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Browsing by Subject "psykoterapia"

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  • Huuskonen, Melissa (2022)
    Aims. Clinical errors cause a significant number of deaths both in the field of medicine and clinical psychology, hence being a major threat to patient safety. One explanation behind clinical errors is heuristic thinking which affects decision-making automatically and aims for a result that is sufficient enough. Heuristic thinking can also lead to cognitive biases which affect decision-making by distorting interpretations of observations. The clinical errors caused by physicians have been studied far more than those caused by psychologists and psychotherapists. However, research has shown that a clinical error, such as a diagnostic mistake or unsuitable therapy method, affects the treatment of every fifth psychiatric patient. Thus, the main aim of this literature review was to investigate which heuristics and biases affect therapists’ decision-making and through which mechanisms they affect. In addition, the review examined which characteristics related to the therapist, patient and situation predispose to the adverse effects and how these effects could be minimized. Methods. The literature for this review was retrieved from the databases of Helsinki University Library and Google Scholar with the search statement (heuristic* OR bias*) AND (clinical reasoning OR clinical decision* OR clinical judgement). The search was limited to articles published between 2015-2022, but some previously published articles found in the references and the older original editions of the most influential papers were also used. Results and conclusion. This review showed that spending an insufficient amount of time with the case evidence, being too inflexible, therapist’s emotional reactions and false beliefs of their competence are strongly related to the adverse effects of cognitive biases and heuristics. This review also identified that the characteristics of patients, like their ability to cooperate, and the complexity of situations also affect the quality of clinical decisions. In addition, this review showed that it is possible to minimize the adverse effects by participating in training that focuses on these effects, using a patient-therapist feedback system, and keeping the mechanisms through which biases and heuristics affect consciously in mind when making decisions. These strategies should be implemented as quickly as possible to ensure safety and health equality.
  • Kujansuu, Enna (2024)
    Tavoitteet. Antisosiaalinen persoonallisuushäiriö (ASPD) on moninkertaisesti valtaväestöä yleisempää mielenterveyspotilaiden, päihteidenkäyttäjien ja rikollisten keskuudessa, ja sen on todettu olevan yhteydessä vakavampaan mielenterveys- ja päihdehäiriöoireiluun. ASPD-diagnoosin saaneiden ei ole kuitenkaan havaittu vastaavan tehoon niin hyvin kuin muu väestö, minkä lisäksi heidän on havaittu olevan hoitoa karttavia sekä lopettavan sen ennenaikaisesti. Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan ASPD-diagnoosin saaneiden henkilöiden ja niiden henkilöiden, joiden lähisukulaisella on ASPD-diagnoosi, riskiä keskeyttää internetissä toteutettu psykoterapia muuhun väestöön verrattuna. Lisäksi tarkastellaan sitä, ovatko henkilöt hyötyneet terapiasta, mikäli ovat sen suorittaneet loppuun. Menetelmät. Tutkimusaineisto koostui HUSin nettiterapiadatasta, THL:n potilasrekisteridatasta sekä DVV:n rekisteridatasta. ASPD-diagnoosina käytettiin ICD-10 -tautiluokituksen diagnoosia F60.2. Nettiterapian keskeyttämisalttiutta tutkittiin logistisella regressioanalyysillä erikseen 70 % ja 100 % suoritettujen terapiaistuntojen perusteella. Lisäksi terapian vähintään 70 %:sti loppuun saattaneiden potilaiden kohdalla tarkasteltiin heidän oirepistemuutostensa avulla sitä, olivatko he hyötyneet nettiterapiasta. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Sekä ASPD-diagnoosin saaneilla että niillä henkilöillä, joiden lähisukulaisella on ASPD-diagnoosi, havaittiin olevan huomattavasti kohonnut riski keskeyttää terapia. Riski oli suurempi ASPD-diagnoosin saaneilla. Toisaalta terapian vähintään 70 %:sti loppuun saattaneen antisosiaalisen väestön selkeän enemmistön havaittiin hyötyneen terapiasta. Näin ollen tutkimus antaa alustavia tuloksia antisosiaalisen väestön hyötymisestä nettiterapiana tarjottavasta psykoterapiasta, joskin erityistä huomiota tulisi kohdistaa antisosiaalisen väestön motivoimiseen terapiassa käymiseen erityisesti hoidon alussa. Kaiken kaikkiaan yksilön antisosiaalinen tausta tulisi havaita mahdollisimman varhain.
  • Tarhonen, Rilla (2017)
    Depression is one of the most common psychological symptoms that often occurs with dementia. It can be a risk factor for dementia to develop, or it can also appear after dementia causes losses to a patient’s abilities. Depression has been shown to hinder the functional status of a patient with dementia even further. Using medication to treat depression in patients with dementia holds the risk of side effects. Instead, psychosocial treatments should be considered essential in the treatment of depression in dementia patients. The purpose of this review is to examine psychosocial treatments used for treating depression in patients with dementia. Of these treatments, psychotherapy, music therapy and reminiscence therapy are considered further. The evidence for psychotherapy, music therapy and reminiscence therapy is partly conflicting, but overall quite promising. In the future, more randomized controlled trials should be carried out, but there is also a need for qualitative studies to clarify which mechanisms enable treatments to affect depression in dementia patients.
  • Grandell, Leena (2018)
    Objectives. Psychotherapy research has traditionally concentrated on the positive outcome of therapy whereas negative outcome has not been an object of interest. A comparison to psychopharmacological treatment, for which reporting of side-effects is mandatory, reveals a difference. The area of psychotherapy outcome has lacked consensus on theoretical, methodological and practical issues. This bachelor thesis is a literature review on the subject. The review is limited to cover research projects dealing with adult individual psychotherapy for mood and anxiety disorders concentrating on cognitive and psychodynamic therapy orientations. Method. The Bachelor thesis consisted of a literature review covering international scientific papers on negative outcome of psychotherapy concentrating on following research questions: operationalisation of psychotherapy outcome, measures for monitoring outcome, categorisation of psychotherapy outcome and methods for distinction between the categories. Additionally the work covered a review on quantitative results. Results and conclusions. No consensus on measuring psychotherapy outcome and the categorisation of outcome was evident. A typical approach was using the categories “recovered”, “improved”, “non-response” and “deteriorated”. Two alternative means of operationalising the psychotherapy outcome could be found. Measures for estimating symptomatic level, interpsychological functioning and social functioning were combined with the reliable change index (RCI) to assess observed changes. Another alternative formed measures to assess directly adverse effects of psychotherapy. Quantitative estimates of negative outcome were consistent: prevalence of deteriorated patients varied between 1 – 7% and share of non-responders was 39-67%
  • Piitulainen, Teo (2017)
    MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine) was used as an adjunct to psychotherapy before recreational use of MDMA in the form of “ecstasy” led to its criminalization in the U.S. in 1985. However, MDMA has still been thought to have psychotherapeutically beneficial effects on socioemotional processing. Research into MDMA-assisted psychotherapy (MDMA-AP) for chronic, treatment-resistant post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is moving into Phase III clinical trials in the U.S., and the approval of European Medicines Agency will also be sought. The purpose of this thesis was to assess the efficacy and psychological safety of MDMA-AP. Source material included, and was limited to, placebo-controlled & double-blind clinical (and experimental) studies of pure MDMA’s effects in humans, as well as follow-up and analysis studies based on them, from the last decade. The efficacy of MDMA-AP was found promising at least for chronic, treatment-resistant PTSD. However, MDMA-AP meetings that last for many hours do require, both from the therapists and the patients, more commitment and stamina than meetings of traditional length, and more research is needed on the role of therapists in MDMA-AP’s efficacy. Pure MDMA in a controlled setting was not found to have severe nor non-transient adverse psychological effects in the single doses (≤ 125 mg) used in the studies. Physiological effects were also mostly mild, transient, and highly predictable. The most considerable risks in participating in MDMA-AP treatment might be cardiovascular. MDMA-AP was not found to predispose the participants to problem use of illegal substances outside the research setting; rather, successful treatment protects from it.
  • Antila, Asta Minea (2020)
    Objective. Ambivalence refers to a state where there is incongruity between different factors driving an agent towards and away from change. An ambivalent person will sometimes act against change, even though they want to change and are aware of effective methods of change. In psychotherapy, ambivalence often manifests as the rejection of guidance, avoiding meaningful topics and engaging in other unproductive behaviors that work against the goals of treatment. The objective of this review is to examine the connection between ambivalence in psychotherapy clients and the outcome of treatment. Methods. A search was done using Google Scholar, Helka and PubMed databases. “Ambivalence” and “resistance” were used as keywords combined with ”psychotherapy”, ”therapy”, ”psychotherapy outcomes” and ”psychotherapy drop-out rate”. Predefined criteria were followed when choosing the final material. Results and conclusions. The evidence reviewed here indicates a possible connection between client ambivalence and the outcome of psychotherapy. Counter-change talk in client dialogue, which is used to measure client ambivalence, was found to be connected to resistance in psychotherapy, disconnects in the therapeutic relationship and poor outcome. However, the evidence was not unequivocal: one study found that clients who reported feeling ambivalent about treatment before the initiation of therapy had better outcomes when compared with clients who approached treatment with exaggerated positivity. Harmful ambivalence can be difficult to notice before additional problems arise. Psychotherapists should receive basic training on how to discern and solve ambivalence. Methods that are specifically designed to resolve ambivalence should also be integrated into standard practices more efficiently. Some examples of methods that are both effective and easy to integrate are the two-chair technique and motivational interviewing. In addition to paying more attention to ambivalence on the clinical field, more research is needed.
  • Landén, Essi (2021)
    Tiivistelmä Psilosybiinin terapeuttisia vaikutuksia tutkittiin jo 1950- ja 1960-luvuilla, mutta tutkimus tyrehtyi, kun psilosybiini luokiteltiin laittomaksi huumausaineeksi 1970-luvulla. Kiinnostus psilosybiinin terapeuttiseen potentiaaliin on herännyt 2000-luvulla uudelleen. Yhdysvaltain elintarvike- ja lääkevirasto FDA on nimennyt psilosybiiniavusteisen psykoterapian läpimurtoterapiaksi masennuksen sekä hoitoresistentin masennuksen hoidossa vuonna 2018. Tässä katsauksessa tarkasteltiin, minkälaisia tuloksia psilosybiiniavusteisen psykoterapian vaikutuksesta masennukseen on saatu 2000-luvulla tehdyissä kliinisissä tutkimuksissa. Tutkimustulosten lisäksi tarkasteltiin tutkimusten puutteita ja hoidon turvallisuutta. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin PubMed-tietokannasta syys- ja lokakuun 2021 aikana. Moderni tutkimus psilosybiiniavusteisen psykoterapian vaikutuksesta masennukseen on vasta hyvin alkuvaiheessa. Tulokset ovat positiivisia: potilaiden masennusoireet olivat kaikissa tutkimuksissa merkitsevästi vähentyneet heti hoidon jälkeen ja vaikutus kesti muutamasta viikosta muutamaan kuukauteen. Tutkimusten otoskoot ovat kuitenkin pieniä ja vain puolet tutkimuksista on plasebokontrolloituja. Plasebokontrolloiduissa tutkimuksissa on käytetty ristikkäisasetelmaa, sokkoutus on haastavaa ja sen onnistumisesta on raportoitu puutteellisesti. Nämä tekijät heikentävät efektikokojen luotettavuutta. Huolellisesti toteutettuna psilosybiiniavusteinen psykoterapia on turvallinen hoitomuoto. Psilosybiinin sivuvaikutukset olivat ohimeneviä, eikä vakavia sivuvaikutuksia havaittu lainkaan.
  • Mykhalevych, Volodymyr (2018)
    Psilocybin assisted psychotherapy is a combined psychological and psychopharmacological mental health intervention. It is currently in research for the treatment of mood and personality disorders, and addiction. Psilocybin is a short-lasting central nervous system drug which can produce a psychedelic experience. Its clinical applications have been studied in the 60s and 70s and again during the 21th Century. In this review I examine the theoretical characteristics of psilocybin assisted psychotherapy and outline the practical arrangements of a psilocybin session. My primary sources are first and second phase clinical studies published this century during the new wave of psychedelic research. A psychedelic experience is an altered state of consciousness affecting perception, emotions and cognitions. The experience frequently provides insights into oneself and one’s connectedness to the surroundings. Research suggests the safety of therapeutic dose psilocybin use and good tolerability in a controlled environment. A psychedelic experience within a therapeutic setting appears to decrease mental health disorder symptoms and promote positive life-style changes. The pharmacological effects of psilocybin last for six hours. The method requires a novel session structure. The session is planned to maximize the positive impact of a psychedelic experience. Verbal interaction is hindered by the effects of psilocybin and discussion is left for other sessions. For the duration of the experience, the participant is encouraged to lay down, wear a sleep mask, and listen to a carefully created playlist. Two therapists with personal experience in altered states of consciousness are present by the participant. Psilocybin may occasion intense but transient anxiety which has subsided through the therapists’ psychological support in clinical research settings.
  • Koponen, Johannes (2018)
    In today’s health-care, evidence-based medicine is practised, which means that treatment needs to be based on the latest research. Country-specific guidelines, that help to apply latest research into practise, are created to standardize treatment and to ease the work of clinicians. In my thesis I will compare Finnish (käypä hoito) and Canadian (CANMAT) recommendations for psychosocial treatment of depression. Various therapies can be used in the treatment of depression. Cognitive and interpersonal psychotherapies and behavioural activation have the strongest recommendation in the treatment of acute depression. The most clear difference between the recommendations is regarding psychodynamic therapies; In finnish recommendation psychodynamic therapies are seen as effective as other therapies, whereas in Canadian recommendation the grading for it is not as strong. The lack of research on psychodynamic therapies is most likely a major factor in it’s weaker position. The amount of research has increased in recent years and the grading of psychodynamic therapies has improved accordingly in both recommendations. The position of psychodynamic therapies in the treatment of depression is still controversial which can be seen in the difference between Finnish and Canadian recommendations.
  • Aalto, Jukka (2017)
    Objective The aim of this bachelor thesis is to investigate how duration of psychotherapy affects it´s outcome when treating adults with unipolar depression. So far the scientific evidence in this matter has been patchy: very few meta-analyses or systematic reviews have been published and thus there is no clear consensus in the field. Methods This bachelor thesis was carried out as a literature meta review. Effectiveness studies of both short and long term psychotherapies were included, along with studies that focus specifically on the length of therapy. There were two inclusion criteria for the studies: at least half of the subjects were required to have unipolar depression as their main psychiatric problem, and no specialty groups – such as pregnant women or ethnical minorities – were allowed as a main sample. Results and implications Among short term (1-20 sessions) psychotherapies, scientific evidence for optimal therapy duration is conflicting. It is, however, safe to say that the shortest (1-3 sessions) psychotherapies are the least effective therapeutic interventions of all kinds. Change during psychotherapy was roughly linear across all studies and initial symptom severity did not correlate significantly with optimal length of psychotherapy. Long psychotherapies of over 100 sessions proved to be the most effective. However, there are only few effectiveness studies investigating long-term psychotherapies and the methodology of those studies is not only varied but often quite lenient. Therefore it is dubious to compare short- and long-term psychotherapies and these results should be taken as preliminary remarks. There are practically no studies investigating medium long (20-100 sessions) psychotherapies. Given the scientific evidence, psychotherapeutic guidelines in Finland seem rather weird. In Finland, most therapies last 100-200 sessions, although good quality studies supporting these kinds of treatments are still sparse. On the other hand, short term psychotherapies are still rather rare in Finland despite firm scientific evidence suggesting their high utility in everyday clinical practice.
  • Airaksinen, Jasmiina (2017)
    Selective mutism is a children’s psychiatric disorder. Children with selective mutism won’t talk in certain situations, for example in school, despite talking at home with family members. Previously selective mutism was seen as an independent disorder. Research has shown that selective mutism has prominent comorbidity with anxiety disorder, therefore selective mutism is now seen as a specific children’s anxiety disorder or as a symptom of social phobia. Since anxiety plays a notable role in selective mutism, treatments to decrease anxiety have been used to treat selectively mute children. Selective mutism has been shown to be a resilient disorder. Longer duration of symptoms makes the treatment more challenging. Selective mutism is a rare disorder and because of that there is a limited amount of research of selective mutism and its treatment. Most of the research are case studies. Controlled experiments that includes control groups are rare. Clinicians may find it hard to propose a certain treatment for selectively mute patient since there is not unified treatment recommendations. Cognitive-behavioral interventions are primary when treating selective mutism. These interventions include for example self-modeling, stimulus fading and rewarding. Patient’s muteness creates extra challenge, and parents are usually essential help during the assessment and treatment. If therapeutic treatment doesn’t seem to be efficient, medical treatment can be considered. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), fluoxetine, is found to be effective when treating adults with social anxiety and some researchers have presented its applicability to treat children’s selective mutism. More research of the treatment of selective mutism is needed to be able to give the best evidence-based information for the clinicians who are dealing with selectively mute patients. Because selective mutism is such a rare disorder, it would be desirable to collect research data internationally and work together with researchers from different countries. Reliable estimations of treatment possibilities could be made if big enough data could be collected.
  • Krabbe, Kaisa (2021)
    Objective. Transgender and gender nonconforming (TGNC) individuals are exposed to many different stressors due to their gender minority status. This makes them more vulnerable to mental health problems, and a comparatively large number of TGNC people use psychotherapy services during their lifetime. Studies have shown that starting psychotherapy can be a difficult and vulnerable time for TGNC people, and that seeking psychotherapeutic help can be delayed due to the fear of therapists’ reactions. Affirmative psychotherapy has been proven to raise TGNC people’s quality of life and lessen gender dysphoria. There is a comparatively small amount of research concerning TGNC people in psychotherapy. The objective of this review is to examine which factors affect TGNC peoples’ experiences in psychotherapy and the alliance between the therapist and their TGNC client. Methods. The literature for this review was searched on Google Scholar using combined keywords “transgender”, “affirmative” and “psychotherapy”. Studies using terms “therapy” or “counselling” in place of “psychotherapy” were also included. Results and conclusions. The working alliance between a therapist and their TGNC client was positively influenced by the therapist’s conscious and affirming attitude to the client’s gender. If the client’s gender was either avoided or overfocused upon, the working alliance suffered. A good working alliance was described as empathetic, supporting, accepting and safe. Addressing systems of power and the effects of minority stress can be helpful in affirmative psychotherapy. Minority stress and its effects originate from the surrounding society and cannot be solved in classic individual psychotherapy. It might be time to ask what psychologists and psychotherapists can do to affect the systems that cause minority stress.
  • Lampinen, Amanda (2024)
    Tavoitteet: Vaikka psykoterapiat ovat tehokkaita hoitoja, niiden vaikuttavuudessa on parannettavaa. Yksi ratkaisukeino on potilaan rutiininomainen tulosten seuranta routine outcome monitoring eli ROM. ROM:n avulla mitataan hoidon kannalta asiaankuuluvia tulosmuuttujia kuten potilaan oireita ja tämän pohjalta hoitoa sopeutetaan vastaamaan paremmin potilaan tarpeisiin. Vaikka ROM:n hyödystä hoidon vaikuttavuuteen on empiiristä näyttöä, osa terapeuteista vastustaa menetelmää. Katsaukseni tavoite on tutkia terapeuttien kielteisiä asenteita ROM:ia kohtaan sekä pohtia mahdollisia tekijöitä asenteiden taustalla. Pohdin myös keinoja asenteiden muuttamiseksi. Menetelmät: Kirjallisuushaku tehtiin syksyllä 2023 Scopus ja Google Scholar tietokantoihin termein (ROM OR ”routine outcome monitoring”) AND (therapist OR clinician) sekä (ROM OR ”routine outcome monitoring”) AND (implementation). Katsaus rajattiin mielenterveystyön ammattilaisten asenteiden tarkasteluun. Tulokset ja pohdinta: Terapeuttien havaittiin olevan huolissaan erityisesti ROM:iin liittyvistä käytännönjärjestelyistä. Menetelmän mahdollinen vaikutus työnkuvaan, asemaan ja terapiasuhteeseen herättävät myös epäilyksiä. Asenteissa ROM:ia kohtaan löytyi eroja tutkimuksen toteutusmaasta, terapeutin teoreettisesta suuntauksesta ja käyttömäärästä riippuen. Katsauksessa keskustellaan ROM:n käyttöönottoa helpottavista tekijöistä.