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Browsing by Subject "vastasyntynyt"

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  • Ylitalo, Eero (2022)
    The syndrome of cerebral palsy (CP) includes motor impairments that results from a brain lesion occurring pre-, intra- or postnatally. Setting diagnosis of CP is usually happened during first years of life, and the more accurate is the diagnosis the more probably are the chances of individual’s rehabilitation. There are many ways of classifying a subtype of CP. Anyways concerning with rehabilitation the main focus may be among neuroplastic factors. The better the usable interventions are based on the supporting of neuroplasticity, the more efficient are the methods which are used within rehabilitation of CP, probably. This review concerns of neural plasticity and the special features of it during pathology of CP. The invasive and non-invasive interventions supporting neural plasticity among CP are the core features in this review. There has been used main index words during literature search, like ”cerebral palsy”, ”neurorehabilitation”, ”neuroplasticity”, ”pharmacology” and ”neonatal”. The main outcomes of literature search pointed that extreme intensive, a great number of repetitions was the key factor for the efficient interventions with parameters of neuroplasticity and general functioning and these findings were ensured with computerized scanning methods among central nervous system. Especially constraint-induced movement interventions pointed to be important factor with the role of neural plasticity. In the other words, the stronger limb was restricted and the functions must be performed with more weaker limb. There were also obtained some promising early phase interventions: pharmacological therapies, progenitor cells, hypothermia and the role of predisposing genetic variants (preventive method). Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors could be useful with supporting of neural plasticity, and the progenitor cells could probably fix some already progressed, harmful neural connections. Hypothermia has probably the key role of restricting the lesion size and with some other factors during an acute phase (like apoptosis and encephalopathy). Some selective genetic variants could help of preparing prenatally for the chance of pathology of CP. There is some evidence that magnesium sulphate has some neuroprotective effects, but the newest results are challenging this hypothesis. There are no identical clinical outcomes of effects of maternal magnesium sulphate medication, thus much more research must be conducted in the future. The interventions within the syndrome of CP probably will develop with more selective ways in the future. The evolution of technics will also be making possible some whole new research methods. Despite the great evolution of the health care system during 20th and 21st century, the prevalence has not been declined. This points out that our methods we are using nowadays cannot inhibit the pathology of CP, but there will be much potential developing among neurosupportive interventions. Anyways, the latest methods will need much more research so that we can somehow exactly operationalize the harm-benefit ratios of interventions among human beings.
  • Saarelainen, Taru (2020)
    Word segmentation from continuous speech is an important step in the early development of speech and language. Even though there has been some research in this area, the exact mechanisms of word segmentation are not yet known. Most of the research has been conducted using behavioural methods that are based on the shifting of the infant’s attention, but these methods do not permit one to study the earliest steps of infant development. Recent advances in brain research methods have allowed the investigation of word segmentation in new-born babies, and new information shows that the basis for word segmentation is evident very early on in development, even from birth. The goal of this thesis is to review the recent findings on word segmentation abilities of infants under the age of one year. A literary search was conducted in the PubMed database using the search terms "word segmentation development infants". The articles chosen for this thesis were mostly experimental research articles on word segmentation skills, with the subjects being infants under the age of one year. Newer articles were preferred, and some additional articles were chosen from the references of already chosen articles. Based on the recent brain imaging experiments, even new-born infants can segment words from continuous speech. At least prosody and the transitional probabilities of syllables are word segmentation cues that are available to the new-born. Segmenting words from the edges of utterances seems to be easier than segmenting utterance medial words. Infant directed speech includes multiple amplified word segmentation cues in comparison to adult directed speech, and it seems to facilitate earlier word segmentation. The amount of speech an infant hears very early on might affect later word segmentation abilities. When social learning is possible, infants might segment words easier in social contexts, at least when compared to learning through videos. Word segmentation seems to utilize the same brain regions as phonological short-term memory and thus the development of phonological short-term memory might be connected to the development of word segmentation abilities.
  • Ryökkynen, Sanni (2022)
    Tavoitteet. Vastasyntyneen turvallinen ruokailu edellyttää imemisen, nielemisen ja hengittämisen koordinointia. Ennenaikaisesti syntyneillä vauvoilla nämä taidot eivät ole välttämättä kehittyneet, jolloin syömis- ja nielemistaitojen arviointi on tarpeen. Mikäli kliinisen arvioinnin perusteella on tarpeen, käytetään arviointiin instrumentaalisia menetelmiä, VFS- ja FEES-tutkimuksia. Tämän kandidaatintutkielman tavoitteena oli vertailla VFS- ja FEES-tutkimusmenetelmien kykyä osoittaa laryngeaalista penetraatiota ja henkitorven aspiraatiota sekä menetelmien välistä luotettavuutta. Lisäksi tutkielmassa vertaillaan VFS- ja FEES-tutkimusmenetelmien etuja toisiinsa nähden. Menetelmät. Tämä kandidaatintutkielma toteutettiin integroivana kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Tiedonhaku tehtiin Ovid Medline- ja Scopus-tietokannoista. Hakulausekkeena oli infant* AND evaluation AND (swallow* OR dysphagia) AND (VFSS AND FEES) OR (videofluoro* AND endoscop*). Katsaukseen valikoitui viisi tutkimusartikkelia, jotka läpikäytiin systemaattisesti. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. VFS- ja FEES-tutkimukset havaittiin turvallisiksi ja vastasyntyneiden syömis- ja nielemisongelmien diagnostiikkaa helpottaviksi menetelmiksi. VFS- ja FEES-tutkimusmenetelmien välinen luotettavuus oli katsaukseen valikoituneiden artikkeleiden mukaan pääsääntöisesti heikkoa ja yksittäisen menetelmän kyky arvioida laryngeaalista penetraatiota tai henkitorven aspiraatiota vaihteli tutkimuksesta riippuen. VFS- ja FEES-menetelmillä on kuitenkin selkeitä etuja toisiinsa nähden, joiden vuoksi toinen menetelmä soveltuu tiettyjen ongelmien arviointiin toista paremmin. Tätä tietoa voidaan hyödyntää kliinisessä työssä tutkimusmenetelmän valinnassa. Jatkotutkimusta tarvitaan VFS- ja FEES-tutkimusmenetelmien käytöstä vastasyntyneiden syömis- ja nielemistoimintojen arvioinnissa, jotta tulosten yleistettävyys ja luotettavuus paranisi.