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Browsing by Subject "resilienssi"

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  • Malkamäki, Henriikka (2023)
    Tropical coral reefs are amongst the most biodiverse and productive ecosystems on Earth. In recent decades, coral reefs have suffered an unprecedented decline in habitat-forming hard coral cover due to anthropogenic stressors, with severe impacts on ecosystem functioning and the provision of ecosystem services. Some of the pressing issues that coral reefs are facing can be mitigated through active reef restoration, such as coral transplantation, which aims to increase the hard coral cover, biodiversity, and structural complexity of a reef site. Studies on the passive benefits that increase the natural recovery potential and resilience of coral reefs following active restoration efforts remain scarce. In collaboration with Indo Ocean Project, this study aimed to compare benthic recruitment patterns between three coral sites located within the Nusa Penida Marine Protected Area, Indonesia. The reef sites included a restoration site with gardened Acropora corals, a natural site, and a rubble site that could serve as a restoration site. The experiment was conducted using standardized settlement tiles to measure and observe various response variables as indicators for the natural recovery potential and resilience capacity of the reef. The sites were also surveyed for their benthic reef cover, structural complexity, and fish abundance and community composition. The research objective was to find out how benthic recruitment patterns differ between restoration and natural reef sites, and why. The results confirm that active coral reef restoration efforts induce co-benefits in the benthic environment through enhanced structural complexity, leading to subsequent increases in overall fish abundance and particularly the number of herbivorous fish, and thus to a lower density of turf algae. These are promising findings for the later development of the reef site. The results do not imply that restoration efforts directly translate into enhanced coral recruitment or increases in crustose coralline algae abundance. However, the plentiful supply of spats observed at the restoration site indicates that local coral recruitment can improve over time after the transplanted corals have healed from transplantation stress and become fecund. Finally, the current rubble area can be expected to function as a restoration area in the future, as it appears to be within the reach of coral recruits. This study demonstrates that active coral reef restoration can yield benefits for the whole benthic ecosystem, and thereby aid recovery and strengthen resilience at localized scales. Given the accelerated rate of coral reef degradation, regular monitoring of restoration success is crucial to avoid loss of information regarding the benefits of active coral reef restoration for the fragile benthic ecosystem.
  • Salomaa, Anna (2013)
    We have not succeeded to halt biodiversity loss despite international agreements. Conserving ecological connectivity is crucial when conserving biodiversity in the long run. This thesis studies policy instruments that promote ecological connectivity and conserve ecological processes. The aim of this study is to find out how Finnish environmental policy should be developed in order to promote ecological connectivity and biodiversity conservation. The research questions are: 1) How current nature conservation policy instruments promote ecological connectivity? 2) How policy instruments could promote ecological connectivity better? 3) Could green infrastructure approach help to conserve biodiversity? Ecological connectivity affects the biodiversity especially trough species dispersal. The environment is governed by different policy instruments, which have various effects on ecological connectivity. The green infrastructure is a new policy approach that underlines holistic planning. The green infrastructure is ecologically connected network of green and blue spaces that produces ecosystem services. The data comes from a SCALES project survey on Securing the Conservation of Biodiversity Across Administrative Levels and Spatial, Ecological and Temporal Scales. A link to the web-based questionnaire was sent to 214 Finnish experts of ecological connectivity and 47 persons answered to the questions. The data was analysed quantitatively and qualitatively. The main analysis methods were repeated measures ANOVA and cluster analysis. Content analysis was done from qualitative data. The experts thought that ecological connectivity is more important than the current consideration shows. The policy instruments that promote ecological connectivity in the best way are the instruments, which have a wide spatial cover and urban and small-scale instruments are considered worse. The potential of policy instruments to promote ecological connectivity is higher than the current implementation demonstrates. The integration of biodiversity conservation to the other sector policies is considered important. Nature conservation was thought to be more important aspect than ecosystem services in implementation of green infrastructure. The respondent believed that green infrastructure has could have potential of enhancing nature conservation.
  • Pääkkönen, Jekaterina (2019)
    Tämä on tapaustutkimus Helsingin satamasta uudenlaisten turvallisuuskysymysten, hybridiuhkien, aikakaudella. Suomi ja Suomen elinkeino ovat riippuvaisia meriliikenteestä ja tämän vuoksi satamat, meren ja maan risteyskohdat, on määritelty kriittiseksi infrastruktuuriksi. Koska kriittinen infrastruktuuri on yksi mahdollinen hybridivaikuttamisen kohde, tulisi satamien resilienssiä tarkastella myös tällaisten vaikeiden uhkien näkökulmasta. Näin ollen tutkielmassa vastataan kahteen tutkimuskysymykseen: millaisia resilienssiaukkoja Helsingin sataman varautumisessa, ennakoinnissa ja hallinnassa on, ja miten hybridiuhan olemassaolo muuttaa näitä resilienssiaukkoja. Tarkoitus on kartoittaa ensin yleisesti sataman resilienssiaukkoja, koska niitä on ilman hybridiuhkaakin. Löydettyjä aukkoja tarkastellaan kuitenkin tämän jälkeen hybriuhkien näkökulmasta, koska erilaisena uhkana ne vaikuttavat perinteiseen varautumiseen ja hallintaan. Tutkielma osallistuu laajemman WISE-projektin resilienssiaukkoja kartoittavaan työhön. Resilienssiaukkojen havaitsemisen lisäksi tavoite on esittää uusia näkökulmia resilienssin kasvattamiseksi yllätyksellisiä uhkia vastaan ja osoittaa, kuinka hybridiuhat muuttavat perinteistä varautumis- ja hallintatyötä satamassa. Näkökulmana ja teoreettisena viitekehyksenä toimivat korkean luotettavuuden (high reliability organization) ja tolkullistamisen (sensemaking) teoriat. Analyysi perustuu kolmeentoista haastatteluun ja Huoltovarmuuskeskuksen käsikirjaan. Aineistolle on tehty sisällönanalyysi. Tutkimustuloksina on esitetty yhdeksän resilienssiaukkoa, jotka liittyvät redundanssin puutteeseen, liialliseen määrittelyyn, rutinoitumiseen ja asenteeseen, jossa häiriöiden puute nähdään osoituksena organisaation luotettavuudesta. Hybridiuhka puolestaan muuttaa ja monimutkaistaa resilienssiaukkoja erityisesti sen tulkinnallisen luonteen vuoksi. Sen olemassaolo myös kyseenalaistaa perinteisesti resilientteinä pidettyjä toimintatapoja. Nämä tulokset ovat kuitenkin vasta alku, ja seuraavissa tutkimuksissa tulisi syventyä enemmän sataman käytännön toimijoiden tapoihin ja rutiineihin. Myös tilannekuvien tekeminen ja niistä syntyvät määritelmät ovat kiinnostavia jatkotutkimuksen kohteita valituista näkökulmista. Sama aihe tarjoaa myös kiinnostavan väylän syventyä enemmän kriittisen infrastruktuurin resilienssiin ja erityisesti eri toimintojen keskinäisriippuvuuksiin, joiden pintaa tässä tutkielmassa vain raapaistaan.