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  • Marttila, Jaana (2005)
    Tässä työssä tutkittiin 28 maitotilan ravinnevirtoja yhden vuoden ajan laskemalla typen, fosforin ja kaliumin taseet peltoviljelylle (peltotase), karjalle (karjan tase) sekä koko tilalle (tilatase). Laskelmilla selvitettiin kokonaisravinteiden lisäys, poisto, tase ja hyötysuhde, ravinteiden kulkeutumiseen vaikuttavat tekijät sekä ravinnevirtojen keskinäinen merkitys. Tutkittiin, voiko ravinnetaselaskelmien avulla tunnistaa vesistökuormituksen riskialueet, tehostaa ravinteiden hyödyntämistä ja vähentää rehevöittävien ravinteiden ylijäämää maataloudessa. Selvitettiin, vaikuttavatko ravinnetaseiden muutokset maatalouden vesistökuormitukseen ja voiko kuormitusta ennustaa ravinnetaseiden perusteella. Maitotilojen pelloille kertyi tarkastelujakson aikana keskimäärin 69 kg ha-1 typpiylijäämää, 11 kg ha-1 fosforiylijäämää ja 1 kg ha-1 kaliumylijäämää. Noin 2/3 peltojen typpi- ja fosforilannoituksesta ja puolet kaliumlannoituksesta oli peräisin kemiallisista ostolannoitteista. Mitä voimakkaammin peltoja lannoitettiin, sitä suurempaa oli ylijäämä. Karjan taseessa typpiylijäämää syntyi tilaa kohti keski­määrin 109 kg ey-1, fosforiylijäämää 16 kg ey-1 ja kaliumylijäämää 107 kg ey-1 vuodessa. Suurin osa rehujen ravinteista oli peräisin tilan omilta pelloilta. Mitä voimakkaampaa oli karjan ruokinta, sitä suurempi oli lehmien maitotuotos ja sitä enemmän ravinteita päätyi karjanlantaan. Tilataseissa typpiylijäämää kertyi yhdelle tilalle keskimäärin 120 kg ha-1 (5 000 kg tila-1), fosforiylijäämää 15 kg ha-1 (650 kg tila-1) ja kaliumylijäämää 46 kg ha-1 (2 000 kg tila-1) vuodessa. Mitä enemmän tiloille ostettiin lannoitteita ja rehuja, sitä suurempaa oli ylijäämä. Tilatasolla typestä ja kaliumista hyödynnettiin keskimäärin 21 - 23 % ja fosforista n. 30 %. Tilojen ja peltolohkojen välinen vaihtelu ravinteiden hyödyntämisessä oli voimakasta. Ravinteiden tase kuvasi pelloille, karjanlantaan ja tiloille kertyvää ravinteiden määrää ja vesistö­kuormitusriskiä tarkemmin kuin hyötysuhde. Tilatase kuvasi ravinteiden yleistä hyödyntämistä maatiloilla, pelto- ja karjan taseiden avulla tunnistettiin tilan sisäiset kuormitusriskialueet ja karjan ruokinnan voimakkuus. Tärkeimmät syyt suuriin ravinneylijäämiin olivat peltojen voimakas lannoitus ja karjan voimakas ruokinta, karjanlannan tehoton hyödyntäminen peltojen, erityisesti laidunten, lannoituksessa sekä kasvukauden kuivuus, joka pienensi satoja osalla tiloista. Paras keino ylijäämien vähentämiseen olisi karjanlannan tehokkaampi hyödyntäminen lannoitussuunnittelussa. Sen myötä kemiallisten lannoitteiden käyttöä ja tiloille tulevaa ravinnemäärää olisi mahdollista vähentää. Ravinnetaseet eivät sellaisenaan kuvaa vesistökuormituksen määrää lyhyellä aikavälillä. Ravinneylijäämien muutosten perusteella vesistökuormituksen riskiä ja yleistä tasoa voidaan kuitenkin arvioida. Tulevaisuudessa ravinnetaseita voitaisiin käyttää mm. kuormituksen mallintamisen ja ravinneylijäämien vähentämisen apuna. Ympäristön kannalta sopivan ravinneylijäämän sekä ravinnetaseiden ja vesistökuormituksen välisen yhteyden selvittämiseksi tarvitaan jatkossa lisää tutkimuksia.
  • Vuoristo, Mikko (2020)
    Eliölajit ovat jatkuvassa vuorovaikutuksessa niin fysikaalisen ympäristönsä, kuin muiden eliölajienkin kanssa. Nämä vuorovaikutukset voivat olla osapuolille negatiivisia, neutraaleja tai positiivisia. Fasilitaatio tarkoittaa sitä, että joku laji edesauttaa toisen lajin selviytymistä. Äärimmäinen esimerkki fasilitaatiosta on perustajalaji. Perustajalaji on laji, joka pelkällä läsnäolollaan tarjoaa muille eliöille kriittisiä resursseja, joita ilman muut lajit eivät voi selviytyä. Nämä resurssit voivat olla esimerkiksi ravintoa, suojaa tai elintilaa. Alustaansa kiinnittyvät simpukat ovat perustajalajeja, joita tavataan kaikilta maailman merialueilta. Esiintyessään tiheinä kasvustoina kalliorannoilla ne tarjoavat lukuisille selkärangattomille eläimille suojaa aallokon voimalta ja pedoilta, ravintoa ja elintilaa lisääntyneen sedimentaation myötä, sekä runsaasti sekundaarista kiinnittymispintaa. Alustaansa kiinnittyvät simpukat muodostavat perustan habitaatille, joka lopulta muotoutuu simpukoiden ja muiden lajien yhteisvaikutuksella. Vähäsuolaisessa ja -lajisessa Itämeressä sinisimpukka (Mytilus trossulus x edulis) on alustaansa kiinnittyvänä simpukkana erittäin tärkeässä roolissa. Sinisimpukkaa esiintyy pinnan läheltä aina kymmenien metrien syvyyteen asti, kunhan kiinnittymiseen sopivaa alustaa vain on tarjolla. Simpukoiden esiintymiseen Itämeressä vaikuttavat monet tekijät, joista tärkeimpinä ovat aallokko joka aiheuttaa fysikaalista stressiä, ja alhainen, itää ja pohjoista kohti pienentyvä suolapitoisuus joka aiheuttaa fysiologista stressiä. Paikoin erittäin runsaina esiintyvät sinisimpukat edesauttavat sedimentin kertymistä muodostamansa kolmiulotteisen matriisin onkaloihin mikä mahdollistaa myös pehmeän pohjan lajien esiintymisen kalliorannoilla. Sinisimpukkayhteisössä onkin piirteitä sekä pehmeistä, että kovista pohjista, mikä tekee niistä edullisia elinympäristöjä runsaalle määrälle erilaisia selkärangattomia eläimiä. Tässä tutkimuksessa tutkittiin sisäsaaristosta ulkosaaristoon voimistuvan aallokon vaikutusta sinisimpukka-rakkohauru -yhteisön rakenteeseen kolmella lähellä toisiaan sijaitsevilla merialueilla läntisellä Suomenlahdella, missä suolapitoisuus laskee läntisimmän ja itäisimmän tutkimusalueen välillä ainoastaan muutamilla promillen kymmenyksillä. Näytteitä noudettiin sukeltamalla 36:sta eri pisteestä kolmen metrin syvyydeltä rakkohauruvyöhykkeeltä, neljältä eri avoimuusvyöhykkeeltä. Näytteistä havaitut eläintaksonit tunnistettiin ja eläinten yksilömäärät laskettiin, ja sinisimpukoiden sekä rakkohaurun (Fucus vesiculosus) kuivapaino määritettiin. Tilastollisilla menetelmillä selvitettiin eliöyhteisön rakenteen eroja näillä kolmella alueella, sekä kasvavan avoimuuden vaikutusta. Lisäksi selvitettiin korreloivatko tavattujen eläinlajien yksilömäärät sinisimpukan tai rakkohaurun biomassan kanssa. Sinisimpukka oli kaikilla näytepisteillä runsain tavattu laji, ja jäljessä yksilömääristä puhuttaessa sinisimpukkayksilöitä ei huomioida. Alueet eivät eronneet toisistaan taksonien tai eläinyksilöiden kokonaismäärien osalta, mutta yksittäisillä taksoneilla eroja kuitenkin havaittiin. Avoimuudella havaittiin olevan merkittävä vaikutus eliöyhteisön rakenteeseen. Avoimuuden kasvaessa havaittujen taksonien määrä laski ja runsaimmat taksonit vaihtuivat sedimenttiä suosivista nilviäisistä vapaasti uiviin äyriäisiin, sen sijaan eläinten kokonaisyksilömäärissä merkitseviä eroja ei havaittu. Merkittävä osuus tavatuista yksittäisistä taksoneista korreloi negatiivisesti kasvavan avoimuuden kanssa, avoimuuden kanssa positiivisesti korreloivia taksoneita oli vähemmän. Sinisimpukoiden biomassan kanssa havaittiin korrelaatiota usealla taksonilla, kaikki positiivisia, sen sijaan rakkohaurun biomassan kanssa korrelaatiota havaittiin ainoastaan yhdellä taksonilla. Tämä tutkimus osoittaa, että avoimuudella on selkeä vaikutus perustajalajina toimivan sinisimpukan ympärille muotoutuneeseen eliöyhteisöön ja sen rakenteeseen. Suolapitoisuuden vähäinen lasku tutkimusalueiden välillä sen sijaan ei vielä merkitsevästi vaikuta sinisimpukkayhteisön rakenteeseen, vaikka yksittäisillä lajeilla - merkittävimpänä juuri sinisimpukka - viitteitä vaikutuksista havaittiinkin. Sinisimpukan merkitys muuhun lajistoon on merkittävä, rakkohaurun merkitys on sen sijaan varsin vähäinen.
  • Kauko, Hanna (2013)
    The bioluminescent and toxin-producing dinoflagellate Alexandrium ostenfeldii forms dense blooms in coastal areas of the Baltic Sea. Bioluminescence, light production by an organism through a chemical reaction, is a nocturnal, rhythmic phenomenon in surface algae. In this study, the bioluminescence pattern and rhythm of A. ostenfeldii was under investigation. Procedures for continuous bioluminescence measurements, to support dedicated environmental monitoring of toxic dinoflagellate blooms, were developed. The study consisted mainly of laboratory experiments. Semi-continuous field measurements were included for comparison. In the laboratory, the light production of monocultures of A. ostenfeldii was measured with a spectroluminometer or bathyphotometer, continuously during the night, or for several consecutive days. The method to stimulate bioluminescence was varied, as well as the recovery period of the cells after stimulation. Light regimes during growth and pre-measurement adaptation were also taken into account. The experiments confirm that bioluminescence in A. ostenfeldii follows a circadian pattern and can be stimulated with the chosen methods. Bioluminescence could also be stimulated after culturing in continuous light. Measurement parameters for rhythm experiments (stimulation frequency and recovery period), were optimised. Multi-day experiments in complete darkness suggested that sufficient energy was available to maintain bioluminescent response during one night, although an endogenous rhythm remained present. These experiments gave insight to the phenomenon of bioluminescence regulation in A. ostenfeldii, but also gave rise to new questions. Some repeated measurements resulted in very low bioluminescence intensity, without an obvious reason. The light regime is not the only factor controlling bioluminescence. The interplay between bioluminescence and the growth and condition of the cultures is of interest.
  • Hämäläinen, Liisa (2019)
    In a national assessment of threatened habitat types published in December 2018, the state of brooks in Finland was evaluated poor throughout the country. The situation is the worst in the channels of clay rich areas that have a long history of agriculture and are suffering from excessive nutrient loads. The developmental direction of all flowing water habitat types is negative compared to the assessment given in 2008. Currently there are tens of thousands of kilometers of brooks in the need of restoration.The problem with the already accomplished restorations is that they are limited only to specific and short parts of the channels. Because the restorations usually do not include monitoring, the data available of the effects of the restorations is limited. The problem is global, which has led to only small development in the restoration methods in the past decades. In order to improve the condition of brooks in Finland, there is a need for new planning methods focusing on the drainage basins and the importance of monitoring. Methods developed in Central Europe and North America focus in considering the restoration area and its drainage basin as one unit, mapping of the original characteristics of the ecosystem and specifying the goals of restoration. In the presence of specific goals, the monitoring will become an integral part of the restoration plan. This study investigated the effect of setting specific goals for the restoration, and whether it could offer solutions in improving the situation of brooks in Finland. This study applies to brooks in general, but through the restoration example used, focuses especially in the restoration of channels in agricultural areas. This study describes the first extensive restoration of agricultural brook completed in Finland. Kumianoja, located in Hämeenkoski, was restored to flow in its original meandering shape of the channel in the length of approximately one kilometer. With the documentation of this restoration, this study creates an overview of brook restoration planning and the different stages of its execution. The study was part of the “Sustainable management and restoration of dredged agricultural streams (KURVI)”-project (2016-2018) of the Finnish Environment Institute that was funded by the Ministry of the Environment. The goal of the project was to develop methods for improving the state of the flowing waters damaged by the agricultural land drainage according to the Strategy for Protection and Restoration of Small Water Bodies published in 2015 and the goals of the Water act renewed in 2011.
  • Anttila, Pirita (2019)
    Environmental stress caused by heavy metal contamination of the sediment can threaten ecosystem functioning. Sediment macrofauna are often used to study the effects of environmental stress factors over time, as they are relatively sedentary and thus reflect the ambient conditions in an area. This study investigates whether heavy metal pollution influences the macrofaunal community adjacent to a former steel works factory in Koverhar, in the western Gulf of Finland. Various indices based on macrofaunal community composition and diversity are used in the Baltic Sea to evaluate the environmental status. This thesis evaluates the performance of three of these indices, Shannon-Wiener’s Index (H’), Benthic Quality Index (BQI) and Brackish water Benthic Index (BBI), in detecting the influence of heavy metal pollution on the marine environment. Two macrofaunal sampling methods, GEMAX corer and van Veen grab, are also compared to each other to investigate if there are differences in the structure of the macrofaunal communities that they capture. The study found that while there were indications of environmental stress, such as a lack of sensitive species and an abundance of tolerant species at the more heavily polluted stations, the heavy metal pollution could not be definitively proven to be the cause. H’ and BBI failed to find the differences potentially associated with heavy metal pollution between the stations, while BQI detected some of the differences found by the macrofaunal community analysis. The two sampling methods were found to not be significantly different from each other in terms of macrofaunal communities, but yielded significantly different macrofaunal index values, with the GEMAX results displaying a larger variance between replicates while the van Veen results were more consistent.
  • Saarman, Pauliina (2020)
    Iron is a trace element but indispensable for all photosynthesizing organisms. It is unevenly distributed in the world’s oceans, limiting production in offshore high nitrogen low chlorophyll (HNLC) seas. The Caribbean Sea periodically receives high amounts of iron-carrying aeolian dust originating in the African desert. This aerosol Fe is estimated to contribute three times as much as riverine input to the total iron in the seawater, a considerable fraction of it being soluble ferrous Fe(II) due to photochemical reactions. It has been hypothesized that the excess iron in the Caribbean Sea is one of the reasons why the Caribbean coral reefs are less resilient to degradation. The algae that are not limited by iron have the potential to efficiently utilize the macronutrients from e.g. anthropogenic sources and overgrow the corals. In this study Fe, N & P enrichment experiments were conducted in situ in Guadeloupe to find out if iron limitation can be detected and to contemplate the role of atmospheric iron and the anthropogenic impact. Sargassum polyceratium and Dictyota spp. (Phaeophyceae) were collected from four locations that had degraded coral reefs with macroalgae growing on them. The samples’ fluorescence was measured using Pulse Amplitude Modulator (PAM) fluoroscope to detect nutrient-induced fluorescence transients (NIFTs), rapid changes in chlorophyll fluorescence caused by nutrient assimilation in the algal specimen. Iron limitation was detected in all of the study locations but it was weak, which gives limited support to the hypothesis about iron deteriorating the Caribbean reefs’ chances against disturbance. Comparison of the locations did not result in differences in iron limitation according to the anthropogenic impact level. The difference was statistically significant in P limitation, the algae from high impact sites expressing greater demand. Ammonium and nitrate enrichments did not result in significant differences, but NH4 limitation did occur, as well as co-limitation of N & P. Iron has an important role in the phosphorus flux in the sediments and high Fe availability benefits N-fixing cyanobacteria. Redox conditions in the sediment control both Fe and P availability in the water column. Nutrient leaching does affect the local nutrient dynamics but the effects of eutrophication depend on both the species and the community. Notable differences in the NIFT responses were detected between the species that may indeed exert differing nutritional strategies. Coral reef ecosystem complexity emphasizes the importance of timing as well as consistence in quantification of the environmental parameters. The applicability of NIFT results would improve if they were combined with nutrient concentrations data. The fluorescence method appears to be useful in studying iron limitation but more research on iron-induced NIFTs is needed.
  • Hyrsky, Matias (2020)
    The River Vantaa Gypsum Project’s (2018–2020) effects on fish stock were studied in a total of six different research areas in the Lepsämä River and the Luhtajoki River in Nurmijärvi. Two reference areas unaffected by the gypsum-treated fields and four downstream impact areas were selected as research areas. The goal was to examine the status of the local fish stock and its possible changes in the impact areas by electrofishing and the suitability of water quality for the reproduction of brown trout by incubating eggs in situ. These results were compared with those of the reference areas. Electrofishing was conducted in the autumn of 2018 prior to the gypsum treatment and was repeated the following autumn. The results of 2019 and 2018 were compared with each other and the changes in the status of the fish stock in the reference and impact areas were also compared in order to take into account the natural variation between years. The brown trout eggs were incubated from autumn 2018 to spring 2019. The water quality of the rivers was monitored at the same time and particular attention was given to the sulphate concentrations in the river during the incubation. Based on the electrofishing results, gypsum treatment had no observable effects on the fish stocks. The results improved in both the reference and impact areas in the latter year. The natural reproduction of brown trout was also found to have been successful in the impact areas. In the incubation experiment, the survival rate was approximately the same in the reference areas and the impact areas. Survival to hatching was slightly better in the control areas. However, no statistically significant difference was observed. Environmental variables had a significant effect on the test results, and there was a large dispersion both between and within the study areas. According to the results, water quality is suitable for brown trout reproduction even after gypsum treatment. The measured and estimated sulphate concentrations in river waters during the studies were well below the limits established in scientific studies. The results show that the sulphate concentrations and reduced water turbidity did not affect the fish stocks. The results did not reveal gypsum treatments having any effects on fish stocks. According to this and previous studies, it seems very likely that gypsum treatment does not have a significant effect on fish stocks in rivers or on brown trout reproduction. However, the results do not exclude all possible local effects, temporary or long-term, that gypsum treatments might have, especially when the treated areas are larger. A more detailed impact assessment would require further research.
  • Jernström, Janni (2015)
    The chemical composition of macroalgae varies between species, habitat and environmental conditions. The lipid content of macroalgae changes between seasons and different environmental factors such as light, nutrient levels and temperature. The lipid levels are higher during winter and spring than in the summer. Macroalgae from the cold water are richer in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) than macroalgae from the warm waters. Nutrient limitation increases the synthesis of lipids in macroalgae. Studies show also that brown macroalgae (Phaeophyceae) have higher lipid content than green (Chlorophyta) and red (Rhodophyta) macroalgae. Macroalgae produce neutral lipids mainly triacylglycerols (TAGs) under stress condition so they shift from membrane lipid synthesis to storage lipid synthesis. The content of triacylglycerols in macroalgae is of interest because triacylglycerols can be used as bases of biodiesel. In the experiment we wanted to define the application of Baltic Sea macroalgae as raw material for biodiesel. We also studied how the different levels of nutrients affect the content of total lipids and fatty acid composition in the studied macroalgae. The hypothesis was that the studied macroalgae would produce more lipids in nutrient limited conditions than in nutrient replete conditions. At the same time, the differences between the content of lipids between macroalgae species was examined. Two green macroalgae and one red macroalgae species were used in the experiment (Ulva intestinalis, Cladophora glomerata and Ceramium tenuicorne) to study the total lipid content and the fatty acid composition of the macroalgae. The macroalgae species were selected because they are typical macroalgae species in the Baltic Sea's littoral zone. The experiment was conducted as a factor experiment for 10 days in August and October in the Tvärminne Zoological Station. The experiments nutrient treatments were designed as to study the effect of nitrogen and phosphorus separately and together on macroalgae lipid content. The macroalgae lipids were extracted with chloroform:methanol (2:1 -vol/vol) mixture. The macroalgae lipids and the fatty acid composition were studied with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) from extracted and esterified fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs). We also fractionated the neutral lipids from the total lipids to quantify the amount of neutral lipids. The total lipid content of the studied macroalgae species varied between specie but not between nutrient treatments. The total lipids contents ranged from 31 to 193 mg l-1, with the lowest total lipid content found in U. intestinalis in the October experiment. The total lipid content of the macroalgae accounted only 2% of the macroalgae species dry weight. The total fatty acid content of the studied macroalgae species ranged from 0,7 to 9,0 mg l-1with the highest values found in C. glomerata and the lowest in U. intestinalis in the October experiment. The total fatty acid content differed between species but not between nutrient treatments. The fatty acid composition of the macroalgae varied slightly but there were similarities between the fatty acid compositions between the studied species. The saturated fatty acid contents were the highest among the studied macroalgae (42,0-49,7%). U. intestinalis in the August and October experiment contained more polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) (45,1%; 46,9%) than C. glomerata (23,2%) and C. tenuicorne (22,8%). The major fatty acid was the palmitic acid (C16:0) in all the studied macroalgae species (32,3-45,7% of total fatty acids). The neutral lipid amount from U. intestinalis differed between August and October specimens but didn't differ between nutrient treatments. The neutral lipid content ranged from 0,6 to 4,2 mg l-1 with the lowest amounts found in U. intestinalis from Octobers experiment. The fatty acid composition of the neutral lipids in U. intestinalis resembled one another. The total lipid content of the studied macroalgae was different from results of other studies made by macroalgae because the sampling location and the season affects the total lipid content of macroalgae. The low amounts of total lipids and fatty acids in U. intestinalis in October can be explained by the fact, that U. intestinalis was not healthy at the time of the experiment. Comparing the total lipid contents of the macroalgae is therefore difficult because of the rundown nature of the U. intestinalis in October. The studied macroalgae didn't contain the highest amounts of lipids in the nutrient deprived conditions because the macroalgae experienced shortage of nitrogen for example in the control and added phosphorus treatments. The macroalgae should have been given the opportunity to adjust to the new conditions before the experiment. The different water temperature between the August and October experiment could account more of the differences between the total lipid content of the macroalgae than the nutrient treatments. The fatty acid composition of the macroalgae was similar to those reported from other studied. The low amount of fatty acids supports the findings of the studies because typically most lipids are bound to membranes such as glycolipids and phospholipids. On the other hand, the high saturated fatty acid content reveals that the macroalgae were in stress conditions. The macroalgae are suited as raw material for biodiesel because of the high total lipid and saturated fatty acid content of the macroalgae species. The macroalgae could be grown to produce more lipids in nutrient deprived than in nutrient saturated conditions by choosing the suited macroalgae and the optimal sampling season. The total lipid content of macroalgae can be enhanced with two-stage nitrogen supply growth strategy which has been demonstrated in the microalgae Chlorella vulgaris. In the first stage the macroalgae could be grown in nitrogen replete conditions to optimize biomass productivity. In the second stage the macroalgae would be grown in nitrogen limited conditions to increase lipid content.
  • Siitonen, Susanna (2005)
    In this thesis I used paleolimnological methods to study changes in two lakes in Kilpisjärvi region, Somas and Vallijärvi, during the last c. 400 years. I examined the remains of cladocera preserved in sediments to find out species composition and population size in the past. The objective of this study is to reveal if the cladoceran species compositions have changed in the lakes and what is has been driving these changes. In addition, I will use cladoceran resting eggs from the sediment of lake Somas to examine the applicability of resting eggs as a new paleolimnological method. In April 2002 I cored sediment sequences from the lakes and sliced them into 0,5-1 cm subsamples. The samples were dated with led isotope, 210Pb, to reveal the sedimentation rate. From the sediments I determined the organic carbon content, counted the proportions of different cladoceran species, the absolute numbers of individuals and the yearly accumulation of cladocera to the sediment. In addition I calculated the relative share of resting eggs. I examined relationships between the samples and between the samples and measured environmental variables with a set of multivariate methods (DCA, DCCA, PCA, RDA). I tested a previously created cladoceran-water depth model to Vallijärvi data in order to reconstruct past water level development in the lake. In the turn of the last century a distinct interface between two different species compositions can be seen in both lakes. Also the accumulation of cladocera into the sediments has increased in both lakes, and the planktic species have out paced the littoral ones during the last century indicating an increase in productivity. Also sedimentological processes have develop similarly in the lakes. Due to the location of the lakes, their differing morphology and history the changes in biological and sedimentological processes have been stronger in the lake Vallijärvi. The model on past water levels seemed to perform well in the lake Vallijärvi. Water level reconstruction was not, however, problem free, as similar development in species composition could be a consequence of increase in productivity. The amounts of resting eggs seemed to follow negatively the air temperatures of the open water period. However, before the resting egg method can be applied as a paleolimnological indicator, a more extensive data set on the relationship between resting eggs and temperatures is required.