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Browsing by Subject "tunnekylmät piirteet"

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  • Lukka, Venla (2019)
    Empathy is an ability to recognize, understand and share the emotional states and understand subjective experience of others. Empathy is assumed to consist of two components: affective and cognitive empathy. Deficit in empathy are reported in autism spectrum disorder (asd) and with callous-unemotional (cu) traits. Studies have suggested that these deficits and their cause might be different between asd-traits and cu-traits. The main aim of the current review is to describe the association between asd-traits, cu-traits and lack of empathy. In addition, the review discusses the possibility that structures of empathy processes behind those traits are separate. The review also presents used methods of measuring empathy. A literature search was done by using Pubmed in March 2019. Following search terms were used: autism spectrum disorder, callous-unemotional traits, psychopathy and empathy. Every original articles that considered both asd-traits and cu-traits and that had been published between 2006 and 2019, were selected to the review. After selection, seven studies were included to the review and they were published in years 2006-2016. Based on the current knowledge from original studies untypical empathy processes and lack of empathy are connected to asd-traits and cu-traits. Mechanisms that cause lack of empathy seems to be different behind those traits. In asd-traits cognitive empathy seems to be impaired and on the contrary in cu-traits affective empathy seems to be impaired. Difference in traits level can occur also in disorder level. Therefore these findings should be taken into consideration in case of structuring subjective assistance for person with asd or cu-traits.
  • Miettinen, Katariina (2020)
    Objectives. Parenting is known to be associated with children’s conduct problems. Parenting can be divided into negative and positive parenting dimensions, both of which have independent effects on conduct problems. The strength of the association between parenting and a child’s conduct problems is also influenced by the child’s individual traits. One approach focuses on callous unemotional traits that can be defined as lack of guilt and empathy as well as callous use of others. The quality of parenting may affect children differently depending on the level of their callous unemotional traits. In this review it will be examined whether callous unemotional traits work as a moderating factor on the association between conduct problems and parenting. Methods. The literature search was conducted with PubMed -database using search terms parent* and callous unemotional. In addition, the reference lists from articles already found were manually searched. The articles that examined the moderating effect of callous unemotional traits of 4 to 13-year-old children on the association between conduct problems and parenting were selected in the review. Seven articles were picked to the final review. Results and conclusions. The quality of parenting and conduct problems are associated with each other, but the strength of the association is influenced by the child’s callous unemotional traits. Parenting affects children differently based on the level of callous unemotional traits. Parenting had little effect on children high on callous unemotional traits, which is attributed to them being less responsive to punishment and other people’s distress. However, parental warmth affected these children and it is seen as an important protective factor from conduct problems. The negative dimension of parenting was consistently associated with more conduct problem symptoms and positive dimension of parenting with less symptoms on children low on callous unemotional traits. Considering callous unemotional traits in the treatment of conduct problems would be important to better suit interventions for children based on their individual traits.
  • Jääskeläinen, Iida (2024)
    Tavoitteet: Nuorisorikolliset ovat yhteiskunnan erityinen ryhmä, johon liittyy paljon riskitekijöitä. Nuorisorikollisilla on tavanomaista enemmän lapsuuden kaltoinkohteluhistoriaa ja tunnekylmiä piirteitä. Lapsuuden kaltoinkohtelulla on kielteisiä vaikutuksia lapsen kehitykseen ja se voi johtaa rikollisuuteen myöhemmin elämässä. Tunnekylmät nuoret eivät tunne empatiaa ja syyllisyyttä kuten muut, joten myös heillä on suuri rikollisuuden riski. Tutkimustieto näiden kahden riskitekijän keskinäisistä yhteyksistä on kuitenkin hajanaista. Tutkielman tavoitteena onkin tutkia, miten lapsuuden kaltoinkohtelun eri muodot ja tunnekylmät piirteet ovat yhteydessä toisiinsa nuorisorikollisilla. Menetelmät: Vertaisarvioitu, englanninkielinen ja alkuperäistutkimuksista koostuva tutkimuskirjallisuus haettiin helmikuussa 2024 PubMed-tietokannasta yhdistelemällä hakusanoja ”callous-unemotional traits”, ”child maltreatment”, ”juvenile delinquency”, “psychopathy”, ”criminality”, “ICU”, ”recidivism”, “aggression”, “violence”, “empathy”, and “parenting” sekä artikkelien lähdeluetteloita tarkastelemalla. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset: 10 tutkimusartikkelin perusteella lapsuuden kaltoinkohtelu voi ennustaa tunnekylmiä piirteitä nuorisorikollisilla. Varsinkin emotionaalinen laiminlyönti ennustaa tunnekylmyyttä. Eri kaltoinkohtelumuotojen yhteyksistä tunnekylmyyteen löytyi kuitenkin kulttuurillisia eroja. Yhteyttä vahvisti tunteiden puuduttaminen ja äidin matala lämpö. Yhteyden sukupuolieroja ei oltu tutkittu suoraan, mutta paljastui, että nuorisorikollispojilla on vähemmän kaltoinkohtelun kokemuksia ja enemmän tunnekylmiä piirteitä, kuin nuorisorikollistytöillä. Jatkossa olisi tärkeää tutkia sukupuolieroja tarkemmin sekä tutkimustietoa hyödyntäen kehittää rikollisuuden uusimista ehkäiseviä interventiota ja auttaa nuorisorikollisia jatkamaan rikollisuudesta vapaata elämää.
  • Seppälä, Ina (2018)
    Adult psychopathy is typically included under the umbrella term of antisocial personality disorder, but the two constructs do not entirely overlap. The central features of psychopathic personality are a lack of empathy and blunted affect, whereas antisocial behaviour is more strongly related to impulsivity and a lack of self-control. In children, the developmentally analogous counterpart to psychopathic personality traits are generally considered to be callous-unemotional traits, while antisocial personality disorder corresponds to conduct disorder. This paper aims to examine whether children with behavioural problems differ in terms of callous-unemotional traits, as the target of interest are the genetic and psychophysiological determinants as well as the developmental idiosyncrasies. Research indicates that callous-unemotional traits in children are linked to a presentation of conduct disorder that is more stable and more severe. Callous-unemotional children with behavioural problems are less empathic and have more blunted affect than other children, whereas non-callous children with behavioural problems are exceptionally reactive emotionally. In addition, callous-unemotional traits predict more negative life experiences, as well as more conduct problems in the context of negative life experiences. Callous-unemotional traits may therefore, for example, significantly influence the effectiveness of intervention and prevention practices. Central areas of future research may thus be other potential factors between callous-unemotional traits and conduct problems, as well as the possibilities for intervention concerning both callous-unemotional traits and conduct problems.