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  • Miettinen, Katariina (2020)
    Objectives. Parenting is known to be associated with children’s conduct problems. Parenting can be divided into negative and positive parenting dimensions, both of which have independent effects on conduct problems. The strength of the association between parenting and a child’s conduct problems is also influenced by the child’s individual traits. One approach focuses on callous unemotional traits that can be defined as lack of guilt and empathy as well as callous use of others. The quality of parenting may affect children differently depending on the level of their callous unemotional traits. In this review it will be examined whether callous unemotional traits work as a moderating factor on the association between conduct problems and parenting. Methods. The literature search was conducted with PubMed -database using search terms parent* and callous unemotional. In addition, the reference lists from articles already found were manually searched. The articles that examined the moderating effect of callous unemotional traits of 4 to 13-year-old children on the association between conduct problems and parenting were selected in the review. Seven articles were picked to the final review. Results and conclusions. The quality of parenting and conduct problems are associated with each other, but the strength of the association is influenced by the child’s callous unemotional traits. Parenting affects children differently based on the level of callous unemotional traits. Parenting had little effect on children high on callous unemotional traits, which is attributed to them being less responsive to punishment and other people’s distress. However, parental warmth affected these children and it is seen as an important protective factor from conduct problems. The negative dimension of parenting was consistently associated with more conduct problem symptoms and positive dimension of parenting with less symptoms on children low on callous unemotional traits. Considering callous unemotional traits in the treatment of conduct problems would be important to better suit interventions for children based on their individual traits.
  • Jääskeläinen, Iida (2024)
    Tavoitteet: Nuorisorikolliset ovat yhteiskunnan erityinen ryhmä, johon liittyy paljon riskitekijöitä. Nuorisorikollisilla on tavanomaista enemmän lapsuuden kaltoinkohteluhistoriaa ja tunnekylmiä piirteitä. Lapsuuden kaltoinkohtelulla on kielteisiä vaikutuksia lapsen kehitykseen ja se voi johtaa rikollisuuteen myöhemmin elämässä. Tunnekylmät nuoret eivät tunne empatiaa ja syyllisyyttä kuten muut, joten myös heillä on suuri rikollisuuden riski. Tutkimustieto näiden kahden riskitekijän keskinäisistä yhteyksistä on kuitenkin hajanaista. Tutkielman tavoitteena onkin tutkia, miten lapsuuden kaltoinkohtelun eri muodot ja tunnekylmät piirteet ovat yhteydessä toisiinsa nuorisorikollisilla. Menetelmät: Vertaisarvioitu, englanninkielinen ja alkuperäistutkimuksista koostuva tutkimuskirjallisuus haettiin helmikuussa 2024 PubMed-tietokannasta yhdistelemällä hakusanoja ”callous-unemotional traits”, ”child maltreatment”, ”juvenile delinquency”, “psychopathy”, ”criminality”, “ICU”, ”recidivism”, “aggression”, “violence”, “empathy”, and “parenting” sekä artikkelien lähdeluetteloita tarkastelemalla. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset: 10 tutkimusartikkelin perusteella lapsuuden kaltoinkohtelu voi ennustaa tunnekylmiä piirteitä nuorisorikollisilla. Varsinkin emotionaalinen laiminlyönti ennustaa tunnekylmyyttä. Eri kaltoinkohtelumuotojen yhteyksistä tunnekylmyyteen löytyi kuitenkin kulttuurillisia eroja. Yhteyttä vahvisti tunteiden puuduttaminen ja äidin matala lämpö. Yhteyden sukupuolieroja ei oltu tutkittu suoraan, mutta paljastui, että nuorisorikollispojilla on vähemmän kaltoinkohtelun kokemuksia ja enemmän tunnekylmiä piirteitä, kuin nuorisorikollistytöillä. Jatkossa olisi tärkeää tutkia sukupuolieroja tarkemmin sekä tutkimustietoa hyödyntäen kehittää rikollisuuden uusimista ehkäiseviä interventiota ja auttaa nuorisorikollisia jatkamaan rikollisuudesta vapaata elämää.
  • Hartikka, Roosa (2018)
    Callous-unemotional (CU) traits (e.g. of lack of guilt, empathy and shallow affect) has shown to predict persistent antisocial behaviours and severe psychosocial disruptions. This review sought to examine the aetiological factors underlying the CU traits and whether CU traits can be prevented and treated. Research to date suggests that CU traits are developed in the interaction of genetic and environmental factors. Especially parenting factors, such as parental warmth and sensitivity has shown a great effect on protecting from development of CU traits and parent training interventions has shown a great potential in decreasing CU traits in children and adolescents. However, intervention outcome research to date has been very limited. In addition, recent studies have mainly examined the outcomes of interventions initially intended for treatment of conduct disorder: there is not many empirically tested interventions specifically developed for treatment of CU traits. Also, it remains unclear whether the effects of the interventions are persistent in the long run, is there any difference in the treatment of children of different age and how effective the interventions are on the children with a great genetic vulnerability. There is critical need for more research to enable more effective and valid interventions to be developed.
  • Hoffström, Henriikka (2020)
    Parental burnout is relatively new phenomenon in this area of research. Parental burnout arises from chronic exposure to stress and it encompasses emotional exhaustion, emotional distancing and ineffectiveness in one’s parental role. Parental burnout has negative consequences to the child and the parent that are specific only to parental burnout. It is although not completely clear yet what makes parents to burn out. Many possible risk factors have been linked to parental burnout but the problem is the cross-sectional design of these studies. This review addresses the possible risk factors for parental burnout and how they together affect the development of parental burnout. These risk factors are in this review categorized to four categories: parent’s stable traits, family-related factors, factors related to wider social environment and sociodemographics. Parental burnout seems to be multi-determined syndrome. Parent’s stable traits, parenting and family functioning have the strongest correlations to parental burnout. Whereas sociodemographics and wider social environment –factors have weaker correlations to parental burnout. Because parent-related risk factors are correlated also to other risk factors (family related), there will be introduced a theory how parent-related factors are main risk factors for developing parental burnout syndrome.
  • Rokka, Oona (2020)
    Objectives. Adolescence is a sensitive period during which the incidence of depression and anxiety symptoms increases. These disorders have been shown to significantly deteriorate functioning ability and the quality of life. In order to design supporting actions, it is important to investigate the factors affecting these disorders and their connections. The review presents research data concerning the connection between parenting and adolescents’ internalizing symptoms, and the meaning of emotion regulation in this connection. The aim is to examine whether emotion regulation mediates the connection between parenting and adolescents’ internalizing symptoms. Methods. Literary research was conducted in the PsychINFO-database using following key words: adolescent, parenting, emotion, emotion regulation, emotion dysregulation, internalizing, internalizing symptoms, internalizing problems, depression, anxiety. The bibliographies of the articles found in the literary research were perused and the most relevant articles were chosen. Finally, the studies with samples consisting of people too young for this review were excluded. The final number of the articles in the review was 13. The age of the examinees ranged from 10 to 33 years. Results and conclusions. There was coherent evidence showing that emotion regulation, parenting and adolescents’ internalizing symptoms are strongly linked to each other. Negative parenting and emotion regulation difficulties were clearly connected to increased internalizing symptoms. The research data differed in whether emotion regulation mediates the relationship between parenting and adolescents’ internalizing symptoms or whether there exists a different mechanism, such as the moderating effect. In addition, there were differences in the studies depending on whether depression and anxiety symptoms were measured separately or together as internalizing symptoms. According to the results, it seems that emotion regulation strategies and parenting factors relating to depression and anxiety are different. In the future it will be important to investigate different emotion regulation strategies and parenting factors in a more versatile manner, and to conduct more longitudinal studies instead of using the cross-sectional design. Moreover, it would be important to use mediation analysis in order to examine the mediating mechanism. The result concerning the connections between parenting, adolescents’ emotion regulation and internalizing symptoms seem to refer that it would be important to reduce harmful emotion regulation strategies and teach adaptive strategies in the prevention and intervention for anxiety and depression disorders. Additionally, it could be important to concentrate on parents’ emotion regulation and emotion socialization. Further studies on these types of interventions is needed.
  • Åberg, Veera (2017)
    Preterm children (born before 37 completed weeks of pregnancy) have been shown to have a risk of behavioral and emotional problems. These can occur as a withdrawal, social problems, general anxiety and problems in attention and self-regulation. Preterm birth is a stressful and often unexpected challenge for parents, and it affects to parenting. This thesis examines parenting and early interaction after preterm birth, and their associations with preterm children’s behavioral and emotional problems. Studies shows that parents of preterm children have more mental health problems and stress. Mothers of preterm children seem to be more directive, active, controlling, overstimulating and intrusive. Preterm children are more passive, inattentive and withdrawn, less responsive and display more emotional negativity. Attachment relationships between preterm children and their parents have been shown to be mainly similar than those of full-term children and their parents. Differences in the quality of attachment have mainly been noticed when preterm children in risk groups, for example children with also other neurological risk factors, and their parents have been examined. Parenting is essential for children’s development and psychological well-being, and it is important to understand its role for preterm children in particular. There are little studies about the importance of parenting to preterm children’s behavioral and emotional problems. These studies indicate that parents’ affectiveness, sensitivity, intrusiveness, control, and dyadic synchrony, may affect to children’s behavioral and emotional problems, for example in their anxiety, withdrawn and inhibited behaviors, social competence and self-regulation skills. Studying the subject is important because of preterm births’ effects on parenting and because the special characteristics of preterm children’s development, maturation and early interaction, may restrict possibility to applying general research about parenting to preterm children and their parents. More research is needed to gain wider and more detailed understanding, but based on the current research, it is recommended to support parents’ psychological well-being and the development of a sensitive parent-child relationship after a preterm birth.
  • Salonen, Satu (2020)
    Adolescents involved in child welfare have many developmental risk factors and are vulnerable to later adversities. Also sexual risk behavior is more common in this population. According to previous studies in normal populations we know that good parenting can protect adolescents from sexual risk behavior. This review aims to examine the influence of parenting on sexual risk behavior in adolescents in child welfare system and foster care. Additionally, one question is that are there differences in results between studies examining only adolescents in out-of-home care and studies involving youth in all parts of child welfare system. Parenting factors that were focused on in this review were closeness, monitoring, and communication on sex and dating. Studies were searched from PsycINFO database in October 2019. Search terms used were sexual risk behavior, monitoring, parenting, child welfare and foster care. Seven studies were found and they were published in the last 20 years. There was no difference in the prevalence of sexual risk behavior between all youth in child welfare system and those in foster care. Closeness was associated with less sexual risk behavior in early and mid-adolescence but not in late adolescence. Results regarding monitoring were mixed; in some studies it was associated with less sexual risk behavior but not in all studies or consistently in all types of sexual risk behavior. Also, the association differed by the placement status; for adolescents in foster care monitoring was associated with less sexual partners and for youth living in home with more sexual partners. Sexual and dating communication was associated with more sexual risk behavior, contrary to the expectations. According to the results, certain parenting factors can protect adolescents in child welfare system and foster care from sexual risk behavior, but the effect does not appear to be as clear as in normal population. There are few differences in the effect of parenting between adolescents in child welfare system and foster care and they may be explained by the quality of parenting. However, there are still only few studies on this topic and more information is needed in order to prevent and intervene in sexual risk behavior in child welfare population.