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  • Aittamäki, Anne (2020)
    Rakkohauru (Fucus vesiculosus) on ruskeisiin leviin kuuluva makrolevä, joka kasvaa Atlantin valtameressä laajalla alueella Grönlannista Portugaliin asti. Rakkohauru on valtamerissä vuorovesivyöhykkeen laji, joka sietää laajaa suolaisuuden ja lämpötilan vaihtelua. Itämeressä rakkohauru kasvaa kilpailun vähäisyyden vuoksi sublitoraalissa vyöhykkeessä jopa kymmenen metrin syvyyteen asti ja on tärkeä elinympäristöjä muodostava laji. Rakkohaurua pidetään useimmiten kovien pohjien lajina, joka kiinnittyy alustaansa tyvilevyn avulla. Rakkohaurusta tunnetaan kuitenkin myös toinen tyyppi, joka elää pehmeillä hiekkapohjilla tai suistoalueilla eikä ole kiinnittynyt tyvilevyllä pohjaan. Tässä työssä selvitettiin, ovatko kiinnittyneet ja vapaana elävät rakkohaurut geneettisesti erilaisia, mistä vapaana kasvavat yksilöt ovat peräisin ja voivatko ne lisääntyä itsenäisesti. Suomen ja Ruotsin rannikoilta kerättiin kymmenestä eri paikasta sekä vapaana kasvavia että kiinnittyneitä rakkohaurunäytteitä, joita verrattiin toisiinsa. Keräyspaikat sijaitsivat yhden, muutaman tai satojen kilometrien päässä toisistaan. Kerätyistä näytteistä eristettiin viisi DNA-mikrosatelliittimarkkeria, joiden perusteella tehtiin geneettiset analyysit. Tutkimustuloksista selvisi, että Suomen ja Ruotsin rakkohaurupopulaatioiden välillä ei ollut tilastollisesti merkittävää geneettistä eroa eivätkä populaatioiden väliset geneettiset erot riippuneet niiden välisestä etäisyydestä. Niinpä kysymykseen siitä, mistä vapaana kasvavat populaatiot ovat lähtöisin, ei saatu vastausta. Sen sijaan vapaana kasvavat ja kiinnittyneet rakkohaurun muodot erosivat toisistaan geneettisesti. Tämä viittaa siihen, että vapaana kasvavat populaatiot lisääntyvät ainakin osittain itsenäisesti. On mahdollista, että tämä johtaa ajan kuluessa vapaana kasvavien ja kiinnittyneiden rakkohaurun muotojen kehittymiseen omiksi lajeikseen, mutta tällä hetkellä se ei vaikuta kovin todennäköiseltä. Koska tutkitut populaatiot olivat pieniä ja käytettyjen mikrosatelliittien määrä vähäinen, lisätutkimukset ovat tarpeen tulosten luotettavuuden varmistamiseksi.
  • Tuominen, Adele (2020)
    Tekstiiliteollisuudessa käytetään merkittäviä määriä kemikaaleja, joista osa on ympäristölle ja terveydelle haitallisia. Tekstiiliteollisuuskehityksen kasvaessa ja kulutuskäytäntöjen kiihtyessä pois heitettävän tekstiilin määrä lisääntyy. Samalla haitalliset kemikaalit vapautuvat saastuttamaan ihmistä ja ympäristöä. Tämä käy ilmi aiemmasta tutkimuksesta, vaikka poistotekstiilien ympärillä tehty tutkimus on muutoin vähäistä. Tämä tutkimus tehdään yritysyhteistyössä Lounais-Suomen Jätehuolto Oy:n kanssa määrittämään poistotekstiilien lajittelutyön yhteydessä ilmeneviä terveysvaikutuksia ja sovellettavia testimenetelmiä yrityksen tarpeisiin. Tutkielman tavoitteena oli ensisijaisesti selvittää kemikaalien, pölyn ja homeen terveysvaikutukset ja ne testimenetelmät, joita tulisi terveysvaikutusten vähentämiseksi tehdä. Muiden tutkimuskysymysten osalta tarkoituksena oli selvittää poistotekstiilien sisältämät merkittävimmät haitalliset kemikaalit ja niiden enimmäisraja-arvot. Näitä tutkittiin tutkimuksen teoreettisessa viitekehyksessä. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin laadullista tutkimussuuntausta ja sen menetelmiä. Aineiston keruumenetelmänä oli asiantuntijahaastattelu, jossa tietoja kerättiin puolistrukturoidun kysymyksenasettelun kautta neljältä asiantuntijataholta: Turun ammattikorkeakoululta, Terveyden- ja hyvinvoinninlaitokselta, Työterveyslaitokselta ja Aalto-yliopistolta. Haastattelut toteutettiin puhelinhaastatteluina. Aineistoa analysoitiin temaattisen sisällönanalyysin avulla, jossa aineisto luokiteltiin tutkimuksen kannalta merkittävimpiin teemoihin. Saatuja tuloksia verrattiin olemassa olevaan tutkimuskirjallisuuteen. Hengitystievälitteinen altistuminen yksistään pölylle nähtiin merkittävimmäksi terveysriskiksi laitosolosuhteissa. Kemikaalien, pölyn ja homeen aiheuttamien terveysvaikutusten vähentämiseksi soveltuvimpina testimenetelminä nähtiin erilaisten keräävien menetelmien käyttö ja biomonitorointi. On selvää, että poistotekstiilit sisältävät ihmisen terveydelle ja ympäristölle haitallisia kemikaaleja, pölyä ja homeita. Testimenetelmiä hyödyntämällä voidaan terveysriskejä paikantaa ja niiden osuutta työperäisessä altistumisessa vähentää. Tutkimustulosten tieteellisen luotettavuuden lisäämiseksi on suositeltavaa, että laitoksella otetaan käyttöön kokeelliset testausmenetelmät.
  • Puistosalo, Jaakko (2024)
    Datakeskukset ovat osaltaan mahdollistamassa vihreää siirtymää, sillä niiden toiminnasta aiheutuvalla hukkalämmöllä voidaan lämmittää kotitalouksia polttoon perustuvan lämmöntuotannon sijaan. Hukkalämpö sitoo kuitenkin yhteen energian tuottajat ja käyttäjät, ja voi siten myös aiheuttaa odottamattomia seurauksia, joita tässä tutkielmassa tarkastellaan Mäntsälässä sijaitsevan Yandexin datakeskuksen tapauksessa. Mäntsälä oli asettanut valtaosan kaukolämmön tuotannostaan Yandexin datakeskuksen hukkalämmön varaan, joka osoittautui kunnalle ongelmalliseksi ratkaisuksi Venäjän hyökättyä Ukrainaan. Tässä tutkielmassa on tapaustutkimuksen keinoin selvitetty, oliko Yandexin datakeskuksen saapuminen Mäntsälään polkuriippuvaisen kehityskulun seurausta. Järjestelmän polkuriippuvuus voi aiheuttaa sen, että järjestelmä päätyy historiallisten päätösten ja tapahtumien seurauksena epätoivottuun lopputilaan, josta on erittäin vaikeaa irrottautua. Näin voidaan katsoa tapahtuneen myös Mäntsälään ja Yandexin datakeskuksen tapauksessa. Aineiston perusteella luodusta aikajanasta havaittiin, että Yandexin Mäntsälään tulon taustalla oli polkuriippuvainen tapahtumaketju. Mäntsälän kaukolämpöverkon polkuriippuvuuden taustalla havaittiin kolme mekanismia: suuret kiinteät kustannukset, mukautuvat olettamukset ja oppimisvaikutukset. Aiemmasta kirjallisuudesta poiketen, tarkasteltavan energiajärjestelmän polkuriippuvuuden taustalla eivät olleet ainoastaan järjestelmän fyysiset tai sen ympärillä vallitsevien markkinoiden ominaisuudet, vaan polkuriippuvuutta oli aiheuttamassa myös energiajärjestelmää hallinnoivassa organisaatiossa opitut kokemukset tietyistä toimintamalleista.
  • Seppälä, Päivi (2020)
    In reductive dehalogenation, halogenated compounds act as electron acceptors in respiration or cometabolic reactions. The halogen atom is removed and usually replaced with hydrogen. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are persistent and toxic compounds, which have been extensively used as flame retardants. Even after bans and use restrictions, they are released to the environment from products manufactured earlier. PBDEs have been found ubiquitously in the environment. In anaerobic conditions like in sediments, they can be degraded through reductive dehalogenation. While remediating contaminated sediments, knowledge is needed about factors affecting the degradation of PBDEs. In the present work, anaerobic debromination of two PBDEs, BDE-47 and BDE-209 in sediment was investigated in microcosms. Sediment samples were taken from the estuary of the Kymijoki River from the Baltic, and from two sites in Lake Kernaalanjärvi, one representing clean and the other contaminated sediment. In addition to sampling site, the effect of incubation temperature on the degradation rate and products was investigated with different treatments, and possible abiotic degradation was examined with autoclaved controls. The samples were analyzed with gas chromatograph with electron capture detector (GC-µECD). The amounts of Dehalococcoides and total bacteria as 16S rRNA gene copies were determined with qPCR. Hypotheses were that debromination is faster in contaminated sediments, in warmer temperature, and in the microcosms with more bacteria of the genus Dehalococcoides. The half-time of BDE-47 varied from 173 to 7701 weeks, and that of BDE-209 from 28 to 173 weeks. The debromination rate could not be explained with sampling sites or incubation temperature, but the degradation of BDE-47 was significantly slower in autoclaved microcosms. In the microcosms where BDE-47 was removed most, the main debromination product was BDE-8. In the microcosms with sediment from the clean site of Lake Kernaalanjärvi, the amount of BDE-47 did not decrease. Obviously, bacteria capable of degrading it are not abundant in sites with little or no previous contamination with organohalogens. The removal of BDE-209 in autoclaved microcosms is probably explained with abiotic degradation or adsorption so that the compound is not extractable. At the end of incubation, there were more total bacteria in the microcosms with BDE-47 than those with BDE-209. The proportion of Dehalococcoides was greater in the microcosms with BDE-209, those incubated in room temperature, and those not autoclaved. Debromination was faster in the microcosms with more total bacteria in the beginning or Dehalococcoides at the end. BDE-47 proved to be more persistent than in the literature reviewed. The hypotheses about the effect of the incubation temperature and the contamination of the sediment did not reach statistical significance, but the importance of Dehalococcoides for debromination was established according to the hypothesis.
  • Robert Jackson, Jasmin (2024)
    Coronary artery disease is a leading cause of death and disability globally. The complement system has an important role in vascular health by defending against pathogens and regulating inflammation. Dysregulation of complement activation can lead to inflammation and the weakening of the vascular wall. The study investigated polymorphisms in the complement factor H (CFH) - complement factor H related (CFHR) genes region, which can predispose to inflammation and thus lead to coronary artery diseases. This study specifically focused on the CFHR 1 gene region because it competes with complement factor H, which plays a protective role. The protein structure of CFH and CFHR1 is similar. CFH protects the complement attacks, and on the other hand, CFHR1 does not prevent complement activation. 225 samples were selected for this study to evaluate the CFH-CFHR gene region in different patient groups from the COROGENE Cohort. Patients were assigned for coronary angiograms at the Helsinki University Central Hospital, and samples were collected every 5 years within 12 months to study trends in heart disease and coronary risk factors. Samples were analysed by SALSA MLPA (Multiplex Ligation-dependent Probe Amplification) to detect the presence of copy number variations (CNVs) in the CFH-CFHR gene region. The results of analysis indicate that the mortality rate was higher in this follow-up among males with CFHR 1 deletion compared to males with a normal genotype (p= 0.013). Furthermore, males with myocardial infarction (MI) and CFHR 1 deletion have a higher mortality rate than males with a normal genotype (p = 0.032). The results of logistic regression analysis indicate that CFHR 1 deletion, combined with other risk factors, is more likely to lead to non-ST elevated myocardial infarction (NSTEMI), than ST elevated myocardial infarction (STEMI). NSTEMI is more difficult to detect on an ECG compared to STEMI. A limitation of this study was the small sample size in each group. This study adds to the understanding that STEMI and NSTEMI have different risk factors. These differences should perhaps be considered in diagnostics and treatment once we understand them.
  • Tiusanen, Mikko (2015)
    Ihmistoiminta muuttaa elinympäristöjä maailmanlaajuisesti. Vaikutukset näkyvät niin yksittäisten lajien populaatioissa, lajien välisissä vuorovaikutuksissa kuin kokonaisten ekosysteemien toiminnassakin. Monimutkaisuutensa ja vaikean havainnoitavuutensa takia lajien väliset vuorovaikutukset ja erityisesti niiden yhteys ekosysteemien toimintaan tunnetaan osin huonosti. Ympäristömuutoksista ilmaston lämpeneminen vaikuttaa erityisen voimakkaasti arktisella alueella. Muuttuva ja yksinkertainen arktinen eliöyhteisö tarjoaakin loistavan malliekosysteemin lajien välisten vuorovaikutusten havainnoimiselle ja niiden rakenteen mallintamiselle. Tässä tutkielmassa selvitän pölyttäjäyhteisön rakennetta ja toimintaa yhden kasvilajin, lapinvuokon Dryas octopetala × integrifolia, pölytyksessä. Lapinvuokko on runsain kukkakasvi monilla pohjoisilla alueilla, ja sitä voidaankin pitää avainlajina paikallisissa pölytysyhteisöissä. Liittääkseni pölyttäjäyhteisön rakenteen lapinvuokon siementuotannon onnistumiseen havainnoin lapinvuokon pölyttäjäyhteisön vaihtelua tilassa ja ajassa. Tähän käytin kukanmuotoisia liimapahvista valmistettuja pyydyksiä. Tein liimakukkapyyntejä 21 koealalla Zackenbergin laaksossa Grönlannissa. Tutkin koealoilla lisäksi lapinvuokon siementuotantoa. Tutkimuksessani havaitsin, että lapinvuokon kukinnan ajoittumisessa on suurta alueellista vaihtelua. Ensimmäiset kukat puhkeavat heti pälvien ilmestyessä ja viimeisten yksilöiden kukinta alkaa vasta juuri ennen ensilumia. Myös lapinvuokon siementuotannon onnistuminen vaihtelee paljon (12,7 - 52,7 % kukista) alueellisesti. Alueellinen vaihtelu siementuotannon onnistumisessa johtuu osittain ympäristöolosuhteista, mutta myös pölyttäjäyhteisöllä on selvä vaikutuksensa. Lapinvuokolla tapahtuu itse- ja tuulipölytystä (8,6 % onnistuneesta siementuotannosta), mutta pölyttäjien läsnä ollessa siementuotanto on moninkertainen (33,7 %). Tutkimusalueellani Zackenbergissa maailmanlaajuisesti tärkeimmät pölyttäjät, mesipistiäiset, puuttuvat lähes tyystin. Runsaimpien pölyttäjien paikan ovat vallanneet kärpäset erityisen runsaslukuisten sukaskärpästen johdolla. Havaintojeni perusteella sukaskärpästen runsaus selittääkin parhaiten lapinvuokon siementuotannon onnistumista. Kesän edetessä havaitsin pölyttäjäyhteisön kasvavan huomattavasti sekä yksilö- että lajimäärältään. Pölyttäjäyhteisön runsastuminen kasvukauden edetessä antaa olettaa, että lapinvuokon pölytys voi parantua ainakin lyhyellä aikavälillä. Ilmaston lämmetessä pölyttäjien esiintymisen on havaittu liukuvan aikaisemmaksi kasvien kukintaa nopeammin. Näin ollen aikaisin kukkivat kasvit kohtaavat yhä enemmän pölyttäjiä ja myöhäisimmätkin kasvit onnistuvat tuottamaan siemeniä ennen syksyä, kun niiden kukinta siirtyy absoluuttisesti aikaisemmaksi. Toisaalta sukaskärpästen määrän on havaittu vähenevän ilmaston lämmetessä. Tutkimukseni pohjalta sukaskärpäset ovat lapinvuokon tärkeimpiä pölyttäjiä, ja jos niiden väheneminen jatkuu, on lapinvuokon pölytys Zackenbergissa uhattuna. Kaiken kaikkiaan tutkimukseni viittaa siihen, että lapinvuokon pölytys voi lyhyellä aikavälillä parantua, mutta pitkällä aikavälillä muutokset pölyttäjäyhteisössä uhkaavat lapinvuokon pölytyksen onnistumista. Lapinvuokko on arktisen alueen tärkeimpiä kasveja niin pölyttäjien kuin monien muidenkin hyönteisten ravintona. Siten muutokset sen menestyksessä heijastunevat koko pölyttäjien ja kukkakasvien muodostamaan yhteisöön.
  • Mäkelä, Mikko (2021)
    Ilmastonmuutos koettelee ankarimmin planeettamme pohjoisia alueita. Näiden alueiden eliöyhteisöt ovat ennestään erityisen herkkiä ympäristön muutoksille. Vaikka arktisen ympäristön fysikaaliset muutokset ovat jo monin paikoin nähtävillä, ovat tiedot näiden muutosten vaikutuksista alueen eliöyhteisöihin ja ekologisiin vuorovaikutussuhteisiin edelleen hyvin puutteelliset. Pohjoisten keväiden aikaistuminen altistaa yhteisöt fenologiselle irtautumiselle, jossa läheisessä ekologisessa vuorovaikutuksessa olevat lajit ajautuvat esiintymisaikojensa suhteen erilleen. Pölyttäjähyönteisen sekä pölytettävän kukkakasvin tapauksessa tästä voi olla seurauksena pölytystehon väheneminen. Tämän ja ilmastomuutoksen muiden seurausten ennustamiseksi käytetään usein nk. ajan ja tilan rinnastus –menetelmää. Menetelmän oletuksena on, että eliöt reagoivat ympäristötekijöihin samalla tavalla, tapahtuivatpa ne sitten ajallisesti tai paikallisesti. Selvittääkseni, onko arktisella alueella havaittavissa fenologista irtautumista, tarkastelen lapinvuokon sekä lajin pölyttäjäyhteisöön kuuluvan 14 hyönteisheimon fenologiaa Koillis-Grönlannissa. Tarkastellakseni, miten ilmaston vaihtelu vuosien välillä kuvastuu hyönteisaktiviteetin ajoittumiseen ja lajiryhmien väliseen vaihteluun, hyödynnän kahdenkymmenen vuoden aikasarjaa (jatkossa: aikasarja-aineisto). Selvittääkseni, miten ilmaston vaihtelu tilassa heijastuu paikallisiin eroihin pölyttäjäaktiviteetin fenologiaan, seuraan hyönteisaktiviteetin ajoittumisen yhden kasvukauden aikana maaston eri osissa (jatkossa: tila-aineisto). Molemmista aineistoista selvitän, mikä ympäristötekijä määrittää voimakkaimmin pölyttäjäyhteisön fenologiaa, keskittyen lumenlähtöpäivään ja lämpösummaan. Lopuksi arvioin, kuinka hyvin ajallinen ja paikallinen ulottuvuus vastaavat toisiaan. Näin pyrin selvittämään sitä, kuinka käyttökelpoinen ajan ja tilan rinnastus –menetelmä on pohjoisten pölyttäjäyhteisöjen tutkimuksessa. Totesin lumenlähtöpäivän selittävän lapinvuokon pölyttäjäyhteisön fenologiaa kokonaisuutena parhaiten. Tämä pätee sekä tila- että aikasarja-aineistossa. Lumenlähtöpäivän ja lämpösumman vaihdellessa eri lajiryhmien ajoitus muuttuu eri tavoin. Muutokset tilassa ja ajassa olivat lapinvuokon tärkeimpien pölyttäjäryhmien kohdalla suhteellisen yhteneväiset, mutta eräiden muiden ryhmien (esim. kukkakärpästen) kohdalla ja samalla koko yhteisön tasolla ennusteet olivat heikompia. Tulokseni osoittavat, että ilmaston vaihdellessa arktisissa yhteisöissä on nähtävissä fenologista irtautumista. Yhteisön sisällä eri lajiryhmät reagoivat sekä lumenlähtöpäivään että lämpösummaan eri tavoin. Tämä altistaa yhteisöjä fenologiselle irtautumiselle ympäristön edelleen muuttuessa. Pölyttäjäfenologiaa tutkittaessa ajan ja tilan rinnastus -menetelmä näyttää toimivan hyvin lapinvuokon ja tämän kasvilajin tärkeimpien pölyttäjäheimojen kohdalla. Koko yhteisön tasolla rinnastuksen ennusteet ovat kuitenkin puutteelliset, sillä joidenkin ryhmien ennusteet eroavat toisistaan merkittävästi sekä ajassa että tilassa. Tulevaisuudessa tulisikin selvittää tarkemmin sitä, kuinka nyt havaittu pölyttäjäyhteisön fenologinen epäyhtenäisyys heijastuu lajien välisiin vuorovaikutussuhteisiin eri trofiatasojen välillä.
  • Gkini, Vasiliki (2021)
    Gliomas are the most common malignant brain tumours. The most aggressive and lethal type of glioma is glioblastoma. It has a dismal prognosis, and, despite aggressive treatment, the average patient survival is 1-2 years. Although glioblastoma has a heavy impact on individuals and their families, as well as on healthcare systems, our current lack of mechanistic knowledge hinders the development of improved treatments and diagnostics. Recent studies showed that glutaminolysis, a metabolic pathway utilizing glutamine to produce α-ketoglutarate, is promoted in tumour cells, suggesting a significant role of α-ketoglutarate concentration in tumour progression. Therefore, I hypothesise that reduction of α-ketoglutarate concentration in glioblastoma might suppress glioblastoma aggressiveness. To address this hypothesis, I focus on another metabolic pathway controlling α-ketoglutarate concentration, namely the GABA metabolism. Here, I show that the expression of ABAT and GAD1, which encode rate-limiting enzymes of the GABA metabolism, is associated with the lower-grade of glioma and a better prognosis for patients. Interestingly the expression of ABAT and GAD1 negatively correlates with the expression of CD109, a glioma stemness marker. Furthermore, suppression of glioblastoma stemness by CD109 silencing induces ABAT and GAD1 expression. Taken together these results suggest that the upregulation of the GABA metabolism reduces glioblastoma stemness and proliferation. In future, I am planning to examine the effect of ABAT and GAD1 overexpression and knockdown on glioblastoma stemness and proliferation, as well as the underlying molecular mechanisms to understand how the GABA metabolism suppresses the glioblastoma progression.
  • Neiro, Jakke (2019)
    In recent years, the two-spotted field cricket Gryllus bimaculatus has emerged as a central model for studies on insect development, regeneration and physiology. At the moment, G.bimaculatus has the most extensive molecular toolkit within the Exopterygota, making it the foremost model for evolutionary developmental biology and comparative physiology within the field of entomology. However, the postembryonic development of G. bimaculatus has received considerably less attention than embryonic development. In this thesis, I have studied the postembryonic development of G. bimaculatus to better understand the evolution and physiology of the understudied Exopterygota. My thesis encompasses five parts: postembryonic morphology, wing development, appendage regeneration, allometry, and growth. The postembryonic stages, the nymphal stages, have never been properly characterised in G. bimaculatus. By following postembryonic development daily at 30 C, 8 nymphal stages (instars) were identified. Size, coloration, sclerotisation of the thorax, and morphology of the wings, the hind tibia and the ovipositor were useful characters in distinguishing the stages. The Dpp/BMP signalling pathway patterns the wing venation in the endopterygotan insects Drosophila melanogaster and Athaliae rosae, but nothing is virtually known about wing development in exopterygotan insects. The wings and the wing venation pattern in different nymphal stages of G. bimaculatus were studied using the hydrogen peroxide clearing protocol along with both brightfield and fluorescence microscopy, while the role of the Dpp/BMP signalling pathway was studied using immunohistochemistry (IHC), in situ hybridisation (ISH), and RNA interference (RNAi). The longitudinal veins are patterned in the 3rd and 4th nymphal stages, while the secondary veins in the 8th stage. The IHC and ISH experiments displayed only non-specific staining, while the RNAi experiments did not produce any change in the phenotype, possibly because of molecular redundancy. The nymphal legs of G. bimaculatus are known to be highly regenerative, and the Dpp/BMP signalling pathway has been shown to provide positional information in leg regeneration. However, nothing is known about the regeneration of the other appendages in G. bimaculatus. Antennae and cerci were amputated in different nymphal stages, and the degree of final regeneration depended on the nymphal stage. RNAi experiments did not produce any change in the phenotype, possibly because of molecular redundancy. The interrelationship between static, ontogenetic and evolutionary allometry in insects is poorly understood. The allometry of hind femur length with respect to body length has been shown to be negative in Orthoptera (i.e. evolutionary allometry), but nothing is known about corresponding ontogenetic and static allometry. By measuring hind femur length and body length in G. bimaculatus in different nymphal stages, the ontogenetic allometry was determined to be slightly positive or isometric, while the static allometries of different stages tended to be negative but highly variable. This may indicate that allometric relationships constrain development in the microevolutionary perspective, but are nevertheless evolvable in a macroevolutionary perspective of millions of years. The growth conditions and rearing of crickets and other insects have been widely reported, but the shape of the growth curve itself has been less investigated. The exponential, the von Bertalanffy (VBGF), the West, Brown and Enquist (WBE), and the dynamic energy budget (DBE) models have been proposed as continuous models for insect growth. These models were t to growth data from G. bimaculatus and the DBE and was shown to be optimal with parameter values α=0 and pAm = 0.69. The insects have been thought to follow Dyar's law, i.e. that the growth ratio or moulting increment (MI) is constant throughout development, although numerous other competing moulting models have been devised for the crustaceans. By fitting different moulting models to head width data from G. bimaculatus, the log-linear model (Mauchline's model) turned out to explain the MI the best. Lastly, the oxygen-dependent induction of moulting (ODIM) model has been proposed to explain moulting patterns in insects, but the model has never been applied to exopterygotan taxa. By fitting the ODIM model to growth data from G. bimaculatus, the model could predict moulting mass but not instar durations, probably because of high postembryonic plasticity in G. bimaculatus.
  • Zhuang, Yuan (2018)
    Mitochondrial dysfunction is involved in many neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's disease (AD), Parkinson's disease (PD), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and Huntington's disease (HD). Most of the mitochondrial disorders lack effective treatments so far. One of the important defects of mitochondrial dysfunction is the blockade of mitochondrial respiratory chain. An alternative oxidase (AOX), originated from Ciona intestinalis, has been found to counteract this defect by providing a bypath of the mitochondrial respiratory chain in plants, drosophila, mice and human cultured cells. Therefore, we suggest that AOX might be a promising tool for curing neurodegenerative diseases from the aspect of alleviating mitochondrial defects. An engineered mouse model has been created to express the Ciona intestinalis AOX ubiquitously in the whole animal. Our study aims at investigating the expression and function of AOX in the transgenic mouse brain and exploring therapeutic potential of AOX in human diseases. AFG3l2 gene encodes a subunit of m-AAA metalloprotease, which is involved in mitochondrial protein quality control process. Mutations in the AFG3L2 is known to be related to spinocerebellar ataxias 28 (SCA28), a neurodegenerative disease resulting from cerebellar damage. Loss of AFG3L2 gene causes OPA1 protein cleavage and mitochondrial fragmentation which are easily detected. Thus, we propose an in vitro neurodegenerative disease model generated by knocking down of AFG3L2 in target cells. We used western blotting to detect the expression level of AOX in the brain and primary neuro-glia cells of the transgenic mice, finding that the AOX protein reduces in the brain along with age. Antimycin A treatment on neuro-glia cells demonstrated the function of AOX in transgenic pups. However, the respiratory activity caused by AOX also decreases with the mice age. In addition, we constructed a lentiviral vector with DNA recombinant technology to express AOX in U2OS cells. To examine the function of AOX under disease condition, we established an in vitro neurodegenerative disease model by knocking down the AFG3L2 gene of U2OS cells with siRNA, and infected the cells with AOX lentivirus. By comparing the immunostaining images of wild-type and AOX infected cells, we saw a significant difference in the degree of mitochondrial fragmentation between these cells. Nevertheless, the cleavage pattern of OPA1 protein, which is mainly responsible for mitochondrial fragmentation, remains unchanged whether AOX is present in the cell or not. In conclusion, our study first investigated the expression and function of AOX in the brain of this transgenic mouse model. And we established a lentivirus vector to apply AOX gene to human cells, testing the therapeutic function of AOX in a neurodegenerative disease model in vitro. Moreover, the mitochondrial fragmentation of the disease model is alleviated by AOX despite of OPA1 cleavage, indicating that the mitochondrial phenotype caused by loss of AFG3L2 is not only due to OPA1 cleavage, but also related to respiratory defects. This highlights the possibility to rescue the mitochondrial morphological changes from new aspects.
  • Korvenmaa, Päivi (2020)
    Female breast cancer incidence rate has been growing world-wide and it is the most common cancer in women. In the battle against the breast cancer mortality, early detection is the strongest tool. This is the reason why national mammography screening programs are widely established for selected age groups, usually for women between 50 to 70 years old. Although it is well established that these programs save lives, mammography screening is not feasible to apply to younger and/or older groups due to increasing radiation load as well as economically. There is a room for a non-invasive, easy and cost-effective breast imaging modality, which could be used for all age groups e.g. in connection with regular health checks. In this theses breast cancer as a disease and its present clinical diagnostic tools are presented. As a possible new pre-diagnostic tool, infrared imaging combined with modern analytical and machine learning tools, is introduced. Also, preliminary results of an on-going study are presented, which encourage to continue the development.
  • Lintulaakso, Kari (2006)
    Paleoekologia tutkii fossiloituneita kasveja ja eläimiä ja niiden suhdetta ympäristöönsä. Se on yksi niistä tutkimusaloista, joka pyrkii selvittämään kuinka esimerkiksi nisäkäsyhteisöjen rakenne on muuttunut aikojen kuluessa ympäristön ja muiden pitkäaikaisten muutosten seuraksena. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, voidaanko kehittää menetelmä, joka voisi muutamalla nisäkkäisiin liittyvällä perusmuuttujalla, kuten niiden liikkumistavalla ja ravinnolla, määrittää nisäkäslajien muodostaman yhteisön rakenne sekä sen, ovatko nämä rakenteet erilaisia eri elinympäristöjen kesken. Mikäli menetelmä toimisi nykyisten nisäkäslajien tiedoilla, voisi sitä kehittää myös paleoympäristöjen ennustamiseen. Tutkimukseen valittiin kaksi menetelmää nisäkäsyhteisöjen muodostamiseksi. Ensimmäinen menetelmä pohjautui itseorganisoituvaan kartta-algoritmiin (SOM, Self-Organizing Map). Toinen perustui nisäkkäiden ryhmittelyyn liikkumismuodon ja ravinnon perusteella. Kaikki tutkimukseen valitut muuttujat olivat sellaisia, että niitä voidaan käyttää myös paleontologisissa aineistoissa. Ensimmäisen menetelmän tuloksena voidaan todeta, että itseohjautuvan kartan käyttö nisäkäsyhteisöjen muodostamiseen ei ollut toimiva. Muodostuneet yhteisörakenteet olivat hyvin abstrakteja ja niitä oli vaikea selittää. Itseohjautuvien karttojen käyttö soveltui kuitenkin muiden rakenteiden, kuten nisäkkäiden ravintoryhmien luokitteluun. Toisen menetelmän tulokset osoittavat, että on mahdollista erottaa suurin osa maalla olevista pääelinympäristöistä niillä nisäkäsyhteisöjen rakenteilla, jotka muodostettiin lajien liikkumismuodolla ja ravinnolla. Näillä kahdella muuttujalla muodostui merkitseviä eroja eri nisäkäsyhteisöjen välillä. Nämä yhteisöt toimivat hyvin myös eri pääelinympäristöjen indikaattoreina. Osoittautui, että useassa tapauksessa alueilla, joilla oli samankaltaiset ympäristöolot, vaikka sijaitsivatkit eri mantereilla, oli samankaltaiset nisäkäsyhteisöt. Jälkimmäistä menetelmää voidaan kehittää edelleen ryhmittelemällä nisäkäsyhteisöjä myös muiden muuttujien avulla. Näitä muuttujia voisivat olla esimerkiksi nisäkkäiden koko sekä hampaiden rakenne. Kehittämällä algoritmeja, jotka laskevat erikseen elinympäristöjen indikaattoreita ja myöhemmin yhdistävät niitä voisi muodostaa vielä tarkemman mallin elinympäristöjen ennustamiseen.
  • Rajala, Tuomas (2023)
    Forests play a key role in mitigating climate change and maintaining biodiversity. The ability of forests to sequester carbon dioxide and store it in wood biomasses and soils reduces the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. However, forests are cut down for various reasons, such as economic ones, releasing carbon dioxide from the trees into the atmosphere. One way to combat climate change and biodiversity loss is to provide forest owners a voluntary incentive scheme that provides a new objective for forest owners to use their forests. The use of forests in the future will be decided by the new forest owners, i.e., the younger generation of forest owners. For this reason, it’s important to study their preferences for a voluntary incentive scheme. The study examined the characteristics of absentee and non-absentee forest owners under the age of 40 and compared the preferences for a voluntary incentive scheme directed to these two groups. The survey response rate was low (7,3%). Choice experiment method and a binary logistic regression model was used to find out the forest owners’ preferences in relation to accept the programme. In the binary logistic regression model, absentee residence was the only factor that positively and reliably increases the acceptance of the programme. Absentee and non-absentee forest owners appreciate similar aspects of forest property, for example relaxation and financial security. The biggest difference between these two groups came with consideration of forestry work and/or wood for household as nonabsentee forest owners valued that aspect higher. The study points out that knowledge of a METSO programme is relatively low, as 35% of absentee and 23% of non-absentee forest owners who responded have heard of the programme. Some young forest owners may not have a clear idea on how to manage forests, because forest ownership is new to them and therefore it is often difficult for novice forest owners to know which forest management practices to apply in one's own forests. According to the study, economic income from the forest property is important, but it isn’t an important source of economic security for a large number of young forest owners, especially when the share of absentee forest owners’ characteristics and preferences are on the rise among forest owners.
  • Kupiainen, Maiju (2024)
    As a result of habitat degradation, prey depletion, and human-wildlife conflict, African lion (Panther leo) population has been decreasing rapidly in the past decades. Via top-down regulation, lions maintain trophic balance by controlling herbivore populations, and consequently affecting vegetation. Due to their important role in ecosystems, reintroducing lions to small, fenced reserves has become an increasingly important tool in biodiversity conservation and ecosystem restoration, especially in South Africa. However, introducing lions into small systems can negatively affect prey populations as well as smaller carnivores if lion populations are not actively managed, and these impacts can vary depending on prey selection of introduced lions. Prey selection of lions provide valuable information for managers, but currently the knowledge of the impacts of population management on the diet of lions is very limited. Therefore, with this study I was aiming to investigate the influence of sex and management interventions, such as lion removals and introductions, and group size control on the prey preferences of lions in a small, fenced reserve. The study was conducted by using long-term data from the past 30 years on the lion population in the Munywana Conservancy in South Africa. In particular, I used the data on lions’ diet and their history (including management interventions and group sizes), and data on prey abundances. First, I used Jacob’s index to determine prey preferences and specific prey selection of Munywana’s lions in general, per lion unit per year, as well as per sex and lion unit size. Eight main prey species (nyala, warthog, giraffe, wildebeest, impala, kudu, zebra, buffalo) of lions in Munywana were considered in this study. To evaluate the influence of management interventions, group size, and sex on the prey preferences of lions, I used generalized linear mixed models with zero-inflated beta-regression at the level of whole Munywana and at the level of lion unit. Lastly, I used chi-square test to evaluate the impact of lion origin by comparing the diets of introduced and native lions, and to determine whether population management has longer term impacts on prey selection by comparing within lion unit variation in prey selection across years. It was observed that lions are not opportunistic feeders, and they had overall strong prey preferences: some prey species were fed upon more often than others regardless of the abundance of the available prey species. The most preferred prey species in Munywana were warthog and wildebeest, followed by giraffe and zebra, while impala, nyala, and buffalo were generally avoided. The results of this study showed that lion management interventions and lion origin have independent impacts on prey preferences even when sex and group size were accounted for. Introduction of new lions resulted in higher preference for wildebeest and zebra, and lower preference for warthog and nyala, while introduced lions preferred kudu, giraffe, buffalo, and wildebeest significantly more compared to native lions. Sex and group size also had an impact on prey selection: the preference for zebra increased as group size increased, and male lions preferred giraffe, warthog and nyala more compared to female lions, and the removal of male lions resulted in decreased preference for zebra and giraffe. The results of my study supported hypotheses that lion management interventions, lion origin, group size, and sex have an impact on prey selection, but the most significant factors differed between prey species. In addition, the interaction between management interventions, and sex, and their impact on population characteristics of lions appeared to be extremely important, but due to limitations in the data, the relationship between lion translocations, changes in group compositions, and their results in prey choices could not be assessed in a required detail, highlighting the importance for further investigations. My findings reflect the importance of taking prey selection of the apex predator into consideration when planning management interventions and reintroduction projects since it has a potential to substantially alter prey populations, and indirectly vegetation. However, prey selection is a complex process consisting of several factors and their interactions, and therefore further research would be required to enhance our understanding of this process. Management of lion populations is essential in small, fenced reserves, and wider understanding of the impacts of management interventions on the prey preferences would allow conservationists to create better management plans and ensure effective predator conservation as well as the long-term sustainability of predator-prey systems.
  • Zeinoddin, Narjes (2020)
    Endocytosis is the process responsible for internalising membrane components and as such plays a key role in the biology of this structure. Mammalian cells have evolved various endocytic strategies, but Clathrin-Mediated Endocytosis (CME) is the most common type. Since the discovery of CME, around 50 years ago, the field has built a remarkable wealth of knowledge on the core CME components. In stark contrast, our understanding on the relationship between CME and the actin cytoskeleton, which is present throughout the process, is still in its infancy. In this thesis, I show the production and characterisation of recombinant, SpyCatcher tagged transferrin (TF), a canonical CME ligand. TF was expressed in E. coli and using an optimised protocol, successfully solubilised and refolded from inclusion bodies. The protein was then labelled with a fluorophore and purified to a high level of purity. Tests in mammalian cells showed that home-made TF has the same endocytic behaviour as TF purified from human plasma. Moreover, I could show that the SpyCatcher moiety attached to our home-made TF is capable to mediate its covalent linkage to its counterpart SpyTag. The successful production, refolding and functional characterization of recombinant TF in this study is an important first step to examine the participation of the actin cytoskeleton during CME.
  • Aho, Kukka (2012)
    In multicellular organisms, complex signalling mechanisms have evolved to guide the behaviour of individual cells. Growth factors are secreted proteins that can stimulate the proliferation and/or differentiation of cells. Vascular endothelial growth factor D (VEGF-D) is a ligand for VEGF receptor 2 (VEGFR-2) and for VEGFR-3, which are predominantly expressed on blood vascular endothelial cells and on lymphatic endothelial cells, respectively. Thus VEGF-D can contribute to growth of both blood vessels (angiogenesis) and lymphatic vessels (lymphangiogenesis). Although there have been many reports showing the angiogenic and lymphangiogenic effects of VEGF-D, its physiological role is still largely unknown. Most of these reports are severely hampered by incomplete characterization of the specific form of VEGF-D that was used. During or after secretion, VEGF-D undergoes complicated proteolytic processing. Alternative Nterminal cleavage results in two different fully processed forms, VEGF-D major and VEGF-D minor. Processing significantly increases the activity of VEGF-D towards its receptors. Surprisingly, it is still unknown whether the differential N-terminal cleavage of VEGF-D has any effect on receptor binding activity or on receptor activation. The goal of this study was to produce and purify high quality biologically active VEGF-D which is needed for studying the physiological role of this growth factor. Several different forms of recombinant human VEGF-D were produced using the Drosophila Schneider 2 insect cell system. A bioassay utilizing the Ba/F3 cells expressing chimeric VEGFR/EpoR receptors was used to determine the receptor binding activities of recombinant VEGF-Ds. Two constructs producing biologically active VEGF-Ds were chosen for chromatographic purification (untagged major and his-tagged major forms). During purification, the activity of both VEGF-D forms towards their receptors decreased significantly. In case of the untagged form, this was presumably due to some residual proteolytic activity during purifications. The results might indicate that only the major form is responsible for the activation of VEGFR-3. The fact that no activity of the minor forms was detected when screening the cell supernatants with Ba/F3-VEGFR-3-EpoR-bioassay, supports this explanation. If this explanation can be verified, the role of the alternative N-terminal cleavage becomes obvious: By proteolysis the activity of VEGF-D can be redirected from the lymphatics towards the blood vessels.
  • Kerpo, Maija-Stiina (2024)
    Plastic industry has been a great success story, and plastics are used everywhere around us. They are of low cost, durable, and they have good mechanical and thermal properties. However, there is a growing concern over the use of these conventional plastics produced from hydrocarbons, disposal being the major problem. These petroleum derived plastics take several years to decompose, and they produce harmful toxic compounds during degradation. Therefore, an alternative is needed for future economical and ecologically safe polymers. Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are one such alternative. They are bio-based, fully biodegradable and biocompatible polymers produced by various microorganisms. PHAs have comparable properties to conventional plastics like polypropylene and polyethylene, but they can be biosynthesized from renewable resources. However, the production of PHA has been limited especially due to its high production cost, caused by the use of pure cultures and sterilized media. Therefore, there is a great interest to use mixed cultures and waste streams like wastewater treatment sludge to produce PHAs. Economic evaluation has shown that the production costs of PHA can be reduced over half if renewable waste materials and activated sludge is used. In this study mixed microbial consortia (MMC) in wastewater sludge was used with feast and famine method to produce PHAs in laboratory scale. This study aimed to find the optimal process parameters and conditions for PHA production. The first three feast and famine fermentations with oxygen limitation showed no PHA accumulation, so the remaining two fermentations were performed in aerobic conditions. When keeping the fermentation aerobic, phosphorus will limit the bacterial growth eventually, since the phosphorus level in wastewater sludge is very low. As a result, a notably high PHA yield was gained with aerobic fermentation in room temperature and pH varying between 6.0 – 7.5. According to this study, PHA production from wastewater sludge requires aerobic conditions throughout the fermentation. However, there are still some points to consider for future experiments; dilute wastewater sludge could be concentrated before fermentation to get higher PHA yield per volume, as well as sludge feedings could be combined to only one feeding to accelerate the process. How to opt out the hydrolysis part from the beginning of the fermentation would also be worth studying in the future. Nevertheless, PHA production from activated wastewater sludge using MMC could be possible in a larger scale. This would be beneficial from the circular economy point of view, transforming waste into a valuable raw material, while reducing emissions, the use of feedstock, and energy in the process.
  • Nordlin, Patric (2023)
    The discovery and development of new antifungal drugs has lagged behind the clinical needs for effective treatments of fungal infections. Invasive fungal infections can be challenging to treat and can become life-threatening, particularly for immunosuppressed individuals. Despite the need for new and improved antifungal drugs, the pipeline for antifungal drug development has been relatively slow, with only a few new agents being approved in recent years. Many existing antifungal drugs have toxic side effects, limiting their use and highlighting the need for more targeted and effective therapeutics. The glycosylphosphatidylinositol biosynthesis pathway has been proposed as a potential new target for antifungal drugs. The glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor is a complex glycoconjugate that is attached to many proteins found on the surface of eukaryotic cells. GPI anchored proteins play important roles in various cellular processes, including signaling, cell adhesion, and cell recognition. The biosynthesis of GPI anchors involves multiple enzymatic steps, including the transfer of the GPI anchor to a target protein. Gpi3 is one of the key enzymes involved in the first step of GPI biosynthesis and is the catalytic subunit of the GPI GlcNAc-PI synthesis complex. The naturally occurring molecule Jawsamycin has been shown to selectively inhibit fungal Gpi3 while not interfering with its human ortholog. However, the development and research of Jawsamycin and other potential inhibitors of the GPI synthesis pathway are hampered by the lack of structural data on the proteins involved in the pathway. This thesis aimed to express and purify functionally active Gpi3 as a recombinant fusion protein using the SUMO tag expression system, with the end goal of utilizing the protein for structural studies through crystallography to better understand the function of Jawsamycin. In this thesis, Gpi3 was successfully expressed and purified as a fusion protein. However, enzymatic activity of Gpi3 was not observed, additionally, the purification and stability of the Gpi3 fusion proteins were shown to be problematic and no crystal structure of the protein of interest was acquired. These results indicate that a different approach is needed to gain structural insights into the function and interaction between Gpi3 and Jawsamycin. A likely path forward is the purification of the whole GPI GlcNAc synthesis complex which could give more insights into the organization and function of both Gpi3 and Jawsamycin.
  • Myllärniemi, Joona (2024)
    The circular economy has gained popularity as an alternative to the linear consumption and production practices that have accelerated various urgent environmental issues. Repair businesses are vital for an efficient transition to the circular economy, due to their capacity to keep materials and energy embedded in products in circulation for longer periods. The decreasing number of repair businesses can hinder consumer access to repair services, especially in a sparsely populated country like Finland. Moreover, repair plays a significant role in the circular economy strategies of Finland and the EU. However, there is little knowledge available about the barriers and enablers facing Finnish repair businesses. With this thesis, I aim to contribute to filling this knowledge gap and outline supportive measures for promoting Finnish repair businesses. To achieve this goal, I conducted interviews with eight repair businesses, four unions of repair businesses, one insurance company, and one spare part recycling centre. In addition, I conducted a literature review to understand the state-of-the-art knowledge about various factors affecting repair and repair businesses. The results from the interviews were largely in line with the current literature in terms of many barriers, enabling factors, and policy recommendations. However, the interviews revealed variation between different product categories, as well as in the prevalence and importance of barriers. Furthermore, the interviews highlighted several barriers for repair businesses in Finland that were not apparent in the literature review. To address these barriers, various supportive measures based on the literature and interviews were proposed. Further research should be conducted to assess the viability and effectiveness of these supportive measures.
  • Pikkarainen, Kaisa (2018)
    One open question related to microplastics found in seas is the sources and routes of microplastics into seas. In Helsinki about one third of the snow collected from urban areas is dumped directly into the Baltic sea. When snow is collected from an urban area also the possible waste in the snow becomes collected. This is the first study that examines the numerical quantity and the characteristics of waste in urban snow. In order to study waste contained in snow, samples were collected from three different urban areas in Helsinki in February 2016. Snow was collected from Hakaniemen tori, Kullervonkatu in Käpylä and Sörnäisten rantatie. Solid matter in snow samples was divided into particles sized over 4 mm and 0.3–4 mm. Waste particles were visually identified utilizing the morphology of the particles. Material of selected waste particles was analysed using a FTIR spectrometer. Snow samples collected from Käpylä contained more waste by weight and number than samples collected from other areas. Reasons for differences between sampling areas did not become clear in this study. The most common waste in urban snow were particles disengaged from asphalt pavement and road markings, along with paper, plastic and rubber waste. All snow samples contained microplastics. Urban snow contained more microplastics than purified wastewater leaving from Viikinmäki wastewater treatment plant and seawater in the Gulf of Finland. Stormwaters have been identified as a route for microplastics from urban areas into inland waters and seas, and according to this study also dumping of urban snow into seas acts as a route for microplastics. In urban snow road marking and plastic particles were the most common microplastics. In snow samples collected from road areas road marking particles were clearly the most common microplastic by number. In snow collected from Hakaniemen tori about half of the microplastics were plastic particles and almost a half road marking particles. Most of the microplastics in snow were different kinds of fragments. Like in earlier microplastics studies also in urban snow the most common materials of small plastic particles were polyethylene and polypropylene. In this study sources of the waste in snow are estimated to be the abrasion of asphalt pavement, road markings, tyres, plastic products and possibly also wood and metal products and different kinds of textiles. In addition to that numerous waste items had ended up in urban areas through littering or inadequate waste disposal. Littering is the most significant environmental impact of dumping urban snow into the sea in Helsinki. Marine Strategy Framework Directive states that properties and quantities of marine litter are not to cause harm to the coastal and marine environment. According to the guidelines of the City of Helsinki, snow that is brought to snow collection sites needs to be clean and not to contain waste. Nevertheless, according to this study through dumping snow into the sea in Hernesaaren ranta several thousand kilograms of waste and approximately over fifty million microplastic particles end up in the Baltic Sea. A monitoring program should be established to investigate and monitor the amount and the characteristics of waste in urban snow in Helsinki.