain samoilla aivoalueilla ja samanlaisilla aivomekanismeilla. Aiemmissa tutkimuksissa on havaittu, että jos lapset suoriutuvat musiikillisia taitoja mittaavista tehtävistä hyvin, he menestyvät usein myös kielellisissä testeissä verrokkejaan paremmin. Lukutaidon saavuttamisen kannalta erityisen tärkeässä asemassa pidetään fonologista tietoisuutta. Sen kehittäminen musiikillisten keinojen avulla on aiemmissa tutkimuksissa esimerkiksi helpottanut lukivaikeuksia. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, minkälaisia musiikillisia keinoja alle kouluikäisten, tyypillisesti kehittyneiden lasten fonologisen tietoisuuden kehittämiseksi on käytetty ja miten kestoltaan ja musiikillisilta keinoiltaan erilaiset musiikki-interventiot ovat vaikuttaneet fonologisen tietoisuuden kehittymiseen. Menetelmät. Tutkimusmenetelmänä oli integroiva kirjallisuuskatsaus. Aineisto kerättiin kahdesta kansainvälisestä elektronisesta tietokannasta, jotka olivat Scopus ja Web of Science. Hakusanoina käytettiin valitun aiheen englanninkielisiä termejä phonological awareness, phonological skills ja music. Tuloksia rajattiin valintakriteereiden perusteella, ja päädyttiin viiteen kriteerit täyttävään interventiotutkimukseen, jotka oli julkaistu vuosina 2009-2018. Aineistosta poimittiin vastauksia erityisesti asetettuihin tutkimuskysymyksiin ja olennaisimpia asioita esitettiin myös taulukoissa. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Valituissa tutkimuksissa oli käytössä hyvin erilaisia musiikillisia keinoja. Useissa tutkimuksissa soitettiin instrumentteja ja laulettiin lastenlauluja. Joissakin opeteltiin alkeellisia musiikinkirjoitusmenetelmiä ja tanssittiin rytmiltään erilaisten kappaleiden tahtiin. Yhdessä tutkimuksessa lapset eivät koskeneet lainkaan fyysisiin soittimiin vaan opiskelu tapahtui tietokoneohjelman avulla. Lyhin interventio kesti 20 päivää ja pisin 13 kuukautta. Kolmessa tutkimuksessa fonologinen tietoisuus kasvoi tilastollisesti merkitsevästi jollakin mitatulla fonologisen tietoisuuden osa-alueella alku- ja loppumittauksen välillä. Selkeää vastausta siihen, mikä intervention keston ja intensiivisyyden tulisi olla, jotta fonologinen tietoisuus kasvaa tilastollisesti merkitsevästi, ei saatu. Intervention pituus ei siis suoraan ole yhteydessä sen tehokkuuteen, vaan siihen vaikuttavat monet muutkin seikat, kuten todennäköisesti käytetyt menetelmät. Aiheesta tarvitaan lisää sellaista tutkimusta, jossa varioidaan sekä käytettyjä musiikillisia keinoja että intervention kestoa ja intensiivisyyttä, jotta saadaan selville millaiset interventiot kehittävät kaikkein tehokkaimmin alle kouluikäisten lasten fonologista tietoisuutta.
  • Kivistö, Anna (2022)
    Tiivistelmä: Tavoitteet. Tämän katsauksen tavoitteena on arvioida tutkimusnäyttöä musiikkiterapian toimivuudesta minimaalisen tietoisuuden tilan potilaiden hoidossa. Minimaalisen tietoisuuden tila tarkoittaa pitkittynyttä muuttunutta tietoisuuden tilaa, jolle on tyypillistä epäjohdonmukaisesti esiintyvä, mutta selvä kyky reagoida ympäristöönsä ja osoittaa siten merkkejä tietoisesta prosessoinnista. Useita hoitokeinoja on tutkittu tilan kuntouttamiseksi, mutta hyödyt ovat olleet rajalliset. Musiikkiterapiaa on ehdotettu kustannustehokkaaksi ja hyvinvointia lisääväksi hoitovälineeksi minimaalisen tietoisuuden tilan kuntoutuksessa. Yleisimmin ehdotettuja vaikutusmekanismeja on kaksi. Niin kutsutussa vireystila ja mieliala -hypoteesissa musiikin kognitiivista toimintaa edistävät vaikutukset johtuvat musiikin aikaansaamista hermoston vasteista, vireystilan noususta ja vaikutuksesta mielialaan. On myös ehdotettu yksilölle merkityksellisen musiikin virittävän aivoissa elämänkerrallista aktivaatiota, kuten muistelua, tunteita ja itseen liittyvää prosessointia. Menetelmät. Kirjallisuushaut tehtiin PubMed-, Scopus- ja Google Scholar -tietokantoihin. Hakusanoina käytettiin termejä “minimally conscious state”, “music therapy” ja “disorders of consciousness”. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Useissa musiikkiterapian toimivuuteen keskittyvissä tutkimuksissa on havaittu musiikin olevan yhteydessä parempaan potilaan lopputulemaan, esimerkiksi parempiin pisteisiin tietoisen toiminnan mittareissa ja vähäisempään behavioraalisten häiriöiden esiintyvyyteen. Metodologisesti laadukasta tutkimusta tarvitaan lisää tarkempien vaikutusmekanismien ymmärtämiseksi, toimivuuden varmistamiseksi ja vaikutusten pysyvyyden selvittämiseksi. Potilaat ovat keskenään erilaisia iän, vamman etiologian, diagnoosin, ja sen ajan suhteen, mikä on kulunut aivovamman tapahtumisesta. Lisätietoa tarvitaan siitä, miten nämä potilaiden tilanteiden yksilölliset piirteet vaikuttavat musiikkiterapian toimivuuteen. Tällä hetkellä ei ole yleisesti käytettyä, standardisoitua musiikkiterapiaa ja erilaisia menetelmiä vertailevaa tutkimusta tarvitaan, jotta suositusten tekeminen olisi mahdollista.
  • Rummukainen, Ossi (2023)
    The embodied nature of music cognition is a growing topic in the field of music cognition. The aim of this study is to understand the paradigm of embodied music cognition. It’s a selective review on the paradigm’s ontological assumptions, some key point of views and relevant empirical evidence supporting the main claims within the field. Hopefully, this paper gives the reader a good introduction into the theoretical and empirical work within the field of embodied music cognition. It’s suited for all scholars and students working in nearby fields. Google Scholar was used in the literature search and “embodied music cognition” was used as a keyword. The main sources were review articles by the most important scholars in the field and the associated empirical literature. Embodied approach to music cognition emphasizes the coupling of action and perception. The role of the human body is seen to be a mediator between the environment and the brain. There is empirical support for various effects of the motor system to music perception and vice versa. A special focus is also given to the multilayered interaction between all the elements from which the “musical mind” emerges, namely, the mind, the body, music and social context. This interactionist view of cognition utilizes insights from dynamical systems theory. Lastly, a novel framework is reviewed that integrates the embodied approach with a more classical predictive coding paradigm under the concept of joint agency. The framework claims music to be, metaphorically, an embodied language. The field of embodied music cognition is quickly growing and the future is assumed to be interdisciplinary since the nature of music cognition is highly complex.